
"Reborn of the hero"

DaoistKT2qmi · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

"The End and the Start"

In this world where "ki" and equipments was the fundamental basis in fighting different kinds of beasts. I discovered my talent in fighting at the age of seven I didn't expect I would have this kind of talent Since I was an orphan, So when I turned at the age of fifteen I meet a man name Will that got interested in my talent which this man then became my master.

He teached different kinds of martial arts, from hand combat to swordmanship. My master also feed me and took care of my health, he treated me as if I was his son.

Time went by as I separated from my master to go on my own journey to learn new things and to finds some ally's. I went on a small city name "Granoll" where I started my adventure and also which where I stayed and meet my "Nathaniel" he was kind and joyful person, we became pretty close, as day's pass by the both decided to adventure together since we're both an adventurers.

After our stay at the "City of Granoll" we went on our journey, we pass by different kinds of city's and meet a lot of people some of them became our companions, then we stumbled upon a beautiful young lady name "Ray" shw became one of our group that consists seven people with four man and three woman.

I began to develop feelings for Ray because of her beauty and kindness, the first person I told about this was my best friend Nathaniel. Of course Nathaniel as my best friend help me on my love life, as the progress made Ray also began to develop some feelings towards me, which lead me to confess my feelings to her and the girl I love answered my feelings for her, then we officially became lovers.

As we continued our adventure which leads us to the City of Harvey a main city for tourists and all of the city we went so far it was the biggest city that we ever seen, as we made our way to the city we stumbled one of the asking for help "Oh great adventurers, may I ask for you're help and guidance, as for the King is asking me to find a worthy hero that would lead us to victory against the Demons as far as I can see amongst the adventurers you people are the only worthy to be called a hero" as the chilled went down my spine from excitement thinking becoming a hero and fight a Demon alongside my companions.

I looked back at my companions looking at them if they would agree, as Nathaniel saw my glistering eyes he just let out a sigh and nodded along the others as my face was filled with smile I then look back to the guard and answered "we accept your request"

The guard immediately replied "Thank you adventurers" he then lead us the way to the castle, as we enter the gigantic metal doors that are opening we then walk a hall where it leads us to the King's throne as we see the King we all bown down the guard then talk to the King "my Lord I have brought the worthy people to become the hero"

The King answered with superior tone "good" as he was gazing at us "Could you please leave us for moment to talk" the King ordered the guards and knight as everyone leaving silent went for a moment the King then talk "adventurers you will become a hero who will protect and serve this continent from the Demons, at any moment you could die while serving this continent, so let me ask you again are willing to protect and sacrifice your life for this country?" the King asked.

We looked at each other nodded before we answer the "yes your highness we accept your request, we are ready to devotee my life for the greater good of this continent"

The King smile and shouted "Guards lead this edventur-, no this hero to their room and give them you're best service" the King ordered.

In there after we began our hero life along side my ally's.

We fought beast and demons we once never lose, and then we gain the people's trust then the time to fight the Demon lord has began, the fight last for hours, our body was covered with blood and cuts and at last we finally killed the Demon King.

the fight between the Demons beside my companions the blood and sweat that we shed, the time we ate in the same table, the time that we accompanied together and the sorrow and tear that we shared but to think that the companions that I most trusted would be betrayed me after we.

As I was walking on our way back to the castle to report I walked at the front besides my lover while my companions are at the back, I suddenly felt something penetrate through my stomach, I look down seeing a sword inside my stomach, I look behind my best friend holding the sword that was pierce through my stomach I asked "why?"

He answered with a grin in his face "because you're hindering in way to the top, you always stole the spotlight from me so we decided that we will get rid of you and stole your title but don't worry I'll take care of your lover and I'll make sure to tell the people about you're honorable death"

I immediately replied with a heavy panting due to the pain "I thought of you as a my trusted friend but because of the envy of my title you would even kill your best friend?"

"Best friend? who? you? hahahaha" he burst into laughter to what I said "fool! I never thought of you as my best friend or an ally" he looked at me with a wide grin like he was looking at mere bug.

I was a fool thinking that they thought of me as their ally or friend, when their intentions was leaking from the beginning.

I never thought I would be stab by a sword while lying in the ground dying and being looked down by my companions and lover, thinking maybe this was a dream, "maybe when I wake up everything would be back to normal" but everything is real and all I can say is "Ah I'm dying".

Hundreds of questions are popping in my head, am I really dead? is this the end? is lying in the ground si all I could do? I'm Simon the Great Hero and I can't do anything!? Pathetic! and I call myself a Hero that could not even do anything while my lover was being stole by my best friend and being looked down and mock by my companions.

The end was near I was puking blood all over, my eyes were slowly closing, my breath was heavy, my temperature is slowly decreasing and then everything went silent it was scary and the thought popped in my mind that "so this is what it feels like dying haha" I could only laugh at my current state. I look at my companions one last time hoping at least they regret their action but I was wrong their face was filled with grinned while mocking me "what was I expecting how stupid can I be" and I finally died.

Hmm... maybe this is the way to the afterlife it's was dark and cold and then I saw a light "ah I'm really going to heaven haha" as I was closing to the light I heard voice saying "congratulations" thinking that it was an Angel that was welcoming me but suddenly everything went blury when I open my eyes to see clearly I saw an man and old lady standing while a woman was lying there looking at me, I was confuse when I tried to speak I can only hear a newborn that was crying, I look around on what is happening and then it finally struck my mind I was the newborn baby that the woman was holding "what's this? what is happening? why am I a child? I thought I died?" these were the question that comes into my mind.

