
[HP X DXD] Master of a Universe

[A Harry Potter X Highschool DXD Fanfic] A child beaten, broken, and abused arrives unexpectedly in the Underworld and gets a new chance at life. Death wasn't the end of his Journey. Where will his new life take him? Will he rise from the ashes and conquer these new challenges? How will Harry Potters life turn out after such major Changes? — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — For more advanced Chapters visit www.Patr*eon.com/Ashmodai Or just buy me a Coffee if you enjoy my work on k*o-fi.com/ashmodai Thank you for your Support — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — DXD — Disclaimer: The Wizarding World and the Universe of Highschool DXD are the property of their Creators. I only own my Original Plots and Characters.

Ashmodai · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
134 Chs

Chapter 21: To Hogwarts

It was the 1st of September 2000, and Harry was already up very early. Today he would leave Gremory Mansion, for his first year in Hogwarts. Yesterday he spent the whole day with Rias and the rest of the Peerage since he wouldn't see them for a few months. But they still could talk over the Devil Phone, he had all his electric Devices stored in his personal quarters inside of his new Tower.

Meanwhile, his things for Hogwarts were neatly packed inside his Trunk that he choose to carry normally so he wouldn't look suspicious. The clothes that Lord Gremory picked for him during their Shopping trip to Diagon Alley, were all of a high quality, different from the standard set of School robes. He also got three sets of dress robes for Harry, for different Social gatherings and added a vast collection of higher-quality everyday clothes.

Apparently, Harry was not only representing House Potter, already a Noble House but also House Gremory who was slowly making itself a name in the Wizarding World with new business ventures. It was only appropriate that he looked that part.

"Do you have everything Harry?" asked Grayfia, who was back from her Pregnancy, she gave birth to a healthy boy, they named Milicas. The whole Gremory family dotted on the small red-haired boy since children are so rare amongst Devils.

Today Grayfia would teleport him to the Human World, since the rest of the Adults were busy with work, and already said goodbye yesterday. "Yes, I have everything. If not it's probably stored in my sacred Gear, worst case we can use a summoning circle." Nodded Harry as he turned to the others.

Rias, Koneko, and even Akeno had a sad look on their face, that he would be gone for such a long time. In the last year, there wasn't one day where they didn't do something together, so it was self-explanatory that they were sad, "Hey, don't be sad. We can always talk over the Phone. And the time will pass faster than you think." Calmed Harry them as he rubbed the head of the white-haired girl.

"I will still miss you." Said Rias as she hugged him, while the other two nodded at that.

"So will I." Replied Harry as he gave each of them a hug in goodbye, "Take care of each other, and work hard! Don't just play around Rias." Reminded Harry the girl as he had often pulled her to do some extra work since she usually only did what she needed to.

After saying his Goodbye he stepped into Grayfia's teleportation Circle and was sent to the new main office of Gremory Large Enterprise in Diagon Alley. Here were all Business Ventures in the Wizarding World managed, one of the employees already waited for the boy and led him to the Fireplace that was recently connected to the Floo Network. A short explanation later Harry stood in the fireplace, grabbed a handful of Floo powder, and threw it down as he shouted "Platform Nine and Three-Quarters!" as he vanished in Green flames.

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On a platform that began to fill up with Hogwarts Students and their families, one of the fireplaces located on one side began to glow with green Flames, as Harry fell out of the fireplace with his trunk in his hand, "Ouch, what an annoying way to travel." He muttered as he began to stand up and gather himself again.

Looking around he saw a wide train platform, with a few people already there since he was quite early, it wasn't too full yet. On one side was a wrought-iron archway, with the words 'Platform Nine and Three-Quarters' where people were arriving from. On the train tracks stood a scarlet steam train billowing smoke, above it was a sign that the train would depart at eleven Clock. The platform gave off a distinctive magical feeling that was raising the spirit of the people on it.

