
Santa Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Istrimu Ganas: Tuan Berhati-hatilah!

    Zhao Youlin, adalah wanita cantik yang terkenal di kepolisian khusus kota Gaoling. Dalam sebuah misi, dia dikhianati oleh rekan kerjanya dengan menembakkan dua peluru tepat di jantungnya, dia pun meninggal di tempat. Tiba-tiba dia terbangun dan berada di dalam tubuh nyonya dari keluarga yang kaya raya, namun nyonya itu memiliki suami yang sangat dingin kepadanya. “Jika aku tidak salah ingat, kami sudah bercerai. Aku sekarang berada di rumah pribadi mantan suamiku.” Zhao Youlin mengangkat dagunya sedikit dan duduk di ujung sofa dengan kaki disilangkan, dengan ekspresi bangga. Anaknya berkata: "Kamu bisa saja menikah lagi." Zhao Youlin mengangkat alisnya dan mengangkat tangannya dengan santai, menyebarkan banyak foto pria tampan di atas meja. "Anakku sayang, pilihlah laki-laki yang tampan sebagai ayah tirimu." Ekspresi Mu Tingfeng… menjadi suram.

    Mu Kong · Urban
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    Rise Of Evil Santa

    This Novel is dropped…

    Magecrafter · Fantasy
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    Tutorial Menjadi Istri

    Gu Xiaoxiao awalnya datang untuk merayakan ulang tahun kekasihnya, Mu Yunfan. Namun, ternyata malam itu Mu Yunfan malah bertunangan dengan perempuan lain yang juga satu universitas dengannya, yakni Jin Jing. Tiada yang menyangka bahwa malam itu adalah sebuah awal dari kehidupan Gu Xiaoxiao yang mendadak berubah 180 derajat. Keesokan paginya, ia terbangun di tempat tidur pria yang tak dikenalnya dan tidak bisa mengingat apapun selain momen saat Jin Jing memaksanya untuk minum anggur di perjamuan semalam. Pria yang bernama Chu Yichen itu langsung memperjelas bahwa Gu Xiaoxiao telah dijebak oleh mereka berdua. Perasaan Gu Xiaoxiao hancur, namun ia segera bangkit dan ketika ia ingin meninggalkan apartemen Chu Yichen, sebuah pemikiran gila muncul di kepalanya. Gu Xiaoxiao tiba-tiba menawarkan Chu Yichen untuk menikah dengannya dan, lebih gilanya lagi, ternyata Chu Yichen menyetujuinya. Kegilaan belum berakhir karena ternyata Chu Yichen adalah kakak kandung Chu Xiaoxi, sahabat baik Gu Xiaoxiao.

    Santai Saja · Urban
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    The Roommate 1

    Arissa berpikir kalau ia baru saja membuat sebuah kesalahan besar dengan menandatangani kontrak tinggal setahun dengan seorang maniak seks. Teman satu kontrakannya, Cristan dengan santainya selalu membawa wanita yang berbeda setiap malam untuk menjadi penghangat tempat tidurnya dan Arissa harus menahan derita untuk selalu menyumbat telinganya yang memerah akibat desahan dan erangan erotis yang harus ia dengar setiap malam. Masalahnya, ia baru saja pindah dan mendapat pekerjaan jadi ia tidak mungkin untuk langsung mencari tempat tinggal baru kan? Belum lagi, ia juga harus membantu mengirim uang bulanan ke panti asuhan dan anak tunggalnya. Hhh... Walaupun si maniak seks itu berwajah sangat menarik dengan tubuh yang luar biasa sempurna, Arissa harus bertahan untuk menuntaskan kontrak tempat tinggal sementaranya dan segera pindah secepat mungkin...

    Nana15 · Urban
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    Ahli Senjata Terkemuka

