
"Jujutsu Kaisen: The Cursed Lightning"

**This is not the story of your typical edgy, Op and invincible protagonist. Everything has its development.*** Hiro Miller, an arrogant and talented young sorcerer from America, has been sent to study at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College as punishment for his reckless behavior. Under the tutelage of the legendary Satoru Gojo, Hiro is expected to learn discipline and control. However, from the moment he arrives, Hiro's cocky attitude and shameless flirting only serve to stir up trouble. He immediately sets his sights on Maki Zenin, a powerful and serious sorcerer who wants nothing to do with him. Undeterred by Maki's rejections, Hiro vows to make her fall for him by the end of the year. He boasts of his skills, plays pranks on his classmates, and generally makes a nuisance of himself, all while trying to unravel the mysteries of cursed energy. But Hiro soon learns that the world of jujutsu is far more complicated and dangerous than he realized. With powerful curses lurking in the shadows and his own abilities pushed to their limits, Hiro must learn to control his arrogance if he hopes to survive. Balancing his pursuit of Maki, his growing friendships with his classmates, and the intense demands of his training, Hiro's year at Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College will test him like never before. But if anyone is up for the challenge, it's Hiro Miller. After all, he always gets what he wants... doesn't he?

Orrlex · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
37 Chs

Now what?

The air crackled with an ominous energy as Kenjaku began to absorb Mahito, the cursed spirit's screams echoing through the devastated streets of Shibuya like a banshee's wail. Mahito writhed and begged for mercy, his once-powerful form twisting and contorting as he was consumed. Hiro watched in silent horror, his eyes fixed on the grotesque spectacle unfolding before him.

As the last vestiges of Mahito's essence were absorbed, a shimmering blue orb materialized in Kenjaku's hand, pulsing with an otherworldly light. The ancient sorcerer's lips curved into a cruel smile as he turned to face Hiro, his voice dripping with malicious curiosity.

"Do you know what maximum techniques are, Hiro?" Kenjaku asked, his eyes gleaming with a predatory light. "They are the pinnacle of a sorcerer's power, the ultimate expression of their cursed energy. I thought Geto's was merely the ability to relocate curses, but with this... everything changes."

Hiro, his body tense and ready for action, nodded grimly. "Yeah, at the end of the day, every sorcerer modifies their attacks. I, for example, created another maximum technique."

Kenjaku's smile widened, a hint of genuine admiration in his voice. "I know. That Purple Lightning of yours was quite a surprise."

Without warning, Kenjaku swallowed the orb, his body convulsing as Mahito's power coursed through him. A swirling mass of cursed energy manifested behind him, taking on the vague shape of Mahito's twisted form. Kenjaku's voice rang out, filled with a terrible pride. "Maximum Technique: Uzumaki."

Hiro's mind raced, memories of his past encounter with Geto flashing before his eyes. This attack, he realized with growing dread, was far more powerful than anything he had faced before. It was as if a storm of cursed energy had been condensed into a single, devastating blow.

As Kenjaku's attack began to build, crackling with malevolent power, Hiro stretched out his fingers, a sphere of red lightning forming between them. The air hummed with the clash of opposing energies, the very fabric of reality seeming to warp and twist around them.

Kenjaku's voice cut through the tension, a mocking lilt to his words. "Are you sure your Red Lightning can repel my attack?"

Hiro clicked his tongue in frustration, his gaze darting behind him to where Itadori, Kugisaki, and Kokichi stood, their faces etched with concern and determination. He knew he had no other choice. It was now or never.

With a deafening roar, Kenjaku unleashed his attack, the swirling mass of cursed energy hurtling towards Hiro like a tidal wave of destruction. Hiro activated his Divine Eyes, his irises blazing with an electric blue light. In that moment, time seemed to slow, every detail of the oncoming attack crystal clear in his enhanced perception.

Summoning every ounce of his remaining strength, Hiro expanded his magnetic shield, the invisible barrier shimmering into existence just as Kenjaku's attack made contact. The two forces clashed in a spectacular display of power, the air itself seeming to ignite with the intensity of their collision.

For what felt like an eternity, the attack pushed against Hiro's shield, seeking any weakness, any flaw it could exploit. But the barrier held firm, unyielding in the face of the overwhelming onslaught. Finally, with a thunderous explosion that shook the very foundations of Shibuya, Kenjaku's attack dissipated, leaving Hiro's shield unbroken.

