
"From Peasant to Queen"

Daisy died in a car accident and awoke in the body of the hated heroine in the novel! She's destined to die for the family that tortures her and disturb the main character - Rosalie's - life. Of course, Daisy has no intention of dying, but maybe she can cause trouble for her "family" before she escapes? As a novel's fan, she cannot resist exploring her new world, but why does Rosalie behave differently from the novel? And why does Daisy suddenly see and hear things that aren't there?

Donguri_chan · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

"It seems I died."

"And what are all these girls so interested in? Sounds like an interesting story, but even in my class I can hear them squeal with delight when they read." The girl with long black hair in a ponytail and red heavy glasses spoke, raised her eyebrows, then went back to slurping noodles from a bowl.

The girl opposite looked at Amy in surprise, then quickly browsed the internet.

"I personally read this novel for a great depiction of the world they live in. Every flower, animal or place is extremely interesting for me, the author must be a genius! But reading the comments... oh, here it is ..." The girl showed her friend her phone.

"As far as I know, most readers rave about the potential suitability of a Rosalie's lover. The author is also great at drawing and feeds fans with the appearance of male candidates. Personally, I'd rather if she drew more flowers or animals..." Amy clenched the phone in her hands, narrowed her eyes, and raised an eyebrow, completely oblivious to her friend's complaints. She watched the pictures so carefully that a piece of pasta flew out of her mouth.

"Hey! Don't splash my phone screen!" The owner of the phone shouted, and Amy wiped her lips vigorously, a bit embarrassed.

"I really have to admit that she has a good hand at drawing. Each of them is super handsome and has their own aura, plus her technique is very pleasing to the eye. I'm curious what program she uses ... Ah, which is your favorite, Daisy?" Amy handed the phone back to her friend and changed the subject before she could even start talking about drawing programs, and Daisy gave a peck, bored by her friend's calm reaction, but gestured obediently.

"The third prince of the kingdom of Luxterra - Arden Sole. He looks like a hot villain, I wouldn't suspect you of picking the naughty type. Hmm? But the rankings turned out to be super popular. Why are there only candles in the commentary?" Amy asked, and before Daisy could answer, a tray of hamburgers, fries, mugs and chickens appeared on the table.

"Ah! This is because the Greatest Master Arden was shortened a head a few chapters ago! I remember it like reading it today... The pain in my heart still hasn't disappeared..." The girl with long, red hair clutched her heart dreamily, with tears in her eyes, ready to cry at any moment and sighing as if she had a broken heart.

"Stop whining and sit down, Hanah. People are looking at you." Amy cut in annoyed, but made room for her friend by moving closer to the window.

"What can I do if my heart withers at the thought of unfulfilled love?! Ah, hair black as night, violet eyes with a dangerous twinkle as if they were going to freeze you! Skin as pale as the moon and a lovely teardrop-shaped birthmark under the eye!" Hanah raved loudly, not even noticing Amy spread out the fries she had ordered in front of her, like a good mother preparing a meal for a child.

"I only go to the bathroom, and when I come back I hear some heresies. You still haven't cleared your mind, Hanah? The second prince Amias is the best!" A girl with blonde hair and a red band walked over to the table, wiping her hands, and sat down next to Daisy.

Her words immediately made Hanah glare at her irritated.

"Don't you dare insult my husband, Betty! Each of the readers knows that as a hot villain Arden is the most interesting and strong character! Even your second prince couldn't handle him! Humph!" Hanah defended her beliefs, crossing her arms over her chest and blowing her cheeks offended.

Betty hit the table with her fist, causing Amy to grab the drinking cup to keep it from tipping over. The girl looked at the arguing friends, narrowing her eyes.

"He's a villain! He did everything he could to kill Amias and Rosalie! He even killed the king and queen! In addition..."

"Shut up, Betty! Amy was about to start reading this and you throw spoilers left and right!" Daisy finally cut in, shoving a hamburger into her friend's mouth. Hanah looked at it with a smug smile that Betty felt her vein shoot out in annoyance.

She wanted to scream that Hanah had given a spoiler too, but decided to shut up because the hamburger was delicious. She only gave her friend a careful look, letting her know that this discussion was not over yet.

Amy used the moment to change the subject to the reason why they met here. Exams results.

"There's no need to ask Betty, she's the best in her class, and I wasn't in danger. And you, Daisy? We all helped you learn." Amy looked briefly at Hanah. "...Almost all."

Daisy looked at her friends a little nervously, then showed them her phone.

"I forgot to say that I finally sent this author my drawings of plants and animals." The girl praised herself trying to change the subject.

"Oh! Finally! You've been gathering for two weeks to send these drawings! And what did the author say? She liked them, didn't she?" Hanah continued, even more excited about her friend's happiness than about her food. The more that she knew that Daisy had drawn very nicely since elementary school. She even had her own exhibition in middle school!

"Ah, our shy Daisy... It took her so long to simply send an e-mail." Betty chimed in, sipping water calmly, to which Daisy blushed and looked at her friend meaningfully.

"I'm technologically shy!" She straightened, at which Hanah laughed waving the chip around.

