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The Young master's fake bride and her lucky system

[Sweet, satisfying, pampering, lots of face slapping.] Zhang Caishen's era had come to an end and he could never rise again, or so they said. But why did he seem to be getting richer and more powerful even if he was now crippled and abandoned by his betrothed? Why was he suddenly so unnaturally lucky? The answer was simple; his new wife!! Lin Alix was not lucky when it came to her family. She was the older, less loved and less talented one in comparison to her younger sister who stole everything from her. But fate intervened and she got lucky when it came to a husband, not only was he wealthy but he loved to spoil her. Suggested by her infinite luck gaming system, Alix married her sister's unwanted crippled husband to be and stepped on the path of a winner in life. She swept up music awards, gained international recognition and got her revenge on her cruel family while becoming Beijing's most envious wife. "Are you crazy, you willingly married a crippled man?" her friends asked. "Yes, but have you seen how much he pampers me?" she asked in turn. "She will cheat on him, he is a cripple and he can't perform his husbandly duties." others gossiped. Alix looked at the so called crippled man who climbed into her bed night after night and laughed. Sorry, he was more than capable. "Honey, I am here to perform my husbandly duties." he would always say coquettishly when he flipped her over. This book is participating in the WSA and the author will appreciate all your support. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, nothing should be compared to the real world no matter how similar. You can also check out my other works here on Web novel.

1cutecat · Fantasy
482 Chs

I transmigrated and got a husband and a son!

She was known by many names: Demoness, a wicked witch, an heiress born to rule hell, the baddest, and the most poisonous flower in the world of the underground. Little did everyone know, the heiress of the most mysterious assassination organization had a simple dream. A dream that many girls had: to have a peaceful life with a husband and a kid. That was why when this infamous leader of the assassin organization woke up in the body of Heaven Liu, she thought her lifelong dream had finally come true. But the reality was far from what she expected. Heaven Liu was a has-been actress; she disappeared from the limelight at the peak of stardom. The reason? An unwanted pregnancy. Forced to marry a man she didn’t love, the marriage easily fell apart — almost at the brink of no repair. With this reality she had to face, would she be able to mend the broken hearts of her husband and son? Or will the distance between them continue to widen? With this loveless marriage from the get-go, would there be a chance they could live happily as a family? Or was it too late? Most importantly, would she truly escape the chains she thought she had broken free from? Or would her own hell catch up to her to drag her back to the pits of hell where she belongs? ***** EBOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE ON AMAZON. LINK: https://a.co/d/bTeyr0B Spanish Translation is also available on Webnovel. Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/transmigr%C3%A9-y-consegu%C3%AD-un-esposo-y-un-hijo!_29071013600828005 Portuguese Translation is also available on Webnovel! Link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/eu-transmigrei-e-ganhei-um-marido-e-um-filho!_29287259500602105### German Translation: https://www.webnovel.com/book/ich-bin-ausgewandert-und-habe-einen-mann-und-einen-sohn-bekommen!_29589894400890705 Disclaimer: The cover is not owned by me. All credits go to the artist. This is a part of the author’s Wild Series. Wild Miss Heiress: I reincarnated and got a husband and a son! JOIN MY DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/gXCMQwmrGY

BAJJ · Urban
1249 Chs

It's Just A Picture (BL)

