
"Scarlet Pouch Alliance in the Tri-Realms"

"SPATR" unfolds against a mystical backdrop, blending elements from heaven, earth, and the human realm. An intricate red envelope takes center stage, symbolizing the heart of the story. Vibrant colors and celestial symbols convey the diversity of the Three Realms, while subtle images of gods, historical figures, and mythical creatures add depth to this captivating tale.

Da_Ai_Douban · ตะวันออก
18 Chs

Chapter 10: Unveiling the VIP Card

"This is our Supreme VIP Card of the Wen Group. As long as you present this card at any of our subsidiaries, your bill will be waived, and you'll enjoy treatment at the president level!"

Old Man Wen handed a delicately crafted golden card to Chen Xiaobei, expressing his gratitude profusely. The literary family members watched with envy as Chen Xiaobei received the prestigious VIP card, granting him the status to be on par with Wen Tianyuan himself.

Leaving the box with the gold card in hand, Chen Xiaobei, somewhat perplexed about the Wenshi Group's intentions, made a swift exit.

Once out of the box, he immediately reached for his phone. The vibrations during Wen Lao's awakening had caught his attention. However, instead of a red envelope, he found a system message.

—Three Realms: The cycle of cause and effect in the world. Accumulate merit by performing good deeds, and use it to elevate yourself.

"Merit to upgrade? Is it similar to experience points, allowing me to level up through merit?" Chen Xiaobei pondered.

He explored further:

—Three Realms levels: Human, Good Person, Big Good Person, Good Person of the Third Age, Good Person of the 10th Century, Human Fairy, Earth Fairy, Tianxian, True Fairy, Taiyi Zhenxian, Taiyi Jinxian, Taiyi Xuanxian, Dalu Zhenxian, Daluojin Daluo Xuanxian, Leader of the Mixed Yuan, Golden Fairy of the Mixed Yuan, and Mixed Yuan to Immortal.

"Accumulate merit to become an immortal!" Chen Xiaobei was astonished. The concept of ascending to immortal status was beyond his comprehension.

As he tried to make sense of it all, Chen Xiaobei stored his phone, paid the bill, and called his three roommates to return to school together.

In the taxi, he explained the events of saving Wen Lao to his roommates, leaving out the fortune-telling part and presenting Xiaobaicao as a remedy for their rural relatives.

Listening to the story, the roommates were envious, realizing the significance of Chen Xiaobei's newfound connection with Wen Lao. Being able to associate with the backbone of the Wen family and enjoy a close relationship with the Wen Group's president was a dream for many.

"Is the car behind you a friend of yours? It's been following for a long time," the taxi driver suddenly remarked.

"We don't know the car; maybe it's just heading in the same direction," Zhang Fengyi nonchalantly replied.

Chen Xiaobei, however, kept his composure and discreetly signaled the taxi driver.

"Oops! Omen! I need to resolve it three miles west," Chen Xiaobei muttered nervously.

"Master, stop at the next intersection. I need to get off," Chen Xiaobei requested.

Concerned, Zhou Zitao asked, "What happened, Boss?"

"Nothing major. You guys head back; I have something to attend to," Chen Xiaobei explained briefly, and as the taxi stopped, he hurriedly alighted.

Calling another car, Chen Xiaobei drove towards Xicheng, the car trailing him all along.

Xicheng, known for its chaos, was a gathering place for bars, dance halls, and entertainment clubs. Criminals and gang members mingled freely, creating disturbances almost daily.

Chen Xiaobei, having heard about the area, wondered how he could resolve the omen in this chaotic place.

Suddenly, a harsh sound caught his attention. "Xiao Xiaosan! Stand still, you brat!"

Wen Feng, the young man with a slap mark on his face, rushed towards Chen Xiaobei with a bodyguard in tow.

"It's you!" Chen Xiaobei connected the dots.

"My parents never scolded me since childhood. Wen Tianyuan dared to hit me for your sake!" Tong Wenfeng declared. "I can't touch Wen Tianyuan until my dad returns, but dealing with you, Xiao Xiaosan, is easy!"

Chen Xiaobei, unfazed, smiled, "I suggest you turn back; otherwise, there will be bloodshed."

"Foolish boy! How dare you act tough! I can knock you down with a single punch! Why would our young master bother with you?" The bodyguard sneered.

As the bodyguard approached, Chen Xiaobei, brimming with anger, declared, "I've warned you not to use parents as insults. Today, I'll teach you a lesson!"

"Arrogant brat! Prepare to get beaten!" The bodyguard raised his fist, ready to strike.

But at that moment, a middle-aged man appeared, holding half a bottle of beer. He patted Wen Feng's shoulder casually.