
Sandra Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    My name is Sandra Williams from Southern California, I've been divorced for a couple of years now. As years rolled by, I came to the realization that my marriage has shattered, left me broken & depressed. It was the most miserable & soul-drenching time of my life, nothing else matters, I just wanted my home back & be happy again. Somehow, I stumbled upon a post regarding the miraculous works of Dr. Genius & just a week after consultation with him, obeying his instructions diligently, my ex husband reached out to me, apologized & ready to make things work. Now we are planning a vacation to France, to make up for all the lost times, now am super excited & happy, moreover I am eternally grateful to DR. GENIUS  for restoring my home.. You can contact him for help to restore love and peace in your marriage or relationship. Email: geniusspelltemple@gmail.com. You can call or WhatsApp him via +2348155184380. His Website: https://geniusspelltemple.wixsite.com/my-site and blogpage: https://geniusspeltemple.blogspot.com

    Sandra_Williams_5672 · Urban
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    She Who Became Mine

    Claude meets his first love, but something happens to undermine their love, and then he meets Kimberly, a woman who understands what true love is. This duo does their best to assist each other in matters of love and happiness as long as they can meet their needs. Is it feasible for these two to be content with each other?

    _sandra_ · Teen
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    Entanglement With The Billionaire CEO

    She was the country's diva but she had an ambiguous relationship with one of the most influential men in the country. Did you think she would be able to set herself free from it? ******************************* Sandra Brown was a struggling actress that was having a difficult time as an actress in the entertainment industry but an event changed her life forever. She took a drastic step by entering into a contract with one of the most successful men in the country by being his bedmate for 6 years. After the 6 years contract elapsed it was time to cut off the deal but that was when the trouble came in. Dylan Brooke was a cold, dominant, and possessive man, he was one of the most successful men in the country being the only direct heir to the Brooke group, the top business empire in the country. He was rumored to be ruthless and not give the other gender much as a glance but he had a secret that no one knew. He met Sandra due to an unfortunate situation and he trapped her into being his bedmate for 6 years, the reason best known to him, but after that 6 years, she wanted to leave. Why? Excerpt "Then help me, "the girl pleaded anxiously, holding the man's arm, and he bore his eyes at her. "Don't say that kitten because my help is quite expensive," the man says and the girl lets go of his arms before her voice rings out again. "I will pay the price," she says with a shaky voice. 6 years later. "Today marked the end of our deal, Mr. Brooke, "the lady says with little to no emotions on her face, and when she saw the man in front of her wasn't moving she decided to leave but his voice halted her steps. "Who says it is over, "The cold man's voice rang out and he grabbed her tiny waist with his large arms and pressed her body against his. "I think you are forgetting something kitten, "He says with a deep baritone voice and he rubs his cold fingers on her lips. "I call the shot, "he declared, pressing his lips on her..... *********************************** She signed the contract but she can't cut it off because the ball wasn't in her court anymore... *****The cover isn't mine credit to the original owner

    Beanie_Bola · Urban
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    Mafia Boss And His 7 Sisters

    I had seven childhood playmates, all nothing but gorgeous. They treated me as their little brother. And I called them "sisters". The eldest one, Belinda Staley, was a business genius. Th second one, Sandra Clayton, was a famous doctor. The third one, Brenda Danbury, was mysterious. The fourth one, Carly Tuttle, was a national beauty. The fifth one, Freda Peck, was a ruthless police officer. The sixth one, Ruth Frey, was a great heroine, and the seventh one, Adyson Dorothy, was a genius professor. And my name was Claud Allston. I was the founder of Celestial Palace, the ruler of the world.

    Randy Salgado · Urban
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    Sebuah kisah dua remaja yang terlibat pernikahan karena perjodohan yang disetujui oleh kedua belah pihak. Aaram yang notabenenya adalah sahabat Sandra,Aaram juga pernah menyakiti sahabatnya Dira karena berselingkuh dengan Sona yang tidak lain adalah sahabat mereka juga. Sandra yang memiliki rasa takut untuk membuka hatinya kepada seorang pria karena rasa trauma atas kehidupan kedua orang tuanya di masa lalu,akhirnya terpaksa menerima perjodohan ini karena ia ingin melihat ibunya bahagia. Sedangkan Aaram yang pernah menyakiti hati sahabat Sandra yang bernama Dira juga pernah merasakan penghianatan yang Sona lakukan. Rasa sakit yang pernah Dira rasakan kini Aaram pun merasakannya juga. Awalnya Aaram meminta Sandra untuk menerima dan menyetujui pernikahan ini atas dasar suami istri diatas kertas. Tetapi,ketika Aaram meminta Sandra untuk melupakan kesepakatan itu Sandra menolak karena ia masih belum bisa menerima atau membuka hatinya untuk seorang pria. Bagaimanakah kelanjutan kisah Aaram & Sandra? Apakah Sandra akan mampu membuka hatinya untuk Aaram dan melupakan rasa traumanya? "Aku selalu menutup hati ku untuk pria mana pun. Bagiku semua pria itu sama saja. Sama-sama breng***." ~Casandra Arshavina~ "Aku belajar dari pengalamanku selama aku menjalin suatu hubungan dengan seorang wanita. Pengkhianatan yang pernah aku lakukan dan pernah aku rasakan,kini membuat diriku ragu akan suatu hubungan percintaan dengan wanita mana pun. Tapi,jika aku telah mendapatkan seorang istri maka aku akan menjadikannya ratu dari segala ratu dalam hidupku. Aku akan selalu ada untuknya." ~Aaram Rafasyah Rahardian~ (cerita ini masin nyambung dengan cerita The Coolest yang saya publish di tempat lain,biar tidak bingung saya sarankan baca The Coolest terlebih dahulu)

