
chapter 8:The satanic art (2)

To be more precise, the satanic art is classed as the most devil cultivation path because of his bloody way

The satanic art is based on screfising, then more or the better thing you sacrifice, the better results and powerful ability you got

it's a type of trading in other words

a trade with a demon...

to reach the peak of the satanic art, you must succeed in dominating the three paths known as the hell path

there are 3 paths : "The demonic blood" path, "The deadly the venomous body" path and "The paint of destruction" path

every path is responsible for something:

"The demonic blood" path is responsible for gathering energy and he is composed of 5 basic breathing techniques

"The deadly venomous body" path is a refining body technique which make the body strong enough to tear space when it reaches its peak

"The paint of destruction " path is a huge library containing several techniques and skills collected and created by Haru in his past life

And every path has his unique abilities and gives the cultivator a more stronger powers than others cultivators from the same stage

of course, it's not that easy as you think because there are many disadvantages and risks from this technique...

first, for getting better results, you must consume a large amount of energy or Reiryoku as it's named in this world, so to depend on him is like commuting suicide

second, the most dangerous disadventges is the blackash after getting your soul destroyed. this effect is a result of giving a sartifice that is unsufficient, after that your body will turn slowly into a black 'sand' and you fell like you soul is getting shattered with a knife of flame

it's a very painful ending...

Haru was devouring some souls he had gathered from the victims he has just killed

he was thinking about a way to achieve conditions to begin the ceremony

there are three conditions to start training with the satanic art

first, the body or the 'vessel' must be able to contain the huge energy absorbed by the matrix you must know that Haru's previous world contained spiritual energy also so there is no big difference between the usage of power which make Haru's mission more easy to fulfill

second, the sacrifice, you must provide seven sacrifices alive and with an unharmed soul

third, the alter where everything is located. In fact, the choose of location shouldn't be that easy because of the alter will caused a huge amount of Reiryoku to gather in one place, so begging the ceremony without a good plan is walking to death

"So this is the responsible of the chaos in the G03's area "

suudenly a low voice cut the train of thoughts in Haru's mind

when he turned his head to see the source of sound, there were two figures wearing a black and white kimono

"they are shinigamis"

of course, Haru has already know their identities now and he is sure that they are not here for a good intention so he has no reason to hold back

this is not his first meeting with a shinigamis but there is a difference between then and now

"Hey, Suzuki we should kill this hollow quickly and go back to the seireitei"

"the mission's report said that this hollow has already killed two other shinigamis, so it's hard to judge his full power"

the two shinigamis name are Suzuki and kagami they were wearing a bracelet with a number of "3" written on it

Suzuki pulled his index finger while moving his lips, he was chanting a kidõ spell

"Hadō #1. Shō"

a blue small sphere appeared in front of his index and move with a high speed toward Haru

an then...


a sound of explotion shattered the silence between the two

Haru didn't need to dodge this attack and he just rise his right hand

it has been already a week since his hollowfication, due to his thick skin he has some resistance against Reiryoku

but Haru know that this attack was just a distraction for the next attack

and his exception was true...

Kagami flashed behind him weaving his sword toward his horn

the swords of shinigamis isn't a normal weapon this is fact known between all the Hollows and Haru wasn't exceptional

while fighting with shinigamis, he shouldn't let the sword hurt him because the wounds created by shinigamis are hard to heal

so just as Kagami was about to cut haru horn, he felt a huge power from Haru's kick

on the other side, suzuki has the same feeling

"this hollow is abnormal"

so he must change the strategy...

Kagami take his sword with his hand and he start waving it. the difference was that at this tImen he is waving his sword with a rythm unlike the first time

this is Zanjutsu the basic fighting style for the swords used by all shinigamis

then a fight between the two begin to get more savage

Kagami was talented in the sword art, almost all his attacks where stronger enough to threaten Haru's life

Haru, one the other hand, wasn't showing any signs of weakness against Kagami and his sword but he still have many other cards if he want to win against Kagami.

but he shouldn't be in hurry because of Suzuki who was watching them from the other side.

and he was also trying to Measure his own power against his enemies.In martial world, you should know your own powers before know your enemies power

Haru start to change slowly from the position of defense to attack

and The load on Kagami shoulders starts to get heavier

Kagami wasn't good in battels against equivalent enemies in term of power

so when Haru starts his series of attacks, he loses the upper hand in combat

Suzuki on the other side was wearing a serious expression, he starts feeling that The scale of the balance has tilted to the Hollow side so he must find a solution quickly

"Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!"

Suzuki pulled his two fingers while start to write some symbols on the air

"Bakudō #9. Geki"

it was the same technique used by the the shinigami previously

As Suzuki finished drawing the symbols of the spell in the air, Haru's entire body permeates a red energy

before the effect of the spell begin

Haru jumped far away

as one of the users of the technique previously, he was sure that this spell Paralyze the target by stretching his muscles till he fell weak, in other way it's like drug

and to get out of this effect, you should spread the Reiryoku all over your body slowly

Kagami watched this scene, Grasping his sword with both hands, he brings it down with force making a arc shape energy moving toward him with high speed


a huge cloud of dust appeared...

Suzuki flashed behind Kagami who was lying on the ground breathing loudly

the technique used by Kagami was Ryōdan, one of zanjutsu techniques

this is was Kagami's trump card, his sword was thrown on the ground while his hands were trembling

this technique could be used only by captain, vice-captain and 3ird seat levels shinigamis

so when Kagami used this technique was a miracle

you should know that Kagami was classed as the the 14th seat in the 4th division

"this hollow is really unordinary"

Kagami speaks with a trembling voice

" yes, fortunly, we kille..."

just as Suzuki was about to finish his speech

a huge shadow appeared in front of them and with just a kick from his hoof he felt that all his bones are broken

"how did you...'cough'...'cough'..."

Suzuki couldn't help but start coughing after he was kicked by Haru' s hoof

kagami's state was much worse than him

he has already Lost his consciousness and he was picked Haru from his neck

Haru's body was full of wounds he spent all of his energy to defend against kagami's attack so he must capture Suzuki quickly

and without hesitating, Haru release a red-dark sphere from his horns

"this is...cero"

that small dark red ball was Cero created by Haru, if fact Haru could create a more bigger cero but he is not willing to kill the shinigami

he has some idea rolling in his head about the shinigami' s power so he must take two samples to study them

and this little cero is enough to make Suzuki losing consciousness

so Haru took the two shinigamis and leave the place immediately


-this is the longest chapter I ever made I hope you like him