
[EXPERIMENTAL]Light Novel - "Reincarnated again but on Another World?"

**WARNING** This is entirely experimental meaning many things will change throughout writing this volume so be warned. Also this might have mature content depending if I will add it or not. This is also in webnovel, I post my content there and here. Illustrations, I don't know if I'll add them or can add them, I suck at drawing so it might take a while or if I have enough money, I might hire someone to draw. Kazumi, a "normal" teenager, had already lived two lifetimes and was in the midst of his third when he and his friends were killed in a plane crash. When he awoke, he learned he had been reincarnated once more, but this time into a fantasy world full of magic, skills, and weaponry, rather than his own. He's determined to explore and live his life to the fullest and reunite with his friends, but there's a catch: instead of being born into a normal family, he's born into a royal family, and he'll have to figure out how to live his life as an adventurer rather than being royal. We'll follow his journey from royalty to adventurer to student and more!

Night_Frost_3836 · แฟนตาซี
51 Chs

Chapter 17 - A little pretending

Ugh… how did this happen…my body is aching… everything is in pain… what happened…




Wake up, stretch, exercised, took a bath, got dressed, etc., ate breakfast and went to my room, and start getting ready for class. That was my daily routine until now. But starting today, I will have a new thing to add to my routine.

I looked at my room. Tidy, clean, everything arranged and in order. This room is the first thing I saw when I came to this world, where I stayed most of my time, the place that I became so familiar with that I will immediately know if something has been added, changed, or moved in the slightest. In this room which I know like the back of my hand, there is something new about it.

Boxes, multiple boxes. Those came from my family as gifts, I got them on my birthday. It looked very fancy and I know how much work has been put into making these gifts as they seemed to be made by my family themselves, not the servants. I felt happy… they actually put effort into making these, I felt touched.

But what is important is not the box itself, but what's inside. The boxes were filled with new clothes, light pieces of armor, a sword, a necklace, a wand, and pieces of equipment. I think I was intentionally gifted these to tell me that I need to be ready for what's to come. Considering they are going so far to give me armor and various equipment like special boots and a teleport crystal means the level of the lessons will be so much harder. 'I like it, the harder the lessons, the more I learn.'

'Are you a masochist? Are all creatures in this world like you or are you just the one who has a screw loose?'

Oh, I forgot. Something changed with my daily schedule for a while now, and it's this thing.

'Hell nah, I'm no masochist. Also, please don't talk suddenly when I'm thinking without warning because it scares the crap out of me!'

'That's why I did that. I want to have fun every once in a while so no, I'm not going to listen to you.'

I really want to smack this thing so hard the next chance I got but for now, let's not talk about this yet.

I only put on some of the clothes as the first class is only literature. From what I heard from the teacher directly, we are just staying in the classroom for this day as it is just the first lesson of this semester. However, he did warn me that my two other classes are going straight to the wilderness despite being the first lesson. I mean I expected much.

The class was just the usual, sitting down, and listening to literature but now, it is more directed toward monsters and how to fight them. We also started learning combat strategies and stuff. This class is more on the literature side rather than the practical side meaning all of the things that I would not have learned through my magic class or sword class, I will learn all of it here.

'Why are you still in this class again? I'm pretty sure you don't need it since you have me and [Unique Skill: Knowledge] here with you, you know?'

'I know that but this class is very useful as it is my main source of information about this world other than the library. Plus, there might be some things that I would only learn here and not from you guys so yeah, I have to be in this class.'

'Well, suit yourself.'

Anyways, the class ended quickly and my sister started going to prepare for her class. She told me to find her near the palace gate after I got ready and I too got ready. I finally equipped everything else: my armor that covers all four sides of my torso, pads/guards for my elbows and my knees, a black coat that seemed to be enchanted with something, my necklace that is also enchanted, my personal sword and wand, and finally more miscellaneous stuff that I just put into my [Unique Skill: Compact Storage], which by the name of it means it is basically storage skill.

I do look quite fine. The designs of these are pretty basic but I believe that simplicity is nice, especially since this is one of the only times that I can wear something not fancy. Also, if all goes well then I might be able to learn smithery in the future so that's something I would really look forward to.

I was finally ready. Starting from today, the lessons will progressively get harder day by day, and I have to do the best I can to follow the lessons to not let down my family who gifted me with these pieces of equipment. I guess this is one of the things that I can enjoy by being from a rich family after all these pieces of equipment look very expensive or at least fancy enough that they might sell for a lot. I should probably not think anymore before I go off the rails again with my thoughts.

