
[EXPERIMENTAL]Light Novel - "Reincarnated again but on Another World?"

**WARNING** This is entirely experimental meaning many things will change throughout writing this volume so be warned. Also this might have mature content depending if I will add it or not. This is also in webnovel, I post my content there and here. Illustrations, I don't know if I'll add them or can add them, I suck at drawing so it might take a while or if I have enough money, I might hire someone to draw. Kazumi, a "normal" teenager, had already lived two lifetimes and was in the midst of his third when he and his friends were killed in a plane crash. When he awoke, he learned he had been reincarnated once more, but this time into a fantasy world full of magic, skills, and weaponry, rather than his own. He's determined to explore and live his life to the fullest and reunite with his friends, but there's a catch: instead of being born into a normal family, he's born into a royal family, and he'll have to figure out how to live his life as an adventurer rather than being royal. We'll follow his journey from royalty to adventurer to student and more!

Night_Frost_3836 · แฟนตาซี
51 Chs

Chapter 29 - I want to learn the truth, please

Hold on, hold on, rewind that quickly. What in the actual fuck did I just hear… Intercourse? Me? With my f*ckin sister? Did I hear that correctly?!

'Hey, wait a minute! Explain what you just said right now! Intercourse? By that you mean sex?! Him?! There is no way in hell that this bitch and Fuyumi-san had sex before! How the fuck did you even get to that conclusion?!'

I'm also surprised by the blunt answer. I mean, I already had a gut feeling that this actually happened between us but it doesn't mean I felt any better. I also want to know what made my skill get to that conclusion since mine is solely based on fuzzy and unreliable memories with hints of clues from my older sister's behavior and my younger sister's teasings.

"Answer. Traces of energy that is linked to the individual 'Fuyumi Tsukuyomi' has been found all over the user's body. This phenomenon only happens if two individuals touched each other naked aggresively."

'But maybe it is from taking a bath together or something? I don't know if that happened since I don't think I can rely on Tomo's memories anymore but it could be that!'

"Negative. It is highly unlikely that taking a bath together will happen due to the user having extreme nervousness with naked women. In addition, the link or connection between the user and the individual only occurs when both had intercourse at least 5 times. Therefore, it is concluded that-"

'No! No! I can't accept that! Never! What the f*ck are you saying anyway?! There is no way in hell that Tomo has the balls to not only f*ck a girl but his sister for god's sake!'


'What? What are you hiding? Say it!'

'Well… you see…'

'Don't you dare say that you actually did that, if you did then why the hell can't I see it anywhere in your memories?!'

'Well… about that… I actually don't have any memories regarding that, there are some fuzzy memories that hinted that it might have happened but from what I could get from both my younger and older sisters and the clues that I get from my memories… yeah, I think that actually did happen…'

'What the hell… are you out of your damn mind?! Why the hell would you-'

'I didn't do it on purpose, ok?! You already watched my memories so many times so you should know that this is something that I would never do no matter what the reason is. Yes, I find my older sister sexually attractive and yes, I find my own mother sexually attractive as well but you strongly know that there is no way in hell would I even think to try and make advances on them, let alone make out with them!'

'Then how do you explain the situation if that is not the case?!'

'That's the problem, I don't know! All I know is that both my thoughts and actions were somehow manipulated in that time frame and I can't seem to remember most of what happened. According to my unique skill, we concluded that it is most likely due to an effect by one of the Goddess of Love, which I don't even know why they did that in the first place and what connections they have in this family. Heck, I don't even know why my unique skill was able to reach that conclusion in the first place!'

'Ok, so in simple terms, you didn't control your body at that moment right? And you felt like you were just watching your body move on its own, right?'


'Isn't it just the same thing as the hypnosis from what you usually-'

'Ok, don't continue that sentence, I already know what you are talking about. And yes, it felt like that… wait a minute. Aren't you a clone of the Goddess of Time, do you know anything about the Goddesses of Love?'

'Now did I think about it, you are right, my true form/self is the Goddess of Time. Hmm… yes, I do know some stuff about them, more than I would like, but I doubt any of them will do it. After all, it is not like them to just randomly think one day that incest is good and then chose you and your older sister to do the deed for no apparent reason at all, that is just utterly ridiculous, even for them. Heck, Gods can't even intervene in this world without paying a hefty price so why the hell would they do that in the first place?'

'Wait, Gods can't interfere in this world? Why?'

'Duh! If they were able to directly manipulate the world whenever and however they want, then the evil gods should have destroyed the world long ago if they have enough strength to destroy the entire universe with ease.'

'Huh, that's interesting. So… it is unlikely that Gods are involved?'

'Probably not. I mean, you think Gods are concerned about what happens to mortals? Hell Nah. I doubt that Gods would involve themselves directly since they don't care about what mortals do unless it affects them or intrigues them so no. Maybe if the- Wait, maybe? That might work… but it needs to be at least the three of them… Hmm…'

'What? What are you thinking about? Did you solve it?'