I went and thinking what could be the possible explanation why am I a newborn child and alive right now, time has passed and the only thing I could think "was I got reincarnated in this new world? I only heard about it but to think it's possible". While I was thinking the people that surround me that I think supposed to be my mother and father we're discussing something in a language that I don't know but strange enough I can understand what we're they saying. As I was listening to their discussion to what will they name me, my father that was touching his chin while thinking finally came up with a name "honey let's name him Lucas" my father stated.

"It's a good name dear, let's go with that. lady Terlia we've decided on a name it's Lucas Raylins" my mother immediately replied with warm smile to the old lady "Yes it's a good name indeed Mrs.Tess" the lady chuckled at my mother smiling face, after talking for a while the old lady finally left the home and my mother put me on a bed for me to sleep "my son it's time to sleep" said that while gently patting me in the head with a caring smile in her face.

4years have past after my reincarnation I began to learn to walk and talking, I've learned some information about this world, in my old world we use Ki but in this world they use Mana that resides inside the so called Mana heart which produce Mana that circulates in the body, as Mana circulates in our pinpoints to able to use magic. There are five main elements which is earth, wind, fire, water and lightning and I learned that my father and mother were former adventurers my mother was a healer a rare type of ability only few people manifest this kind of magic and one of that was my mother, as for my father he was a earth element user he was vanguard when he was a adventurer and there is an rankings base on your Mana heart which starts at, Dark core, Silver core, Yellow core, Orange core, Red core and Light core. My mother was a Yellow core while my father was a Orange core mage.

Of course I was fascinated hearing that I can use magic, I searched for a lead on how I can use magic that's when I came across a room filled with books about Mana and magic, I started reading about books on how to circulate the Mana throughout my body as.

As I gain the basic knowledge about Mana to my surprise the process was almost similar to Ki. I began meditating to make the flow of the Mana circulates smoothly from my pinpoints to my Mana heart, at first it's a lot harder than I expected but when the time pass I began to getting a hold of it. I was able to feel the Mana running all over my body while undergoing procedure and started sensing my Mana heart to change into a Dark core stage, when I finally got to the Dark core stage a strong shock wave spread around the house that cause panic from my parents.

My mother started calling my name with a worried voice "Lucas! Lucas where are you!?" while my dad came rushing towards the room that the shockwave come from, when he got there his face was filled with mix emotion on his seeing, my mother then came after my father, as he saw my father standing in there looking dazed, my mother asked "what wrong honey where's Lucas?"

Father started lifting his finger pointing towards the room "H-honey L-lucas is using a Mana" Father stared at me in utter amazement as my mother was in complete shock on the what she saw.

My Mother declared "Dear our child is a genius" as I open my eyes I got confused by the sight of both of my parents with their jaw drop, after thinking for a while I catch up on what's happening forgotten that I was on a body of a 4years old child, of course everyone would be shocked if they saw a child meditating while coated with an aura. I couldn't help but smile in a forceful way and saying "hi mom, dad?" with a hint of giggle.

Both of my parents suddenly jump in excitement knowing that their child can use Mana at a early age and then they began discussing on what to do about me, my father the first one to talk "we should start teaching him how to use a sword"

Mother instantly answer with arguing tone "No, Let's get him a private tutor to teach him, it be best for him if fully understand basic Mana usage"

"But his still too young we should start by teaching him to use sword, I will personally teach him we can also save money" both of them argued for an hour until they decided on what to do "ahem" mother cough to get our attention "Lucas, we've decided that I will teach you about magic and your father will teach you swordmanship" ah so they decided to do both they should done that from the beginning instead of arguing for hours.

So my training has begun, my father teaches me at the morning and my mother at the afternoon, while I snuck out at night to gather some more information.

My training from my father is hard because of his thick headed skull that doesn't know how to go easy on a 4years old child "Lucas, you're to slow! faster! don't just block find an opening for you to strike" as he shouted while striking relentlessly.

I could've had done that if I was at my old body "D-don't you think you should go easy on me dad, I-i mean my body is still frail and w-weak so it's hard to keep up" I answered with a heavy panting.

"That isn't a good reason for me to go easy on you, a real man should fight head no matter what the size of your body!" he answered with a deep tone, "says the man with a bulky body" I mumbled quietly.

My Father answered with a curious tone "what was that?" I instantly answer with a smile "it's nothing" my father tilted his head confused.

"Ok, that's enough let's end it for today, ok?" he paused to wait for my answer "sure, sounds good to me" then he give me a smirk, somehow his smirk ticked me off, I just gave him a smile that didn't match with my eye.

After we finish the lesson we then went inside to the house to eat lunch, mother come and greeted us with a clean towel for our stream of sweat and then she ask "how was the training Lucas?"

I then answered with smile "It was fine except the fact that my old man doesn't know how to go easy on a 4years old child" My mother immediately averted her gaze to father, I couldn't help but chuckled but before they start arguing I speak and said "but it was fun seeing that dad was doing his best to teach me so that I can learn" I then turned to my father as his eyes sparkle as if it's saying "thank you!"

We then went in the dining hall and started eating and talking for a while, I then took a shower and rested before my lesson on my mother began. As I was looking in the wooden ceiling I began to remember my past life before I got reincarnated on how I got betrayed by my former companions that stabbed me in the stomach as I was daze kept thinking about what happened, my mother suddenly called me to start my lessons that snapped me out back from reality "Lucas are you ready for today?"

I just smiled and answer "yeah" I thought that when I went to adventure I would find a trustworthy ally that would never betray me.