
Sabrina Nellie Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • The President’s Pregnant, Ex-Wife

    Sabrina Jewel found out she was pregnant after so many pregnancy tests. The same day, her husband, the powerful President of Jewels Group of Companies in NY city, Robin Jewel, brought another woman home after Sabrina had endured his escapades with ceaseless women and tried to be a good wife. “What? After all the sperm, you could not for once be pregnant. Not even a miscarriage. She did your job for you,” Robin pinned the blame on Sabrina. Sabrina’s world crumbled right before her eyes. She left her family for this idiot but not anymore. His father knew who she was but Robin never took the pain to even research about her throughout their three years of marriage. Since he got another woman pregnant, she was done for good. “I have had enough, Robin. It’s either she leaves or I leave….”

    Glorious_Eagle · Urban
  • His Mistress is His Ex-Wife

    [Warning: R18+] "Her Greatest Revenge--Seduce him, Break his marriage, Steal his fortune, and lastly... DUMP him." ***** Sabrina Williams' life crumbles after discovering her husband's deceit and the underhanded acquisition of her family's fortune. Presumed dead after a tragic incident, Sabrina reemerges five years later with a new identity and a burning hunger for revenge. Her return sparks romantic chaos amongst the CEO's inner circle, a dazzling array of handsome bachelors vying for her attention. Sabrina Williams finds herself at the center of a romantic whirlwind with unexpected contenders– her protective best friend, a powerful Mafia Boss, and her possessive ex-husband. The stage is set for a pulsating tug-of-war—a clash of love and revenge with emotions running high. The players are all in, and the game is just getting started! ***** When her scandal with her Ex-husband spreads on the internet, bashers curse her tagging her as Shameless Mistress, Worthless Homewrecker, and Evil Slut... however several mighty bachelors unite to defend her. CEO of Top Fashion Company: "Haters go to hell! PS: to those models who antagonized my Goddess, I hereby take our brand sponsorship from them." President of the Largest Entertainment Company: "Fake news! We will take legal action for slandering my Goddess! Artists who cursed her will be banned from my company." Vice Chairman of Biggest Hotel and Resort Company: "Shut up, Bashers! Don't ever step in one of our hotels and resorts!" Domineering Mafia Boss: "Back off! Erase those malicious comments, or else my gang will hunt you down. I'll kill everyone who dares ridicule my Queen! Everyone: "..." Then a confession comment suddenly pops up amidst the chaos. FL's Best friend: "Everyone can hate you but I'll always be there for you. Sabby... I love you... I've been loving you since our childhood years... My first love... and my last." Her ex-husband can no longer stay quiet and declares to the public. Possessive Ex-husband: "She's not my mistress. She's my legal wife." FL Friend Lanny: "Legal Wife your Ass! Crazy Jerk just die!"

    ellezar_g · Urban
  • La ex-esposa embarazada del Presidente

    Sabrina Jewel descubrió que estaba embarazada después de hacerse tantas pruebas de embarazo. El mismo día, su esposo, el poderoso Presidente del Grupo de Empresas Jewels en la ciudad de Nueva York, Robin Jewel, trajo a otra mujer a casa después de que Sabrina había soportado sus aventuras con innumerables mujeres e intentó ser una buena esposa. —¿Qué? Después de todo el esperma, no pudiste estar embarazada ni una sola vez. Ni siquiera un aborto espontáneo. Ella hizo tu trabajo por ti —dijo Robin echándole la culpa a Sabrina. El mundo de Sabrina se derrumbó ante sus ojos. Dejó a su familia por este idiota, pero eso se acabó. Su padre sabía quién era ella, pero Robin nunca se tomó la molestia de investigar sobre ella a lo largo de sus tres años de matrimonio. Ya que él embarazó a otra mujer, ella había terminado de una vez por todas. —He tenido suficiente, Robin. O ella se va o me voy yo —dijo ella.