I started to look for my sister until I saw her in the distance with my older brother. Huh, why are they together? Isn't sword class later? What is going on?

"I'm here. Um, Aniki, what are you doing here?"

"What do you mean, I'm here to teach you duh."

"What? Isn't your class later?"

"Oh, about that. Me and your brother here decided that we should combine our class from time to time if the lessons relate to each other for a change. And it just so happens that our first lessons are the exact same thing so we decided to combine it."

Oh great. On top of the magic class, I now have my sword class done together with it. Is this going to be fine? I mean the concept is cool because combining classes is a very good idea but are they really going to be fine teaching me? Last time I checked, they will always argue about simple things so am I going to be fine?

"Don't worry Tomo-chan, me and your brother won't fight at all, at least not too much…"

'Yup, I'm screwed.'

'Yeah, you are definitely screwed.'

Yup, even she agrees. Now I'm really scared for my safety.

My siblings told me to follow them and I followed them straight to the forest nearby. It was quite the scenery. The forest is not too dense but the trees are not too far apart either. Everything was covered in white snow and everything looked peaceful. Although I wonder how trees grow or exist here if it is snowing or cold all the year-round, are these trees special or something?

Of course, it wasn't that simple as the moment we stepped into this forest, my [Magic Sense] and [Heat Sense] detected several monsters surrounding us this entire time. My siblings seem to have noticed them longer than I did but looked like they didn't care at all and just continued walking. I mean they shouldn't be bothered by them considering how strong they are.

We kept walking until we finally reached an open space. It was the size of 3-4 football fields and the terrain was flat and bumpy at the same time. We continued walking until we reached the center of this open field when my siblings started to sit down. What the? What are we supposed to do here?

"So Tomo-chan, I assume you have detected the monsters lurking around, yes?"

"Yes? So what are we going to do now?"

"Well obviously start hunting them."


"Don't give me that look, what do you think our first lesson is?"

"Don't tell me it is-"

"Yup! We are here to let you get experienced fighting monsters. Me and your brother will just be watching over here while you go and fight those monsters. There should be around a few hundred monsters in this area so you better start hunting."

"Wait wait, hold on. So the first lesson is to fight monsters without preparation at all?"

"What do you mean no preparation at all? What do you think we taught you all this time? Besides, this is how we started fighting monsters so it should be fine."

'I guess that screw loose of yours runs in the family, huh.'

Gosh, I keep forgetting that my family is quite special. Alright, fine. Time to use all the knowledge I've accumulated so far and fight, I guess.

'Just don't go too far or don't get too hurt either, otherwise, I will be forced to do work again.'

'You asshole, I will eventually make you work to death if you are going to slack off every time.'

'I mean, what am I supposed to do? You are already strong enough as it is, you don't really need my help. Unless it is very serious and dangerous, I'm not going to do anything since you probably can manage it yourself.'

'Ugh, you got a point.'

I started sprinting towards where we came from and immediately detected the first few monsters, goblins. It wasn't your typical goblin since this empire is in the northern region of the continent which means the monsters here are all ice-based. Although I've never heard of Ice Goblins, they shouldn't be too different from the goblins I know. Well then, let's start my first monster hunt.

I leaped towards one of the goblins and immediately killed it before it sensed me. It wasn't too bad, though I think I could have done it better. The other goblins immediately noticed me and started to come toward me. I ran towards them and started slaugh- I mean, fighting them. It was finished in less than a minute and I didn't use any magic or skill whatsoever. I guess this would be my first successful monster hunt, though I did get underwhelmed because there wasn't any loot that I can use.

'Aw, I bet you were expecting some loot like those RPGs that you use to play, huh?~'

'Oh, shut it! Also, are you looking at my memories again? Gosh, stop doing that.'

'How about no?'

'I swear to God-'

Well, getting angry now won't solve anything since she doesn't really want to listen to me so let's continue then. I ran around for some time and ran into various monsters. Goblins, slimes, dire wolves, and other things. I defeated the hostile ones and just left those that didn't want to fight or those who seem to be friendly or neutral. Normally, adventurers and such will hunt any monsters whether they were hostile or not so they can get money but I didn't harm any innocents as I didn't want to do any unnecessary slaughter.

'You know, not killing them might cause a problem, right?'

'Yeah, but I don't want to go around and become some sort of a serial killer with no respect for lives so might as well not kill them.'