    Eva_Hyungsik · Urban
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    The Odyssey of Sandra

    Sandra was another person in the vast expanse of the universe. However, one fateful day, everyone vanished from her world, leaving her alone and surrounded by an empty world. With nothing else to do, she channeled all of her energy into cleaning every inch of her desolate surroundings. But then, a being of unimaginable power fixated its unblinking gaze upon Sandra. It saw something special in her, and without warning, she was thrust into an epic journey - an odyssey guided by forces beyond her comprehension. As she embarked on this unknown path, fear mingled with excitement inside her, wondering where this journey would lead her and what powers awaited her at its end. Warning: GXG PAIRING/ LGBT+ CONTENT( ANYONE WHO DOESN'T LIKE OR READ THIS TYPE OF CONTENT, JUST LEAVE.) -THIS IS AN AU ALTERNATE UNIVERSE. SOME CHARACTER MAY NOT SOUND THE SAME OR BE THE SAME. CERTAIN EVENTS MIGHT HAPPEN DIFFERENTLY. -This is my first time writing something on this site or any site. -English is my only language, you may see misspellings or just bad English in general -Chapter upload- Every other day or so (unless something happens that changes it or I change it) - There is no system just a status screen in her mind -Mc's powers will be overpowered but limited and she'll need to learn and use them Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN MARVEL OR DC, EVERYTHING IN THIS STORY, AND CHARACTERS BELONGS TO THE ORIGINAL CREATORS, THE ONLY THING THAT I OWN IS MY OC (ORIGINAL CHARACTER) AN: the imagine is not mine, it was the only one that worked and that is not the Mc if this is your image and you want me to take I down the text me

    Timothy_Pope_4016 · LGBT+
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    Back To The Marriage

    Sandra merasakan pukulan bertubi-tubi saat Bara meletakan map berisi surat perceraian mereka. Tidak disangka secepat ini kenangan manis mereka harus berakhir. Kendati sudah menyiapkan jauh-jauh hari, Sandra masih saja belum rela. Cukup ia akui, jika bersama Bara-lah kebahagiaan itu ia kecap. Apalagi saat mengetahui ada sesosok mungil yang sedang tumbuh dalam rahimnya. Bara tak pernah menyangka, jika perceraian yang ia ajukan adalah awal dari penyesalan terdalamnya. Sandra lepas dari genggamannya. Saat menyadari kehadiran Sandra segalanya, ia malah melakukan hal konyol yang tak termaafkan. Sandra pergi dari hidupnya. Memilih mengakhiri penderitaan selama di sisi Bara. Sandranya telah lari. Tujuh tahun berselang. Dalam satu pesta yang cukup besar telah mempertemukan mereka kembali. Akankah mereka memilih mengikat pernikahan kembali? Atau justru telah bahagia dengan pasangan masing-masing? *** Baca karya yang lain : My Ex Billionaire Please, Back To Marriage With Me Persuit of My Ex-Lover IG : @ayakalibrary

    Hayuayaka · Urban
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    Nikah Kontrak : Kejutan Sang CEO

    Apa yang terjadi kalau seorang CEO ganteng tiba-tiba mendobrak pintu hatimu!? Hidup sandra yang suram dan terlilit hutang tiba-tiba berubah ketika seorang pria tampan mendobrak pintu kamar hotelnya! Tanpa basa-basi Sandra langsung ditarik dibalik selimut oleh Nico yang harus bersembunyi dari suruhan pamannya sendiri yang ingin menghabisi nyawanya! Apa yang akan Sandra lakukan ketika Nico memohon untuk bantuannya? Bagaimana Sandra bisa menyembunyikan seorang CEO di rumahnya yang apa adanya? Apakah Nico akan memenuhi janjinya untuk melunasi semua hutang-hutang wanita itu jika Sandra menjadi istri paling manis sedunia bagi sang CEO tersembunyi?