    Glorious_Eagle · Urban
  • Ex-esposa grávida do Presidente

    Sabrina Jewel descobriu que estava grávida depois de muitos testes de gravidez. No mesmo dia, seu marido, o poderoso Presidente do Grupo de Empresas Jewels na cidade de NY, Robin Jewel, trouxe outra mulher para casa depois que Sabrina suportou suas aventuras com inúmeras mulheres e tentou ser uma boa esposa. “O que? Depois de todo o esperma, você não conseguiu engravidar nem uma vez. Nem mesmo um aborto espontâneo. Ela fez o seu trabalho por você,” Robin jogou a culpa em Sabrina. O mundo de Sabrina desmoronou bem diante de seus olhos. Ela deixou sua família por esse idiota, mas não mais. O pai dele sabia quem ela era, mas Robin nunca se deu ao trabalho de pesquisar sobre ela durante os três anos de casamento. Como ele engravidou outra mulher, pra ela já deu. “Eu já tive o suficiente, Robin. Ou ela vai embora ou eu vou…”

    Glorious_Eagle · Urban
  • Die schwangere Ex-Frau des Präsidenten

    Sabrina Jewel fand nach vielen Schwangerschaftstests heraus, dass sie schwanger war. Am selben Tag brachte ihr Ehemann, der mächtige Präsident der Jewels Group of Companies in New York City, Robin Jewel, eine andere Frau nach Hause, nachdem Sabrina seine Eskapaden mit unaufhörlichen Frauen ertragen hatte und versuchte, eine gute Ehefrau zu sein. "Was? Nach all dem Sperma konntest du nicht ein einziges Mal schwanger sein. Nicht einmal eine Fehlgeburt. Sie hat deinen Job für dich gemacht", schob Robin die Schuld auf Sabrina. Sabrinas Welt brach direkt vor ihren Augen zusammen. Sie hatte ihre Familie für diesen Idioten verlassen, aber jetzt nicht mehr. Sein Vater wusste, wer sie war, aber Robin hatte sich in den drei Jahren ihrer Ehe nie die Mühe gemacht, sich über sie zu informieren. Seit er eine andere Frau geschwängert hatte, war es aus mit ihr. "Ich habe genug, Robin. Entweder sie geht oder ich gehe...."

    Glorious_Eagle · Urban
  • L'ex-femme enceinte du Président

    Sabrina Jewel a découvert qu'elle était enceinte après de nombreux tests de grossesse. Le même jour, son mari, le puissant Président du Groupe de sociétés Jewels à Ville de NY, Robin Jewel, a ramené une autre femme à la maison après que Sabrina ait supporté ses escapades avec des femmes incessantes et tenté d'être une bonne femme. "Quoi? Après tout le sperme, tu n'as pas pu être enceinte une seule fois. Pas même une fausse couche. Elle a fait ton travail pour toi," Robin a rejeté la faute sur Sabrina. Le monde de Sabrina s'est effondré devant ses yeux. Elle a quitté sa famille pour cet idiot mais plus maintenant. Son père savait qui elle était mais Robin ne s'est jamais donné la peine de se renseigner sur elle tout au long de leurs trois ans de mariage. Comme il a mis une autre femme enceinte, elle en avait fini pour de bon. "J'en ai assez, Robin. C'est soit elle qui part, soit je pars...."

    Glorious_Eagle · Urban
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  • Arranged Marriage: To Hear Your Voice

    **Mature Content!** "I'm so sorry, Mr. Lawson, you can marry my daughter Marga but Sabrina is an exception." "Why? She's your daughter I thought you and my parents had already arranged this marriage. And I choose Sabrina. I won't marry anyone but Sabrina." "Then why Sabrina?" "Let's say that Sabrina and I have a special thing back then," Gabriel said with a little smile. Ferdinand frowned and was curious. "Well, she might deny it." Sabrina Mondragon Alvarez – is a mute rich woman. She's an introvert and hated getting along with rich people who always talk about senseless stuff. She was bullied by socialite but never they knew that behind that innocent-looking woman hides a strong and powerful aura. Being quiet doesn't mean weak but is something more dangerous than anything. Silence would lead all of her enemies to one place that can also be called danger. Soon, she'll have them in the place that she's secretly reserving for those who made her life and family miserable. She said to be someone who can't speak not until he came and chose her to be his wife. Gabriel Lawson - a rich powerful tycoon with a strong background. He fell in love with the woman he had a one night stand with and chose her to be his wife. He would do anything for her. And for those people who hurt her--they must pay a thousand folds. BOOK 2 is here! Please follow for my next novel. Click the link below or just search for Arranged Marriage: Dangerous Heiress You can follow me Discord @ TheIllusionist#4504