But the victory came at a cost. Hiro collapsed to his knees, his chest heaving as he gasped for air, his body drained of energy. Itadori rushed forward, concern etched on his face. "Senpai!" he cried out, but Hiro held up a hand to stop him.

"I'm fine," Hiro panted, his voice rough with exhaustion. "Expanding my magnetic shield just takes a lot out of me."

Struggling to his feet, Hiro fixed Kenjaku with a defiant glare. "Not bad," he said, a hint of his usual cockiness returning to his voice. "Now it's my turn."

Kenjaku's smile never wavered as Hiro charged towards him, his body crackling with electricity. The ancient sorcerer released a swarm of serpentine curses, their bodies writhing like grotesque centipedes as they engulfed Hiro. But with a burst of Red Lightning, Hiro shattered the curses, pressing his attack.

The two sorcerers danced a deadly waltz, their movements a blur of speed and precision. Hiro's fist lashed out, only for Kenjaku to dodge at the last second, taunting, "You've gotten slower."

Itadori joined the fray, his leg sweeping out in a powerful kick, but Kenjaku caught him and tossed him aside like a rag doll. Mechamaru unleashed a cannon of cursed energy, only for Kenjaku to summon another curse as a living shield, absorbing the attack with ease.

Nobara's nails flew through the air, glinting in the fading light, but Kenjaku weaved between them, his laughter ringing out like a twisted melody. Hiro, seizing the moment, unleashed a Blue Lightning attack, the crackling bolt of energy streaking towards his opponent.

Kenjaku surrounded himself with a wall of curses, the resulting explosion shaking the ground beneath their feet. As the smoke cleared, Kenjaku stood, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "Nice attack," he admitted, a hint of genuine respect in his voice.

The battle raged on, a symphony of destruction that echoed through the ruins of Shibuya. Hiro and Kenjaku traded blows, their movements a blur of speed and precision. A punch, a kick, a suplex - Hiro unleashed every trick in his arsenal, pushing himself to the very limits of his endurance.

Suddenly, a crimson arrow of blood materialized out of thin air, narrowly missing Kenjaku as he dodged at the last second. Choso appeared, his eyes blazing with fury. "You!" he snarled, his voice dripping with venom. "You deceived me, you bastard!"

Kenjaku's smile widened, a hint of amusement in his voice. "So, you finally figured it out. I don't have time for you now."

Turning his attention back to Hiro, Kenjaku summoned a whirlwind of curses, the swirling mass of malevolent energy growing larger with each passing second. Hiro's eyes widened in horror as the tidal wave of cursed spirits crashed down upon him, pinning him to the ground beneath their crushing weight.

Kenjaku approached, his voice filled with mock concern. "It seems you were more tired than I thought, Hiro Miller."

Hiro struggled to activate his reverse cursed technique, his body slowly beginning to heal, but the process was agonizingly slow. He had pushed himself to the absolute limit, and now, in this moment of vulnerability, he found himself at Kenjaku's mercy.

The ancient sorcerer raised his hand, preparing to deliver the final blow, when a gunshot rang out, the bullet whizzing past Kenjaku's fingers. "Now who's interrupting?" Kenjaku sighed, his voice filled with exasperation.

Mai, perched in the window of a nearby building, her rifle trained on Kenjaku, muttered under her breath, "Why did I have to fall for that blond idiot?"

Seizing the moment of distraction, Hiro surged to his feet, his fist connecting with Kenjaku's jaw in a satisfying crunch. Choso's blood arrow pierced through Kenjaku's shoulder, drawing a thin line of crimson down the ancient sorcerer's chin.

Kenjaku's smile never wavered, even as he tasted his own blood. "Choso... you're a-" But his words were cut short as Miwa's sword flashed through the air, aiming for his neck. With inhuman speed, Kenjaku blocked the blade with his arm, the steel shattering against his hardened flesh.

Hiro, moving with lightning speed, grabbed Miwa and Itadori, pulling them to safety as Kenjaku summoned a massive curse that crushed Mechamaru beneath its bulk. Kokichi's voice rang out, tinged with frustration, "That was my last Mechamaru!"

As if summoned by the chaos itself, Panda, Kamo, Kusakabe, and Utahime appeared, joining Itadori and the others in a united front against the ancient sorcerer. The air crackled with tension, the weight of the impending battle pressing down upon them like a physical force.

