
[EXPERIMENTAL]Light Novel - "Reincarnated again but on Another World?"

**WARNING** This is entirely experimental meaning many things will change throughout writing this volume so be warned. Also this might have mature content depending if I will add it or not. This is also in webnovel, I post my content there and here. Illustrations, I don't know if I'll add them or can add them, I suck at drawing so it might take a while or if I have enough money, I might hire someone to draw. Kazumi, a "normal" teenager, had already lived two lifetimes and was in the midst of his third when he and his friends were killed in a plane crash. When he awoke, he learned he had been reincarnated once more, but this time into a fantasy world full of magic, skills, and weaponry, rather than his own. He's determined to explore and live his life to the fullest and reunite with his friends, but there's a catch: instead of being born into a normal family, he's born into a royal family, and he'll have to figure out how to live his life as an adventurer rather than being royal. We'll follow his journey from royalty to adventurer to student and more!

Night_Frost_3836 · แฟนตาซี
51 Chs

Chapter 39 - A decent party if I do say so myself

'Ugh… I'm going to die…'

'Don't be a drama queen, it is almost done you know?'

'Still, I've been trying at least a hundred different clothes already, I'm getting sick…'

'Well, you have to look good for your sister's birthday so you should endure this. Besides, not only is this an important birthday for her but it is an official event as well. Many people are going to attend so you better behave well and act properly.'

'I really hate that. It's times like these that I don't want to be royalty.'

I'm currently getting changed to prepare for my sister's birthday. And yes, like what Aurelia said, it is an official event. Normally, we can just celebrate things in secret but since this is her last birthday in this place before leaving, we made it into an official event to celebrate her. Though, this means that I have to act like a prince now which annoys me, a lot.

After a while, I finally finished and went straight to my sister's room. The reason being is that I was assigned to escort her to the hall, it was mainly my sister's suggestion but either way, I just agreed to it without putting too much thought into it. I proceeded to knock on the door where I called her out.

"Nee-san, you in there?"

"I'm coming!"

The door quickly opened to reveal a beautiful young lady. A beautiful face with piercing eyes accompanied by a long and black silky hair. Perfectly arched brows, pinkish cheeks, full lips. Elegant and fair skin. Perfect bone and body structure, a curved and mature body that would make anyone's jaws drop, accompanied by a black dress with hints of purple and white dots that reminded me of the night sky with millions of stars.

"So, how do I look?"

I didn't reply. I was simply speechless. I think I have forgotten it since I've gotten used to pretty faces due to seeing beautiful faces everywhere all the time but gosh golly, my sister is beautiful! In fact, she is so beautiful and gives off a graceful aura that she seemed like a different person, like what?!


"W-What? Is it bad?! Did the makeup got ruined? Oh wait, maybe it is the dress-"



"Ahem. Nee-san, you look absolutely stunning. You… just look so beautiful that it took me a while to form words to describe how beautiful you are right now."

"O-Oh! Ah, I-I see…" Her face turned beet red the moment I said that and I too blushed after realizing what I just said. God, this is making me insane, she looks stunning is all I could say. As expected of my sister, she always looks beautiful.

'Hey, if you two are going to keep blushing like this then you guys would be late.'

Oh crap, I forgot about that. I was supposed to escort her. Calm yourself down, Tomo!

"N-Nee-san, here." I extended my hand forward, signaling her to grab my hand. She finally did after she calmed down, which took longer than I expected which made me more embarrassed, and escorted her to the door.

"Hey, Nee-san, do you have any experience in this kind of stuff? I'm actually getting nervous."

"Yes, I do. However, it is only when I'm under an alias or something. But if you say officially as royalty, then no."

"Are you nervous?"

"Not at all! After all, you are here with me right now." She chuckled. I found that sentence quite sweet, I don't know why. It is making me feel a longing for someone. It is hurting me a bit. And yet, I'm smiling.

Maybe it is because it is the first time I've experienced it myself? No, that can't be right…

Wait, I remember now. I see, it's because of nostalgia. I've gotten this same exact sentence a couple of times already. It is my first time hearing this sentence in this world ever since I died in my previous one.

So I'm feeling this way because it is reminding me of that person. Now did I think about it, my sister and she are similar in a lot of ways. They are both smart, creative, and overall geniuses. They care so much about me and always strike up a conversation with me whenever they find a chance.

