
"From Solo Leveling to Holy Grail War: Igris's Unexpected Journey"

Zelretch the wizard marshall pulled out a certain blood red knight out of his own universe for his own entertainment and sent him to the world of fate zero i Don't own any of the series and any of the character's. the ownership belongs to typemoon and A-1 Pictures Kudos to AJ Ramos for the cover

The_Grammar_Police · แอคชั่น
3 Chs

Chapter 1: The summoning

Kiritsugu Emiya stood inside the abandoned church, his eyes fixed on the summoning circle that he had painstakingly prepared. His wife, Irisviel, stood beside him, her expression anxious as she watched him carefully.

"Are you sure this will work, Kiritsugu?" she asked, with her soft voice.

He nodded, his gaze never leaving the circle. "Yes, I'm sure. This is our only chance."

Irisviel looked down at her hand, where a strange burning sensation had started. She had no idea what it meant, but she trusted her husband. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, steeling herself for whatever was about to happen.

Suddenly, the circle glowed with a blinding light, causing both Kiritsugu and Irisviel to shield their eyes. When the light faded, a figure stood before them, dressed in ancient armor and holding a sword.

It was Artoria, the legendary King of Knights.

Kiritsugu stepped back, his hand going to his gun. Artoria stood tall and proud, her eyes fixed on him.

"I ask of you... Are you, my master? " She asked, with a questioning tone.

To which kiritsugu replied "Yes i am your master

But then, something strange happened. Another figure appeared in the circle, this one dressed in strange armor that looked like it came from another world. It was Igris.

Artoria immediately stood in front of Kiritsugu to protect him from the sudden summoning of a new servant, her sword at the ready. Igris raised his hands in a defensive gesture, his eyes scanning the room warily.

Irisviel looked down at her hand again and saw a strange symbol etched into her skin. It was a command seal, the mark of a master in the Holy Grail War.

She gasped, realizing what had happened. She was now a master and had summoned Igris to be her servant.

Igris looked at her and spoke, "My name is Igris... i ask you Are you, my master?"

Irisviel was still in shock from what had just happened, but she nodded slowly, completing the pact.

Kiritsugu looked at the two new arrivals, his mind racing. He had only been expecting Artoria, but now he had another servant to contend with.

"Welcome to the Holy Grail War," he said, his voice steady. "We have much to discuss.

The Holy Grail War was a ritual that had been performed for centuries in the city of Fuyuki. It was a battle between seven mages, each of whom had summoned a powerful servant to fight on their behalf. The winner of the war would be granted the Holy Grail, a powerful artifact that could grant any wish.

Kiritsugu Emiya was one of the mages who had been chosen to participate in the war. He was a skilled assassin, known for his cold and calculating approach to battle. He had joined the war with the hope of using the Holy Grail to bring about a better world.

But the appearance of Igris had thrown a wrench into his plans. He knew nothing about this new servant, and he didn't know what kind of abilities he possessed Since his class is one of the rarest. He also didn't know how Igris was summoned by her, and what is his goals were.

Kiritsugu knew that he couldn't trust anyone in the war, not even his own wife. He had kept the true nature of his mission a secret from her, knowing that she would never approve of the methods he was using to achieve his goals.

But now, he had no choice but to bring Irisviel into the war. She was a master now, and she had to be prepared for the dangers that lay ahead.

"Irisviel," he said, turning to her. "I need you to listen to me carefully. This war is not what it seems. There are those who would use the Holy Grail for their own selfish purposes, and we cannot let that happen."

Irisviel nodded, her eyes wide with fear. She had never been involved in anything like this before, and the suddenness of it all was overwhelming.

"But what can we do?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"We have to win the war, no matter what it takes," Kiritsugu replied. "But we have to do it in a way that doesn't compromise our values. We have to make sure that the Holy Grail is used for the greater good, not just for the benefit of a few."

Irisviel nodded again, her expression determined. "I understand," she said. "But what about Artoria and Igris? How do we deal with them?"

Kiritsugu looked back at the two servants, who were watching them carefully. He knew that he couldn't trust them, but he also knew that he needed their help if he was going to win the war.

"We have to be careful," he said. "We can't let our guard down, not for a moment. We have to use our servants' strengths to our advantage, but we also have to be prepared to deal with their weaknesses."

Irisviel nodded again, her resolve strengthening. She had always trusted her husband, and she knew that he would do whatever it took to achieve their goals.

The three of them spent the next few hours discussing their strategy for the war. They talked about how they would use Artoria's sword skills to their advantage, and how they would use Igris's as a trump card to gain an edge over their opponents.

They also talked about their opponents, the other mages who were vying for the Holy Grail. Kiritsugu knew that some of them were ruthless and would stop at nothing to win the war. He knew that they would have to be careful if they were going to survive.

As the night wore on, the three of them grew tired. They knew that they had a long road ahead of them, and that they would need to be at their best if they were going to succeed.

hello author here I just want to say a few words. this is my first time making a fanfic and I would appreciate some constructive criticism to help me improve my writing skills

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