Hiro, his body battered but his spirit unbroken, stood at the head of the group, his eyes fixed on Kenjaku with an unwavering determination. The fate of the world hung in the balance, the future of jujutsu sorcery resting on their shoulders.

The ruined cityscape of Shibuya stretched out before them, a desolate wasteland of shattered buildings and broken dreams. The air was thick with the acrid smell of smoke and the metallic tang of blood, a grim reminder of the battles that had raged through these once-bustling streets.

Kusakabe, his voice tinged with a mix of exhaustion and resignation, turned to Hiro. "Is this the final boss?" he asked, his eyes fixed on the menacing figure of Kenjaku.

Hiro, his body still crackling with residual electricity, nodded grimly. "You could say that," he replied, his gaze never leaving the ancient sorcerer.

In the distance, Choso and Kenjaku were locked in a fierce duel, their movements a blur of speed and precision. Yet, despite Choso's ferocious attacks, Kenjaku seemed to be exerting minimal effort, his movements fluid and graceful, almost mocking in their ease.

"This is for my brother, Itadori!" Choso roared, his blood manipulation techniques painting the air with crimson streaks.

Hiro's head snapped towards Itadori, his eyebrow raised in question. "Brother?" he asked, confusion evident in his voice.

Itadori shrugged, his own expression mirroring Hiro's bewilderment. "No idea," he admitted. "An hour ago, the guy was trying to kill me."

Panda, his mechanical voice filled with a hint of amusement, chimed in. "Tell me, Itadori, with Todo and this guy calling you brother, are you releasing some kind of pheromones?"

Hiro snorted, a wry grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I bet that's his cursed technique."

Kugisaki, her hammer gripped tightly in her hands, cut through the banter with a sharp question. "What do we do now?"

Hiro's expression hardened, his eyes blazing with determination. "I'll end this," he declared, his voice filled with quiet resolve.

Kusakabe, skepticism evident in his tone, asked, "And how do you plan to do that?"

Hiro's grin widened, a hint of his usual cockiness returning. "With my Domain Expansion," he explained. "I'll fry his fucking brain. I don't want to risk throwing a Purple Lightning at him and having the bastard protect himself. Better to go for a sure hit."

Kusakabe, his body sagging with exhaustion, shook his head. "Do what you want," he said, sinking to the ground. "I've had enough."

Utahime, her eyes filled with concern, stepped forward. "Are you sure about this?" she asked, her voice soft but insistent.

Hiro's smile never wavered, but there was a weight to his words as he replied, "If not me... who else?"

Utahime nodded, understanding and respect evident in her gaze. "Go get him," she said, her voice filled with quiet encouragement.

Hiro turned, tossing a casual salute over his shoulder. "Understood, ma'am," he said, his tone light despite the gravity of the situation.

With a burst of electricity enveloping his body, Hiro launched himself towards Kenjaku, his fist connecting with the ancient sorcerer's stomach in a thunderous impact. Kenjaku, despite the force of the blow, merely smiled, his eyes glinting with malicious amusement.

"Hiro Miller..." he began, but before he could finish, Hiro brought his hands together, his voice ringing out with fierce determination.

"Domain Expansion!" Hiro shouted, but before he could complete the technique, a wave of frigid energy washed over him and his companions, encasing them all in a prison of ice.

Hiro's eyes widened in shock, his voice muffled by the crystalline barrier. "What the hell?"

A figure materialized beside Kenjaku, a young woman with white hair streaked with crimson. Kenjaku turned to her, his voice filled with mild reproach. "Uraume, you're a bit late."

The newcomer, Uraume, nodded curtly. "Everything is prepared," she reported, her voice as cold as the ice she commanded.

Hiro struggled against his icy prison, electricity crackling around his body as he fought to break free. But his power flickered and died, his reserves of energy finally depleted.

Uraume turned to Kenjaku, her voice devoid of emotion. "Shall I kill them?"

Kenjaku paused, considering the question with an air of casual cruelty. "Let's see," he mused. "In my collection of top-tier sorcerers, I'd certainly like to include Hiro Miller. But it's the same case as with Gojo Satoru - they're both absurdly powerful and incredibly annoying. So... yes, kill them."

Uraume nodded, ice beginning to form and creep towards Hiro, poised to pierce his skull. But just as the deadly shard was about to strike, a figure burst through the ice, shattering Hiro's prison.

Hiro turned, his eyes widening as he took in the sight of a tall, blonde woman standing protectively before him. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of gratitude and confusion.

