
[EXPERIMENTAL]Light Novel - "Reincarnated again but on Another World?"

**WARNING** This is entirely experimental meaning many things will change throughout writing this volume so be warned. Also this might have mature content depending if I will add it or not. This is also in webnovel, I post my content there and here. Illustrations, I don't know if I'll add them or can add them, I suck at drawing so it might take a while or if I have enough money, I might hire someone to draw. Kazumi, a "normal" teenager, had already lived two lifetimes and was in the midst of his third when he and his friends were killed in a plane crash. When he awoke, he learned he had been reincarnated once more, but this time into a fantasy world full of magic, skills, and weaponry, rather than his own. He's determined to explore and live his life to the fullest and reunite with his friends, but there's a catch: instead of being born into a normal family, he's born into a royal family, and he'll have to figure out how to live his life as an adventurer rather than being royal. We'll follow his journey from royalty to adventurer to student and more!

Night_Frost_3836 · แฟนตาซี
51 Chs

Chapter 19 - New Skills?




That's basically how I got a spirit of Time. Though, I did leave out how this spirit drastically changed personalities over these past few months but let's leave it at that for now and focus on the task at hand.

Anyways, yes I was exaggerating for a bit when I said I felt so much pain, and yes I purposely got hit with all of the dragon's attacks, but for good reason. It is to force this lazy-ass spirit to actually do her intended work.

Actually, I can't call her lazy since she really isn't like that but she never really did any magic because she never had the chance to but I don't care.

But before that, I should say this first…

'My spirit is pretty fucking special.' I think I should say why my spirit is special in the first place to not confuse people.

Now spirits or more specifically Elemental Spirits are mainly used for magic. Using magic through spirits is very useful as it lets the user do magic without using any knowledge of the spell whatsoever, has no incantations, and doesn't spend any magicules doing it. How? Well, it's because the entire process of the spell is done by the spirit, not the user, which makes spirits very useful for combat.

So, how is my spirit special then? Well, there is a downside about spirits, and it's that they are bound to a certain element and a specific tier of magic. I mean, you can't just summon a Fire Spirit and expect it to be able to use [Water Ball] or make a tsunami, and you also can't expect a lesser spirit to be able to use a Divine/God rank magic. Now true, there are spirits that have two elements instead of one but the upper limit for a spirit is 3 elements.

However, mine is different. Just like me, my spirit or should I say, Aurelia is able to use all types of elements despite being a Time Spirit who presumably should only be able to use the element of Time.

Also, despite being a Lesser Spirit, she is able to use magic in any rank as long as she has the right amount of magicules, which leads me to the next thing that separates her and other spirits, her magicule capacity.

Normally, the lower the rank of the spirit means lesser magicule capacity but she has a larger magicule capacity than me despite being a Lesser Spirit, the lowest among the lowest rank of spirits. I can also transfer my own magicules to her if she ever needs it, though I doubt she needs it if she literally has more than me.

Her magicule capacity is fixed to a certain amount like all other spirits but it's useless considering it grows even more if she manages to evolve to a higher tiered spirit. Now when I learned how special this spirit is, I wondered why I've never heard of people trying to summon this specific spirit if she is this good despite being a Lesser Spirit until I found out that there are specific requirements to get here.

Apparently, the first requirement is to have an affinity with every single element including the sub-types which I know is impossibly rare. Another requirement is to have a special connection with Time, which I don't think I have but maybe it's because I've reincarnated a few times. These two are the most minimal requirements for summoning her which makes sense considering how broken she is.

Now let's get back on track, I still need to fight a dragon here. I guess I was exaggerating when I said I'm feeling so much pain but it was painful nonetheless, also, not to be a masochist or anything, but I wanted to feel pain. The reason is that I have the skill [Pain Resistance] which by the name of it means that I have some resistance to pain. It has a lower rank than most of my other resistances but it is strong enough that I won't even feel a stab wound or if my belly got slit.

Normally, this would be a bad thing. After all, not feeling any pain as a human would be terrible as you will never know if you were bleeding out or anything but I'm different. First of all, I'm a Demonoid, not a human, in which this race is a half-spiritual lifeform that doesn't really need a material body.

I do have a material body and I can use techniques that need flesh, bones, and the anatomy of a human or animal but it doesn't mean I'll die without it which is a very good advantage for me, although I do need to inhabit something if I want to actually do something.

There is also the fact that I have heightened senses which means even if I don't feel pain, I do know if I got hit and will know if the injury is severe or not. And because I've been living with [Pain Resistance] for a long time now, I wanted to feel pain and that's why I did this. It's pretty stupid but you gotta do what you gotta do. Anyways…

'Heal me up, Lia. Also, use some of your magic for once since this is a very good chance for you to use it. Just don't get overboard and hold back this time, alright? We don't want to one-shot a dragon again like last time. Maybe only use strengthening magic or something useful that doesn't one-shot a dragon.'