    Saat sampah menjadi sesuatu yang berharga — Satu kata: Ganas! Dua kata: Bermuka dua! Tiga kata: Sangat menantang surga! Dia adalah ahli pembuat senjata paling terkemuka dan paling hebat. Melintasi sebuah dinasti, kemudian bereinkarnasi menjadi Nona Muda Ketiga yang sering direndahkan dan dihina. Makhluk mitologi, terlalu memalukan? Dengan patuh menjadi binatang peliharaan yang jinak, atau aku akan menjadikan kau sup! Bertalenta di tingkat kesembilan, talenta yang sangat langka dalam ribuan tahun? Ia terlahir dengan bakat bagaikan dewa, mengalahkan jagoan-jagoan lainnya! Tingkat puncak dari Senjata Tingkat Mendalam, tidak ternilai harganya? Bahkan tempat makan yang ia gunakan untuk memberi makan kucing pun sudah berada di tingkat para dewa .... Ia memiliki sepasang mata yang dapat melihat segala sesuatu yang terselubung, namun hanya ada satu yang ia tidak bisa lihat lebih dalam lagi-Pria itu! Hanya dengan menampilkan senyuman jahatnya, seorang Tuan dengan santai mengatakan: "Tidak bisa melihat yang terselubung? Jangan khawatir, kau akan dapat melihat pelan-pelan ketika kau kembali ke ruangan. Aku akan ijinkan engkau mengamati dengan teliti dari atas sampai bawah."

    Shui Qingqing · Fantasy
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    The Billionaire's Waitress

    "What I want I get," Nicholas whispered into Talia's ear. He has been looking for her after a quick and uneventful date. Wealthy and connected, yet, he was unable to find her until they met again at an unexpected place. Talia, whose reality and her grandmother have shown cruelty had to take up different jobs, including being a waitress at a nightclub. At a very young age, she is faced with the offer of becoming the billionaire's waitress. On the part of Nicholas, he felt that Talia was the only cure for his illness. Would Talia be able to cope with a ruthless billionaire with a lot of secrets including the fact that he was more than a billionaire? Who thought that Talia will go from waiting tables to waiting for Nicholas's heart? Note: The picture on the cover is not mine. Other books by Author: Santa's Gift For Christmas One Night Stand With Mr. Hot The Vengeful Spirit Of Halloween The Alpha's Seduction The Mafia's Muse

    LanaSteele · Urban
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    Secret Santa

    The only Jewish person at Patterson and Associates, Micah Adler grudgingly participates in the office's "secret Santa" gift exchange at Christmas. But the gift that waits for him is a little surprising -- a brand-new box of condoms, with a suggestive, unsigned note attached.<br><br>In trying to figure out who might have sent the gift, he narrows it down to two coworkers: Brady or Jonathan. Both men are young, attractive, and single, like Micah himself, though if Micah had his choice, he'd pick Jonathan. He's harbored a not-so-secret crush on the guy ever since they met when Micah began working at the firm. But Micah knows it's a hopeless cause -- Jonathan is straight, and said as much when Micah first hit on him months ago.<br><br>Since Brady is gay, Micah suspects the condoms and other sexually-themed presents he receives are either a gag gift from one queer to another or a blatant offer to spend the holiday with someone else. When the trio decide to go out after work on Christmas Eve, Micah thinks he'll get a chance to flirt with Brady and see where the evening might end.<br><br>But is Brady really Micah's secret Santa? Or does Jonathan have something he wants to confess?

    J.M. Snyder · LGBT+
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    Is That Santa?

    In an apocalypse that threatens to ruin the world, what do people crave most? Food? Their loved ones? A resistance to the curse that affects everyone? Power and authority to move the masses? Not at all. What the citizens crave is a hero! And what better hero is there than Santa? ... A child in a poor village awakens as a hero. The child awakens and is speechless. The child has reincarnated after being swindled by a little boy. Now, the child has to figure out how to meet other heroes and gang up to save the world. Oh no, the other heroes have out-casted the child hero because "she's a burden". What does the child do? She's too afraid to save the world by herself! Ah! The child has an idea! She doesn't need to save the world! She can just fly above the chaos in her flying reindeer until the heroes save the world! Awesome plan! Uh... It's been a hundred years already and the child has only been riding on her flying reindeer and dropping gifts...the other heroes still haven't saved the world...