The woman smiled, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Hiro Miller," she said. "I'm Yuki Tsukumo."

Realization dawned on Hiro's face. "You're the special grade?" he asked, receiving a nod in confirmation. A mischievous grin spread across his face as he added, "The one who doesn't work?"

Yuki's response was swift and playful, a pinch to Hiro's cheek that made him yelp. "We'll talk about that later," she said, her tone promising a lengthy discussion.

Kenjaku's eyes narrowed as he assessed the new threat. "Two special grade sorcerers?" he thought, a flicker of concern crossing his features. "This is becoming dangerous."

Aloud, he addressed the group, his voice filled with a twisted pride. "Allow me to give you a brief glimpse of my marvelous plan," he said, his smile widening with each word.

Hiro, his mind racing, hazarded a guess. "Releasing curses?"

Kenjaku nodded, but his next words sent a chill down Hiro's spine. "But that's not all," he said, breaking what appeared to be a seal. "I've released vessels, so to speak. Thousands of Yuji Itadoris all across Japan, along with cursed objects that are actually ancient sorcerers. All for the purpose of fighting amongst themselves, to determine the pinnacle of jujutsu sorcery."

As he spoke, the ground beneath their feet began to churn and bubble, a thick, black substance oozing forth. From this inky morass, thousands of curses emerged, their twisted forms filling the air with an otherworldly chorus of shrieks and growls.

Kenjaku, his eyes fixed on Hiro, held up the cube containing the imprisoned Gojo. "I'll be seeing you soon, Hiro Miller," he said, his voice filled with dark promise.

Hiro's eyes widened in horror, his voice raw with anguish as he cried out, "SENSEI!"

But before he could move, Yuki grabbed him, her voice urgent and commanding. "We need to get out of here," she said, already moving to free the others from their icy prisons.

As they fled through the ruined streets of Shibuya, the world around them descended into chaos. Buildings crumbled, the earth shook, and the sky itself seemed to darken with the sheer malevolence of the curses now unleashed upon the world.

Hiro's mind raced, his heart heavy with the weight of all they had lost, all they had yet to face. The image of Gojo, trapped and helpless, burned in his mind, fueling a determination that blazed hotter than any cursed energy.

They ran through the night, their bodies battered and their spirits tested, but their resolve unbroken. For they knew that this was only the beginning, that the true battle for the fate of the world had only just begun.


The crisp morning air nipped at Hiro's face as he took a sip of his steaming coffee, the autumn leaves skittering across the school courtyard in a rustic dance. The tranquil morning seemed like a distant dream compared to the chaos that had engulfed them just hours before. The devastation of Shibuya felt like a lifetime ago, yet the weight of it all still pressed heavily upon Hiro's shoulders.

Yuki Tsukumo's voice cut through his reverie, shattering the fragile peace he had found in this quiet moment. "Can we talk?" she asked, her tone gentle but insistent.

Hiro's jaw clenched, his eyes still fixed on the swirling patterns of fallen leaves. "I won't say anything until Maki recovers," he said, his voice low and firm.

Yuki nodded, understanding flickering in her eyes. "She just woke up," she said softly. "Shoko says she'll be fine, but there will be scars. Several of them."

Hiro remained silent, his grip tightening on the coffee cup. Yuki studied him for a moment before asking, "Aren't you going to see her?"

Deflecting, Hiro turned to face her. "What did you want to tell me?"

Yuki smiled, a hint of resignation in her expression. "What do you plan to do now?"

Hiro's response was immediate, his voice tinged with a quiet determination. "I'll rest a bit more, then go out and kill some curses."

"And after that?" Yuki pressed.

"I'll keep doing that until I eventually find Kenjaku," Hiro said, his tone matter-of-fact.

Yuki shook her head, her brow furrowing with concern. "That's a bad plan."

"Why?" Hiro challenged. "I just need to find Kenjaku and kill him."

"You lost against him," Yuki pointed out, her voice gentle but firm.

Hiro's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and determination. "It's different. I was exhausted. At 100%, I'm stronger than him."

Yuki's expression remained skeptical. "I'd say you're evenly matched."

Hiro frowned, his pride clearly stung. "I think you're mistaken."

"I doubt you're stronger than me," Yuki said, a hint of challenge in her voice.

"I am stronger than you," Hiro retorted, his confidence unwavering.

Yuki sighed, running a hand through her hair. "You men are so complicated."

