
Chapter 22

"Charlotte!" Hyacinth ran towards her, with Gregory following behind her. "I did not know you were coming today."

"What are you doing here?" Gregory asked.

"Eloise is out with Mama, Francesca is not here yet, Colin is locked in his room, Anthony is in his study, and Benedict..." She continued, and shrugged. "In his room, I suppose."

"I hope he is getting ready to leave with me to the palace. We need to—

"To a palace? Can we go?" Hyacinth asked as she jumped with excitement. "Please, Charlotte! Please!"

"I am sure he would not mind us there," Gregory added casually, but his excitement was too obvious.

"Oh, of course you can come! I'm sure he will not mind," Charlotte chuckled as the two siblings nodded and immediately ran upstairs. Coincidentally, Benedict was walking down the stairs.

"Hey! No running on the stairs!" He exclaimed as his two youngest siblings rushed past him. "What is going on with those two?"

"They are just happy," she chuckled.

"And I am ready," he nodded, but Charlotte stopped him by placing a hand on his chest. "Are we not going anymore?"

"We are, but we must to wait for Gregory and Hyacinth," she explained with a smile. "They wanted to come."

"That is really kind of you, Char," he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and brought her into a side-hug as she wrapped both of her arms around his waist.

"You should invite Colin," she added, and he sighed. "Hyacinth said he was locked in his room."

"He is trying to avoid certain people," he said. "And by certain people, I mean Anthony and my mother."

"Why your mother?" She asked.

"She is too hurt by what happened," he sighed. "And Anthony is just praying for something to kill the scandal."

"I'm sorry," she looked up at him. "Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Not having a child with another man would be a good start," he tried to sound serious, but his snort gave it away.

Charlotte gasped in disbelief and pushed herself away from him while he laughed.

"Come on, I was joking," he tried to reach for her hand, but she walked away. "Where are you going?"

"To get your brother!" She exclaimed as she started to walk up stairs.


"I wish to be alone!" Was the first thing she heard after she knocked on Colin's door.

"What about alone with me?" She teased, hoping for him to open the door, even out of curiosity. Indeed. He did. And sighed with a small smile when he saw her. "I may not be your mistress to be alone with you in your room... But I am just a friend who loves and cares for you... Can I come in?"

"Of course, Char," he nodded with a soft chuckle and opened the door widely for her to go through, and once she did, he closed it. "I apologize, I thought you were Anthony or my mother wishing to scold me."

"I am not here to scold you, I promise. Just to be your shoulder to cry on," she confidently sat on his bed and sighed with a smile. "And I have come to collect you too."

"Collect me?" He asked as he took a seat next to her. "Whatever for?"

"After Benedict and I marry, we are going to live in Kensington Palace, here in London. It is not far from your house, really," she explained. "I wanted to take him to see the palace beforehand. Hyacinth and Gregory wanted to join us, and I have come to collect you to come with us and lift your spirits."

"There is no need for you to worry about me," he sighed. "I am fine."

"Your puffy and red eyes say otherwise, my dear Colin," she sighed and placed her hand over his. "Would you like to talk about it?"

"I'm not giving up, Char. Not yet. Marina... Miss Thompson does not deserve to be part of a scandal when it is not true at all. There has to be something I can do. She is living in shame based on a lie," he stated and sighed in frustration. "Anthony won't even let me go see her."

"Your brother is just doing what he thinks it is best, and... Perhaps not seeing her, for now...it is for the best," she squeezed his hand. "You need to clear your head, Colin. It will do you good. It could clear your thoughts and...perhaps you could reflect more...properly about this matter involving Miss Thompson."

"Do you think she is with child?" He asked, and she sighed. "You are my friend, Charlotte. The best there is. Do not lie to me too."

"I would never lie to you, Colin. Ever," her tone was soft, but he could tell how serious she was. "I know nothing of Miss Thompson. The only conversation we have engaged so far during the season was at dinner the day before Lady Whistledown... I just know, that so far she has not been to even half of the events this season."

"Who would have thought my first proposal was to end this way..." He scoffed and shook his head. "In utter disaster, and involving a scandal."

Despite Charlotte's point of view on the matter, she only wanted what was best for him. And Miss Thompson was not it. But who was she to approve or disapprove his union? Being a Princess doesn't give her the right to approve or diss of his union with another... The Royal Marriages Act 1772 already gave her a headache on its own.

"Whatever your decision is, or however everything turns out... I will always be there for you, Colin. Always," she said sincerely, and with a small smile. "Shall we go take some air?"

"Thank you, Char," he smiled back, and nodded. "Alright. I will go with you."

"Great!" She exclaimed, stood from the bed and opened the door of his room. "But we are leaving now, dear."