
Darkfantasy Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Hunter of the Evernight

    Alex, a special operative on Earth who died during a mission, finds himself transmigrated with the identity of an investigative journalist as an agent of a mysterious entity with a simple mission. With the promise that he would be reunited with his family once he was done, Alex accepts the offer and becomes an agent of darkness in a new world teeming with steam-powered machinery and something more... The supernatural. In this new world, he will have to navigate his way through crazy witches, bloodthirsty monsters, religious fanatics, and fallen angels while slowly making his way toward his end goal... Returning to the family he left behind. A journalist by day and a hunter by night, this is the story of the Hunter of Evernight. *** Release rate- 1chap/day ( can increase to 2 if I'm free enough. However, daily updates are assured ) Chapter length: 1k-2k *** Additional tags: #Steampunk, #Lovecraftian elements, #Lowkey MC, #Neutral MC, #Smart MC, #Vampires, #Werewolf, #Cunning MC, #Dragons, #Secret organization, #Cults, #Angels, #Demons, #Evil gods, #Adventure, #Supernatural, #strongactingweak, #misunderstanding, #Horror, #Psychological, #rarebloodline, #Witches, #magitech, #darkfantasy, #monsters, #spirits, #curses, #firearms, #kingdoms, #action, #industrialization, #mysterysolving, #religions, #evil religions, #zombies, #ghosts, #Lost Civilizations, #European ambiance, #Artifacts, #Determined Protagonist, #Misunderstandings, #Monsters, #Hiding True Identity, #Nobles, #Souls, #Special Abilities, #Manipulative Characters, #Sentient Objects, #Hidden Abilities, #Transformation Ability, #Godly Powers, #Gore, #Detectives, #Familial Love, #Schemes And Conspiracies. Cover: Created using Midjourney AI *** Might seem slow in the beginning chapters but please read at least 50 chapters before deciding if this is for you. Alternative titles; Hunter of Evernight, Evernight Hunter, Night Hunter.

    _DreamWeaver · Fantasy
  • Graeae: Land of beauty and nightmares

    Beyond the Frozen ranges and through the Twin peaks of cruelty, the world of men ends. And this is where the Lord of destitute hibernate. His army of monsters, the destitute, consist of orcs, ogres, goblins and whatever cruel creature one could conjure. They come to the land of men, plunder, murder and take their women as playthings. They take their blood and feed it their lord – feeding him strength. On another part of Deimo, closer to the borders of Deino, lives a boy. He is not like the others around him, for his hair is blonde and his skin is pale. What's more, his father's hair is red and his mother's blue. His name – Osmond Ward. He didn't know nothing of the world, for he was merely seven. He didn't know he had the blood of the spirit of fire and water running through him. He didn't know that his family was banished, for his parents belonged to different castes; they followed different gods, and gods are selfish in their followers. But when the monsters came to his village, and when they killed his mother, he couldn't nothing but watch. His father died on that day, trying to help him escape. When he was taken in by his uncle, he had only thing in his mind; revenge. But for that, he need to see the world and learn. A world of Divine artifacts and chants. A world of elemental spirits and strange energies. A world of elves, the followers of light; dwarves, the followers of metal and rock; lizard men, the follower of sands, and demi-humans, the followers of lightning. A land of beasts and monsters. The land of Graeae, a land of beauty and nightmares. Additional tags: #dark #grimdark #darkfantasy #revenge #elves #dwarves #asofai #tolkien #gore #adult

    TheLastOne95 · Fantasy
  • The Rise of a New Demon King

    Shiro was a normal teenager going through his normal life like any other person of his age, but one day everything would change and out of nowhere he would receive incredible powers though entering a new world. Will he be able to figure out his place on this new word and protect all his loved ones? That's a question which only time can answer.

    DarkFantasys · Fantasy
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    Darkfantasies · Fantasy
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  • Apaswar: A Note That Went Wrong

    This was a fight I lost even before I began. For I was fighting the dead. And the dead were stronger than the living. They didn't need to do anything to win. They just needed to be remembered. They just needed to exist. And the living one's like us may struggle to even breathe, but no one really cared. But I was not ready to give up.If my death could fetch his love, I was really ready to die. Sadly I was second even in that list.