Hiro merely shrugged, his expression unreadable. Yuki, sensing the need to change tack, pressed on. "Actually, going back to the plan, I have one."

Hiro's interest was piqued despite himself. "What is it?"

"We need to free Gojo," Yuki said, her voice filled with resolve. "There must be another method."

Hiro shook his head, frustration evident in his tone. "I spent the early hours of the morning going through books in the library. I found nothing."

Yuki's eyes sparkled with a glimmer of hope. "But I know someone who might know a method or two."

"Who?" Hiro asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"Master Tengen," Yuki replied, her voice filled with a quiet confidence.

Hiro nodded slowly, considering the possibility. "Well, I suppose we have nothing to lose."

Yuki's expression turned serious as she changed the subject. "By the way, have you heard the orders from the higher-ups?"

Hiro's brow furrowed. "What orders?"

Yuki took a deep breath before reciting the decrees:

"The truth behind Suguru Geto's resurrection has been confirmed, and a new death sentence has been issued.

Satoru Gojo is identified as an accomplice in the incident, and releasing the seal of the Prison Realm will be considered a crime.

Masamichi Yaga will face capital punishment for encouraging his former students and allowing their actions to lead to the Shibuya Incident.

The suspension of Yuji Itadori's execution has been canceled, and it must be carried out immediately.

The special grade shaman, Yuta Okkotsu, is tasked with carrying out Yuji Itadori's execution.

The special class shaman, Hiro Miller, will be responsible for executing Suguru Geto and Satoru Gojo if he escapes from the Prison Realm."

Hiro's eyebrow arched in surprise. "Why do they think Gojo collaborated with Kenjaku?"

Yuki's expression turned grim. "They don't believe it. It's simply the perfect moment to get rid of Gojo."

Understanding dawned on Hiro's face. "I see. Without him in the way, the higher-ups can do whatever they want, like killing Yuji now."

Yuki nodded, her voice filled with urgency. "Hiro, it's up to us and Okkotsu to rescue Gojo."

Hiro's expression hardened, his voice filled with determination. "Yes, you don't have to tell me. Gojo entrusted me with this."

Yuki's tone softened, concern evident in her eyes. "Don't put everything on your shoulders."

"I can handle that and more," Hiro said, his confidence unwavering.

Yuki sighed, her gaze searching Hiro's face. "And with all this, why don't you go see Maki? She's awake now."

Hiro turned away, his voice barely above a whisper. "I doubt she wants to see me."

"Why do you say that?" Yuki pressed, her curiosity piqued.

"I lost," Hiro admitted, his voice heavy with regret. "I promised her I would win."

Yuki's expression softened, understanding flickering in her eyes. "But you're alive. For her, that's winning."

Hiro ran a hand through his hair, his frustration evident. "Yeah, but some things happened."

"I don't know what happened," Yuki said gently, "but I'm sure she wants to see you right now."

Hiro's defenses crumbled slightly, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "She's not my girlfriend or anything like that."

Yuki's eyebrow arched in surprise. "Really? Todo said she was."

Hiro sighed, his shoulders slumping. "Some things happened."

Yuki's voice took on a note of gentle encouragement. "Then put your personal affairs in order, and afterward, we'll go after Kenjaku. I need you at 100% - we all do."

Hiro hesitated for a moment before nodding, his resolve strengthening. "Alright, I'll do it."

With a deep breath, Hiro turned and made his way towards the infirmary, his heart heavy with the weight of unspoken words and lingering regrets. The corridors of the school seemed to stretch endlessly before him, each step bringing him closer to a confrontation he both longed for and dreaded.

Hiro paused at the infirmary door, his hand hovering over the handle as he took a deep breath. The door felt impossibly heavy, as if the weight of all his past sins and regrets were pressing against it, daring him to enter. With a steadying exhale, he pushed it open, feeling the air grow thick and oppressive as he stepped inside.

There, bathed in the soft light filtering through the window, lay Maki. Her body was swathed in bandages, a stark testament to the brutal battle she had endured. Her once long, beautiful green hair was now singed short, a casualty of the flames that had nearly claimed her life. Bandages covered much of her face, concealing the burn scars beneath.

"Are you alright?" Hiro asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Maki turned to him, a wry smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Do I look alright to you?" she quipped, her voice hoarse but still carrying that familiar spark of defiance.

Hiro's face fell, guilt washing over him. "I'm sorry," he murmured.