"That's right! Whenever you call someone, you have to write down exactly what you are going to say on a piece of paper, from "Good morning" to "Goodbye"!"

"And when a stranger calls you, you have practiced the answer in another language so that they would hang up!" Betty joined Hanah and both girls teased Daisy who started fighting them with fries.

Ketchup, tissues and french fries started flying around until Amy cleared her throat loudly, drawing attention to herself. The three friends sensed Amy's dangerous gaze on them and obediently calmed down as she sat down in their seats.

"And so? What did she say?" Amy decided to go on with the topic, knowing that if Daisy wanted to, she would tell them herself. She just wanted to remind her of it, because she often forgot about the grades.

Daisy was happy to see that her plan worked.

"She replied that my drawings looked identical to her idea! She liked them a lot and said I could make them available on the fan page!" Daisy boasted, proud of her success, the more so as she had been gathering courage for a long time to send this e-mail.

"Oh, right! I have a surprise for you, get up." She said finally, when they all had time to eat.

"A surprise? On what occasion?" Hanah asked, confused, as Amy gave her a quick glance, and Betty just laughed. Only Hanah didn't guess.

The girls left the restaurant and felt a breath of warm, summer air combined with the smell of gasoline and perfume. There were a lot of people around, it was enough to take a step forward for someone to push them.

"You know, regardless of whether I managed to pass or not, each of you helped me in their own way, right? It's no wonder that I want to repay you!" Daisy said, standing with her friends at the crosswalk, waiting for the light to turn green.

She was so grateful to have such wonderful friends who were with her even though she was an idiot in some areas at school. She always felt that she was only getting something, and all she could offer was help with foreign languages, essay writing, art classes, biology or sometimes geography.

It just so happens that a few days ago she discovered a great cafe on the roof of one of the skyscrapers, which is decorated like a garden and looks magical at night! They also have a great smoothie! She wanted to take her friends there as a thank you!

"Aww, you didn't have to prepare anything! We did it because we are friends! Remember that of the four of us, you are the best at foreign languages!" Hanah said chuckling, very pleased. She knew deep down that she couldn't help Daisy much, so she did everything she could to keep Daisy thinking positively.

"Our shy Daisy has something for us? I can't wait! Are you finally taking us to your ice skating training?" Betty asked, nudging Daisy under her ribs and giving her a mischievous look.

"Hey! I told you not to bully me about it! You're too loud to take you there." Daisy pushed her friend's elbow away and puffed up her cheeks pretending to be offended.

"Aww! There is nothing to be ashamed of! We think it's cute that you signed up for skating training because a handsome boy is going there!" Hanah cut in, stepping into a lot of teasing friends, along with Betty.

Daisy turned tomato red at once, but more from annoyance than embarrassment. She had told them so many times that she was there before the new boy got there!

"And we all know that when you started ice skating, you were as numb as a log! You drove around and then you got sore, even though you didn't change your pose at all! You looked funny!" Betty added with a smile, as if remembering the great times when they went to the ice rink next to the gym on the weekends or rode on the frozen pond in the park and then had to run away from the city watch.

"Daisy is doing much better now. She can even do simple choreographies. Pirouettes and jumps." Amy added softly, but her voice was firm that each of the girls heard it even in the noise of passing cars.

The teasing duo looked at her friend in surprise.

"How is that? How do you know that? Daisy never let us come to any of the training sessions!"

"Did you sneak in despite the strangers' ban in class times? Amy, have you become naughty girl? We're having a bad influence on her, Hanah!" Amy lightly slapped both of them on the head and they stopped getting in sync, disturbing everyone around.

As Amy replied, Daisy felt something drop on her nose. Surprised, she looked up at the sky and something again dripped straight into her eye. Surprised, she began to wipe them.

"Ah! It's starting to rain! Why is it always the longest at these lights?"

"Don't complain! Imagine what Amy's must have to go through when she rushes to the tram?"

They both looked at the stoically calm girl who looked as if she had facial paralysis. Neither of them said it aloud, but admitted that Amy would probably look just as panicked as she does now. So not at all.

"Have we ever seen Amy express some big emotions?"

"Ah, you know, I think there was a moment in first grade when some boy confessed his love and..." Betty's voice did not reach Daisy's ears as she felt something push past her.

It was already dark, it was raining, and the lights of lamps, passing cars and advertisements on skyscrapers dazzled the eyes from time to time, but Daisy saw very clearly what was happening.

It was a little girl. Her red satchel flashed into Daisy's eyes. Everything seemed to slow down and Daisy could only hear her own heartbeat. She saw a truck approaching in slow motion, heard it honking and trying to brake, and out of the corner of her eye she saw a woman's smile with outstretched arms towards the girl.

For some reason, however, she saw it as if from the side of the road, and it took a few seconds to realize that she had followed the little girl out onto the road. The adrenaline rushed into her veins, everything muffled around her, but Daisy knew she had to do something. She felt as if she had been given wings for a moment.

So she grabbed the little girl by the schoolbag and pushed it back onto the sidewalk, changing places with her.

The next thing she saw was blinding lights, someone was screaming her name and passing the exam papers were scattered in the air.