    TheIllusionist · Urban
  • Love The Psycho

    It was definitely love at first sight for August Maijune the day she first saw Aaron Saint in the hospital ward. Waking up suddenly from a coma after an accident, August realised she didn’t remember anything about her life and who she really was. The only person she relies on is Aaron Saint who claims to be her guardian. After, almost running over her five years ago with his car, Aaron Saint has taken responsibility to take care of August until she remembers who she was but what he didn't know was she had more than one personality living in her hence their roller coaster romance began. '‘Are you married?'’ '‘No’' ‘'Do you have a girlfriend?’' ‘'No’' ‘'Do you have a sister who is not really a sister and she is in love with you?’' ‘'No’' ‘'Then, am I allowed to fall for you? I think I’m in love with you" ‘'You’re the first woman to be this bold towards me’' This is a romance story about a man who was betrayed by love and a woman who can’t remember her past. Check out the roller coaster romance of a man and a woman who has DID. This story revolves around the female lead suffering from DID also known as Split Personality Disorder. Her battle towards finding herself and the male lead doting on her as she tries to find herself. There is also a bonus story about her children all in it. You might want to read more about her. PS: Her personalities will leave you laughing away your stress. Meet August the flirt, Maijune the fighter, Mai the little psycho who only makes bombs and June the seductress whose weakness is a handsome and beautiful man. PS: This book also features two side stories that you will surely love. Book cover does not belong to me. All credits to the original owner Hi everyone, I've decided to join this year's 2024 WSA with a new book titled; "I am Sabrina (Cursed By Love). Kindly check it out and thank you.

    Purplebride · Urban
  • Cinta Sabrina

    20+ Sabrina Anastasya Bramantio, gadis cantik berusia 23 tahun itu terpaksa harus menelan pil pahit secara bersamaan dalam hidupnya. Dia tidak pernah menyangka hidupnya akan hancur bagaikan pecahan kaca. Kehancurannya berawal dari kekasihnyanya Reyno Prasetiyo yang selama 3 tahun bersama, akhirnya malah menikahi adik tirinya, Cantika Zaipahusna. Hingga suatu hari, Reyno mengalami kecelakaan yang nyaris merenggut nyawa. Sialnya, Cantika menuduh Sabrina yang mencelakai Reyno, karena semua bukti-bukti mengarah padanya. Peristiwa itu terjadi begitu saja dan berhasil membawa Sabrina ke penjara atas dakwaan kelalaian. Siapa sangka, saat ia memulai kehidupan baru dengan menjadi asisten rumah tangga, di tempatnya bekerja dia menemukan sosok Azka Purnama Assegaf, putra dari majikannya. Wajah tampan dan sikap bijaksana yang dimiliki Azka, nyatanya berhasil menarik perhatian Sabrina. Pun sebaliknya. Azka juga perlahan mulai terkesan dengan sikap lugu Sabrina. Seiring berjalannya waktu, akhirnya mereka saling dekat dan mempunyai perasaan yang sama. Akan tetapi, hati Sabrina kembali dipatahkan, saat mengetahui bahwa Azka hendak dijodohkan dengan wanita pilihan orang tuanya. Sakit. Hatinya bak hancur berkeping-keping. Untuk yang kesekian kalinya Sabrina terjerembap ke dalam lubang lara. Bagaimana kelanjutan kisah Sabrina dan Azka? Akankah pada akhirnya perjodohan itu berjalan dengan mulus, hingga mereka bisa bersatu? Mampukah Sabrina membuktikan bahwa dirinya tidak bersalah?

