


When we arrived at a quiet coffee shop nearby, he quickly orders what he wanted and the only thing that I have noticed in his personality is that he's jolly and always smiling. But deep down on those eyes, they are mixed with guilt and sadness which I don't care to know.

"Thank you for inviting me for a coffee but I will have a smoothie instead." He says and continues, "Oh, um, you don't really need to invite me here because we can just talk at your house."

"Mom's there and I don't think you knew that when it comes to those things, mom isn't aware of Ellis," I say to him, referring to his preference.

"I see, I think Ellis mentioned that. Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you with that."

I smiled, trying to have a good time even if I don't feel like talking to him about Ellis, most especially when I knew that he likes him.