'Well, whatever you wish, don't go regretting it later.'

'Yeah yeah, I know.'

Anyways, it's strange, just a year ago, I wouldn't be able to see any of these monsters and now I could sense them very clearly, even to the point of sensing them from a radius of 100 meters perfectly without fail. I guess my detection skills did get better. Was I really just that weak a year ago that I wasn't able to see or detect any of them until it was late? Good thing I actually paid attention to class and keep honing my skills.

After a while of fighting, I came across a whole pack of dire wolves. They were naturally hostile, as usual, but I wanted to try something. All this time, I've only been fighting them with my sword and sometimes use magic if there are too many coming at me at once. But I wanted to try something different. After all, I've been itching to use these… my skills. Most importantly, the [Unique Skill: Gluttony]. I haven't been able to use it because I never really have any reason to use it but now I could finally see it working. This pack should be my test subjects.

"Swallow them, [Gluttony]." A large dark void in a shape of a blob appeared out of my hand and started to envelop everything in front of me including the dire wolves. I could hear the screams and howls that they are making until finally they were swallowed whole.

'Wow, I never thought that your skill can give PTSD to someone like me, alright I'm out.'

Well, even I never thought that this would give me nightmares for life. Also, I didn't know that the range of this thing is this large. I'm pretty sure [Gluttony] has a range somewhere around 10 meters or so but it seems to be at least twice as big as that!

"Notice. The range of the [Unique Skill: Gluttony] has increased to over 100 meters. This is due to the passive effect of the [Unique Skill: Quick-learner] that allows the user to learn techniques, sword skills, skills such as cooking and swordsmithing, and all things related to these things in a fraction of the time it normally takes. It also has the added benefit of being able to copy said techniques, sword skills, extra skills, and common skills that can be learned over time. It also increases the power of the user's skill as long as the user actively acknowledges the said skill."

So my skills just get stronger as long as I keep thinking about the skill? Now, that's broken.

"Affirmative. In addition to your statement, the amount of time thinking and the amount of obsession with said skill will greatly affect its growth."

'Oh, so I was just obsessed with it and that's why it got this strong… yeah I don't know how to feel about that.'

'Ahahahaha! See, told ya? You are quite the guy.'

'Shut up.'

Just as I was about to leave, I suddenly detected something. Something big, powerful. Danger. It's really strong and fast and it's coming this way. I need to go.

'Run, you idiot!'

"Notice. A Lesser Blizzard Dragon has been detected."

Yeah, I can see that. Also, it is a Blizzard-type, not an ice-type? Then this dragon must have mutated to a Blizzard-type, huh. Now, this is a problem. So it attacks basically affects or makes blizzards and manipulates them to cause more damage than usual, yup, need to run.

I sprinted away as fast as possible but I just know that it is coming for me. Why the hell is it coming for me all of the sudden? Anyways, I need to go back to my older siblings before it is too late-

I looked behind me as I watched the dragon open its mouth. A large frost breath filled with shards started to get launched at me with high velocities.

'I need to block this, but how-'

Just then, something hit me, at my back. Where is it coming from, how come I didn't detect it? I looked behind me to see an icicle that came out of the ground was piercing my back. That hurts! God, I know I have pain resistance but it seems too weak to nullify this, why?

"Notice. The icicle has been analyzed and assessed. It was coated with high-level cloaking magic that can't be detected by [Magic Sense]. It has also been added with a spell that freezes anything that touches it."

Great, that's dandy! I didn't even manage to detect it and now I'm slowly freezing to death? And I am going to be pierced with a dragon's breath on top of that? Yup, time to die I guess.

'I mean, which 6-year-old kid can go against a dragon, even if it's a lesser one. I doubt any of my barriers will be able to block that breath and fire would just create a steam explosion that could probably rival the one that I create before and I am in point-blank range, so yup, death.'

Moments later when I thought of that, the breath hit me. It was cold and painful. Everything is aching, burning, freezing… It's painful…

'Hey, are you done pretending there? I know that you purposely got hit with it!'

'Ugh, I'm in pain… If only someone could just help me… ugh…'

'Oh fine, I'll help but you better give me something to repay me for this. Also, I know you can already beat that dragon on your own. After all, this is not your first time fighting one.'

'Oh great, thanks! Well then, time to get to work.'

'I know, I know. Just summon me already.'

'Alright alright.'

"Come out now, the Lesser Spirit Aurelia!"