    Miss_Pupu · Urban
  • My Name Is Sabrina (Cursed By Love)

    "Those who prepare for death do not die" The scene in the lobby of Tyme Magazine was intense. Sabrina could feel the eyes on her as she found herself in the embarrassing moment with the CEO, Vincent Maraj. Just when she prepared herself to apologise, she heard him say. "Next time, if you have any questions about me, come and ask me yourself." Sabrina's breath was caught up and her face became red. Vincent looked at Sabrina's cute face and let out a chuckle before walking away. She would never have guessed that she was already in the trap he had set up for her. ..... Sabrina Van grew up believing that her family was cursed. Her parents died before reached the age of thirty and her elder brother also died before his thirtieth birthday. Walking around with an invisible time bomb on her right wrist, Sabrina knew her time was getting closer the moment she celebrated her 28th birthday. Sabrina was a dubbing actress, beauty and smart. At the age of 28, she had achieved a lot that made others envious of her. One day, while hunting for a graveyard for herself, she stumbled upon a man. A man who had the power to stop the time bomb in her wrist from working. Sabrina believed that, as soon as she kept that man closer to herself, she could fight against the cold hands of death. Thus, from that day, Sabrina never let Vincent out of her sight. She followed him everywhere like a stalker. Little did she know that, he was also carrying a burden of his own and a secret. A secret that could burn both of them. Hi everyone, it's a pleasure to meet you again with a new book after a long time of not writing. I took a break from writing and only decided to come again after this really amazing story came to mind. I hope that you add it and enjoy reading as I'm enjoying writing it. I also hope that you leave comments to let me know how you feel about the book as it progress. Thank you for taking time out to read. Take Care!

    Purplebride · Urban
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  • Nellie

    Nellie was left alone in a mansion. Nellie was with her friends. Nellie was with her family. Nellie never came out of the mansion?

    Gabewest42_West · Fantasy
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  • Living With A Narcissistic Brother in-law

    Strictly no r*pe Mikael squatted in front of Natalie and leaned closer to her ears and said to her. ‘‘Nat, do you know why you are feeling that way?’’ ‘‘No’’ Natalie shook her head. ‘‘I will tell you’’ he said and leaned even closer. He bit her ear and she tensed up. ‘‘I am the only one who is able to make you feel tense like this. I am the only one who is able to make you feel confuse and most importantly, the reason why your heart is beating this fast is because of one thing’’ Mikael touched her face, making her look up to meet his gaze. ‘‘Your heart is in turmoil because you like me and guess what, I am not giving you for no one. Not even my brother. You belong to me alone. Mikael Sun’’ Natalia thought she had the best of everything until her husband of three weeks suddenly passed away in an accident but, was it really an accident? With no time to pick up the pieces of her life, she receives an unexpected visitor in the name of Mikael Sun, a top actor claiming to be the younger brother of the late Thomas Sun. Natalie’s boring life becomes exciting as she gets wrapped up with scandals with her brother in law and a mother in law who is always pushing her into the arms of her second son after the first one is presumed dead. A cold but shameless male lead who is an actor? A cute mother in law who loves her to death and don’t mind making her marry her second son after the second son passes away? A little sister who loves her and always wants to protect her? A best friend who secretly ship her and her brother in law? A mother who abandoned her for a better life? An evil step sister? Well, you have seen it all but this is not your average book so join me in unravelling all of the secrets. Secrets that will bring laughter, happiness, tears, pain but a happy ending for everyone. How further are the complications now? What started as a misunderstanding led to a brooding love story with the cute mother in law pushing his son into her daughter in law's bed. Friendly Reminder: Hi everyone, I've decided to join this year's WSA with a new book titled; "I am Sabrina (Cursed By Love). Kindly check it out and thank you.