    Jelita_Cantika · Teen
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    Let's get married (The End)

    Volume 2. Nalla Nalla melakukan satu kesalahan dalam hidupnya yang membuat dia harus menghilang dari kehidupan Rania, temannya. Setelah tahun-tahun berlalu, Nalla kembali bertemu dengan Rania dan suaminya, yang membuat dirinya harus kembali menghadapi kesalahan masa lalunya. Apakah Nalla harus mengungkapkan kesalahannya itu? halo semua, mulai hari ini Let's get married akan mulai jilid yang ke 2, semoga suka ya.. ceritanya akan berbeda dengan jilid 1.. di jilid 2 ini cerita tentang kisah cinta segitiga antara Nalla, Rania dan Attar.. jangan lupa dukungannya..dan happy reading.. Volume 1. Sandra Kisah cinta Sandra, seorang dokter mata yang masih betah menyendiri walaupun sudah berusia 35 tahun. Kedatangan Evan, seorang dokter bedah baru di rumah sakitnya dan Keenan, dokter urologi yang juga sahabat abangnya, mewarnai cerita cintanya yang berliku. Siapakah yang akan Sandra pilih untuk menjadi teman hidupnya? Halo, hanya mau kasih info aja, kalau chapter "Tentang Keenan" itu adalah part ulangan dari sudut pandang Keenan, jadi jangan pada protes cerita diulang ya sayang2 ku, kalau mau baca silakan..mau di skip juga silakan.. mari budayakan memberi komen yang santun dan baik ya Saya harap tidak ada lagi yang menanyakan mengapa ceritanya diulang-ulang terus, karena sudah dijelaskan ya sayang happy reading(◍•ᴗ•◍) anyway, ada chapter sweet escape yang ss nya error, sedang ditanyakan pada pihak webnovel, jadi lebih baik tidak usah dibuka karena ss nya kebanyakkan dari seharusnya, terimakasih untuk pengertiannya, mohon untuk tidak menanyakan pertanyaan yang sama dengan yang sudah saya jelaskan disini dan di kolom komentar, terimakasih ( ˘ ³˘)

    rizka_hami · General
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    Daeseag · Teen
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    My Sandra

    Eren_Something · Teen
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    Holy Sandra

    This is my first Christian book. Guys read with understanding. Living a life of holiness caused a lot of troubles, pain and persecution in the life of Sandra Ayetunde. Persecuted by classmates, friends and foes even by the devil himself but she never went back to sin. When the temptation became too much, something happened. Find out on Holy Sandra updates only on Friday. I'm Faithfulness Celestine. Author of IMAGINATION. Please concentrate and be blessed. Remember. It's me your Author of Imagination.

    LadyAuroraNK01 · Teen
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    Sandra & the Centurion

    Scrabbling for subsistence in a country recovering from warfare and a violent seizure, Sandra—a dispossessed, poverty-stricken duchess—is determined to protect her lands and employees in spite of the oppressive taxes imposed on her by the Viva ruler, even if it means she must don a servile disguise and labour as a labourer. Sandra found herself facing a mountain of debt with no way to pay it off. With one season to produce the funds or risk losing everything she had worked for, it seemed like all was lost. That was until she was approached by Centurion Fredrick a member of the Viva military and a citizen of the country that oppressed her homeland. Despite her sacrifices, they were not enough to cover her debt. Fredrick saw her plight and offered his help, becoming a friend to her in her darkest hour. Fredrick and the queen had grown close over time, beginning with him helping her gain access to the royal library. He challenged her views on the queen and the war, and over time their bond deepened. He even saved her from a rogue mage who threatened her safety. With Fredrick at her side, the queen gained a new perspective on the situation and was able to make changes for the better. Can Sandra rely on Fedrick to protect her nation and her affections, even though she suspects his real character may be different than he appears? Sandra and the Centurion, a fairy-tale retelling of love, sacrifice, adventure, and magic, readers will find humor, deception, and a sweet romance. Interweaving the stories of the series, each book can be read as an individual, stand-alone novel or together as a complete saga. Experience the world full of enchantment, surprise, and the joy of finding true love.

    Viodi_Fashion · Fantasy
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    Stuck in between the realm of unknown and the known fighting for her life and for the world, brutally betrayed by the ones she trusted, Sandra vows to return and seek justice against those who betrayed her.

