
"One who"

After the death of Satoru Gojo in the fight against the king of curses, the sorcerer's soul is transported to another dimension with many differences and events that will make the sorcerer reflect on this new world. It should be noted that English is not my first language and that I am not very good at speaking or writing it and that this story is not mine.

MrXmeru · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Chapter 2: Orario











Everything was chaos

Dismembered bodies, rivers of blood, elderly adults and ... Children

I watched helplessly as I clenched my fists as the rivers of blood only increased and with them the bodies in what seemed to be a mountain of corpses, like an offering to a God.

-Whoever did this has already left the place-

A sudden thought came to my mind and I ran, I didn't know why, I just did it.

By continuing along the path that I had marked these days, I arrived at what until a few hours ago was my home.

It was destroyed, it was not very big to be considered a mansion, but it was not small either, what you would expect from a merchant father.

Entering I found the scene that I... feared?

I hadn't lived with them much so I didn't have much affection for them, but for the first time in my two lives,

I didn't feel pressured, pressured to meet the expectations of people I didn't know, just because I was born with a "gift", a gift that made me the strongest, jum, it made sense to say this now.

They are dead after all.

My "father" in front of my "mother" in a scene that I could categorize as a unilateral massacre.

-I think he tried to protect her, but he couldn't and they ended her life-

I could feel the blindfold I had on my eyes getting wet on the left side.

If I had to guess I would say that I am crying, but only for one eye, the same eye that remained the same after my reincarnation.

Going further into the "house" I went to my room to get my clothes, I had to get new ones, after all they were falling short for my unbridled growth due to the mana of nature and its acceleration in my growth, after taking With my things I went to my parents' room and took everything that I would consider useful.

I found a false wall behind a bookshelf, when I crossed I realized that it was like a vault where the money my parents had saved was and I also found what I wanted to assume was my birthday gift.

It was a sword, not very different but it was not of bad quality. I saw it for a moment and then took it, I never needed a weapon like a sword or something similar, the infinity allowed me to cut any attack at close range, except for those cases like Toji.

But now I didn't have infinity, I didn't have that protection, I had to adapt to the moment, and the moment told me that I should use a weapon.

I wasn't as good at it as Maki, but I could hold my own.

-Although to be honest, I think I would do better with a spear-

Finishing my dialogue I left what was my home.

-I will return to my old position as the strongest, for the Satoru of this world, The Satoru whose last name I will never know and will never know and for the Satoru Gojo that I once was, the One who will put the world under his feet. .-

Saying those last words I transported the bodies of my parents and the other villagers to the hill I used to frequent and using earth magic I created a hole for each body.

Earth magic was probably the one that would take me the longest to master, it is easy to manipulate, but this magic included all metals as well as rocks and crystals. Using this magic I created a tombstone for my parents, it goes without saying that I didn't know their names, my mother called my father "honey" and my father only said "Su" whenever he referred to my mother, maybe it was because her name or something that happened, I also did it with that girl who helped me the first day I arrived in this world.

-I will definitely find the person responsible, be it a king or a god, I will make him pay- these words were loaded with a lot of emotions, frustration, anger, sadness, and so on.

Turning around I took one last look at the town and the people's graves.

And then I left for my trip to Orario.














Course of the trip






2nd day...1st week.

Normally it would take a week to reach the dungeon city, Orario, but I decided to take a long route to help me practice and improve my skills.

The reason I took the long route is because it goes through a forest, although it is not really a route, I just took a detour.

-As they say?

-ah yes, I create my own paths- a small smile formed on my face

-Also, all the monsters outside the dungeon are very weak for me, fufu, I guess it's destiny to be the strongest fufufu- I think I have a knack now, I always heard a former nun from an orphanage laugh like that, just thinking The expression on her face as she laughed like that gives me chills.