    DarkFantasy384 · Urban
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  • Masako's Life In An Abandoned World

    This story revolves around Masako, a failed artificial human project. Without any form of consciousness or will it was left withering away while the world fell unto chaos... With a miracle of obtaining free will, they awoken only to be left on an abandoned world where any signs of intelligence were extinguished. Follow through Masako's life in an abandoned world. ° ° ° This is my first time writing so I really appreciate it if there are any constructive criticism. It would be a great help for me to know what aspects I need to improve. ° ° ° Tags: #dark #darkfantasy #femaleprotagonist #genderbend #genderbender #horror #loli #original #reincarnation #science-fantasy #sliceoflife #tragedy

    Masaiya_Ako · Fantasy
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  • Seven Souls

    Magic is dead, or this is just what has been assumed for thousands of years. Now regarded as myth and legends, varying individuals will soon prove everyone wrong. We all face changes in our lives, but no one ever expected this. Seven children and teens find themselves caught up in their own lives but fate will bring some of them together and some of them at odds. No where is safe, and the future looks grim. In a world where magic is but a fairy tale in children's books, those who posses anything of the supernatural can never be safe. Follow these seven souls in a dark documentation of their triumphs and their failures, and all that dare lay in between. {Dark Medieval Fantasy} {Gore, violence, and other mature content matter. Viewer discretion is advised.} -Greater subjects have some sort of warning but recollections or brief mentions might not-

    Nalced11 · Fantasy
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  • The New Era Is begin : secret organization

    The era where the monarchy still used swords and magic to keep them afloat for thousands of years, was now threatened by something. Behind the pitch black darkness, no one will notice the existence of a mysterious organization that moves from behind the scenes, monitoring civilization with the eyes of darkness. Ready to pounce and make change happen. An Organization that has the power to shake the world. They are an organization that will never be written in history, but an organization that will change history itself. This is the story of a special unit named Kai Bearwood, who operates with the organization to achieve its goals. Overthrowing the monarchy by manipulation is the basic foundation of the Organization. 17+ warning alerts #Villain #Anti-Hero #DarkFantasy #World Domination #Military #Conspiracy #Overpower

    GreedFoxNV · Fantasy
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  • Shadow And Silver

    "Justice? Humanity? what a mockery If this is humanity I want no part of it, I reject my humanity!” ** Zellrid grew up without a normal childhood, thanks to his peculiar family. Even the least villainous member of his family is known as a war criminal. Despite this, Zellrid became a skilled monster hunter. Making a vow to find a cure for the affliction that had plagued his ancestors, he walked the path of hunting down monsters and delving into the secrets of the curse. While he struggled to resist succumbing to his own dark impulses and falling prey to the same fate as his family. So What do you think is the best way to kill a monster stranger? With a sword, a gun, silver battle axe or why not take the obvious and easy road and be a monster yourself?

    Todo_Aio · Fantasy
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  • The New Era Is Begin : Secret Organization

    The era where the monarchy still used swords and magic to keep them afloat for thousands of years, was now threatened by something. Behind the pitch black darkness, no one will notice the existence of a mysterious organization that moves from behind the scenes, monitoring civilization with the eyes of darkness. Ready to pounce and make change happen. An Organization that has the power to shake the world. They are an organization that will never be written in history, but an organization that will change history itself. This is the story of a special unit named Kai Bearwood, who operates with the organization to achieve its goals. Overthrowing the monarchy by manipulation is the basic foundation of the Organization. 17+ warning alerts #Villain #Anti-Hero #DarkFantasy #World Domination #Military #Conspiracy #Overpower

    GreedFoxNV · Fantasy
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  • Delphine of Moria

    THE RETURN OF THE DEMON WOLF In a world of darkness and death, the demons have prepared themselves and found enough courage to finish what they started. The minds of the people seem to lose hope as Mephiles, the Demon Wolf, returns from the shadows to take back his place as king of Midland. And now, the world has been made and turned into a land of agony and despair. The kingdoms of the world have fallen, the stronger demons take over the earth's kingdoms, and the night creatures prepare for the return of their one true king so that he can rule the world. Elsewhere, a dark knight from a faraway land aided by a young demon hunter comes and whose only purpose is to defeat the demons, save her people, and journey forth into darker territory. Her destiny is to hunt down and search for the ones who made her what she is now: a knight who walks in the darkness and carries the blood of the wolf and the blood of the demons. They call her Delphine of Moria, the Ebony Knight. Delphine of Moria is the third installment of the dark fantasy series, The Devil and the Huntsman.

