
3. Adventure in the East Blue Part 1

The ship we bought was between the size of a caravel and a brig sloop. The reason the ship was so expensive was I wanted the keel to be made of Adam wood. That alone cost 85 million the rest of the ship was only 65 million. It had four floors with twenty bedrooms, a big kitchen, a dining room, a fish tank, the entire bottom floor was storage and so was half of the third floor, there was a training room on the rest of the third floor, a doctor's office, surgery room and an awesome crow's nest that doubled as a library. We decided to name it Sparrow after its figure head. It would be a quick ship once we had at least six people on board, but for now we couldn't move too quickly.

I don't know if it was protagonist luck or what but only six hours after setting sail and only two hours after we passed a whirlpool we came upon the cruise ship being attacked by Alvida's pink duck ship.

"Hey, Luffy I see some people we could turn into bellie what do you think?" I ask Luffy.

" As long as I can beat them up I don't care." He says as he launches over to the pink ship as I pull closer I drop the anchor and hop on board. There I find half the man knocked out so with a quick soru and finger pistol I take down the other half. The only three other than me standing now are Luffy, Alvida and Coby.

"Captain want me to take out this weekling theme can search the ship? " I ask Luffy as if I don't care about the dozens of men I just took out.

"Shishishi sure. But after that we have to take Coby here to be a marine." Luffy responds.

" Roger that captain. Coby, right? Watch this after you join the marines you'll learn how to do this." I say looking at him seriously.

He only manages to gulp and nod before I disappear and reappear in front of Alvida and perform a swift finger pistol through her head. After that I toss Alvida and any officer with a bounty into our ship before reassuring the cruise ship that they are safe now. Searching through Alvida's ship we eventually find the treasury and their we find an amazingly cute orange haired 18 year-old with a huge sack of treasure over her shoulder.

"Eh, would you believe me if I said I got lost? Hehehe. " Nami laughs dropping the bag scratching the back of her head. Then she starts pushing her cleavage together saying, " Oh please don't tell Alvida I was down here I would be so every thankful."

" Shishishi, your funny. We catch you stealing and you start talking about some dead lady. " Luffy laughs back

" Dead! Alvida is dead? " Nami asks before she starts shaking " Di-di-did you do it?"

"No, I didn't shishishi." He says still laugh as Nami calms down before he continues " It was my Nakama Jonny there. She was evil and wouldn'tlet Coby here be a marine so we decided to cash in her bounty." He finishes pointing at me. Nami sweat drops as I wave and smile at her.

" Oh, wow you must be strong to take down a pirate with the bounty of 5 Million bellie. " She says looking at me with bellie sign for eyes and back to pushing her cleavage together.

"Anyway Nami we were just about to load up all the useful stuff and treasure off the ship. Then we're going to head to Shells Town turn in Alvida and drop off Coby to the marines. " I say letting her know our plans.

"Well if it is alright with you two I wouldn't mind tagging along I am a first-rate navigator. I can help navigate in exchange you two can protect me." She says winking at me.

" It's up to the Captain. " I say straight faced.

"Awesome your a navigator. Then its decided you'll join my crew. " he responds with a smile.

" No, I won't join your crew it's only temporary got it?" Nami shows her true temper for the first time.

After that we load up everything useful and all of the gold onto our ship. After that Nami decided to just leave her old boat after seeing the size of ours. She came back with a small bag of stuff and a huge bag I figured could only be gold. After setting sail I called Garp to let him know we were setting sail to Shells Town to turn in Alvida. I said we would check out the marines while we were there. I also told him about Coby and how he had a strong sense of justice and how I believed in a year he could learn the Rokushiki and maybe even Haki. Boy was he happy to hear about that. He finally found the protege he has always wanted.

It was two days before Nami found out we were pirates. Let's just say I got the full shark teeth screaming at and she seemed truly upset. At least that was until I explained about who Luffy was and how he was truly a nice person that only wanted to help people. After hearing this I think she took a wait and see approach similar to the anime. During the journey we also found our that Rorona Zoro might be near Shells Town and Luffy wanted him on the crew.

After landing in town you could notice the dreary attitude. And how people would flinch when ever Coby talked about the marines or Zoro. Eventually we wandered into a restuarant and ordered food.

" I get why people flinch when I mention Zoro. I mean he is a blood thirsty pirate hunter. but why do people flinch when I talk about the marines?" Coby asks with a frown on his face.