    Purplebride · Urban
  • Hiding Behind My Mask

    A famous star. That was Sabrina Sanders. One of the most sought out female actresses in the film industry. She had everything a woman would want, with her beauty, elegance, fame, money, and success. Her life to her fans and the outside world would seem almost perfect. Well, there was one thing she felt was missing, someone to love her. Although she had a long line of suitors, she found it hard to commit with any of them, who just wanted to tag along with her success, used her for their agendas. Finally, she did fall for one, but it only ended up badly. Mayor Bradley De Luca was everything she wanted in a man. Besides, he truly loved her, but he had one flaw. Despite that, she dived into the relationship with her eyes open, only to end up regretting it and losing in the end. Now, she was hiding from the scandal that she had created. Afraid that this would be the end of her career and ruined her life. Seeking out some solitude and peace, she flew to a secluded place, away from the prying eyes of her fans and the press. Here, she met the man who would change her life. Rafael Walker, a very attractive, serious, and enigmatic man, swept her off her feet. He was different from the other men she knew, even from Brad. She knew she was falling hard for him, and he was too. However, there was a hitch in their relationship. It was full of secrets. Would love be enough to make it work between Rafael and her? What about De Luca? Was it truly over between them? In the end, what was she hiding behind her mask? *** WPC #157 SILVER TIER WINNER – Female Lead – Let Me Entertain You! *** It was a great experience to join a contest and to obtain a small recognition for my hard work. I hope that I could keep up with the expectation of my readers. Let me know your thoughts, so it might inspire me to create more stories. I would also like to appeal for your support by voting, commenting, gifts, giving reviews and among other things. Every notification of support from my readers makes my heart beat faster and put a wide smile on my lips. It adds to the pleasure of writing and creating a masterpiece with my imagination. See you in my world. Cover photo belongs to the rightful owner.

    bishop1275 · Urban
  • Purple Romance

    "This is a dream. Since it is a dream, let me at least savour it a little more''. "If you are done checking me out, can I open my eyes now? Is hard pretending to be asleep when you keep touching me like that, Miss Lee''. Ad-Din said and opened his eyes. Maria Portia Lee graduated at the top of her class in the University at the age of 22 years and landed her first job as a teacher at a prestigious senior high school in their town. On her first day, she found herself falling for a final year student boy. Been a novice at love, coupled with family problems she decides to ignore the feelings that only grew stronger by the day. An unfortunate accident leaves Maria Portia Lee running to another city and her teaching license revoked. After 8 years, Maria didn't expect that the first person she would meet after returning to Cosmos town will be the same boy she used to love and there was just one problem, he wasn't a boy anymore but a man, a man that still made her heart to feel a lot of emotions and the worse part was, he was now her boss. Their roles have been exchanged totally. Ad-Din finally found the woman he had waited for, for 8 years and wasn't about to let anyone get in his way of making her his woman. Will their love story continue from where they left off? Will they be able to find happiness this time around? Purple Romance II Paige Payin is juggling between her school and work as a Queen in part-time working with good star ratings but the time she has left is used to fantasizes about her crush but all that changes when she meets bad boy Jordan Attoh and soon their bickering turns into something more but will their new found feelings stand the test of time when the culprit of all Paige's predicament turns out to be Jordan's own Father's selfishness? This book contains series of different love stories that stand the test of time. PS: Book cover does not belong to me. All credits go to the original owner. Please add this lovely book to your library and support me with power stones. catch me on discord, let's chat: @Purplebride #4135. Hi everyone, I've decided to join this year's 2024 WSA with a new book titled; "I am Sabrina (Cursed By Love). Kindly check it out and thank you.