    FryingDragoon · Fantasy
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    The Game Called Love

    “Don't feel bad, it's all because you don't know how to play the game of love" “Love isn't a game” Arianna defended, sounding like a child who was trying to prove Santa was real. Nathan looked at her from the corner of his eye, a smirk played on his lips. “It is a game and the sooner you realize that the better, you're never going to get a guy to fall in love with you if you continue to act the way you do” “I know you are my boss and I'm supposed to agree with whatever you say but I can't agre e with this. Love isn't a game and I can make any guy fall in love with me just the way I am” “Okay then prove it” Arianna raised her eyebrow questioningly at him, maybe he was drunk. “Prove it? how?” “Make me fall in love with you” …….. All her life Arianna has believed in love. The way it was told in fairy tales. She knew that one day she was going to find her prince charming and that made her ready to do anything for love. Even things that looked foolish to others, to her it was a little price to pay for the happiness that comes with being in love. Although she had her mind in a good place. Fate always played a nasty game with her and she always ended up heartbroken but that did not stop her from dreaming. She had never questioned her way of love until she meets Nathan Miller, her boss who seems to believe love is a game and she doesn't know how to play it. The two go out to drink and something happens leading Nathan to carelessly say that she should make him fall for her. Arianna takes his words seriously and makes it her mission to make him fall for her. And let's not forget Kyle, Arianna's handsome coworker who she has unintentionally friendzoned. What could happen when these three people's lives get intertwined. Will Arianna give up on her dream to find true love? Will Nathan's ways rub off on her? Would she find love I the arms of her boss or would she realise her prince charming had been sitting right in front of her the whole time or would she give up on love in general? Read this book to find out

    DurojaiyeAdedayo · Urban
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    Santa não parece Santa

    Lirio_Rose · Fantasy
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    Santa? Seriously?

    Ivan Tykovsky is a security guard at Hinkleman’s Department store and has come to despise the shopping element of Christmas. The holiday season means his workload of apprehending shoplifters and breaking up fights over merchandise increases.<br><br>When the Santa the store has booked shows up drunk, the six foot six, 240 pound, red-bearded Jewish giant is forced to stand in. Ivan isn’t happy about the idea, but there’s one compensation -- the diminutive Skip Mueller, an out-of-work actor who’s been hired as one of Santa’s elves. Skip comes to Ivan’s rescue, coaching the big man through his dealings with the children.<br><br>Ivan becomes an instant celebrity, and when a permanent replacement Santa is found, the store’s customers demand Ivan’s return. Will there be a special Christmas gift this year for a certain Jewish Santa and his special elf?

    Terry O'Reilly · LGBT+
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    Secret Santa System

    Drake dies in a truck accident and reincarnates into a cultivation world, A world with many powerful cultivators and divine beasts like dragons and phoenixs soaring through the skies. He is also blessed with a very peculiar system, a system called Secret Santa system. Come let's find out the terrific stunts that our MC has to pull to get acknowledged by the system.... Note: The most amazing cover picture actually doesn't belong to me and all the credit belongs to it's creator. Also I would gladly remove it if that's what the owner wants.

    SivaTheGreat · Fantasy
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    Guerra Santa

    Toda mitología posee sus guardianes que son para proteger al mundo de distintas amenazas, pero ninguna presagiaba que un grupo de protectores de la tierra se alzarian ante ellos para crear un nuevo mundo pero no uno donde todo sea armonioso sino en uno donde el caos y la destrucción sea lo que domine

    Pedro_Chacon · Sci-fi
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    Santa Claws

    Santa Claws is a Nigerian horror story about a young guy, Bayo who unfortunately finds himself in a scene he was not supposed to be. He is hunted by a popular killer in Lagos known as 'Santa Claws'. Can he save himself, his sister and friends from the mess he got himself into?

    Akinsiku_John · Horror
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    Santa System

    "Santa, the next batch of presents are almost done!" "I've told you not to call me that! Just call me Nick. Not Saint Nicholas, Santa, Chris Kringle or whatever else. I'm just Nick. I am not Santa, I'm just taking this job until I find a better opportunity. "But you are Santa!!!!!! You even look like him!" "Are you saying I'm fat?" ".....Well you have been eating a lot of cookies sir!" "That's because we have no other food here! You've refused to go down to the village and buy real food!!!!!!!!" "....." "Alisa!" In which a teen has to spread Christmas in another world.