'Yeah yeah, I know. But it was your fault for telling me to use a high-level spell and so I used one, I just didn't think that dragon was so weak that it will die in one shot.'

'Huh? I never told you to use a high-ranked spell!'

If anyone is wondering, yes, we fought a dragon before. It happened around a week after I summoned her when I secretly went out of the palace and went to the forest nearby. At that time, I never found any monsters which I was weirded out but I quickly realized why and it was because there was a dragon there, it was a lower dragon.

To put into perspective how strong this was, it had a rank of B+ and was strong enough to not be detected by both my sister and my brother. Both our parents were out and we were the only ones in the palace. Sure, my siblings might be able to beat this dragon but it's only because they are not normal. But for normal people, it is a nightmare.

Now, I wasn't too scared because one, I'm not normal, two, I have roughly the same threat level as the dragon if not higher, and three, I'm capable of using really powerful spells and skills so I wasn't too worried but I wanted to know how strong my spirit actually is so I only used her.

Note, at this point in time, it's only been a week since she developed an ego so was still learning. I commanded her to show me what she can do and told her to use any magic as long as it defeats the dragon no matter how long it takes as long as it doesn't exhaust all of her magicules.

And what she used was King-level Lightning magic that was strong enough to not only pierce the multilayer barrier around the dragon but also completely one-shot the thing despite dragons being extremely resistant to magic attacks.

I was extremely shocked at how strong she was and she managed to kill it in one shot but then I was notified that she used up more than half her magicules for that one spell and yet she had the audacity to say:

'Oh, I didn't think that it will die with something as weak as this…'

And that is when I knew that this spirit is really something. That spell was also strong enough to almost completely evaporated the dragon. I just put the dragon's corpse inside my [Unique Skill: Compact Storage] so that nobody would find out. I quickly went back to the palace because I was kinda traumatized by what happened but eh.

Wait, is that the reason why a dragon chased me now because it sensed that I killed a dragon? I mean I did get a title of [Dragon Slayer] after that happened but anyways…

'Alright, but please just do your job properly this time.'

Moments after, I was completely healed, as if nothing ever happened to me. She used high-grade healing magic… well I guess it's fine considering the damage was too big for my regeneration to work so I'll forgive her for that. I stood up and started getting ready to fight the dragon.

I launched myself forward and I was enhanced by Aurelia with [Strengthening Magic] that boosted my strength a little bit. Now, I could just defeat this dragon very simply considering I'm a lot stronger than it but its attacks are still powerful. Not only that but I would not have any experience of fighting a dragon if I kill it in one shot. It was a good thing that it had a pretty strong body because it got exposed to the cold for so long that it made its body as hard as ice, if not then it would have died after a couple of hits.

After a while, I realized that the dragon is almost dead and I decided to let Aurelia finish it. To be honest, I was expecting a lot considering it is a dragon but I guess this is the perks of being born with a high threat level right off the bat and having powerful teachers teaching you.

'Should I be the one who needs to do it? You know you can-'

'Just do it. Might as well do something since there aren't really many strong monsters here in the area at this point in time.'

'Ok fine, [Thunder Strike]!'

Lightning magic, again? At least it was weaker than what she used before but it did kill the dragon again in one hit. Are dragons really resistant to magic or did I beat it so badly that it was weak enough to die from it, either way, I guess I did my first official dragon slaying, I think? Yeah, I don't really know how to feel about this.

After the dragon died, I used [Unique Skill: Gluttony] to swallow the dragon and just let my [Unique Skill: Knowledge] analyze and assess the dragon. Maybe I can get a skill from the dragon, who knows. I know that I can get all of the skills of any monsters I've killed or swallowed by [Gluttony] but I never really thought of that until now.

Might as well get as many skills as possible here. Oh, I should probably use [Gluttony] to that Lower Dragon we killed before. It was a stronger dragon than this one so maybe it had pretty good skills.

I didn't want to use [Gluttony] on it before just in case it might damage the materials of the dragon but I forgot that [Knowledge] can just do it in a way to not let the materials get destroyed while still getting assessed.

"Survey Completed. List of the monsters consumed by [Gluttony]: Ice Direwolves(32x), Lesser Blizzard Dragon(1x), and Lower Ice Dragon(1x). Ability to mimic dire wolf acquired. Ability to mimic ice dragons acquired."

"Ice Direwolves Species Skills: [Supreme Sense of Smell], [Thought Communication], [Snow Cloak], and [Menace] acquired. Blizzard and Ice Dragon Species Skills: [Frost Breath], [Dragon Body Armor], [Draconic Body], [Magic Resistance], and [Multilayer Barrier] acquired."

"Woah, that's a lot!"

'Why are you acting like a kid, this is only expected, you know?'

"Oh, shut up!"