(MATURE CONTENT) Threesome arc? - Right here A weak, adorable, and low self-esteemed MC with an awful past, a trauma breaking him down every second and controling his life, just before he meets his 'suns', and later gains confidence and starts loving himself again arc? - Right here. Yeah, you read that right. Twin brothers who radiate like the sun and are very possessive of the MC, putting his happiness above everything arc? Gosh, look no further, you're in the right place. This story is just for you, so open it and read to your heart's content. ****** Synopsis I was just a no-name photographer who was trying hard to make a living, but then I got tangled with 'them'. My life, as it was, had always been nothing but a nightmare, living a cursed life that wasn't fit to be called a life. I had no chances with love, connections, or anything. Nothing! And after drawing my last straw, trying to make a final effort that would maybe lead me somewhere other than dirt, I met them again. They - the twins - were my childhood friends whose lives I had ruined with my presence, and I was scared to ruin it a second time, so I tried to stay away from them but... They had other plans. 'When angels dream.' That was what I called the picture. The beautiful portrait was filled with serenity as that blond Italian man gazed into the distance and was showered with the soft petals of cherry blossom. The beautiful picture I had 'stolen'. Yeah, that's the word. I stole it because I didn't ask for permission first. But this is how it unfolded. At first, I took the picture without asking because I was so mesmerized by the scenery, and completely breathtaking, but then I got caught but it wasn't by the same man. They looked alike and wore the same clothes but I could tell right away that he wasn't him. Nevertheless, I apologized. "I'm deeply sorry." I said but then, the man whom I had stolen a picture from walked up behind me and said, "To think such a day would come." I turned around and blinked, looking at the man in front of me and then at the one behind me. They were identical twins. And not only that ... My heart shook... They looked like the twins I had known back then. "What's the matter?" The one in front asked with a bright smile that I was so compelled to take a picture of him and I did. He blinked at my confused expression and then burst out laughing. A sweet and cheerful laugh that made me blush. he looked really handsome. They both did, with their blonde hair which shone like gold with the suns radiation and a charming smile. I found my heart racing at the mere sight of that smile and almost forgot the situation I was in. "I see you haven't changed at all." He suddenly said, swiped my hair back and added, softly, "Hyung." My eyes widened. These two... It couldn't be... They weren't the twins, right? The twins that I knew. They... How did this happen? I just wanted a picture, that's all. ****** Thank you all for diving into this story. Note, the smut doesn't officially start right away till the later chapters but I didn't leave the readers without some sweet candies either, so along the line, there were a bunch of 'actions' between MC and the twins, huhu. His denial knew no bound but his body still won in the end, haha. Anyway, if you find waiting for updates too long, and you haven't checked out my other books, please do. There's also a threesome arc in the first one below. And it's completed too. What a score! 1) Alpha, Alpha, Beta? I transmigrated into an Omegaverse as a boy? (Completed) 2) And why, In Every Life, Do I Fall In Love With The Tyrant (Ongoing)

Byul_Byre · LGBT+
216 Chs

Reborn Princess Became A Superstar in Modern Days

Having brought up her younger siblings in troubled times and guiding her younger brother to the throne, Xia Wanyuan is the most legendary eldest princess in the history of the Xia Dynasty. When this eldest princess opens her eyes, she finds herself in a world a thousand years into the future. While she is still called "Princess", it's only a nasty jeer imparted on her as a mockery for her arrogant connections within the entertainment industry. So what if you were rich? In the end you've fallen to a status far lower than any beast! In response, Xia Wanyuan promises that a day would come when they will sincerely call her Princess. Everyone laughs at her, waiting to see the day when she'll be abandoned by the wealthy and affluent. Handsome yet aloof, President Jun Shiling is known only for his success in the corporate world with a demeanor cold enough to cut through ice. He has just one thing to say: Take the one hundred million divorce fee and leave quickly. Two years later, the eldest princess is a two-time winner of a prestigious acting award. The darling of the fashion world, she has become a style icon who is also proficient in the four classical arts. As an all-knowing professor in both literature and poetry, she is also a professor in two departments at the most renowned institute of higher learning. The Olympics? Gold medals are a dime a dozen when considering her skills in fencing and shooting. Her name is spread all over the world and she is filled with an unprecedented glory never bestowed upon any other. The CEO who wanted a divorce at the start refutes on television: "How dare anyone spread rumors about our divorce? My dearest wife, can we have another child?"

