
"From Peasant to Queen"

Daisy died in a car accident and awoke in the body of the hated heroine in the novel! She's destined to die for the family that tortures her and disturb the main character - Rosalie's - life. Of course, Daisy has no intention of dying, but maybe she can cause trouble for her "family" before she escapes? As a novel's fan, she cannot resist exploring her new world, but why does Rosalie behave differently from the novel? And why does Daisy suddenly see and hear things that aren't there?

Donguri_chan · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

"Say "hi" to Mellie"

"This is the soul you gave a second chance? An unfortunate event indeed, but there are many in her world. Why her?"


"Similar? You are wrong, this mighty being has been watching her a little longer and knows she is strong. Ah, this mighty being meant no offend!"


"You are a good-natured soul... Your wish..."


Daisy felt as if she heard a voice in her head. But she wasn't sure, because of the numbness, tingling, and pain she felt.

She remembered the last moments very clearly, so as soon as she regained consciousness, she shot out of the ground feeling a sudden rush of adrenaline, but quickly felt dizzy so much that she had to vomit.

When she finished vomiting, she noticed that she wasn't in the hospital at all, but in some small room with one small window. The room was triangular and the ceiling touched, so Daisy had to be close to the roof.

"It's an attic..." She whispered in confusion, then, sitting on the ground, next to her own vomit, she looked slowly around.

There was a lot of junk around. The mountains of floor-to-ceiling boxes would make a claustrophobic person pass out here, especially since the only source of light was a small window across from the door and a lonely candle burned almost to the end.

Daisy could see that although there were a lot of boxes here, someone had carefully arranged them. On the floor, in the center of the room, she saw a thin, dirty mattress, and a small pile of books next to it.

"Someone must have lived here." As if in confirmation, she saw lines on one of the wooden columns carved with some sharp instrument. However, there were so many of them that Daisy would have had to walk around the column, and even saw the counted days on the column opposite the previous one. Someone spent a long, long time there.

"Ugh, what a stench..." She whispered disgustedly as soon as she took a breath and smelled the smell of vomit, dust, piss and blood. But because she inhaled too deeply, she felt a powerful twinge in her chest and had to bend in half to soothe it. She felt as if someone had hit her so hard that all of her breath came out of her lungs.

Suddenly she felt like coughing, and when she looked at her hand, she saw stains of blood mixed with saliva on it.

Daisy was dumbfounded, not knowing what to be more surprised about.

"Such a little hand... It's not my... And this blood? Is it because of the accident?" Daisy didn't know what was going on, but she quickly calmed down thinking about the facts.

First of all, this is definitely not a hospital. She also didn't think it was a kidnapping, because from all over the hospital they would surely take someone else besides her, since she herself was neither special nor rich.

Second, being hit by a truck certainly causes a bit more damage than vomiting blood and general weakness. As Daisy turned her hands to wipe the blood on her clothes, she saw that she did not have several fingernails. It looked as if someone had ripped them off some time ago and they were now growing back. The truck didn't do that.

Third... Daisy noticed the words etched on the floor under her knee. Slowly she pulled away and spent great effort on it, but at last she made out the little words, written very carefully but still crookedly.

Daisy couldn't read the words, and had to admit that she was quite fluent in foreign languages. Even when she couldn't speak these languages, she knew at least what the letters look like. These signs were nothing she had seen. After these words, there was an arrow that pointed to some unknown sign.

As Daisy just looked at them, she felt a piercing pain in her head until she had to close her eyes tightly and grit her teeth. She felt her body getting hot and began to tremble, she couldn't control her muscles.

Full of images, unknown words, memories, voices and smells flashed through her mind. She felt something bursting into her brain against her will, and yet it was always there, only now waking up.

"Ugh..." Daisy grunted with pain, feeling her bones scream, and deep breaths hurt her chest, she felt as if something inside was growing. The girl hopelessly clenched her clothes, hoping that it would soon pass and you just had to wait.

Daisy arched so that her head was resting on the floor, and beads of sweat dripped on the wood. She tried to ignore the pain in her chest, or at least get used to it, because she couldn't stop breathing sharply, gasping for air as if she were drowning in water.

She didn't know how many minutes had passed until the pain slowly eased, but her ears were still ringing and she was feeling hot. Her new memories were reorganizing and she was given a lot of new information.

As soon as the ringing in her ears stopped, the girl, ignoring all her pain, got up and walked to the corner of the room without hesitation. She took out a piece of mirror hidden behind a cardboard box and looked at herself with silent hope in her head.

