
Chapter 17

"It will be the grandest wedding of the the year. Tulips enough to fill the great room and the finest silks. Only the best for Miss Bridgerton and my nephew," the Queen told her menservants with pride. The Brimsley arrived to her side with the scandal sheet, and she took it immediately away from his hands. "The latest Whistledown? How does she report my triumph?"

In that moment, the Prince Friedrich arrived in front of the Queen, with a smile on his face, a smile which slowly faded by the look on everyone's faces.

"Has something happened?" He asked in confusion.

And just in time, the Princess had just arrived on Snow from a very eventful morning.

"Your Royal Highness! You've finally arrived!" Fatima and Martin were waiting for her in front of Snow's barn door.

"Did anyone notice?" She asked as she hopped off Snow.

"No, Princess. Let's go to your room so you can take a bath, and have breakfast," Fatima said, and she sighed. "I'm afraid there is no time to sleep."

"Has my mother yet awakened?" She asked.

"As far as I know, she is just getting dressed," Fatima explained and the three quickly walked towards the Princess' room. Being cautious and avoiding being seen by anyone, specially not any of the Queen's ladies.

Inside the room were Cora and Lilia waiting for Charlotte and Fatima, while Martin stayed outside the door. The maids ripped the Princess off her dress and started the bath. Lilia and Cora giggled at the sight of the Princess asleep on the bath while Fatima washed her hair.

"What a great idea to put a pillow right where her head goes," Lilia chuckled. "Her Royal Highness is out like a light!"

"Lower your voice, or you'll wake her," Fatima whispered and glared at the two. Someone knocked on the door of the bathroom. "Cora, careful with her head. Imagine she is a baby."

Fatima went to see whatever was happening, while Lilia and Cora kept bathing her. Charlotte's bath lasted a bit longer than expected, due to her maids being gentle and careful not to wake her tired self. Fifteen minutes later, Fatima came back, panting a bit, but with a smile on her face.

"The Queen asks for her," she informed them and looked down at the Princess' numb body. "Did she faint?"

"No, but she does seem to have a bruise on her back," Lilia pointed at the spot. "Do you think she fell off Snow?"

"Let's hope that was it and not something more serious," Cora said and sighed. "Well, it is time to wake her."

"I already am," the Princess said, her maids' eyes grew wide as she opened her eyes and stared at the three. "I awoke the moment Fatima said that the Queen was asking for me."

"We must get you dressed, Your Royal Highness," Fatima said and Charlotte nodded.

The Princess got out of the bath, dried herself, and got dressed. Charlotte winced when Fatima tied up her corset.

"Lilia was right. I fell off Snow. Indeed," she sighed as she put on the sleeves of her dress. "A gunshot scared her."

"A gunshot?!" Fatima exclaimed.

"The Viscount and the Duke had their prides in the clouds and their heads up each other's arses. Miss Bridgerton and I went to stop them from getting themselves killed, but a gun was fired, scared Snow, and I fell. No one died, thank God for that. But my back is sore, but I'll live," she explained, and looked at her maids through the mirror with a smile. "Also... It apeares I am close to being engaged."

"That's fantastic!" Cora exclaimed with excitement.

"With Lord Bridgerton?" Lilia asked, but the Princess shook her head.

"With his brother, the second eldest of the family," she sighed contently. Her cheeks were turning red, and the smile on her face grew wide. "We spoke earlier, and... He said some sweet things, and that he was to ask my brother for my hand."

"Wonderful news, Your Royal Highness," Fatima smiled and sighed contently. "And you are all ready."

Charlotte walked out of her room with Fatima, Lilia, and Cora trailing behind her. As much as the Princess wanted to forget of the world and sleep the rest of the day, the thought of soon being engaged to Benedict kept her wide awake.

"Mama, I hear you asked for my..." She entered in the room and stopped talking the moment she laid eyes on the man inside the room. "Yo– You're he– here... Mr. Bridgerton..."

"Your Royal Highness," Benedict looked at her with a smirk and bowed his head.

"Wha– Well, what a..." She chuckled nervously. "What a nice surprise."

"Before we get into...that... I thought I asked you to help your cousin get betrothed with Miss Bridgerton," the Queen stated.

"I spoke very well of my cousin with Miss Bridgerton, I did my part. But with all due respect, Your Majesty, it is not yours or my place to decide Miss Bridgerton's husband, or fate," she stated with a small smile. "She chose the Duke. I'm sure my dear cousin can choose another beautiful young lady to be his princess."

"If it were up to the Queen, you would have been that '' as you say, but..." George said with a small smile on his face. He was sitting next to his mother. "Mr. Bridgerton has asked for my permission to propose to you, dear sister."

Charlotte raised her eyebrows and her eyes grew wide. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out. Then, she looked at Benedict, who was now standing next to her with a smirk.

"I know better than to answer for you, Sister," George told her sincerely. "Whatever you decide, you shall have my support."