-Anyway, if I continue at this pace I think it will take 2 weeks longer than expected, but...this detour will be worth it hehehe- that was strange












5th day... 1st week

I'm still in that forest, the only thing I've encountered are goblins and some kobolds, I also encountered a stone golem, it was difficult, I wanted to train only one type of magic, I underestimated it and in the end, it gave me a good blow, I admit, that made me a little emotional, it's not like I was a masochist or something but it was the first time I felt the pain after my death on my home world, so I used earth and water magic and trapped him in a puddle of mud that was formed due to combining these two magics, the good thing about this trip is that I can now create water, although only on a small scale, but returning to the golem, I had to use the blue and imbue it in my sword, the Blue is more of the blunt type, so it won't slice through the stone of the golem like it's butter, but it definitely boosts the damage so it only takes a few well-placed blows to the arms to destroy them and the final blow to the head and neck. end up crushing.

When I was about to continue my path, I saw a red flash from the rubble of the golem. Out of curiosity, I approached and saw a small red stone that was shining. I took it cautiously and looked at it for a few seconds until... I ate it.


I was curious and above all I had to drink something, inside the stone there was something moving, I thought it was some liquid or something similar, while I chewed and swallowed it I realized that it was definitely not something liquid but it made me feel something strange, so so I used manna from nature and put it all over my body to heal myself in case it was harmful.

-Nothing happened- I said that but in reality I am no longer thirsty or hungry, how strange.

Once this was done, I continued on my way to orario












2nd day.....2nd week

I think I'm in the heart of the forest, the density of the trees is the greatest I've seen so far, it's a little tedious having to zig zag to move but that's how I've found more monsters.

There is not much to highlight so far since the last time, I have improved a lot with the manipulation of blue and earth, I have managed to create crystals as a barrier and I managed to imbue it with blue, it seems that it is like a magic repellent, but It is weak against physical blows.

The monsters have not been much of a problem until now, I have encountered the same monsters and some golems, I also ate their red and shiny stones, I had read in a book that the monsters have a stone inside that is the core or something like that like the heart of the monster, but the monsters outside the dungeon do not turn into dust like those in the dungeon, the golems only disassemble into many pieces of rock, but at least I am able to kill many of them in a short time.

7th day.....2nd week

I have finally left the forest, achieved better mana manipulation, and experimented with my body and blue.

With the first one it was nothing more than introducing LARGE amounts of mana from nature into my body, I don't know what the hell happened, but those stones definitely have to do with me feeling taller, I'm definitely between 1.55 and 1.65, I don't think that be healthy for a "10" year old, it's better this way anyway

With the second thing is that I discovered that if you combined the water and blue mana, ice is generated, I think this element is my favorite, not only because of its versatility, but because it also matches my hair and my right eye, speaking of hair , it's almost completely white now, only the tips of some strands are still gray but that doesn't matter, it's part of my style for now.

Regarding ice magic, its versatility is based on the fact that I can create ice weapons that I can imbue with blue, but not only that, I can also create walls, freeze enemies, I can lower the air temperature, although I don't know what use it would be to me. Last but there it is and my favorite is that I can do something similar to a domain expansion, where I can create a large ice dome where within it I can control the space and generate more and more ice, it is incredible.

I have also discovered that I am not cut out for combat with weapons, I definitely have the sword they gave me as a souvenir, I am a sorcerer, not a warrior or something like that.

If I need hand-to-hand combat, I will use my fists, that is one of my best skills, my fighting style.

2nd day..... 3rd week

I'm near Orario, I know that, I've seen merchants in carriages pulled by beautiful steeds, I was never prepared for the superior smile they threw at me.

When I "saw" that I just did what anyone would do....

That's right I'm talking about...

Creating a huge puddle of mud right under the carriage followed by making a not-so-nice expression with the middle finger and running away.

Just seeing their worried and upset faces was enough to make my day, I think they'll be stuck there all day.

Something also happened that I didn't like at all, during my way to Orario after leaving the forest, I met a group of people who referred to themselves as bandits.

What upset me was that in the center of them there was an elf child, probably dead, I approached and asked the reason for this scene, they only boasted that they had kidnapped him and how he begged to be released, upon hearing that I only saw the lifeless body of the child and realized how rotten this world was.

I just opened my mouth and tried to speak, but nothing came out, I had nothing to say to scumbags like you who should die.