    AChickenBookie · Fantasy
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    Secret Santa

    MeanieMcQueefie · Teen
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    When Sky Falls In Love

    Meet Selena Castroni, a simple girl and a nobody in her school who confessed her feelings for her long-time crush at the center of the basketball court after a championship game which made her heart shatter into a million pieces when her plan turned into a disaster. Skyler Alcarazo was the famous basketball superstar in Santa Clara Valley Academy who didn't want to have a serious relationship with any girl because, for him, girls would only distract his training and would ruin his future career. Besides, Sky was confident he could have whoever he wanted because of his good looks and overloaded sex appeal. Excerpt: "Sky, there is something I want to tell you," Selena said with shaking limbs as Skyler towered over her, wearing a victorious smile after his excellent performance during his game. "What is it, Selena? Do you want my autograph?" He asked, grinning at his younger brother's best friend. "No, I don't need your autograph; I like you, Skyler," she replied, blushing. "What?" He asked as his eyes widened in shock. "I said I like you, Sky, and I want to be your girlfriend," Selena answered, trying to control her emotions, and he laughed. Then, his face turned dark, and she could feel her blood drain from her veins as she looked at the disgusted look on Sky's face. "I thought you were different from other girls; I don't like you more than friends, Selena. Don't expect I have feelings for you because I treat you nicely; in my eyes, you are only my brother's best friend, nothing more, nothing less." Sky replied and walked away from her without taking a second glance. Selena's confession made her the laughingstock in her school, and things became complicated between them even after she gave Skyler one more chance, and she swore to herself she would make Sky pay for breaking her heart. But her plans became futile when Skyler became the greatest professional basketball player in the country and won the award as the Most Valuable player five times in a row. Skyler became a celebrity, while Selena had difficulty mending her broken heart. Sky was at the top of the world, enjoying his popularity and wealth, and having the hottest heiress as his fiancee made him the envy of all the guys all over Vizland Republic. One accident made him lose everything he knew he had, including his self-esteem. He became angry with the world and his existence. Selena was desperate to get a high-paying job to support his father's impending surgery. She grabbed the opportunity she read in the newspaper only to find out she would be dealing with the heartbreaker, Skyler. What will happen when the egoistic Superstar realizes fame is not the only thing that matters in the world? Can Selena be Sky's guiding light and savior in his darkest moment, or will she turn his world darker by taking her revenge on him? (Warning: Have mature content in the later part of the story)

    sirenbeauty · Teen
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    Santa claws

    serial killer Santana claws who claims to be Santa clause was detained last week however he escaped prison two days ago with the help of the hallow brothers he's now out there free and killing please stay indoors

    Fregene_Happy · Fantasy
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    A Little Something for Santa

    As the holidays approach, Patrick confides in his coworker Chris about his attraction to older men in Santa suits. From the gleam in his friend's eye, he just knows Chris is going to dress up like the jolly old elf himself in a desperate bid for Patrick's attention.<br><br>When both men work late on Christmas Eve, Patrick decides to be charitable and give his coworker a little something special ... if he manages to pull off the costume.<br><br>Who says Santa only comes once a year?

    J.M. Snyder · LGBT+
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    Khusus Dewasa!! "Mungkin Dia hadir di hatiku di awal perjalananku, tapi kamu hadir di akhir dari perjalananku hingga akhir hidupku nanti." (Aska Aliando) Berawal hanya karena sekedar candaan Karin, di sebuah kamar pasiennya di rumah sakit. Karin yang selalu jahil dengan tiap laki-laki yang baru di kenalnya. Karena di mata Karin, laki-laki semua adalah hidung belang. Yang patut untuk di permainkan. "Apakah kamu mau menjadi kekasihku?" Kata Karin dengan santainya. "Oke...aku mau menjadi kekasihmu." jawab Aska Aliando "Tapi ada syaratnya, kamu harus menyerahkan semua hartamu..apa kamu mau?" lanjut Karin dengan suara merayu. "Baik,..aku setuju! tapi harus ada surat perjanjian kontraknya..jika kita bisa menjalani 6 bulan hubungan ini, maka semua hartaku untukmu." sahut Aska dengan serius. Perjanjian sudah tertulis dan sudah di tandangani masing-masing..bersamaan hasil lab Aska yang sudah keluar. Aska di vonis Leukimia stadium 4. Dunia Karin berubah seketika, ingin dia membatalkan perjanjiannya namun takdir mengharuskan Karin di samping Aska. Mampukah Karin bertahan dengan hubungannya tanpa berdasarkan cinta?? Dan apakah Aska bisa bertahan dari penyakitnya..dan harus meninggalkan Karin beserta harta yang di berikannya pada Karin?? 'Jangan tinggalkan aku, aku mohon..kamu harus bertahan hidup untukku..jika aku harus bertahan untuk hubungan ini..kamu pun harus bertahan untukku..karena aku sudah jatuh hati padamu!! ( Karin Aadvantika )

    NicksCart · Teen