
"Scarlet Pouch Alliance in the Tri-Realms"

"SPATR" unfolds against a mystical backdrop, blending elements from heaven, earth, and the human realm. An intricate red envelope takes center stage, symbolizing the heart of the story. Vibrant colors and celestial symbols convey the diversity of the Three Realms, while subtle images of gods, historical figures, and mythical creatures add depth to this captivating tale.

Da_Ai_Douban · ตะวันออก
18 Chs

Chapter 16: Clash at Xianghu Club

"Don't do it! What is this saying, Da Shi? What are you talking about?" The manager hastily intervened upon hearing Feng Shao's name, his attention directed towards Lan Mengchen. "Miss, I'm really sorry, you have also seen, I can't help this situation today. Can you please change the restaurant for two of you, and I will give you 20% off next time!" he whispered, completely ignoring Chen Xiaobei.

Lan Mengchen, seeing the manager's attitude, sighed and decided to change the venue to avoid further embarrassment. However, Chen Xiaobei was not willing to accept this. "Why change? I said I'm asking you to eat here, and it won't change!" His eyes were firm, determined to make a statement.

Shi Mingwei, ignoring Chen Xiaobei's assertion, threatened to call Feng Shao for support. The manager, swayed by Shi Mingwei's influence, seemed reluctant to stand up to him. In a surprising turn, Chen Xiaobei revealed a VIP card from the Wen Group, shocking everyone present. Even Lan Mengchen was taken aback.

Shi Mingwei, refusing to accept this twist of fate, insisted the card was fake. The manager confirmed its authenticity, revealing Chen Xiaobei held the Premier VIP Gold Card of the Wen Group, a card with only three in the entire city. Shi Mingwei and Yao Bingbing, realizing their misjudgment, were unceremoniously blacklisted and thrown out, leaving Chen Xiaobei and Lan Mengchen as supreme VIPs within the Xianghu Club.

Inside the box, Chen Xiaobei, in between bites, seized the opportunity to check the Three Realms Red Packet Group. Surprised by the sudden surge of red envelopes, he fervently grabbed as many as he could. However, his luck took a comical turn when he received a red envelope from Xiaotian Dog containing a bag of dog food. Despite the absurdity, Chen Xiaobei continued his enthusiastic pursuit, indifferent to the amusement of those around him.

Lan Mengchen, initially irritated by Chen Xiaobei's preoccupation with red envelopes, found herself unexpectedly perturbed by his indifference towards her. A surge of emotions caught her off guard, prompting introspection. Lan Mengchen grappled with the unfamiliar feeling, questioning whether she was, in fact, "tempted" by the enigmatic Chen Xiaobei.