Using my pseudo domain expansion I created the dome that greatly surprised the bandits because it simply appeared.

The next thing that happened was the most grotesque scene I could have done in my two lives.

What I did was use the ice to bind the limbs of the bandits and stretch them until they were torn off with sheer force, after that I used the bonfire they had made, manipulating the fire mana, I made the fire fly to the parts where they were the limbs of the bandits torn off.

After that I used the ice and divided it with small spears. Thousands of them were directed at the bandits, crossing them from side to side, this entire process was accompanied by their screams and pleas, the entire cold and white floor was filled with blood until he stopped sending mana and the whole place was destroyed and melted, he is definitely very tired from the use of magic that he could not control well at all.

I finished my theater and went to the body of the little elf, he was definitely dead, I walked away from the scene while I made the elf's body fly with wind magic and created a hole for the body, I buried it and created a tombstone with the characteristics of the elf in case the relatives are looking for him and I also put the culprits along with the way they died and of course my signature.

As a last detail, I used mana from nature and managed to create a large cherry tree behind the tombstone, it would be a magnificent scene if it weren't for the meaning of this.

Once this was done I left the scene towards my next stop.

4th day.... 3rd week

FINALLY, I have arrived at Orario, I see the great walls and the entrance with a line of people waiting to enter.

-Wait, isn't that the bald guy I put in the mud a few days ago?...I must be hallucinating-

I walked enough and positioned myself in line for the people who will enter the city.

I waited patiently until my turn came and a guard questioned me.

-Hello!- I can finally talk to someone


"Oh, how bitter," I whispered this but he clearly heard me.

-Is it my job... Name?-

-Satoru...Gojo- I hesitated for a moment before my name, I knew he called me Satoru in this world, but I didn't know my last name, so I said the one from my previous world, even though that Satoru has died.

-Are you passing through or are you staying?-

-I will stay- I certainly won't become the strongest if I don't stay.

-Purpose?-purpose?, what were the names of those hunters who entered the dungeon, argh

Given my carelessness in forgetting what I was going to do, I could only give a very strange response.

-I come to conquer the dungeon hehehe- I was bad, very bad, his expression told me everything, I guess he didn't just think of something like "an invalid comes to conquer the dungeon?"


There was an awkward silence between the two.

-Adventurer then- that was it, I had it on the tip of my tongue,... Or not

-Yep, hehehe- a yellow aura appeared behind me while I swore that yellow flowers formed out of nowhere before my smile.

-Ugh, okay, you can pass, be careful and don't underestimate the dungeon, many die from thinking that they can manage to do anything-

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you," I waved goodbye as I entered the city.

-Ah, I don't know if you know, but first you must register with the guild to be able to enter the dungeon- I admit it, I thought I could just walk in as if I were home and they wouldn't tell me anything.

-I didn't know. Thank you- I thanked for the second time for the very useful information.

Narration. <Freya >

During my entire existence as a goddess of love I was looking for my odr, I had the ability to see the color of the soul, and the soul I was looking for had to be white and pure, such a pure soul.

But I never managed to search among those of my equal, the gods, I found that none of them had a similar color, so once I verified that there was no god with such a pure soul, I decided to search in other existences, the humans.

Beings created from the image of the gods, much was expected of them, but they were disappointing, they were weak physically and mentally, but then an existence was born capable of creating their own beings, then it was there that humans demonstrated their true value, They all joined together and for a time they were able to keep that existence at bay, but not everything is forever, that existence adapted and created stronger beings that cornered humans, the gods decided to do something in the face of the clear extinction of humans, Then they created the spirits, direct children of each god who possessed a part of the power of the father god, these helped humans in their fight against this evil being, and managed to close the origin of these monsters in a structure that was named "dungeon" and an immense tower was created right above it, after the victory of humanity and the spirits, they began to die and disappear, once everything was calm, the gods decided to go down in search of fun to the lower world, Genkai , these gave their blessing to humans and thus families were created, this is not a different case from mine, only that I decided to go down to find my odr, and since I have been in the lower world, I have never found anything similar to a pure soul.

But today a strange event had occurred, a blind teenager, what truly caught our attention was his soul.

