
The Fox and the Wolf vs the Little Fox and the human

Xiao Zai shot Chu Yun a meaningful glance, who schooled his features into neutrality. 'A long lost relative' could mean a lot of things. It could mean that Ru Long knew of his relation to Xiao Yao, for instance.

"Did you find that long lost relative?" Chu Yun asked, keeping his words vague.

Ru Long chanced a look towards Chu Hean. "No, but I found something else."

Chu Hean fought valiantly not to show any emotion but in the end his lashes still shuttered down over his eyes coyly. Chu Yun had half a mind to cuff him upside the head. He thought his brother wasn't the kind of person to let himself be seduced away from his family by the first random man who he found wandering in the woods.

Honestly, he hoped most people would be more discerning than that -- let alone his own younger brother.

He turned to Chu Hean, raising his voice in a sternly, "Did you run away because of him?"