" Not all marines are good people. " Luffy quietly responds.

" You see Coby life is a spectrum and the people in the marines are also on this spectrum of good and evil. Everyone is capable of evil the question is just how evil Coby. " I say looking him in the eye. " Just like Alvida is bad and Luffy is good." I say meaningfully.

" Brother Zoro isn't a bad guy. He got in trouble for killing stupid Helmeppo's wolf when it attacked me." Rika said from the side of us.

" Shishishi now I really want him in my crew Luffy says laughing his eyes twinkling. After the meal we head to where Zoro is on a cross and Nami slips away saying she has work to do. We hop the wall we approach him. Coby whimpering behind us.

"You don't look so tough. If I was you I would have escaped a long time ago. A week without food I would die " Luffy says looking at him disappointed.

" Yeah. Well I'm different than you I just need to last 4 more days without food and I can go free. I have a dream to accomplish once I'm free I have to go find a certain man. " Zoro says a dead serious look on his face. Then we leave but as we leave we notice the little girl from the restuarant comes over the wall on a ladder carrying rice balls. Just then Helmeppo and two marines come in.

"Little girl can't you read? It says no helping prisoners do you want to be executed?" He asks as he grabs a rice ball and bites it. Before immediately spitting it out and throwing them all of the ground stomping on them. " Disgusting did you use sugar? It's supposed to be salt."

The little girl now crying " I thought it would taste better sweet. "

Turning to a marine Helmeppo orders " Tjrow her over the wall immediately." seeing him hesitate he continues, " Do it now or my Daddy will have you executed."

Obviously upset the marine grabs the girl telling her to curl up as he throws her over the wall Luffy catches her so she isn't hurt. Once Helmeppo and the marines leave we go back over the wall.

"Hey, you in the straw hat. Could you give me those rice balls." Zoro asks.

"Are you sure there more dirt than rice now." Luffy asks looking unsure. Then seeing him nod feeds it to him.

" Tell her it was delicious. " Zoro says as he closes his eyes and a tear slips down his face.

Walking away Luffy turns to me, " Its decided he is joining our crew." he says looking serious. I reply with just a nod as we return Rika. We tell her how he ate every bite and said it was delicious. After that we return to the restuarant to relax for the day. After an hour Helmeppo comes in with his goons.

"Hahaha I can't believe that idiot Roronoa really believed I would let him go. I can't believe there is anyone that stupid in the world" Helmeppo says with a grin on his face.

Immediately after he finishes Luffy is right in his face. " What did you say Hippo. You lied to Zoro?"

" Haha of course I lied. As if i would let a prisoner go free. I think I'll just execute him tomorrow at noon." Helmeppo says looking smug. Until Luffy punches him in the face and takes off towards where Zoro is held.

Appearing in front of Zoro he asks, "If your a swordsman where is your sword?"

"The marines took them when I was arrested." Zoro says looking downcast.

"Alright then. I'll steal your swords and then you'll have to join my pirate crew." Luffy says laughing before he launches himself towards the roof of the marine base. Seeing canon happening I decide I should call Garp jow and let him know what I have found. After talking with Garp he wants us to take down the corrupt marine and to not kill or permanently disable any marines.

After I conclude my talk Captain Morgan comes charging in with twenty men. While I was talking with Garp Coby was trying to untie Zoro and telling him the truth of Helmeppo. Seeing them getting ready to fire I prepare to take action. but before I need to I sense Luffy coming then he appears in front of us blocking the bullets. Then using soru I knock the rest of the marines out. I break Morgan's axe hand and jaw before I knock him out.

Turning around I see Zoro looking at us both pretty wide eyed. " How did you guys go that?"

"Shishishi I ate the Gum Gum Devil Fruit how I'm a gum human." Luffy explains stretching out his cheeks.

"What about you is how you moved around so fast a devil fruit?" He asks me speculatively.

"Nope that's all pure muscle. Though I do have a Devil Fruit I'll tell you about it later." I say with a grin.

"Well if I'm joining a pirate you have to know one thing. I will become the Greatest Swordsman in the World and I will cut anyone that gets in my way even you. Got it Captain. " He says looking bloodthirsty.