A Boat of Dreams · Urban
1612 Chs

Matrimonio de Contrato: El Novio Sustituto

Unos minutos antes de su boda, Jeslyn descubrió que su futuro esposo solo estaba interesado en los beneficios que obtendría a través del matrimonio con ella. Desconsolada y sintiéndose traicionada, optó por la única opción disponible en ese momento, que era casarse con cualquier hombre que pudiera encontrar en un matrimonio de conveniencia, de lo contrario la fortuna de su familia terminaría en manos de sus enemigos. —Señor, por favor, ¿se casará conmigo?— le preguntó. Era un hombre que había visto entrar al baño del lugar de la boda. —Debe ser uno de los invitados—, pensó. Maverick se sorprendió por esa propuesta. Vio cómo ella se asustaba al girar la cabeza hacia él. Era obvio que tenía miedo de él, pero se compuso y se preparó para sumergirse en el misterio que tenía delante. —Será un matrimonio de conveniencia. Nos divorciaremos después de un año—, escuchó decir a Jeslyn. También necesitaba una mujer para su hijo travieso, por lo que respondió: —Trato hecho.— Sin saberlo, acababa de hacer un trato con el diablo más dulce que podría existir. ... Él es la pesadilla del país M, un lugar donde el mal gobierna. Ella es la pequeña conejita criada con amor y cariño. ¿Lastimar a una mosca? No, ella nunca había hecho eso antes. Sin embargo, obligada a convertirse en la esposa del demonio, no tuvo más remedio que dejar de fingir. ¿Pequeña conejita? ¿Quién dijo que no podía pisotear los dedos de un pianista con sus tacones y fingir que no lo hizo a propósito? ¡Ja, esas celebridades quieren jugar la carta de la pena! ¿Quieren conseguir la simpatía del público? Bueno, ¿por qué la llaman "pequeña conejita"? ¿No es porque era la mejor fingiendo ser linda? ¿Acaso nadie les dijo a estas flores blancas que quieren sumergirse en la cama de su esposo que ella le robó su alma cuando le dio nalgadas a su hijo travieso?

Hassy_101 · Urban
501 Chs

Contract Marriage: The Replacement Groom

A few minutes before her wedding, Jeslyn found out her soon-to-be husband was only after the benefit he would get by marrying her.  Heartbroken and feeling betrayed, she opted for the only option available at that moment, which was to get into a contract marriage with whichever man she could find, or else her family's fortune would end up in the hands of her enemies.  … "Mister, please, will you marry me?" She asked him. A man she saw entering the restroom of the wedding venue. 'He must be one of the guests,' she thought. Maverick was taken aback by that proposal. He saw her flinch when he turned to look at her. It was apparent she got scared of him, yet she composed herself, ready to dive into the mystery before her. "It will be a marriage contract. We will get a divorce after one year," he heard her say. He also needed a woman for his brat, so he responded, "Deal." Unbeknownst to her, she just made a deal with the sweetest devil that could ever exist.  ... He is the nightmare of country M, a country where evil rules. She is the little bunny raised with love and affection. Hurt a fly? No, she had never done that before. However, forced to become the demon's wife, she had no choice but to shed her fake persona. What little bunny? Who said she could not step on a pianist's fingers with her heels and pretend like she didn't mean it? Ha, those celebrities want to play the pity card? Do they want to garner the sympathy of the public? Well, why again is she called a 'little bunny'? Isn't it because she was the best at acting cute? Did no one tell these white lotuses wanting to dive into her husband's bed that she stole his soul when she spanked his naughty son? .... Drop by my discord to have a one on one discussion with your author-- Hassy_101. Link below https://discord.gg/CswFCgc2

Hassy_101 · Urban
502 Chs

Casamento por Contrato: O Noivo Substituto

Poucos minutos antes do seu casamento, Jeslyn descobriu que seu futuro marido estava interessado apenas nos benefícios que obteria ao se casar com ela. Com o coração partido e sentindo-se traída, ela optou pela única opção disponível naquele momento, que era entrar em um contrato de casamento com qualquer homem que pudesse encontrar, caso contrário, a fortuna de sua família acabaria nas mãos de seus inimigos. ... "Senhor, por favor, você se casaria comigo?" Ela perguntou. Um homem que ela viu entrando no banheiro do local de casamento. 'Ele deve ser um dos convidados', pensou ela. Maverick ficou surpreso com aquela proposta. Ele a viu estremecer quando se virou para olhá-la. Era evidente que ela ficou com medo dele, mas mesmo assim se recompôs, pronta para mergulhar no mistério à sua frente. "Será um contrato de casamento. Vamos nos divorciar depois de um ano", ele a ouviu dizer. Ele também precisava de uma mulher para o seu filho, então respondeu: "Feito". Sem que ela soubesse, acabara de fazer um acordo com o mais doce demônio que poderia existir. ...Ele é o pesadelo do país M, um país onde o mal reina. Ela é a coelhinha criada com amor e carinho. Machucar uma mosca? Não, ela nunca havia feito isso antes. No entanto, forçada a se tornar esposa do demônio, ela não teve escolha a não ser abandonar sua falsa persona. Que coelhinha? Quem disse que ela não podia pisar nos dedos de um pianista com seus saltos e fingir que não foi intencional? Ha, essas celebridades querem usar o discurso de coitadinhos? Elas querem conquistar a simpatia do público? Bem, por que novamente a chamam de 'coelhinha'? Não é porque ela era a melhor em agir fofa? Ninguém disse a essas lótus brancas querendo pular para a cama do marido dela que ela roubou a alma dele quando bateu em seu filho travesso? ....

