
"From Peasant to Queen"

Daisy died in a car accident and awoke in the body of the hated heroine in the novel! She's destined to die for the family that tortures her and disturb the main character - Rosalie's - life. Of course, Daisy has no intention of dying, but maybe she can cause trouble for her "family" before she escapes? As a novel's fan, she cannot resist exploring her new world, but why does Rosalie behave differently from the novel? And why does Daisy suddenly see and hear things that aren't there?

Donguri_chan · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

"From a Peasnt to Queen"

There are many novels on the Internet that hit the hearts of young women and teenagers, but one of the most popular is "From a Peasant to a Queen".

It tells a story that takes place in a fantasy world called Hortus Deorum, also known as the Garden of the Gods, or Hortus for short.

The main character is a peasant woman named Rosalie, who lived peacefully in a village near the border with her seriously ill mother.

Her mother had a rare genetic condition that aroused great fear among the villagers and no one wanted to help them. For as long as she can remember, Rosalie had to take care of her mother by herself. She looked after their little hut and did everything to get the money for her mother's medicine, which were hellishly expensive, and they weren't able to cure her, but only delay her enlargement and ease the pain.

Readers have followed her actions since she was seven years old, and seeing such a young child go through mockery, fights, screams and injustice from the peasants aroused sympathy in their hearts, and everyone wanted to see her grow into a great, strong heroine who would show her what she could do! It was the beginning of the novel's success, and everyone enjoyed reading about well-deserved revenge.

One day, while hunting rabbits in the forest, Rosalie came across a pack of wolves, and while escaping, she discovered a cave that had a magical spring in it. To cleanse her wounds, she used glowing water and the next day found that her wounds were gone! The girl quickly put the facts together and began to treat her mother with magic water, and after a few months her mother was finally able to stand on her feet.

Unfortunately, there was the beginning of bigger problems. Rosalie decided to take her mother to the festival welcoming the new year, where she was noticed by Lord Avarus. Seeing such a beautiful woman with a sickly, yet delicate beauty, the man immediately demanded that she be his concubine.

Readers immediately hated Lord Avarus and put him on the vengeance list, but despite the woman's refusal, Lord Avarus did everything to make their lives difficult for the two. After all, they had no roof over their heads, their garden was constantly being destroyed, and their clothes were often stolen, they couldn't even go shopping quietly because someone was constantly robbing them and even trying to do worse things at the behest of Lord Avarus.

Due to this constant pressure, Rosalie's mother's illness returned with redoubled force, especially since due to constant observation by the Lord's men, Rosalie was unable to walk to the cave's magic water. Eventually, the Lord threatened to kill Rosalie if her mother - Mollis, did not become his fourth wife. He promised the best medicines, his own villa only for them, rows of servants at their beck and call, three meals a day and beautiful clothes, expecting Mollis to give him a male heir.

The woman had no option but to agree, so she moved with Rosalie to Lord Avarus taking his name, but Rosalie hated her stepfather from the bottom of her heart. After many years of trying to get a male heir, Lord was less and less interested in the sickly Mollis. In his house, Rosalie had to fight for survival on the part of her five sisters, and Mollis on the part of three wives, who tried at all costs to get rid of the two.

One day, when one of them went so far as to use poison and made Rosalie's mother go into a coma for several months, Rosalie couldn't take it anymore and burst out furious. Along with strong emotions, magic awakened in her, which was a great honor. Lord Avarus immediately began to show more interest in his stepdaughter, who was the only one who awakened magic. He pulled on all the strings and contacts he had to send her to a prestigious school for the nobility.

The Golden Nightingale School in Aurum - the capital of the kingdom of Luxterra. Lord Avarus thought of the great honor, wealth and fame he could gain from this school. Even the royal family went there! Had it not been for his contacts, he would not have been able to send an ordinary Lord's daughter there. It was through these contacts that Rosalie had to come up with a plan to get her mother out of this place filled with hornets.

By awakening her magic, Lord Avarus once again found an interest in her mother, thinking that there was something special about her genes so that his male descendant would certainly be born with a core needed to weave magic. Therefore, Rosalie had to rush to find contacts so powerful that would stand against the Lord's contacts. If another Lord's wife bore him a son, he would no longer need the rest, so Rosalie had to hurry.

Thus began the story of a thirteen-year-old girl who changed the entire kingdom of Luxterra, founded an alliance between the races, and ended the war. She became the Queen of Luxterra, respected by all races and recorded in the books.