"Shishishi the world's greatest swordsman. to be on the ship of the future pirate king you should be at least that much. Shishishi. " Luffy responds between laughs

"Alright captain"

After that Luffy, Zoro and Coby went to eat while I cleared up everything with the marines. I told them how Garp would be coming to take Morgan to Impel Down. Then I brought in Alvida's body. But when they went to give me the funds for her they found out they had been robbed. They made me out a certificate that I could redeem at a future naval base. Returning to the Sparrow I see Luffy showing Zoro around and I can feel Nami on the ship if I focus hard enough.

After calling over Zoro I pull out a gravity belt for him and show him how to use it. He asks if storing s my devil fruit but I explain about my Dark Dark fruit and how the inventory is something I was born with. He is amazed by my powers but way more excited by the gravity belt, at which he starts off at ×6. Then I show him the Rokushiki manual and explain that he should train in all of them even if he doesn't plan to use them all. As they are a great way to train his entire body.

Nami soon reappears on deck looking freshly showered. Looking at me she asks " Do we set sail tonight or tomorrow morning?"

" How would I decide Luffy is the Captain. So, Captain? " I ask

" Let's set sail immediately. I'm excited for a new adventure. Where are we gonna sail to next Jonny?" Luffy asks.

"Well Buggy the Clown is supposed to be near Orange town we could try to hunt him down if you want." I say.

" Oh Luffy can we Buggy actually has something I want a map of the Grandline." Nami quickly interjects.

"We're headed for Orange Town. Nami set the course, Zoro and Jonny drop the sail Let's go adventure." Luffy shouts sitting on our figurehead.

The journey to Orange town will take four days. During that time Luffy was showing Zoro how to workout and how Rokushiki actually looked. He would also bounce around talking to Nami, or stopping by and demanding meat from me. It turns on none of them can cook so that falls to me. I have been cooking obviously. Sparing with Zoro which was bound to happen after I showed him my sword the up side is I manage to evolve both my Fighter and Swordsmanship to the next level of mastery. As we neared Orange Island I told everyone I would go ahead and take out all of them from a distance. Then we could collect the heads of everyone with a bounty and loot their treasure. After everyone agreed I leapt away towards the island remaining unseen until.

When I was less than 150 meters away from their base I got into position and hid. Then I pulled out my M1 Special and located the cadre of the buggy pirates. Aiming I decided to take Buggy Out with two Quick shots to the chest. Reaiming I take out Mohji, Cabaji and Ritchie the lion with head shots.

I put away my rifle and pull out my handguns before I sweep across them killing all of the Buggy Pirates. Approaching Buggy I hear him cough up blood and ask, " Who are you? What did I ever do to you?"

I grab Buggy and drag him into the shade as a pineapple appears in my hand. " Nothing but you have a bounty, a devil fruit and your a bad person buggy so you end here. " I said as I enveloped him in darkness and his fruit abilities changed the pineapple into the Chop Chop Fruit. I chopped of the heads of the cadre and Buggy before storing the fruit and heads.

* Ding skill evolution Top Marksmanship: Lvl 1 (0%) [ Can track anyone within 1 meters. Lvl/Max Distance%. Can track anyone visually within 1 kilometer. ]

Using the dark fruit I absorb all the dead bodies then go to the see and dump the corpses away from our ship. Returning to the Buggy Camp I see my three crewmates talking with the old mayor telling him how we beat the Buggy pirates for their bounty and treasure. We agreed to leave half of the treasure for the town to rebuild.

As we were leaving I could see Nami looking at the townspeople celebrating wistfully. " It's pretty amazing isn't it we are pirates but we saved a town. It makes you think doesn't it? " I ask her.

" You know the reason I'm a thief is I need 100 million bellies to buy something important to me. After that I'll be free to do as I please." She says with a truly beautiful smile.

" You're cute when you're happy like that, Nami. And if you need money you should know we have more than 100 million saved up for our future ship fund. If you join us I'm sure Luffy would be willing to give you no matter how much money you need. Luffy treasures his Nakama above everything. " I say glancing at her profile.

" Do you really think he would? Luffy if I join you will you give me a 100 million bellies?" Nami ponders then shouts to Luffy.

Luffy bounds over before answering Nami. " Your my navigator so if you need money just tell Jonny he keeps the money in his mystery power. Oops Shishishi. "

" Its ok Luffy I was thinking that now is the time to tell Nami my secrets and get her to start training." I say patting his shoulder. " You see Nami I was born with a special ability that let's me store things I touch in a special space. It returns just as you put it in food even comes out hot." I finish as I pull out food and put it back before pulling out a golden necklace and handing it to Nami.