Hassy_101 · Urban
501 Chs

Rebirth of the Villainess: Young Master Lu’s Wicked Wife

In her past life, Su Xiaofei lost everything when her father’s other daughter came, essentially ruining her life. Only at the end of her life did her half-sister Ye Mingyu, reveal the truth. Su Xiaofei wasn’t her parents’ real child, but an orphan that they chose to adopt when they found out that her adoptive mother couldn’t conceive a child. After losing her adoptive mother and her own life, Su Xiaofei was given a chance to make it right! Returning to the days before the mother and daughter pair ruined her life, Su Xiaofei decided she would no longer be a filial child to her scum of a father, and promised not to love her trash of a husband. Just as she thought her heart had turned cold and immune to love, a certain Young Master Lu decided to profess his undying love for her. In the last moments of her past life, Lu Qingfeng was the only one who held her limp body close and shed tears as she departed from the world of the living. "My mind is already set. Aside from you, I will not marry someone else. Moreover, in this lifetime and the next ones, I will only have you as my wife." In everyone’s eyes, she was the wicked villainess, but for Lu Qingfeng, Su Xiaofei was his personal goddess. As she navigates through her second chance at life, would Su Xiaofei be able to teach her heart not to be swayed by his love? Editor/proofreader: ninaviews Warning for future r18 scenes and themes not appropriate for young audience. Book cover illustration by Snow Le Art Copyright2022 anjeeriku

anjeeriku · Urban
662 Chs

My Evil Genius Wife

The girl barged into his office, ignoring the secretary's feeble attempts to stop her. He looked up from his files, his expression turning sour at the sight of the girl standing before him. "What do you want?" he asked, his voice chilly. She smirked and tossed her hair. "What do you think I want? I'm hungry. Take me out for lunch." He furrowed his brows. "Why should I? Haven't I already paid you compensation? I have no obligation to feed you, so leave." But she only sneered, her lips twisting into a malicious grin. "Do you really think you can escape from me so easily? Tsk, tsk. Mr. Han, you've underestimated me." "I'll track you down, no matter where you hide," she added, her voice dripping with venom. ... Jiang Yue was a member of the most popular and influential girl group, living a life of fame and glory. But when she dies in an accident and wakes up in the body of a hidden heiress of the Gu family, everything changes. Xu Nuan, once an obedient and timid girl, suddenly becomes sharp-tongued, bold, and fearless after the accident. But can those who have always looked down on her accept her newfound strength and courage? Han Zihao, the president of Han Corporations, is known for his cold and unyielding demeanor. But when Xu Nuan jumps in front of his car and forces him to yield, he finds himself struggling to deal with her fierce and spirited influence. How will he react to this sudden challenge to his authority? …. * NO RAPE OR MAJOR MISUNDERSTANDING* Follow on Instagram: @kamlyn_love Discord server: https://discord.gg/zdjyt5tS Note: Review and comment based on content. Any personal or hate comment or review will not be entertained and will be deleted right away. Criticisms are welcomed, not rude and hateful comments!