    MicahDarkFantasy · Fantasy
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  • UMBRA - Rise of a Villainess

    #Darkfantasy #mature updates in a one-day gap The world where three types of human races exist... Normal humans, LEHTS, and YFELS... A race of humans chosen by supernatural power what they call Divine Spirits of Amure and Dark Spirits of Umbra, to possess their power and will... And I'm Leonard Augustus, the last prince of Lehts, the last prince of Lehts. Now we live hiding among the humans from one certain man. The world is now in chaos because of him. And day by day m vengeance towards him grows like a pine tree... I want to kill him and take back everything he stole. In this journey of rage, I'm not alone... She... stands in front of me, lending a hand like a friend... but is she really a friend? or foe?....

    MJ_Q · Fantasy
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  • Descent of The Fallen Treant

    Long ago, the gods created a world full of beauty & resources; ready to embrace all life that would come to inhabit it, the world started to become populated with animals, plants, and sentient beings like elves, beastmen, demons, humans, and more. At first, the races lived in harmony, and the gods granted blessings to help them grow, build, and hunt. It was wondrous, but then, conflict started to rise between the races; as time passed, darkness began to fester in their hearts: they grew envious of the others strengths, anxious & fearful at what they could do, disgusted at their appearances. Pressure continued to rise until it couldn’t any longer, and the Grand War descended upon those prepared and unprepared… The gods knew the sentient races couldn’t exist without conflict, as they themselves couldn’t, but to see how fast they have fallen into madness… Destruction erupted and came to every corner of the world, nothing was untouched by the war, millions of lives were gone in the blink of an eye for the gods, and there was no end in sight. The world that they all created together was being destroyed bit by bit by the war, but only when the races started committing unspeakable acts to each other and their own, even to the very world to gain unnatural power did they intervene. They all unified and came to an agreement. They descended to their now ruined world and forced the fighting to a close with their power and might. Once that was done, they enforced an enactment across the world; a price for all the terrible happenings during the Grand War. For all things, no matter how far away they were, they heard these words: "You had peace, you had hope, you all had a beautiful world, but now, you have BURNT it to the ground, you all have done sick, twisted deeds to gain the slightest edge in battle… We gave blessings, with the goal to help and spread growth, but you have absconded from our wishes and only used them for self-interest and murder… There was no need for such a large and bloody war to happen, yet this is what it came down to, the war wasn’t going to end before taking the entire world down with it. And so, we had no other choice but to get involved. We gods have decided upon a fitting punishment for ALL to live under… The world shall be refitted anew with resources to make up for what has been destroyed, burned, and the horrid damage to the planet will be reversed, however, since all of you created conflict with each other in a peaceful world, we thought you all would make peace with one another in a violent one. In 10 years time, monsters shall start roaming the world, spreading forth the destruction you all once wrought… Apart, you have no chance to survive the tide of change, but together, you will survive. That is all…prepare with these 10 years, and we wish you all the best of luck." The entire speech was done by the leader of the gods, the Goddess of Creation. And with a bright flash of light, they couldn't see anything, but once their vision returned, they were surprised. The gods were gone, and the world was no longer broken, scarred... but it wasn’t as beautiful as before the Grand War, this was an unspoken punishment from the gods: the world would NOT return to how it was, no matter how much they pleaded for its beauty to return. There was another untold punishment that everyone noticed imminently on reawakening, that their previous powers were now gone! All forms of power were reset to zero, and they would have to start from scratch! Without them being able to curse out the goddess for this indignation in fear of the incoming catastrophe, the races began to rebuild and train to recoup their strength. While they had made peace and worked mutually, there was always an underlying conflict, intolerance, lingering from the Grand War. As their time came to a close, things came to fruition just as the goddess said, monsters now roamed the world, spreading the havoc once sown by their own hands.

    Storyteller_0 · Fantasy
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  • Maybe Death Hurts Less Than A Life

    He was a sinner and she was his salvation. Born as the hybrid, he had no place where he belonged to. He was abandoned, bullied and cursed. His life was full of darkness and loneliness. All his loved ones left him behind. If he was destined to be alone, why was he so powerful? Why couldn't he die? What were all these powers for if couldn't protect his loved one? Was these powers a gift or a curse? He only knew he was alone. Would his life ever have a light? He didn't know until that moment..........

    Winter_Elyshaa · Fantasy
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  • Vampire: Made in abyss

    "was it wrong trying to save people?" "was it wrong abandoning everything just to save humanity?" .... Join ******** on his journey in another world . . A/N: Prologue is a part of MC's first life and i suggest reading it. Recommend names for Mc Point out Grammar and spelling mistakes. (if you don't, the grammar police might catch me)

    IBrokeMyPhoneAgain · Fantasy
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