
[EXPERIMENTAL]Light Novel - "Reincarnated again but on Another World?"

**WARNING** This is entirely experimental meaning many things will change throughout writing this volume so be warned. Also this might have mature content depending if I will add it or not. This is also in webnovel, I post my content there and here. Illustrations, I don't know if I'll add them or can add them, I suck at drawing so it might take a while or if I have enough money, I might hire someone to draw. Kazumi, a "normal" teenager, had already lived two lifetimes and was in the midst of his third when he and his friends were killed in a plane crash. When he awoke, he learned he had been reincarnated once more, but this time into a fantasy world full of magic, skills, and weaponry, rather than his own. He's determined to explore and live his life to the fullest and reunite with his friends, but there's a catch: instead of being born into a normal family, he's born into a royal family, and he'll have to figure out how to live his life as an adventurer rather than being royal. We'll follow his journey from royalty to adventurer to student and more!

Night_Frost_3836 · แฟนตาซี
51 Chs

Chapter 16 - An old friend

"Wait, you died on a plane?! How cool is that?!"

"Eh, how is dying cool?"

"Well, you got isekai'd by plane, which is pretty unusual you know?"

"Ok, how did you die then?"

"By truck-kun…"


"Hey, don't laugh!"

We've been talking for a while now. Catching up on things, having small talks, some discussions, and mainly questioning and answering what we did in our lives for these past 2 years before we died. Thinking about it now, we have very dark humor.

"Oh yeah, why did you not comment on the stories I've been telling so far? You know that those stories come from our world, so why did you wait until now?"

"Actually… I didn't know those stories you have been telling us were novels in our world until I heard about *mniscient R*ader's V*ewpoint…"

"Wait, how?! Those stories were super famous, how did you not know them? Also, I've been telling some historical stories as well, how did you not notice it?"

"Well, I just assumed that this world has some similar history to our previous world since we didn't learn history yet in class and those stories that you said were famous… to be honest, I didn't know any of them, ehe~? I knew the story somehow sounded familiar but I couldn't point my finger at it until I recognized one of them…"

Oh right, I forgot that she doesn't really know much about the anime/manhwa community. I should have known…

"Besides unlike you, most of the books I read are either school books or tutorial books."

And that, I also forgot how much of a nerd she is. I mean, I should have expected considering she was called a genius or something but really? To the point that she never heard of S*lo L*veling and such?

Anyway, we talked more and I told her the history of this world or at least the amount of history that I know, and she was very intrigued by it. Although she was more intrigued by magic, I mean who wouldn't be? She keeps asking me to teach her some magic until I eventually taught her one. It was just the beginner rank water spell, [Water Ball], so it shouldn't hurt her in any way. I taught her the incantation and she immediately started casting it.

I don't know if letting her use magic this young is bad but nothing bad happened so I guess I shouldn't be too worried. In fact, she looked like she was having a lot of fun. It's nice to see her smile.

"Yay! I really did magic, hehe. Oh yeah, I forgot something. How should we call each other from now on, after all, we can't really call each other by our previous names."

"Then, how about that one thing that you used to call me before?"

"Eh, really? It's a little embarrassing, you know?"

"It should be fine, I mean we are now blood-related so…"

"Ok fine… Nii-sama…"

"Wait, is the -sama really necessary? You know you can just call me-"

"I want to call you that though, any problems with it?"

"No no, not at all."

"That's what I thought!" is what she said while puffing her none existent chest. She really is cute, I'm actually pretty happy. I was actually filled with hope.

'If Ichika was able to reincarnate in the same world as me, does that mean there is a chance that the others are-'

No, I know that they will be in this world. I can feel it. I just know that they will be somewhere in this world, I just have to find them. Wait for me, guys…

After a while of talking, we suddenly hear a knock on the door. One of the servants informed us that it is almost time for dinner. Wow, it's already been this late? We started to get ready to go until my sister suddenly talked.

"Oh yeah, Nii-sama…"


"Do you know that one time that you suddenly started acting strange, like a couple of weeks ago?"

"Oh yeah, that… I don't really want to revisit that. I don't actually know what happened to me there but-"

"Yeah, I know. It was unlike of you to act like that since you don't have the balls to do that but… I did see something."

"What was it? I actually don't remember much about it, not that I would want to know what happened."

"Really? Then, let's just say some sexy stuff happened between you and Onee-sama, I promise I will not tell anybody about it but! You now owe me something, alright?~"

Goddamnit, something like that actually happened! Jeez, I need to cleanse my eyes and my soul with holy water or something. No, I need bleach, I need to bleach my eyes and ears. God, and now I also owe her something. I have a bad feeling about this, I know how crazy her demands are usually. She started to run away slowly while looking at me and grinning, yeah, I'm seriously getting a bad feeling…

Ever since I've learned that Kaguya was Ichika, everything changed. Most importantly, my schedule. Normally, my schedule would be normal class, then magic class, then combat class, and then free time is to either train or tell stories to my younger siblings. But now, the little time I have before going to class is being used for something. I can't say much but it is a little bit tiring.

I've also been getting serious in my classes ever since I found out that Kaguya was Ichika, I've been trying to get as strong as possible. The reason being is that I need to get strong enough so that I might have a chance on exploring the world and find my friends who might have reincarnated as well. If this world is really a fantasy world and it works the same as that sl*me isekai then this world has some very powerful monsters. I also know that there are very powerful beings in this world that I've never heard of before, which I learned throughout all my classes, and I need to be prepared to at least defend myself against them if I somehow get involved with them, which I doubt I do but just in case.

Normally, I told myself to be a little bit laid back on learning everything about this world but that is when I still thought that there is only a little chance that my friends might get reincarnated like me. However, ever since I learned that Ichika was reincarnated too, I told myself to get strong as fast and efficiently as possible to be able to go out in the world and look for my friends. Granted, there is a possibility that they didn't reincarnate but I'm willing to bet that they did manage to reincarnate as well.

After a few months, I finally turned 6. Wow, it's only been a year but it felt like a long time. I think this is how children normally perceive the world, very slow yet are curious about everything while older people perceive the world as going fast and are uninterested in most things. I guess this is one of the mysteries of life.

Now, there is something special about me turning 6. I've been waiting for this moment ever since I've come into this world and after a year of hard work, I finally got it. I am now allowed to hunt monsters and explore. Obviously, I would need some escorts to follow me to wherever I go and I still need to be taught how to fight monsters but I am finally able to go out of the palace and try to hunt some monsters and such.

For this past year, I've only been taught through practice and literature but now, I'm going to be taught through experiencing the wild. My sister can hold her lessons in the middle of the forest and teach me some magic to fight monsters and my brother can also teach me how to fight monsters using what I learned with swords. My literature class will now also include the lessons about monster hunting and such and what to do and not do in certain situations so it is a lot.

Now, I know it sounds crazy that they are allowing a literal 6-year-old to hunt monsters but we are not normal children. In fact, we are stronger and smarter than most children because we are Demonoids and one that comes from a very special bloodline with the union of an Archdemon and a Saint, which makes us pretty powerful. Plus, I've also been taught by two of the most powerful people in the empire, so it should be fine.

I can't wait to start hunting some monsters… Hold on, what was scheduled for this day, I'm sure they changed some part of my schedule… I think my older sister told me something yesterday…

Oh well, if I can't remember it then it's probably nothing important.