"Is this real? And it's not just a Devil Fruit power?"

"No, you see my devil fruit is the Darkness logia. it allows me to turn my body into Darkness to dodge attacks. and I can control gravity and Darkness with this fruit. I can do something similar to my ability but anything that goes in comes out torn apart. I can also negate devil fruit abilities and even steal someone's fruit." I finish by showing her Buggy's old fruit.

"Are you sure you should trust me with this? I mean you could be hunted by the World Government if someone leaks this. " She asks unsure.

"Its because you question yourself like that I'm telling you. I also want to help you get stronger so you can protect yourself. Trust us if you have any problems money or some muscle heads we'll handle them easily." I say patting her head.

Then I took back the necklace pulled out a gravity belt, and the Rokushiki manual. I quickly ran through the training process for her and she got to work. I set sail headed towards the Gecko Islands and Syrup Village in particular.

The trip was pretty fast only lasting three days during this time Nami was quiet. I don't know if it is because she is tired from working out or thinking about whether or not we are strong enough to take down Arlong. Either way she is progressing surprisingly fast is already up to ×1.9 gravity which is pretty impressive for someone that has never really trained before.

Zoro is some kind of freak of nature he is progressing weirdly fast and already has Tekkai, Kam-e and Rankyaku down pat and has almost completed Soru. I talked to Garp and told him about Taking down Buggy and the orange island's condition. He promised to get them aid as soon as possible. Then I told him about how I had a lead on Kuro and that he wasn't truly captured three years ago. He asked I captured him alive and explained everything to Smoker at Loguetown.

Landing at the northern coast of Syrup Village I am wondering if we could get Kaya to board the ship I mean she could be a pretty helpful person is she becomes the nurse for Chopper. I could also get her a devil fruit maybe the Snow Snow Fruit in Punk Hazard. I mean Monet is wasting it and if I get Nami the Thunder Thunder Fruit from Enel all we would need is someone to make the sun shine and we could control the weather around our ship.

Dropping anchor I grab Nami as Luffy grabs Zoro. I use Geppo to leisurely bring Nami where as Luffy rockets them both to the beach landing straight up while Zoro is in an impact crater. Landing next to Luffy, I let Nami down. " I still can't believe you can jump in the air and move so fast Jonny you guys are like superhuman." Nami says with a small blush

"As long as you keep training one day you will be able to do this stuff too. As long as you work hard I wouldn't mind finding you a devil fruit in the future." I say as we start to climb up the hill. when suddenly a pachinko ball hit the dirt in front of our feet.

"If you're pirates you better turn back. I have over 8 million men on this island ready to fight. " A voice says as six flags pop up out of a Bush and start waving back and forth.

" Oh yeah. I've been looking for a good fight." Luffy says stepping forward, rolling up an imaginary sleeve. Then we see a young man with a long nose step forward.

" He's lying you idiot." A shark tooth name tells as she clobbers Luffy head into the ground.

The long nose teen yells, " I may have lied about my 8 million men but I won't let you take a step onto this island." He says as he aims his slingshot at us.

Luffy steps forward with his hat covering his eyes and in a cold voice says " Now that you've drawn your weapon. Are you willing to use it?"

Zoro steps up next " The man before you is a real pirate."

Suddenly I appear behind Ussop with a pistol to his head. He turns his head as I cock the trigger.

" Ah. you guys are real pirates. I was just joking, please don't loot the town." He says after falling on the ground.

"Shishishi your funny. You remind me alot of Yassop." Luffy says with a laugh.

" Oh you know my Dad. My name is Ussop. But everyone around her calls me Ussop the brave captain of the sea. Or Captain Ussop the brave for short. Why don't you all come to town and have a meal on me as an apology? " Ussop offers.

" Yay, free meat." Luffy cheers as he head into town.

As we eat Luffy yells Ussop stores about when Shanks and Yassop visited. Nami looked on conflicted one part happy about Luffy and Ussop's expierences with pirates the other feeling envious of them. After the meal Ussop makes an excuse and runs away. The kids soon come asking about Usopp before explain he went to the rich sick lady to lie for her health. After the meal we split up and looked around. After an hour I saw Ussop heading g back into town.