Kamlyn · Urban
574 Chs

When The Top Hacker Becomes A Female Supporting Character, She Amazes The World

As one of the world's top hackers, Yu Han suddenly died because she stayed up late launching an attack on a certain country's firewall! She did not expect to transmigrate into a romance novel that her friend had arranged for her to read and become a female supporting character with the same name in the novel. Yu Han expressed her dissatisfaction. What right did others have to transmigrate into the female protagonist while she could only be a female supporting character? Wait a minute! Yu Han was suddenly excited because, in the novel, her fiancé was the top celebrity in the novel, Ji Jun. He was also her favorite man in the novel because he was the only one who did not have a brainless crush on the female protagonist in the novel. Now, this man was her fiancé! It was rumored that the top male idol in showbiz, Ji Jun, had a crush on someone. His fans, “Impossible, I don't believe it. Brother loves us!” When they heard that the person Ji Jun had a crush on was Yu Han, his fans, “ It's impossible. Brother only treats Yu Han as his junior that he wants to promote!” During a variety show, Heartthrob Ji lost in a game of truth or dare and chose truth. The host, "I heard you have a crush on someone. Is it Yu Han?" Yu Han gave him a cold glare. Ji Jun answered, "No." Snap! The red lights on the lie detector's glared red. Yu Han, "…?" His fans, "…?" She was the star in the sky, while he was the star-picker. Epilogue 1: "Shocking! The popular female star, Yu Han, sold her body to seduce a seventy-year-old man for the sake of stardom. Here is a picture as proof!" While the entire internet criticized Yu Han for her shamelessness, Ji Jun's trust in her never faltered. He tagged the reporter and replied to him with two words, "F*ck you!" Yu Han read Ji Jun's protective words in shock and was overjoyed. With the entire screen filled with curses, Yu Han started a live stream and taught the netizens how to photoshop photos and videos. At the same time, she also restored the photos that were circulating on the internet. The netizens were shocked that Yu Han actually had such skills! At the same time, after restoring the photo to the originals, everyone wondered how the man in the photo resembled Prince Charming Ji Jun so much! Epilogue 2: The transmigrated Queen Yu had a headache. Yu Han knew that the Ji Jun in the book had a serious obsession with cleanliness. "Can we ask the director to do a cheat cut for this kissing scene? Aren't you a clean freak?" The smile on Ji Jun's face widened. "We're not canceling that scene. Are you doubting my professional ethics?" Yu Han, "…" A certain female star in the same production crew just finished shooting a scene where she fell into the water. She looked at Ji Jun pitifully. "Brother Jun, I don't have any strength left. Can you help me?" Ji Jun did not even look at her. “Sorry, I have issues with cleanliness.” Yu Han, "...?"

JQK · Urban
511 Chs

Mariage Contractuel : Le Marié de Remplacement

Quelques minutes avant son mariage, Jeslyn découvrit que son futur mari n'était intéressé que par les avantages qu'il obtiendrait en l'épousant. Le coeur brisé et se sentant trahie, elle opta pour la seule option disponible à ce moment-là, celle de conclure un contrat de mariage avec n'importe quel homme qu'elle pourrait trouver, sinon la fortune de sa famille tomberait aux mains de ses ennemis. … "Monsieur, s'il vous plaît, voulez-vous m'épouser ?" lui demanda-t-elle. Un homme qu'elle vit entrer dans les toilettes du lieu de mariage. 'Il doit être l'un des invités', pensa-t-elle. Maverick fut surpris par cette proposition. Il la vit tressaillir lorsqu'il se tourna pour la regarder. Il était évident qu'elle avait peur de lui, mais elle se ressaisit, prête à plonger dans le mystère qui se présentait devant elle. "Ce sera un contrat de mariage. Nous divorcerons après un an," l'entendit-il dire. Il avait également besoin d'une femme pour son fils, alors il répondit : "Marché conclu." À son insu, elle venait de conclure un accord avec le diable le plus doux qui puisse exister. ... Il est le cauchemar du pays M, un pays où le mal règne. Elle est la petite lapine élevée avec amour et affection. Blesser une mouche ? Non, elle n'avait jamais fait cela auparavant. Cependant, forcée de devenir la femme du démon, elle n'avait pas d'autre choix que de se défaire de sa fausse personnalité. Quelle petite lapine ? Qui a dit qu'elle ne pouvait pas écraser les doigts d'un pianiste avec ses talons et faire semblant de ne pas le faire exprès ? Ha, ces célébrités veulent jouer la carte de la pitié ? Veulent-elles attirer la sympathie du public ? Eh bien, pourquoi est-elle encore appelée une "petite lapine" ? N'est-ce pas parce qu'elle était la meilleure pour jouer les mignonnes ? Personne n'a dit à ces lotus blancs qui voulaient plonger dans le lit de son mari qu'elle avait volé son âme lorsqu'elle avait donné une fessée à son fils turbulent ?

