
[EXPERIMENTAL]Light Novel - "Reincarnated again but on Another World?"

**WARNING** This is entirely experimental meaning many things will change throughout writing this volume so be warned. Also this might have mature content depending if I will add it or not. This is also in webnovel, I post my content there and here. Illustrations, I don't know if I'll add them or can add them, I suck at drawing so it might take a while or if I have enough money, I might hire someone to draw. Kazumi, a "normal" teenager, had already lived two lifetimes and was in the midst of his third when he and his friends were killed in a plane crash. When he awoke, he learned he had been reincarnated once more, but this time into a fantasy world full of magic, skills, and weaponry, rather than his own. He's determined to explore and live his life to the fullest and reunite with his friends, but there's a catch: instead of being born into a normal family, he's born into a royal family, and he'll have to figure out how to live his life as an adventurer rather than being royal. We'll follow his journey from royalty to adventurer to student and more!

Night_Frost_3836 · แฟนตาซี
51 Chs

Chapter 38 - There ain't no way it is this powerful!

"It shouldn't be that strong right? I mean, the materials are from A to Special A rank monsters or higher… but it shouldn't be too bad since it only used a portion of the bodies, right?!"

"Normally, if you used monsters in that grade then yes, a portion wouldn't be too powerful but still strong. However, we are talking about a dragon here. One of the strongest races mind you. Plus, there is also the Frost Essence that comes from Ancient Ice Spirits who have been trapped in the Frosted Caverns for millennials, and what about the wood from [Elder Divine Frost Tree]? Which by the way are trees that have been blessed with Divine blessings so yeah, it is powerful."

I can't argue with that. I think I just made something I shouldn't have. But… it's just making me want to try it out more!


"No buts! Unless it is for emergency uses, this kind of weapon shouldn't be used at all. Also, it is not only the weapon that is the problem. Kid, the weapon is strong but it doesn't mean that anyone can just use it. It doesn't mean that if the weapon is strong enough to destroy the capital, anyone who uses it will be able to destroy the capital. It doesn't work that way. They must be not only strong enough to wield it but also worthy enough to use it."


"Kid, have you forgotten it already? Remember, it has a bit of Adamantite in it so unless the weapon acknowledges you as its owner or at least worthy enough to carry it, you wouldn't be able to use it. But you, you are carrying it with little to no effort. Not only that, you have defeated the very dragons that were used as materials in this sword on your own, so obviously you would be able to destroy the capital if you are stronger than these dragons that you defeated. In fact, you might be able to destroy a town with just one swing of a normal sword if you are as strong as I think."

That- that makes a whole lot of sense. So it wasn't really the problem that the weapon was powerful enough to destroy the capital but me, using it will destroy the capital. Now did I think about it, I did manage to cut down a couple of trees due to the air slash and force by just swinging my sword. It means me using the sword with the sharpness it has and the capabilities it might have due to the materials used to make, it would cause a disaster.

"Hmm… what if I use an empty plot of land to try it out?"

"If you use that then the land should need to be big enough."

"How about a massive forest then?"

"Hmm… if it's at least 100 km away from any settlements then it is optimal, around 10 km away would be good as long as you don't aim at the settlements."

"Wait, kilometers? Why that far though?"

"If you already have a place in mind then when you try it out, you will understand what I'm talking about. So, you know of a place?"

"Yes, I'll go try it out there now." I quickly teleported to the forest near the palace. Wow, I'm actually able to teleport this far on my first try? Cool.

Anyways, I ran for at least 10 km away from the palace like what Kai said and prepared myself for a swing. One swing only. Why am I getting nervous now? Oh well, here it goes.

I swung the sword vertically with the intention to cut something and the moment later shocked me. The force of my swing managed to destroy the entire space in front of me and made an entire path, leaving behind white trails of snow in the process.

"I-Is this for real?! There ain't no way I am strong enough to create this much damage with strength alone!" Sure I am able to make a small dent on dragon scales when I punch them but it is because I made direct contact with them. This was done with no direct contact with the space in front of me!

This means it has to be the sword's doing. So it has some magical properties that can make this… No wonder he said it could destroy the capital. Although, I know for a fact that the capital would not be destroyed that easily but it is only the royal family that knows.

Wait, how strong would this be then if I-

'Tomo, I'm just going to guess what you are about to do but you better not-'

"I have to try it out, besides, it is part of the weapon itself so I need to test it out before I can gift it to somebody!"

I quickly gathered all of the Elemental Cores I had and slotted them into the staff and the sword. If you were wondering how I made them, it was from Aurelia blessing and powering it 2 days ago. Also, I have two Elemental Cores for each element including the sub-types so that each element would be both on the staff and the sword separately. I also made them as small as possible so that I can fit everything into the staff and the sword nicely.