I decided to go visit Kaya and see how she felt about sailing the high seas. Appearing on the tree Ussop uses I lightly knocked on the window to get her attention.

" Oh Ussop your back. Are you going to continue telling me about the pirates on the island." She says before fully turning and seeing me. " Eh, excuse me but you wouldn't happen to be one of the pirates mentioned are you?" She asks a slight worried look on her face.

"Guilty as charged. I am one of those pirates. When I heard about how you are sick I decided to take a look at you I'm a pretty good doctor. I also heard you have some interest in nursing?" I ask her.

" While my interest started from trying to find a cure for my self I do enjoy learning medicine. If you think you could heal me that would be amazing. No doctors can seem to find the disease." She says looking down sadly.

" Have you ever thought about what you would do if you were healthy?" I ask as I begin looking over her body. " I mean you must have some sort of a dream"

" If I could I would love to go to sea and have an adventure." She says wistfully. " But I'm to sick to ever experience that."

" I may have a way to help you Kaya what do you say? Even if I can't help you I heard of a doctor that is over 100 years old on the Grandline. I'm sure she would be able to heal you." I say with a smile

" That would be a great dream but I don't think I could convince Kurahadole to let me leave." She says looking down.

" Well I think you should try to smile more your pretty cute when you smile. I'm gonna look over your medical information and see if I can find the name of your disease. Think on what I said we probably won't leave for a few days." I say as I get ready to leave.

"Goodbye mister. What's your name? " She asks a little embarrased.

" You can call me Jonny." I say smiling as I leave.

Quickly reaching town I realize it should be just after Ussop and Luffy come across Jango and Kuro meeting. I decided to round up Nami and Zoro and go get Ussop before waking up Luffy. Leaving town and heading in the direction of the south shore we see Ussop running up to us.

" Hey guys! Luffy's dead! He fell of a cliff and died! He wasn't moving!" Luffy says running over waving his arms.

Once he is close enough. I calm him down and let him know that falling 100 meters wouldn't hurt Luffy let alone 30. We leisurely walk to where Luffy and as you get closer you can hear him snoring. Rolling him over you can now see the snot bubble he has.

"Alright Usopp tell me exactly how that guy made Luffy fall asleep." I say looking at him.

" That guy had is chakram go back and forth and he said you fall asleep when I say one two Jango then when he did it Luffy actually fell asleep. And he met with Kurahadole. They talked about attacking the town and killing Kaya we have to warn he. " He says finally showing some backbone.

" Before we go forward as the First Mate of the Straw Hat Pirates I must tell you all something about our pirate group. You see Luffy's full name is Monkey D. Luffy. He is both the grandson of Garp the Hero of the Marines and Monkey D. Dragon the Leader of the Revolutionary Army." Following my bombshell everyone is quiet for a minute.

Zoro is the first to speak, " What does that have to do with our pirate group?"

"It has two different meanings. The first is that we will encounter many people that target us because of his family connection. The second that is in order to relieve his Grandpa's worries and to help us. I agreed to secret partnership to a secret department of the marines led by Garp they are called S.W.O.R.D.. We tell them off any corrupt marines we encounter. That's how I got information that Kurohador is actually Kuro. Once we raise a black flag we will tell them about any evil pirates we beat for the marines to capture. They will also share info about the Grandline specifically the second half of the Grandline The New World. Seasoned crews call the first half Paradise because it is by comparison." I inform them looking serious.

Nami talks first this time, " If it's so dangerous to be near Luffy and go to this new world. Why follow him? Why do any of this?"

" You see Nami growing up my parents told my all kinds of amazing fairytales, adventure stories and tales of distant islands. they told stories about making every day an adventure. All while they worked day in and day out. Just to succumb to pneumonia. I decided then to save up and go on an adventure. Eventually I was shipwrecked on Luffy's Island 2 years before we set out. He told me his dream and I thought it would be such an amazing adventure better than any of the stories I had heard before. I instantly wanted to be part of it, so I asked him if i could join his crew as his first mate and see the greatest adventure story first hand. He agreed to help me train and I had the gravity belts and manuals to help us train. You see when I shipwrecked on Luffy's island I was weaker than Nami or Usopp are now. Look at what we accomplished on one island. We have this amazing ship, we trained each others skills to a degree that paradise should be a breeze for us. I also secretly collected a shit ton of money that way we won't run out of food with Luffy and we can buy a huge ship later at Water 7, an island in the Grandline." I explain my reasoning.

