
Chapter One: 'Hear Me'

The smell of war taints the air, weeping echoes through the darkening streets, a flame of pure red burns off in the distance. Never seeing red fire the children escaped their parents, disobeying the orders given as parents tried to protect their children. Cries could be heard in the light winds as the cruelties of war wounding their victims bleed from open wounds. Innocent cries echoed through the smoky air, fear, confusion, and prayer could be heard in whispers of terror. So many trembled barely walking to the next destination, shadows moved in silent despair. A young child soothed his terrified mother brushing her dirty crusty hair from her bleeding forehead. Dirty tears streamed down her cheeks as shock moved through her trembling frame, her eyes empty staring straight ahead. The boy cried using a dirty shirt to clean her wounds crying in extreme distress,

"Momma, Momma, please momma hear me. Momma!"

A father some feet down held a deceased baby in his arms as he laid down with his deceased wife, tears of silence kissed his cheeks. Thousand upon thousands wandered the burning smoky streets as a red flame burned high into the sky several miles away. A strong hand gripped a brick wall, as he slowly emerged from a darkened alley. His eyes slowly opening to the scene before him, his eyes glowed with a holy light. He hung his head to the suffering he could see, not blind to the crimes of destruction that lay before him. His beautiful dark hair streaked of dirt and grim as a wound bled across the side of his chest. A strong light started to encircle him spreading around him, as his eyes began to turn from a bright sky blue to an angry white. The winds began to build clearing the air, to ease those who were suffering from the heat. Cooling the air as people trembled fear escalated through the entire area. The cries echoed around his ears as he listening seeing Catholics pray in sacred silence watching the destruction that spread like wild fire. A Bishop gasped tending to the wounded,

"We had no chance, we had no defenses, it.. it..all happened so fast...Dear Heaven's Above. There was no warning, absolutely nothing. Why? So many innocent, they had no defense it's its impossible."

The other men kneeled helping as many as they could as the Bishop suddenly fell to his knees weeping covering his eyes from the horrors before him. The dark haired man watched them as he pushed himself to a standing position. His skin began to glow in a white light, the skies crackled with chains of lightning hissing with power as thunder boomed louder than shoots being fired in the distance. A growl echoed within the clouds a Minister looked up watching the lightning grow strong and faster striking armored vehicles. Men yelled in anger as guns ignited in flame melting within their grasp, ammunition popped as many ran for cover. Others tried to pull the wounded into cover to protect them, from the stray bullets whistling through the air.

People screamed crying out in their terrorizing misery as they hit the ground seeking as much cover as they could. His legs flexed with power taking a steady step standing to his full height. His eyes brightened as the lightning became angry striking every enemy near by.

Men fell to the ground in silence than vanished in a brown dust of death. The winds grew stronger hissing through the streets going up to 20 than 50 miles pure hour. Vehicles turned and flipped rolling than stopping into a crooked line, creating a barrier of protection. His eyes looked towards his right walking into the wind with a strong stride. The red fires reached down the street in a blazing rage, putting his arms to his sides he stopped at the tip of red flame, as men hide in the red smoke taking cover from the enemies, visibility to almost zero. He growled as the grounds buckled with a slight shake.


His body brightened as light spread through the entire city. Every step taken he grew taller raising his hands a blast a white light roared with the speed of light. Taking out everything within the street that the armored men brought. The red flames gasped vanishing the winds hissed in whirlwinds purifying the air. A huge boom rippled through the skies, as helicopters jerked against the winds. Lightning striking with perfect marksmanship, the man raised his hand as if grasping something. The helicopters suddenly stood still in midair than landed with perfection the engines shutting down.

His eyes brightened his dark hair dancing in the wind a growl rumbled in his chest. Every fire vanished no longer burning, with not even a puff of smoke. The grounds groaned slightly buckling from a great powerful invisible force. A woman reached out to her son, as their wounds healed, a baby cried in the distance. The man sat up hearing his wife gasp with life her eyes opening in slight shock. He cried holding his baby daughter as she cried with life and tears of hunger.

The Minister fell to his knees watching the man some distance away before him, tears streamed down his face. The Bishops covered their eyes from the light than slowly lowered their arms watching the man. In pure dumbfounded shock, speechless going to one knee raising their staffs with their heads lowered. Several gasps echoed through the streets as the wounded looked at their bodies watching the wounds close and heal. The dead standing in perfect life, touching their bodies in shock as the white glowing light brightened spreading through the entire city. Everything seemed to move in slow motion gold beams came from the skies moving through the streets. Lightning crackled in the distance as the clouds broke apart revealing more golden light. Some buildings went into reverse rebuilding before the damage taken. He wrinkled his nose as power hissed around energizing the air, cats and dogs ran through the streets.

The armored men gaped witnessing everything that had been happening. Their eyes widened in true fear dropping their geared weapons upon the armor they wore, watching it melt into dust. Unable to move they just stared at the actions that were happening around them hiding their eyes with slight cover as the white light grew bigger and strong. The wounded now healed went to one knee lowering their heads as shame moved through the armored men. The righteous anger burned in his glowing white gaze, the man than rose floating in mid air a blast of white flame ignited with a deadly whisper. Sending the armored men flying back hitting the grounds hard, a defensive force striking each one down sending them to the ground. Barely pushing themselves up from the concrete feeling a powerful force push them down. The muscles in their arms trembled unable to get into a sitting position, all eyes turned in silence witnessing the actions. A booming voice echoed in the skies for all to hear,

"Therefore I Am..Peace."

A huge ring of white flame boomed, while the earth quaked and buildings heavied with groans. The man folded his hands into the shape of a heart, before his beating heart upon his massive chest, a tear moved down his strong cheek. Than he vanished in a white burning flame, the golden lights spread across the lands healing everything within its touch. Pieces of cotton seeds fell from the trees dancing in the air, coming to life blooming in the golden lights. War made armored vehicles groaned buckling and bending than ignited becoming dust to the winds.