    Savvire · Fantasy
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    The Two Sandra Cicero

    I was once a four-year old little girl who was a frog in the well. A spoiled little brat who got whatever she fancied because I am the only daughter of Alexander Cicero. I could also fire someone I don’t like. I was surrounded with luxurious or expensive things. As an aggressive little girl whoever get what she wanted, I thought I have everything on my hand and no one could defy me. However, that was all an illusion I created when one day I was abducted by secret organization. I was hoping that the Cicero Family will find me. I never once lost hope because I know my father couldn’t sit still if I was not found. But, they never found me. I always said to myself to stay strong and this will pass, someday. From that day onward, my illusion shattered and awakened my world view. They abducted me, not because of my family wealth but because of my High Intelligent Quotient (IQ). At first, I didn’t know what they were after but everything cleared up when they created another … me. https://discord.gg/HuvfwRa

    TWINS · Teen
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    “why do you hate me so much and live him?” Night asked while caging her in his arms. Well looks like the owner of the body in which Sandra was in love with someone else. Poor him! “ look I don’t know who HE is so I don’t love him and neither you” At Sandra’s reply Night seemed pleased and got off her before kissing her forehead. What the actual hell! Sandra was in the body of the girl she saw in her dreams. she doesn’t know how but here is the question If she was in body of the girls in her dreams then where is soul of this body? . "Morning cupcake!" Enola eyes were wide awake after she heard an unfamiliar voice and she got up only to find herself gawking at the most handsome man she had seen in her entire life “ My wife likes what she sees”Johnathan said shamelessly what the fuck? Enola didn’t even knew this man but he was talking about her marrying him. that was when she saw her reflection in mirror. She was the spitting image of the girl in her dreams. how the hell did this even happen? . . *Switched* 2 girls belonging to complete different worlds got their souls switched into each others bodies. Sandra Holland eldest daughter of the world 2nd biggest mafia in the modern world. Enola Holmes eldest daughter of the prime minister of Salazar empire in ancient world. . for some unknown reason these girls saw each other in their dreams every night. and once they were drawn into unwanted marriages they wished to be the girl in their dream. to their surprise their wishes came true but as the saying goes be careful what you wish for. once their souls got switched their wish came as reality and slap them hard across the face as they were now in an unknown world in an unknowns person's body and were married to unknown men. they struggle to return to their bodies and worlds but always failed thanks to their unwanted husbands. would they able to return to their bodies and worlds Or would they fall for their unwanted husbands and accept the life the have?

    pen_girl_20 · Eastern
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    Kingdom of Isles: Mark of the Dragon

    ‘Dragons round the wold shall fly till two born marks see eye to eye’ Tris knows the prophecy all too well. The Kingdom of Isles is no stranger to dragons, but she doesn’t see a reason to fear them like everyone else does. In fact, Tris feels drawn to the powerful creatures. If only Prince Dominick, her childhood friend and boyfriend, felt the same. While Tris wants to protect the creatures, Nick has been raised to destroy them. After finding a baby dragon, Tris is introduced to an Isle full of them. She also discovers that some are actually shifters; humans with the ability to turn into dragons. Amid the confusion of discovery, Queen Sandra is plotting to overthrow the Kingdom by using the creatures’ powers in her favor. Will Tris be able to save the Kingdom while keeping the love of her life safe? Will she stay by Nick’s side as secrets of his family are revealed? Kingdom of Isles: Mark of the Dragon is created by Nia Lesk, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

    Nia Lesk · Fantasy
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    Sandra's in Love

    0mega_brain · History
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    Once Divorced, Twice Married

    "Sign the divorce paper," "You... want a divorce?" "Sandra’s back. You know the drill," "Johann, I..." "You don't love me. I don't love you. Our marriage is nothing but a filial duty," "Would it make any difference if... I say I'm pregnant?" "That's bullshit, and you know it, Kendra. I always take precautions." A request from a dying mother and a filial duty of a sole heir brought two innocent hearts together. Johann Petersen had no choice but to break up with the love of his life, Sandra Fell. One cold winter night turned his life around when his grandfather demanded he married someone else, in the name of courtesy, friendship, and paying a life debt. Kendra Summers knew from the start that Johann married her not for love, but she was hopeful that he would fall in love with her one day. Yet, on the night of their second wedding anniversary, before she could announce her pregnancy, he handed her the divorce paper. Will their marriage end shortly and leave them broken? Or will their child salvage the slightest chance of hope to blossom a love that is hidden?

    Lolitha Sparks · Urban
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    ASMARA SANG CEO (Finn & Sandra)

    Lady killer adalah julukan yang tersemat untuk Finn Elard. Sang pencinta wanita itu bertemu dengan seorang wanita penganut kesetiaan. Sang ceo, terpesona. Dorongan rasa ingin memiliki seperti biasa, muncul. Apakah paham keduanya yang jelas-jelas bertolak belakang mampu membuat Sandra bertekuk lutut? "Jangan sebut namaku Finn Elard, jika tidak bisa menaklukkan dirimu, Sandra Rein!"

    Faulia_178 · Urban
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