    Purplebride · Urban
  • Inayah's Kismet

    The first time they met, he saw her in only her underwear from his glass mansion across her small apartment window. So he said to her, ‘leave’ or ‘sell’ your house to me. The second time they met, he called her an ‘opportunist’ who tried to seduce him. The third time they met, he tried to kiss her because she smelt good. Wait! What is this new development in Jasper Miles? Wasn’t he rumoured to have hatred for women and couldn’t touch women? Why is he always looking out of his window at the small apartment across him just to see the petite girl, then? Why is he trying to covet her by tricking her? The girl said to him one day, ‘‘wait! I am still in high school. I can’t have a boyfriend right now’’ He leaned closer to her and whispered into her ears, '‘is not that you can’t have a boyfriend. Rather, it’s I can only be the one boyfriend that you will have in this life. We are bound together’’ ‘‘Shameless man!’’ the girl said and before she could turn her face away, he held her chin and looked into her eyes. ‘‘Inayah, you can only belong to me in this life and the life to come’’ After her tragic death, Inayah wakes up to find herself back to her 18-year-old self. Back to the beginning where everything started. At 18, she was an ordinary girl living her best life until she met Jasper Miles. The man who made her best friend turn against her. Jasper Miles was rumoured to be ruthless and someone who ‘couldn’t ‘touch’ women because he hated them and had suffered a bad breakup from the past. Waking up to the year her life turned around, Inayah was given a choice. To meet the same man again or to have a new life without that man. But, she decided, she wanted that man and was made to live that life again but with a catch. Now she could see the true colours of everyone. The one she once called her ‘best friend’ became her enemy. The one she once called her ‘enemy’ turned out to be her true friend. Inayah said to herself. ‘‘Now, I must live right this now’’ NB: Cover doesn't belong to me. Credits goes to the owner. If the cover is yours and you would like me to take it off, kindly let me know in the comments section. Thanks! Hi everyone, I've decided to join this year's 2024 WSA with a new book titled; "I am Sabrina (Cursed By Love). Kindly check it out and thank you.

    Purplebride · Fantasy
  • Naura, Tawanan Sang Psychopath

    21+ Naura, gadis berumur 21 tahun yang harus menjadi tawanan seorang pria bernama Delice. Delice adalah seorang psychopath gila, yang menggunakan segala macam cara untuk membuat Naura berada di sisinya. Rasa cinta Delice untuk Naura, sudah berubah menjadi obsesi yang membuat kehidupan Naura di penuhi duka. Delice selalu menemui Naura dan terus memaksa Naura untuk menuruti keinginannya. Delice akan menggunakan orang lain untuk mengancam Naura jika Naura menolaknya. Lambat laun, Naura yang sudah terbiasa dengan kehadiran Delice, merasa kehilangan saat Delice melepaskannya ke dunia bebas tanpa syarat. "Jangan pernah muncul lagi di hadapanku! Aku tidak akan memiliki kebaikan lagi lain kali!"

    Sabrina_Angelitta · Teen

    Kisah ini menceritakan tentang seorang wanita bernama Sabrina yang mendapat rintangan terus menerus dalam hidupnya. Bagaimana cara Sabrina untuk menghadapi lika liku kehidupan dalam dirinya? Apakah Sabrina mampu untuk melewati itu semua? Langsung aja yuk baca ceritanya

    JuanSebastian_07 · Teen
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  • T he Nellie

    Daniel_Pitan · Fantasy
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  • Music Is Love!?

    Ana’s hands quivered when the chair she sat on was pulled over and the man leaned closer, almost towering over her while she sat on the chair. ‘‘Ana, do you remember what I told you before leaving?’’ Yu Lin Shen smirked. He leaned even closer to her ear and asked sensually. How could she not remember what he told her? Those words were kept and treasured in her heart for so long. ‘‘Yu Lin Shen, behave yourself. We are in the office, anyone can walk in at any time.’’ Ana said, trying to act cool. ‘‘Don’t worry. I made sure everyone left and…’’ Yu Lin Shen bit her ear adding, '‘I locked the door so there won’t be anyone disturbing us.’’ Ana’s heart started beating faster when she heard those words. She didn’t dare to look Lin Shen in the eyes because she was afraid her own body would betray her. ‘‘I read your moments a day ago and you said you wanted a baby after visiting the children’s center. So… I came back immediately without a second thought. Tonight… let’s make that baby together, Ana.’’ Lin Shen touched Ana’s chin and captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Hi everyone, I've decided to join this year's 2024 WSA with a new book titled; "I am Sabrina (Cursed By Love). Kindly check it out and thank you.

    Purplebride · Urban
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