Harry took his Trunk and entered the train, so he could choose his spot freely. The train was one with many compartments, to be not bothered too much Harry picked an empty one at the end of the train. After placing his trunk on the rack above him and summoned Hedwig with her cage, placing her beside his trunk, so people would see he came with an owl, he pulled a book on practical household charms out and made himself comfortable.

As he enjoyed the book, the time for the departure of the train was approaching, as the door was opening and a girl his age with bushy brown hair opened the door. "Excuse me, is here still free?" she asked with a slightly nasal voice, sounding slightly arrogant.

Not trying to interpret too much into it Harry replied, "Of course. Would you like to come in?"

The Girl smiled relieved as she nodded and pulled her trunk inside, after helping her store her Trunk on the other rack, Harry introduced himself, "I'm Harry Potter, and who may you be?"

"I'm Hermione Granger." Introduced Hermione herself before blinking for a moment, "Wait are you really? I read that you died." She blurted out before turning red out of embarrassment.

"Eh, don't worry about it. I expect many people to ask the same question today. And no I survived, I got saved by a foreign Lord who took me in." He replied with a shortened summary with a few changed details.

"Oh, that's good to hear. I'm glad that you got a better place to stay."

After that both of them fell into awkward silence, as the train started to leave the station and Harry refocused on his book, he was not really the social type. After around an hour Hermione tried to start a conversation, "Can I ask why you are reading a book about household charms?"

"Because they seem pretty useful, I already read the books for our first year so I thought I should broaden my understanding. And practical simple charms that save time seem to be very useful." Answered Harry as he looked up from his Book.

"Hmm, that's true. But most of the household tasks get taken care of in Hogwarts. And you can't use magic for a few years yourself at home." Pointed Hermione out.

"Well that's true, but I live outside of Britain now, where their tracking charms don't work."

"But that's illegal!" Hermione was quite shocked by that Idea, after reading some books she learned that underage magic was forbidden and stopped trying spells herself out. She read that the trace gets applied at Hogwarts, but didn't want to get in trouble. And now she learned that there was such a workaround.

"You are right. But the different Ministries aren't working together so nobody can prove it if you don't do it obviously. And most Children with magical parents do the same since the monitoring charms can't differentiate between who is using the magic." Explained Harry.

"What? That's so unfair. I am a muggle-born so I can't practice magic at home." She complained.

"You can do it if you go on Holiday, of course in private. If you do it in public, you get in even more trouble than with underage magic at home."

"Hmm, that is an idea. Thank you I will remember that. But I still think it's unfair." Nodded Hermione before the both of them began to discuss different spells they already tried out at home. While they had an exciting discussion about magic, the train progressed toward Hogwarts.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door to their compartment, as two girls were looking inside. One of them had long blond hair and blue eyes while the other was brown-haired with hazelnut-colored eyes.

"Excuse me is there still space in this compartment?" asked the Brown haired girl, while pulling the blonde with her who eyed them warily.

"Of course, come in." Nodded Harry with a polite smile.

"Thank you, I am Tracey Davis and this is my Friend Daphne Greengrass." Introduced Tracey the both of them with a bright smile as she sat down beside Harry, and Daphne on the other side with Hermione.

Harry instantly recognized the name Greengrass as one of the oldest pure-blood families amongst British Nobility. Having been trained in etiquette for a while now, getting literally these lessons beaten inside of his head by Grayfia, Harry introduced himself properly, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Davis and Ms. Greengrass, I am Harry Potter, the Heir of House Potter."

Both girls widened their eyes, they obviously recognized the Name, Harry Potter. For the first time, Daphne spoke, "Thank you, heir Potter, It's a pleasure to meet you too. I am Daphne Greengrass the Heiress of House Greengrass. It's a welcome surprise that the rumors about your Death were false."

"Yes, I was saved and taken in by a foreign Lord. And you may call me Harry, Heiress Greengrass, and you too Ms. Davies."

"Okay Harry, you can also call me Daphne."

"And me Tracey." Chirped the brown-haired girl in.

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