I was getting nervous as to what was about to happen. Slotting Elemental Cores into the weapons will grant the equipment magic properties. However, this was different. I have twice as many Elemental cores in the staff and the sword, but I also placed them in arrangements that will cause the power output in all elements to be at least 300x.

"Well then, here I go-" I slightly swung the blade forward and it made at least 3 times as much destruction as what happened earlier. Holy crap. This is nuts.

The only reason why it can amplify magic by 300x is because of the combined effort of Aurelia's expertise, my unique skill's calculations, and my knowledge about slotting. But I never realized how powerful this actually is until now.

My sister is already one of the best mages in the empire. She is going to get 300x stronger if she uses this! In magic terms at least. Wait, no. If she is able to strengthen her body like mine, she can destroy literally entire towns if she uses this. Oh boy, what have I done Can I give her this?

"Jeez, I never thought that this weapon would be very deadly. How the hell did you design this, Lia?!"

'Well, I used my own knowledge plus your memories to create a design for the staff and with the help of [Unique Skill: Knowledge] and Kai's expertise to enhance the weapon, it turned into this.'

"Holy crap, am I allowed to give my sister this? I think it will make her too powerful…'"

'I think it is good enough.'

"Really?! Are you sure?"

'Yeah, I think you forgot but we added safety measures for the Elemental Cores. We can switch the amplifiers on and off with the flick of a special switch in a secret compartment. You instinctively pressed on it the moment you used it but I doubt your sister would accidentally press it since we made it pretty hard to press so unless she wanted to use it, the amplifying part won't work.'

"But isn't the normal mode still very strong though? Wouldn't that cause a problem?"

'Geez, trust your sister more. She won't use it for anything bad. Besides, if the information that I've been gathering about the school she is heading then this weapon would really benefit her. If you want an example of what kind of monsters are in that school, just expect to find Legend-Class/Grade and Myth-Class/Grade weapons and equipment all the time.'

"Wait, really?! How come I never knew that?"

'You didn't pay attention?'

"Oh. Ok. Then would this staff really help her?"

'Ask your skill.'


"Answer. The staff and the sword are at the Mid-Level of Legend-Class/Grade."

"Wait, what?! Legend-Class?! How did-"

'Kai happened. I told you he was a master blacksmith. [Knowledge], release your report.'

"Understood. Based on the survey and analysis made on the individual 'Kai Fornax', it is highly likely that the individual possesses the [Unique Skill: Flamen Volcanalis] with the rank of [Archduke] and the blessing of one of the blacksmithing constellations."

'Not only that but personally, I think the level of the skill is comparable to the higher spectrum of Lord Class Ultimate Skills. In fact, it is pretty weird that it still hasn't evolved yet-'

"Wait, wait, slow down. So you are saying that Kai is on the level of an Ultimate Skill holder? Is that what you are saying?"

'Yeah? What about it?'

"What about it?! Ultimate Skills are the most powerful skills in existence and anybody who owns it must be at least Demon Lord level, and you are saying that someone who was living in that shabby house was an Ultimate Skill holder?!"

'Oh… I mean, I get what you mean. I forgot that it is already hard to get a unique skill so getting an Ultimate Skill is almost nigh impossible and the person must be pretty strong to own it as well. However, you might not know this but not everyone who owns an Ultimate Skill is Demon Lord level or higher. In fact, it could just be talent or luck or just comparable to Demon Lords and beings similar to their level in terms of one thing. Kai just so happens to have all three of those in terms of blacksmithing.'

"So Kai is just that cool of a guy then?! I mean, I knew that he must have a unique skill at least to make this in just three days since it is very impossible otherwise but really? That talented? God, what luck do I have to meet someone like that."

'I guess it is fated for you to meet him. Besides, you wanted to learn blacksmithing so you might be able to learn it from Kai if he wanted to. Isn't that great?'

"Ugh, I don't know how to feel about that. I should probably go back to the smithery for now." I teleported back to the smithery and found Kai in the middle of smithing again. Can this guy catch a break?

"Mr. Kai, thanks for creating this. You really did a great job at making this."

"What do you expect, I'm a professional blacksmith so obviously I did a great job."

"Yeah yeah. By the way, what are you making?"

"None of your business."

"Ok. Well then, I think I already gave you the compensation so I'll be off-"

"Hey! Where do you think you are going without giving me the dragon scales, hmm?"

"Oh right, those. Here you go. Well then, bye!"

"Hey! Don't throw to me like that, you brat! Don't you ever go back here, you hear me!"

"Yeah, bye!"

And I ran away before teleporting to the palace. Man, I'm getting nervous. I'm supposed to give this to my sister tomorrow for her birthday, I wish nothing goes wrong.