It definitely wasn't my odr, but it wasn't a common thing to see either.

A very pale blue soul.

Usually the souls represented the person's state of mind.

If it looked like a flame he was angry, if it was still he was calm, or if it was small he was sad and finally, if it shone he was happy.

But that soul caught my attention a little because even when he made happy expressions, his soul did not get bigger, he seemed to be "blind" he moved as if he could see, he was strange.

He carried a sword, so he probably came to become an adventurer, it was a shame, he was very young and probably hasn't seen people's true faces.

Anyway, it doesn't matter, he will die soon, although it is a shame.









Narration. <Satoru >

Walking through the streets of Orario I asked for directions to the guild, the people were friendly, although I "accidentally" bumped into a girl with light brown hair.

I clearly felt her put her hand in my pocket while we were at the maximum point of closeness alone, when the crash ended she fell on her butt.

"Are you okay?" I feigned concern.

"Ehh, yes-yes" I gave her hand while she picked her up.

-Sorry, I didn't see where she was going-uh-huh

-You're fine, no problem- after saying this I continued walking as if there was nothing.

Once I was out of the little girl's sight she saw her hand and was left with a shocked expression at what was in her hand, an ordinary stone.

Hahaha, her expression was funny.

I headed back forward and came to the front of a building that I was almost sure was the guild.

-Let's go with this-

Entering I came across several desks with several women in almost identical outfits.

It's strange, they were all women.

I approached a redhead with ears, she was the closest and spoke to me with a formal tone.

-Welcome to the guild reception, how can I help you? - That monotone voice seemed quite strange to me in my opinion.

-I come to register as an adventurer- she looked at me for a few seconds before giving me a form and telling me that she will fill it out.

Fill in all the blank spaces except the one that said family and place, instead of place of origin, just put "town 46 km from Orario." I would like to believe that at the time, not all the towns have a name, give it to The truth is that the werewolf or cat woman cannot be distinguished with those vague illustrations in the books.

-Did you miss this space, or don't you have a family?- why, why are you giving me that look, stop it, it gives me chills.

"Nope, I don't have one," she softened her gaze, that's good.

-You can't enter the dungeon- too bad.

-If you don't have a family you can't enter the dungeon- ugh this just got even more complicated.

-I'll save the form for you, go and get a family, once you do, come back to me and I'll officially register you as an adventurer- ugh, now she looks at me with pity.

-Be careful with the family you choose, if you have any ability, I can call a representative of a family- oh that is very convenient

-Do you have a skill?- hehehe-

"In fact, yes, I have an ability," I said very calmly, according to what I know about this world, I am very valuable.

I don't like being the puppet of a god, but it's the quickest way to be strong.

-Very well, follow me- just as she said, I followed her through some corridors until I reached a room with a table and two sofas.

It was soundproofed and a bit cold.

-Very well, if you show me your ability it means that I am going to be your advisor, I will help you with your doubts and so on, do you accept or will you prefer someone else? - I just nodded my head and she sat down and introduced herself.

-My name is Rose Fanett, I am a demi-human and your advisor from now on, I will support you as much as she can- I nodded in confirmation.

-My name is Satoru Gojo, you can call me whatever you want- I really don't care what they call me.

-Well, I'll tell you Satoru, then, show me- I nodded ready for my demonstration.

I concentrated and put my hand in front of her and placed all the items I could on each of my fingers, I saw her surprised face before a small smile formed on her face.

-I can control and cast magic from any element without needing to chant a word- I think I had already understood this well, after all I had earth on my ring finger, wind on my middle finger, fire on my index finger and water on my back. the little finger

Once she came out of her surprise she looked back at me as I finished my demonstration.

"Do I make it bigger?" she shook her head.

-This is enough, I can see the potential of this ability and I think you are one of a kind- of course I am unique, no one can compare to the great Satoru Gojo, perfect and handsome.

-Very well, according to what I have seen, I can call a representative of the Loki or Freya family, personally as your advisor I recommend the Loki family, in the Freya family there are only fools who only want the attention of their goddess- I nodded. comprehension

"Please do it, from the Loki family," she stood up and walked to the door.