'It is just a theory but I think I might have an idea of what happened between you and your sister. Maybe not the exact details of what happened but it is what would happen if certain conditions are set, though it is very unlikely, it is worth a shot. How about let's pay your sister a visit, shall we?'

I wonder what she thought about… And wait, what? Visit my sister? What for?! I asked her what are we supposed to do but she just told me to follow her instructions for now and don't ask any questions. I reluctantly did what she said and went straight to my sister's room since. Of course, I knocked on the door for courtesy and privacy sake and my sister opened the door and welcomed me.

"Hey Tomo-chan, what brings you here late at night?"

'What should I say, Lia?'

'Just follow my words for now.'

"Oh, hi Onee-san. Well… it's… um… something special…"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Umm… can we talk about this privately? Like very privately."

She immediately understood what I meant and her expression went serious and dragged me into the room. I was greeted with a large ass room, at least 1.5 times bigger than mine. The room is slightly similar to my little sister's room, it is just a whole lot messier and has a lot of magic equipment laying everywhere. The only difference is obviously the untidiness, the wallpaper's color and design, and of course the many magical pieces of equipment laying around. God, my OCD is going to go wild from this.

She immediately closed the door, gently so as to not alert any people but aggressively enough to make sure it is shut tight and fast. She immediately sealed her room and formed a barrier around us, presumably a sound cancellation barrier from the looks of it. Wow, this is excessive but it should be this tight at least to not have any leakage of information.

"Please excuse me since my room is a little dirty at the moment. Let's sit on the bed. So, what did want to talk about?"

I looked around the room before I replied and my sense of smell is picking up a lot of scents that concern me a bit.

"Um… well… about that. I was going to ask something about that incident that happened between us a few months back…"

"Which one? The magic incident or the celebration one?"

"No, none of those. Umm… does hypnosis ring a bell to you?"

"Ah. You are talking about that incident… wait, you remembered?"

"About that, I don't have many memories about it, just some small snippets of fuzzy memories at most… wait. Why were you shocked that I remembered? Was I not supposed to remember?"

"Nothing, nothing at all!"

I stared at her with a curious and serious look to ask for answers and she immediately looked away from me. What the- Why is she…

"What are you asking me about it?"

"Well, I was going to ask about what exactly happened since there have been some problems that I have encountered."


"Onee-san, tell me, please. What exactly happened?"

"Hmm… I don't think you would under-"

"I will. You already know that."

"Still, it is not a topic for children to hear."

I get what she meant. If what my unique skill said is true then yes, this is a very difficult and sensitive topic for the both of us, especially since I'm just a child, however, I'm older than that. Of course, my line of thinking and behavior is like that of a child but that is because my mind has been slowly rejuvenating into a child these past months, I still can act as I would normally but I can't really do that all the time.

"I know. But I will be fine, I really need to know what happened."

She sighed. "Haaa… this is quite a sensitive topic…"

"I know you don't want to talk about it and yes, I know that this is a very sensitive and taboo topic but please."

I looked at her with sincere eyes, hoping she could explain to me what happened.

"...Ok fine, I'll do it since you are cute. You look like an adult right now but you still have that cuteness of yours. Well then, where should I start… hmm… first of all, do you know what constellations are?"

Constellations? Do you mean the formation of stars in the sky or something? Why is she talking about that now?

'I knew it. So I'm technically correct, huh. Your sister is quite the person if what she is going to explain to you is the same as I'm thinking.'

'What? What are you talking about? Explain it to me.'

'Nah, maybe later but not now.'

'Well then, what am I supposed to say?'

'Just tell her that you don't know exactly what she is talking about, she will explain it to you.'

"Umm… isn't it just the formations of the stars in the night sky?"

"Yeah, those. Now, have you ever thought that those stars or should I say constellations represent someone or some being?"

"Yes? Aren't all constellations representing something like a bear or a fish, why?"

"Well, you see… constellations… are just another name that we call for Gods and Goddesses."

'That's unexpected. Wait, is she talking about-'

'Yes, what you are thinking is correct. It is similar to the constellations that you know in that novel you read.'

'Oh my god, so even that novel has some forms of connections in this world too?! God, I wonder what more could possibly be connected to this world.'

So this is what she meant, this is insane. If what I'm thinking is correct then…

"Really? Why are they called that?"

"Well, it is because Gods are all created by the first star of the universe. Those who were born from stars must be a star themselves, right? So it is not far of a stretch to call them constellations if they themselves are stars."

Ok, that makes sense, a little bit. I mean, the constellations I know of are considered Gods so this makes sense in a way.

"Cool… but how does that relate to what happened to us in the past?"

Actually, I think I might have an idea of what happened if these Gods or Constellations work the same or have the same rules as the Constellations I know of. Though, I don't know what is the reason why she used it or why is it that kind of power that she inherited out of everything else, or why she picked those constellations out of all possible choices in the first place.

Still, I'm not a hundred percent sure if what I'm thinking is entirely correct but the next sentence she said solidified my conclusion.

"First of all, do you know what sponsor means?"

And here it is.