" How much money did you save?" Nami questions before snapping out of it, " Wait what island are you two from?"

" The island is known as Dawn Island it was known as the safest island in the world because of Luffy and me." I tell her.

I can see she is shocked but Zoro is oblivious. On the ship Luffy wakes up once I pull out food. Zoro like a true crewmate is quick tell Luffy about how I had a deal with his grandpa but didn't go into detail. I offer to tell him all the information he wants but he says " Shishishi I trust you Jonny. I know you'll help me be the Pirate King."

" Of course I will. Either you'll be the Pirate King or I'll die trying to help you there. " I say with a determined grin.

After that moment we bumbed fist. He quickly went back to eating as we told him about Kuro and how they will attack at dawn. We head to bed deciding to wake up early to booby trap the south hill and wait in case they come in from the north. After prepping everything we make it to the northern slope weapons in hand as the sun slowly starts to rise and we can see the Black Cat Pirate ship coming in. Eventually they disembark everyone being rowdy walking up the slope until they spot the five of us. They start to murmur until Jango comes to the front of the group and spots us.

" Huh, I thought I killed the kid in the strawhat. What ever black cats attack." Jango says with a sneer.

" Hey, Luffy how about we let those three fight and step in if we need to?" I question, " We can consider it training for them."

" You three heard Jonny go ahead and fight." Luffy says looking bored now picking his nose.

Zoro immediately charges in while Nami sputters, " But I'm just a pretty girl do I have to fight?"

And Ussop begs, " Please don't make me fight." his knees are shaking.

" Nami consider this training go crazy if you are in danger I'll save you." I say smiling at her. Then u turn to Ussop and finish, " Don't you want to protect the villagers? Then you have to be strong. you shoot from a distance anyway you aren't likely to be hurt."

After that the two of them join in. Ussop covering Nami as she charges in pummeling guys with her staff. I'll have to look in the shop for something for her. Hopefully I can convince Ussop to use guns later or at least make his slingshot slot better than just some rubber bands on a stick.

Watching them fight you can tell Ussop is weak, has no stamina and easily scared. But his positives are his quick hands, good eyes and timing. Nami is weak, slow and not use to frontal combat. Her positives are she has great body control, positioning and can predict her enemies movements.

It isn't long before everyone but Jango is knocked on the ground. Zoro isn't tired with his gravity belt still on full. Where as Nami and Ussop and tired Nami even more than Ussop due to fighting on the front lines.

Seeing everyone down Jango calls for the Nyanban brothers to come take them down. I call back Nami and Ussop as Zoro prepares to fight them. They try to pretend to be weak but Zoro isn't having it. They come at him full force but we takes them down with barely a scratch on his arm.

" I see this is what's keeping you. Five children. very well Jango I'll give you five minutes to take care of them. After that you'll get to see my Pussyfoot maneuver up close and personal." Kuro says adjusting his glasses with his claw gloves on.

"Ah, Kuro. Of course we will take them out in a second I'll hypnotize everyone and finish this fast." He says with sweat dripping down his head. " Now at the cou-

* Bang*

A hole appears in Jango's forehead as blood start dribbling out. He collapses like a puppet with his string cut. Seeing this everyone turns and stares at me holding my rifle.

" What was I supposed to let him make them stronger or something? " I ask rhetorically. " Anyway, Zoro you should release your gravity and try your new speed against Kuro he is one of the fastest people in the East Blue. If you can beat him a battle of speed. It will show the big progress you've made."

He deactivates his belt and approaches Kuro getting into his stance. " I see you all know who I am. It doesn't matter I will take you all down and slaughter everyone on the island. Then I'll leave and pretend I left a day ago. It's a messier plan than I intended but you things always can't go to plan. Pussyfoot."

Then Kuro disappeared and reappeared behind Zoro ready to slash him. With Zoro's new speed it was easy to see through and block his attack. Then he kept attacking Zoro falling into a rhythm until he started effortlessly dodging Kuro's attack and slashed his chest.

Kuro jumped back in pain. " Damn you pirates if only you had never come I could have killed Kaya and made a fortune with no trouble. It was the perfect plan I faked my death. Then served here for three years waiting and planning for this day. All to be ruined by a high nose liar and his friends. "

" Klahadore stop it. If it's money you want you can have all of it and just leave. " Kaya comes out holding a pistol pointing it at Kuro.