"These are some jokes..." But her hope faded quickly when in the mirror she saw not her face, but some other girl. She had memories of two people in her head, which showed that ...

"That girl is Mellie... Marigold's little sister." Daisy whispered softly, not quite believing yet.

She was now the sister of the girl who had been one of Rosalie's rivals in the novel "From A Peasant to Queen". The one whose whole family was imprisoned for treason, murder, kidnapping, drug and human trafficking, and was finally executed by guillotine.

"And I'm supposed to believe it?" Daisy had no other choice. The memories in her head appeared completely magically, out of nowhere. Daisy didn't believe she had always had a second personality and was only now reunited.

She frowned dissatisfied as she looked at her face, which was slightly different from hers and certainly unpleasant to look at.

Dark bags under the eyes, one eye blue as if someone had beaten her up and it barely opened, all red inside. There were traces of blood around her mouth from frequent coughing, and there were dry traces of blood from her eyes and nose. Mouth dry as pepper and covered with something white, dark hair, very long, greasy and unkempt. Daisy felt her head itch.

"I hope it's not lice." The mere thought of it made her more and more disgusted. The only thing this girl had pretty about her was her bright, honey-colored eyes.

Daisy remembered the writing on the floor that had given her a sudden flash of memories and frowned in displeasure. It was the words' fault, and now that she had Mellie's memories, she should know how to read them.

When she got up, her knees fell under her almost immediately and she hit the floor with a thud. Daisy tried her best to suppress the cry of pain and pursed her lips. She knew from the memories that Mellie hadn't eaten in days.

Eventually she managed to crawl to the words carved on the floor.

"Dear kind soul, if you are here it means that both you and I have got a second chance. Use it. Here I have something to help you."

Daisy felt irritation grow inside her. Oh, so that was help for her? The girl sighed shortly, just enough not to start coughing again. Well, as unpleasant as it was, it did help her.

Considering the rotten cake lying next to the girl, pieces of which were on her mouth, all this blood-stained face looks like Mellie was poisoned and died.

Daisy knew the character of Mellie from the novel and had to admit that as soon as it appeared what she really was, she took the first place in the readers' revenge list next to Marigold.

She was doing lots of little things. She drowned clothes, shoes, bags, or books in the fountain to anyone her sister didn't like, locked Rosalie in abandoned classrooms at key moments, framed for theft, eavesdropped on and reported, threw drugs in drinks... many different irritating things.

Marigold, Mellie's older sister was not that stupid and always covered her tracks behind her or prompted Mellie to do many things instead of her. She didn't hide her dislike of Rosalie, but many had a bad look at the peasant woman in the noble school, so no one suspected her.

So, when she noticed that Mellie, pretending to be Rosalie's friend, had more chances to destroy her life, she decided to switch places with her, and how best to do it? Explain all the things Mellie did on her orders, showing how terrible her little sister was, and there was no shortage of evidence.

"We're terribly lucky, Mellie." Daisy admitted reluctantly, and barely suppressed a sigh as she felt herself coughing again.

"Why did I end up here?" All she could do was ask a question no one answered her. The silence, broken only by the timid singing of birds and the distant sounds of the servants, irritated the girl.

She looked again at the words on the floor as if she wanted to blame them all, but was surprised to find that they were gone. She looked around carefully, but they were nowhere to be found.

"Oh, magic." She just snorted, then began to scratch her head aggressively. She couldn't stand the itch anymore, which kept her from thinking in peace.

Gathering all her strength, the girl got up again and, slowly, as if she had just been learning to walk, approached the piece of mirror that she had found earlier.

She sat down next to it and, tired, breathed deeply, trying not to throw up again. When her stomach calmed down a bit, the girl reached for a piece of the mirror one more time and started to trim her very long hair as best she could.

The piece of the mirror was blunt, so cutting her hair was a difficult task, especially as Daisy felt a lot of pain on two fingers of her right hand.

"It looks like they're either swollen or broken. Or both." She said only frowning, then looked around once more to find something useful to stabilize the two fingers and bandage them.

Even though walking was a great effort for her, Daisy stubbornly didn't give up, no matter that she walked slowly, it was important that she reached her goal. She found small pieces of wood that she had wrapped in some dirty rag rather unskillfully, then went back to cutting her hair to at least shoulder height.

Dark hair lay around her tiny, emaciated body, but her head still itched, so Daisy went looking for water, hoping washing her head would help.

Suddenly she heard the sound of a key. She immediately clutched a piece of mirror in her hand, which Mellie had so carefully concealed so that they wouldn't take it. But Daisy was different, and she didn't like pain. She will defend herself if necessary.