"Stay here, I'll come with the representative in a while," I sighed and thanked him.

She walked out and I sighed.

-I'm a fool, I should have looked more amazing- that sigh was because I had an idea to recreate infinity and it was so simple that I actually felt like a fool.

-I simply have to surround myself with a barrier of wind mana, although it will consume large amounts of mana-












Narration. <Riveria Lfos Alf>

Today had been a day like any other, mountains of paper to do.

Being second in command after the captain was not easy, nothing out of the ordinary had happened, until I was informed that the guild's receptionist, Rose Fanett, had a prospect that the Loki family might be interested in.

I didn't know her very well or anything like that, but I knew that if I was recommended by her, I really had talent, so it cleared my agenda for the rest of the day, including classes with my disciple Lefiya Viridis.

Let's say he didn't take it very well, but I said a few things to him and all the anger went away.

I prepared to go to the guild with my typical cane and my white cape and I left.











"What is this?" I asked in disbelief when I was in front of a teenager, the question was directed to the union's receptionist.

-Which is that- I looked at her with a face of disbelief while she subtly pointed out the invalidity of the "prospect" that my family might be interested in.

-Actually, he moves as if he can see, I don't know if they are overdeveloped senses but he is definitely not blind- I gave the boy a look before sitting in front of him.

-What's your name- I would start with the introductions first, I didn't want another bete in the family.

-My name is Satoru Gojo- okay, at least his tone is not one of superiority or arrogance.

-I am Riveria Lfos Alf, vice captain of the Loki family. I introduced myself as the vice captain and not as the princess of an elven kingdom. I like people to recognize me for who I am and not for my title.

-Nice to meet you Riveria-san- it's okay, I think her attitude isn't that bad.

-I say the same thing Satoru-san, and you can just call me Riveria- the truth is I didn't like honorifics.

-Yes, just tell me Satoru please- very good, it's progress.

-The guild receptionist told me that you have a skill that my family may be interested in and that you are willing to join her, am I wrong? - I asked in a calm voice, hoping for a quick response.

"No, what you say is correct," I nodded in understanding.

-Can you show it to me?-

I raised an eyebrow as I watched a pink tint spread across the boy's cheeks.

"Why are you blushing?" I mentally asked.

-Ayy Riveria, I didn't know you were that type- he said this while he hugged himself, a small blush and a twitch appeared on my face.

The only thing that didn't stop me from taking a big hit was that we were new acquaintances.

I sighed and calmed down

-Don't play please, show me your skill- as soon as I said this he stopped hugging and looked back at me.

I raised his hand until it was at my height and I was greatly surprised to see how different types of magic appeared on the tips of his fingers without any type of spell.

-...- I tried to speak but my astonishment did not go away, how was this possible, a human, without fail-, with magic, many doubts appeared in my mind.

Before I could say anything, he spoke.

-I can also do more elemental magic, but I specialize in ice and wind- my jaw was about to fall but I stopped myself.

He will definitely be my disciple if he joins my family.

"Can you make it bigger?" He just nodded and lowered his hand as he placed his palm towards the wall.

I saw how a ball of water formed and hit the wall at high speed.

-Can you do the same with everyone? -I kept my gaze on his blindfold.

-With the majority yes- I just nodded.

-Do you have any conditions to join the family?- It was not strange that they had some condition or request to join the family.

-Not really, what is the benefit of joining Loki family?- I definitely have to bring him to the family.

-Apart from the entrance to the dungeon, you will be provided with a teacher and weapons for your advancement, the teacher will depend on your ability, we will also give you a place to stay and monetary aid for your entry, as well as food, you also have free will to enter the dungeon whenever you want, the only exception is when it is a family excursion, that is mandatory unless you are not in good health - I think I forgot to mention something

"Very well, I accept," I smiled at the promising new member of the family.

-In that case, welcome to the Loki family-










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Credits to Gege Akutami and Fujino ōmori

Clarification: If Bell is going to be in the play, he is going to be the same as in the anime.

I'm also going to make a correction but I'll do it in a way that makes it seem like it makes sense.