Hassy_101 · Urban
Not enough ratings
501 Chs

She Becomes A Hot Sensation After A Scandalous Affair

[Mature Content.] "If they want to hate me so badly, then I’ll double it down. I will be the hottest sensation they will ever see!” * Madeline Rose’ career as a budding young actress was cut short when she found out that her older boyfriend and co-star, Jonathan Hale, was already married with a child. The public hounded her for her affair, even though she was also a victim of deceit as she never knew that she was dating a married man. She lost everything, her career, her good reputation, her future - all of it crumbled to pieces as her boyfriend tossed her under the bus, blaming her for seducing him. She became a public enemy, and her online nicknames were ‘Shameless homewrecker’ and ‘cheating snake!’ Unable to cope with the hate comments, Madeline decided to retire from the entertainment industry. But four years later, she realized she had to pay for her mother’s cancer treatment, and her father's gambling debt. Desperate to earn money, Madeline realized it was best to pander to the rumors. With her amazing acting skills, she easily pretended to be a sexy and dangerous seductress, confidently claiming all the slanders were true. She was indeed the evil homewrecker, Public Enemy No. 1. Even as they cursed her, money flowed in like water. But as she became the headline of many gossip news, Madeline found herself attracting the attention of Lance Grant, a mysterious scion from an aristocratic family who wanted her to be his contractual girlfriend despite all of her controversies. – “I will sponsor your career,” Lance Grant said. “Reality show, modelling, singing, acting on TV shows and movies. I will give you everything if you agree to be my girlfriend.” “Do you not see how controversial I am, Mr. Grant? You’re going to ruin yourself,” Madeline refused. “Because you are pretty and infamous, you’re perfect for me, Madeline Rose.” – With the help of Lance Grant, Madeline restarted her career to become a hot A-list celebrity. But what happens when her ex-boyfriend, Jonathan Hale, divorces his wife and begs Madeline to take him back? * Official Commissioned Cover and Character’s Images by @durudara * Contact me Instagram: @foreverpupa

ForeverPupa · Urban
250 Chs

Transmigré y conseguí un esposo y un hijo!

``` Era conocida por muchos nombres: Demoníaca, una bruja malvada, una heredera destinada a gobernar el infierno, la más mala y la flor más venenosa del mundo del inframundo. Poco sabían todos, la heredera de la organización de asesinatos más misteriosa tenía un sueño sencillo. Un sueño que muchas chicas tenían: tener una vida pacífica con un esposo y un hijo. Por eso, cuando esta infame líder de la organización de asesinos despertó en el cuerpo de Heaven Liu, pensó que su sueño de toda la vida finalmente se había hecho realidad. Pero la realidad estaba lejos de lo que esperaba. Heaven Liu era una actriz acabada; desapareció de los reflectores en el pico de su estrellato. ¿La razón? Un embarazo no deseado. Forzada a casarse con un hombre que no amaba, el matrimonio se desmoronó fácilmente —casi al borde de no tener arreglo. Con esta realidad que tuvo que enfrentar, ¿sería capaz de reparar los corazones rotos de su esposo e hijo? ¿O continuaría ampliándose la distancia entre ellos? Con este matrimonio sin amor desde el inicio, ¿habría una posibilidad de que pudieran vivir felices en familia? ¿O era demasiado tarde? Lo más importante, ¿lograría verdaderamente escapar de las cadenas que pensaba había roto? ¿O su propio infierno la alcanzaría para arrastrarla de vuelta a los pozos del infierno donde pertenece? ***** Descargo de responsabilidad: La portada no es de mi propiedad. Todos los créditos al artista. Esta es una parte de la Serie Salvaje de la autora. Señorita Heredera Salvaje: ¡Reencarné y conseguí un esposo y un hijo! ```

BAJJ · Urban
Not enough ratings
489 Chs