Maki's smile softened. "Idiot, I'm just messing with you," she said, her voice filled with warmth despite the pain she must have been in.

Hiro sank into the chair beside her bed, his body feeling heavy with exhaustion and remorse. Without warning, Maki reached out and pulled him into an embrace, her arms trembling slightly with the effort.

"I was afraid I'd lost you out there," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

Hiro returned the embrace gently, mindful of her injuries. "I was afraid too," he admitted, his voice muffled against her shoulder.

As they pulled apart, Maki's eyes searched his face. "I heard you defeated Hanzo," she said, a hint of pride in her voice.

Hiro nodded, but his expression remained grim. "Yes, but not Kenjaku."

Maki shook her head, her hand reaching out to cup his cheek. "That doesn't matter. What's important is that you're here."

Hiro sighed, a small smile finally breaking through his somber expression. "Maybe you're right. Without me, everyone would be depressed."

Maki laughed, playfully swatting his shoulder. "There's the arrogant Hiro I know."

A comfortable silence fell between them, broken only by the soft beeping of medical equipment. Hiro's eyes traced the edges of the bandages covering Maki's face, his heart aching at the thought of the pain she must have endured.

"How are those scars?" he asked softly, his voice filled with concern.

Maki's hands moved to the bandages, slowly unwrapping them to reveal the extent of her injuries. Her body was a tapestry of scars, her once flawless skin now marked by the brutal reality of their chosen path. Her hair, once long and flowing, was now cropped short, a stark reminder of how close she had come to death.

"Well?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. "Am I still the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?"

Hiro's eyes roamed over her face, taking in every new scar, every change. His heart swelled with a mixture of love, admiration, and a fierce protectiveness. "You know," he said, his voice low and husky, "this new look of yours... it's incredibly sexy. I want you more than ever."

Maki burst out laughing, the sound filling the sterile room with warmth. "I never thought I'd hear that," she said, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Hiro grinned, leaning in closer. "What can I say? You're my weakness."

Their lips met in a tender kiss, filled with all the words left unspoken between them. As they parted, Hiro's expression grew serious once more.

"Is this okay?" he asked hesitantly. "After what happened with Mai and me..."

Maki's expression softened, understanding flickering in her eyes. "We were broken up at the time," she said gently. "And Gojo explained about your negative energy influencing you. It doesn't mean I've completely forgiven you, but I understand."

Hiro chuckled, relief washing over him. "Thank you, Maki. You really are the best girlfriend in the world."

Maki's smile turned mischievous. "Speaking of being the best girlfriend," she purred, her voice taking on a seductive edge, "I heard about all your fights in Shibuya. You deserve a reward."

Hiro's eyes widened, a grin spreading across his face. "Actually, I had something in mind," he said, his voice dropping to a whisper. "I think I deserve the best sex of my life."

Maki leaned in, her breath hot against his ear. "And how can I give you that? I'm dying to do it."

Hiro's grin widened, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Well, I was thinking maybe you and Mai could both..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a pillow smacked him squarely in the face. Maki's expression had changed from seductive to murderous in an instant.

"Get out," she growled, her eyes flashing dangerously.

Hiro held up his hands in surrender, a nervous laugh escaping his lips. "Did I say something wrong?"

His only answer was a bedside lamp hurtling towards his head. With a yelp, Hiro dodged the projectile and bolted from the room, his laughter echoing down the hallway.

As his chuckles subsided, Hiro found himself wandering the corridors of the school, his mind replaying the conversation with Maki. Despite the rocky ending, he felt lighter than he had in days. The weight of his guilt hadn't disappeared entirely, but it had lessened, allowing him to breathe a little easier.

Lost in thought, Hiro nearly collided with a figure rounding the corner. He looked up, his eyes meeting the intense gaze of Yuta Okkotsu. The two sorcerers stood frozen, sizing each other up in the narrow hallway.

"I heard you have orders to execute Yuji," Hiro said, breaking the tense silence.

Yuta nodded, his expression unreadable. "Because of him, Inumaki lost an arm. He must face the consequences."

Hiro's eyes narrowed, electricity crackling faintly around his clenched fists. "If you touch my protégé, I'll kill you," he said, his voice low and dangerous.

Yuta's own power flared in response, the air growing heavy with the weight of their opposing energies. "We'll see about that," he replied coolly before brushing past Hiro and continuing down the hallway.