However, they are not the same person. Their personalities differ. I know that she is definitely not my sister, she can't be. But my sister reminds me of her.

Either way, her saying this exact sentence is making me tear up a bit. I know that this is my sister saying it but I'm seeing her inside of my sister. Her saying this is making me a bit happy. I'll see them someday, I know I will, but for now, it is my sister who needs attention.

"I see. Well then, I won't be nervous anymore since you are here with me as well." I smiled, and she smiled back. I'm holding back tears so badly, and I doubt that my sister will notice it. Man, just remembering her is making me cry a bit, I'm pathetic.

The door opened and we walked forward where we saw a bunch of people. My heart was beating very fast the moment the door opened, I'm not good with crowds this much, or at the first few moments at least. Eventually, my heart calmed down after a while. So old habits die hard, huh.

"Welcome, the First Princess and the Second Prince of the Whittaker Empire, Her and His Royal Highnesses Fuyumi and Tomo Tsukuyomi!" and there the crowd bowed down and greeted us. I thought I'd gotten used to being a royal but this is just giving me a heart attack.

We walked down the stairs and started to greet people. I greeted a few people, mostly nobles since it is mostly nobles in here and eventually sat down near a corner. Man, it was only been 10 minutes but I'm already exhausted.

I just waited around there while drinking and got greeted by many people, mostly ladies. I think it is because I'm a Prince that I'm getting this much attention but like I said earlier, it is at times like this that I didn't want to be a royal, being a royal is a hassle.

After some time, everything that you would typically associate with a birthday party is happening, just much fancier. From the cake to getting served with food, some break and so on. Now since this is obviously a royal party, you can't forget the dancing bit.

'This is going to be a hassle. I really don't want to dance because it is annoying-'

"Tomo-chan, what are you doing here?" It was my mother that was talking, currently drinking wine. I think that wine she is drinking is the one I bought to not let her get drunk, good thing she is actually drinking it, thank god.

"Well, it is a bit tiring greeting people here and there."

"Huhuhuhu, this is normal for a royal, you will get used to it. By the way, you should dance with your sister."


"Don't 'Eh' me. You better do it. After all, it is your sister's birthday, remember?"

"Haah...Fine." I went towards my sister who is getting a lot of invitations from multiple boys to dance, by which it looks like she is rejecting them all. Now did I look at them, they look like they were lusting on her body. I think it is best for me to take her before any of these men lay a finger on her. Good thing this is an official event or I would have killed them on the spot.

My sister immediately noticed me and started walking in my direction. I thought she was going to run but she gracefully walked toward me with quite the pissed expression on her face. Thankfully, no one seemed to notice it.

I bowed down to her before asking. "Hey, Nee-san. Would you care to dance with me?"

"I would be delighted to."

"Though you shouldn't call me Nee-san in public, we need to have courtesy here." She whispered to me. That's right, courtesy, respect, yeah I forgot, still not used to being a royal in public.

"Ok then. Also, I'm a bit short to dance with you." I whispered back.

"Oh right, maybe I should-"

"No, let me do it. Also, it is a good thing that the clothes and everything can change whenever I want."

"What do you… Oh!"

I activated one of my skills to change my gender into genderless and quickly manipulated my height and body structure to the size of a 15-year-old boy. Good thing I practiced this back then. It is also a good thing both the clothes and the make-up can change sizes and appropriately accommodate depending on the user.

Of course, my face is exactly what my face is originally but just older and more mature. It would be pretty weird for a tall 15-year-old man to have a face of a child.

"Wow, you already learn this trick?"

"Yeah, I practiced a bit months ago, just some experimenting and stuff."

"Good job, well then should we go?"

"I think we should."

We headed to the center of the area where the dancing happens and the music started playing. Wow, perfect timing. We danced a bit and my sister was surprised.

"You know how to dance as well? Since when? You never had dancing lessons as far as I'm concerned."

"That would be a secret," I said while winking. I can't tell her that I learned it from my previous life. We danced for a while until we broke off to find new partners, of course, Kaguya danced with me next and Aniki danced with Nee-san. Good job, I wouldn't let any men touch their hands with their filthy hands.

After a while, even our mother and father joined, which I didn't expect considering that Emperors and Empresses don't usually do this but I forgot that we were quite different. Overall, I would say that this event was quite a success. Of course, it isn't over yet. After the party was over, we then started the main event for the day.