" Ah sweet Kaya. You should just put the gun down and go back to bed. You don't need to worry you won't be alive when the sun finishes rising." Kuro says with a weird smile on his face.

" Isn't just money you want? You can take it and go no one else has to get hurt. " She says shaking now.

" Money? You simple minded child it's not just about money. It's about never having to worry about the marines again about being free from the title of pirate." Kuro says as if talking with a child.

" You're no pirate! Zoro take him out no more holding back. Show him the determination of a true pirate." Luffy says with a serious look on his face. Zoro nods and gets back into his stance.

" Ha what do you know of being a pirate. You children will die. While I will remain free and safe. Cat out of the Bag Attack. " Kuro says as starts to sway backand forth.

" Be on guard Zoro. He will now be approaching the speed of Soru. You need to focus. Luffy help me protect everyone else. " I say looking serious.

Kuro disappears and scratch marks just start appearing all over. Only Luffy and I can clearly see Kuro. Zoro seems to be struggling with Kuro's speed. He continues going around until he finally approaches Zoro's left, but he is deflected to the side. He then attacks Zoro straightforward but is blocked. He jumps back then glancing around he speeds towards Kaya. I appear in front of her and kick Kuro away.

"Your fight is with Zoro if you attack someone else again. I'll put you down. " I say looming at him with a serious look. Before turning to Kaya with a smile. " I told you I'd keep you safe."

After Kuro gets back to his feet the fight resumes. As a few minutes pass it seems like Zoro can now handle Kuro's speed. Even if Kuro can't tell where he is going now Zoro can. After five minutes Kuro has a few small cuts on his body and is breathing ruggedly the same as Zoro. Before one last move and Zoro decapitated Kuro narrowly dodging his claws getting a three small cuts on his left cheek.

Once the fight was over I cleaned up the bodies only keeping the heads of Jango, Kuro and the Nyan brothers. The rest were dumped into the ocean to be fish food. Then we looted their ship putting it in my inverntory and I stored the ship in my blackhole. Now it was like the attack on the island never happened.

After making sure that Merry was alright after being shot we had lunch in the mansion. " Thanks for the food Kaya." Luffy said patting his belly.

" Its the least I could do after you saved me and everyone else on the island. " Kaya said with a smile looking a little healthier.

"Shishishi of course I wouldn't let them attack here Yassop is from here and he's my friend. You and Ussop are my new friends too. Of course we would protect you guys. " Luffy says as if it is obvious.

" Shut up Luffy. You and Jonny didn't even do anything. I had to fight all those scary pirates alone. Jonny you owe me making me fight like that. " Nami says with a pout.

" Hey I said I would keep you safe. And I did what I said I would. You can't tell me you didn't notice how much stronger you got since training." I reply flatly. She just turns her head and pouts.

" Anyway Luffy I was wondering since we are looking Nakama. How about Ussop and Kaya. He could be a sniper and she could be a nurse. I could teach her what I know and we could buy new books at different islands. " I ask Luffy's opinion.

" As long as they want to join. I'm fine with it. " Luffy says with an uncaring shrug. Before turning to them, "Shishishi do you want to be Straw Hat Pirates?"

" Of course I'll join. As long as you make me Captain. " Usopp says pointing at himself.

" Shishishi your funny. I'm the Captain. I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates!" Luffy says with a huge grin.

" Alright I'll join. It's always been my dream to go out and become a Brave Warrior of the Sea. " Ussop says with a grin.

" While I would love to go on an adventure like this. I don't know if I could go I am pretty weak and sickly. " Kaya says looking a little sad but hopeful.

" I already told you Kaya. Luffy and I are strong enough to protect you. As far as your sickness. Remember I told you about a doctor that's over 100 years old. She is bound to be able to help heal you. " I say looking her in the eyes.

She blushes and looks down, " If you really think I can get better. I would love to come with you guys. " she says before looking at Luffy, " Captain, thank you for welcoming me. "

" Shishishi of course. You are now my Nakama." He says before he finishes the last of the food.

After our meal we spend the day on the Island. Kaya makes her arrangements packing away everything she wants. With my inventory we can take everything. But she leaves most of her fortune here for her caregivers to take care of her home with. I mean we already had a lot of money.

The next day we set sail and I knew this was just the start of our journey.