
Psychopath Non Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Emmêlé sous le clair de lune: Non transformé

    Être le défaut de la meute, c'est déjà assez mal. Être REJETÉE ? Par votre propre compagnon destiné ? Ouais. ÇA, c'est un tout nouveau niveau de bassesse. Ava Grey est le défaut de la meute, une changeuse de forme sans loup. Elle se débat dans la vie avec le vague rêve de liberté. Son opportunité survient quand elle est soudainement informée qu'elle assistera au Gala Lunaire, un bal annuel pour les jeunes adultes shifters afin de trouver leurs compagnons destinés. Et elle le trouve. Il est séduisant et intense, et ses baisers envoient du désir dans ses veines comme une drogue. Jusqu'à ce qu'il la REJETTE. Ava n'est pas prête à retourner à sa vie morne. Elle s'évade et forge une nouvelle identité loin de sa meute et loin de son compagnon alpha. Elle se fait de nouveaux amis et est même adoptée de force par un husky hilarant. Mais juste au moment où elle trouve le bonheur et s'installe dans sa nouvelle vie, des événements étranges commencent à se produire... Son husky cachait des secrets. Elle entend des murmures selon lesquels des meutes de shifters sont à sa recherche partout. Et elle peut sentir une odeur familière dans son appartement, ce qui n'a aucun sens... parce que l'homme à qui elle appartient l'a rejetée. [Participation au Cupids Quill de mars 2024] --------- Ceci est une romance métamorphe de loup avec de multiples déclencheurs qui aiment danser main dans la main avec tous les thèmes sombres à travers un champ de fleurs mortes. Dans ce livre, vous trouverez les sommets les plus hauts et les creux les plus bas. Riez, pleurez, ragez ; vous pouvez tout faire en suivant Ava dans le voyage plutôt périlleux d'être une changeuse de forme en cette génération de romance de loups-garous. Il y a des scènes R18 éparpillées dans ce livre comme des bonbons jaillissant d'une piñata. Merci de lire de manière responsable. ------- DISCORD DE L'AUTEUR : https://discord.com/invite/ApNZDux8kj

    Lenaleia · Fantasy
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  • The Psychopath's Harem

    I shouldn't ask, but — What happens when a manipulative, narcissistic, half-psychopathic bastard with a broken god complex, who is a 12 years old incel, writes a novel? Congratulations, you have found the answer: "The Psychopath's Harem"! _________ Synopsis: Son of Destiny, this was the term used for the heaven blessed child who brings order and balance to the world. But what will happen if a psychopath is chosen as the destined son of fate? Will the he save the world or the world collapse with him? Wait there! It isn't a story of son of destiny ascending to the peak of immortality. The peak had been achieved and surpassed... It is not a story from weak to strong... Xia Tian does not stand at peak of mountain like other immortals, rather gaze from the sky like a God. A True God. Every Immortal wants to fly and soar to the sky and reach Godhood... But what after it? End of story? That is a new beginning and not the end... The story doesn't end after becoming a God rather starts... Join the journey, where Xia Tian toys with son of destinies and tramples above the arrogant female leads... He neither spares the Destiny nor his daughters, all are same in his eyes. . . . Every 50 Golden Ticket = One Bonus Chapter! Gifts: Dragon - One Bonus Chapter Magic Castle - Two Bonus Chapter Spacecraft - Three Bonus Chapter Golden Gachapon - Not Expecting to recieve this, so haven't decided. [The Bonus chapters would be released within one week upon receipt of gift, with the donator name written at the top of the chapter.] . . . Warning: This work is purely fiction, and it does not promote any kind of violence against any living being. Please read with caution. . . . Discord: https://discord.gg/dsc4fftBeF Disclaimer: Cover page is not mine.

    SKuLL · Fantasy
  • Mariage Non Désiré : Chérie, Plus de Divorce !

    Après trois années de mariage, Wendy Stewart était habituée aux remarques sarcastiques de Michael Lucas, ses menaces fréquentes de divorcer et même son indulgence envers une maîtresse. Elle pensait qu'elle pourrait supporter cela toute sa vie, jusqu'à ce qu'elle tombe accidentellement enceinte d'un enfant que Michael ne voulait pas. Finalement désespérée, Wendy signa l'accord de divorce et partit. Elle pensait qu'ils auraient pu se séparer pour toujours, mais Michael refusa de cesser de la chercher après le divorce. Lorsqu'ils se retrouvèrent, elle était la meilleure designer du monde. Souriant doucement à son ex-mari, elle dit : "Mon cher, nous sommes déjà divorcés." Michael la regarda simplement froidement, "Dis-moi, que faudra-t-il pour que nous nous réconciliions?"

    TheHana · Urban
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  • Reincarnated As A Wolf With Cheats

    A normal man was constantly blamed and was eventually turned into a murderer. Everyone hated him and looked at him as if he was a non human. He was sentenced to death but just before dying, he was asked to state his last wish which would have been fulfilled. “I wish to live some more days” His words couldn’t be neglected and they fulfilled his wish but he died in the end when his free days had finally ended. However, he was born again, in a new world which was filled with magic. It was a place where science wasn’t known. He could have used his knowledge to become famous and gain a lot of money and fame, but the fate was not so kind to let him do that. He had to bear the responsibilities for the murders in his past life due to which he was really turned into a non human. But that didn’t seem like a punishment, in fact it was a perfect world for him to shed even more blood. “I will become a predator that will stand above all!” Join me in this amazing adventure where our protagonist is Reincarnated As A Wolf With Cheats!

    1st_Manga_KING · Fantasy
  • Kerasukan Roh Psychopath (21+)

    (Mohon bijak dalam membaca. Novel ini khusus dewasa, mengandung adegan-adegan yang tidak layak dibaca anak di bawah umur) Bercerita tentang seorang gadis yang baik hati dan ramah, gadis desa yang pindah ke kota dan tinggal bersama Bibi dan sepupunya. gadis yang di sukai banyak orang karna sikap nya yang ramah dan sopan. di puji banyak orang karena kecantikan dan kecerdasannya. Namun, semua itu berakhir, ketika dia di rasuki Roh jahat yang membuat sikapnya bertolak belakang dengan sikap dia sebelumnya. Gadis yang sebelumnya di kenal lugu dan baik hati, dan semua teman menyukainya, kini berbalik semua mulai membenci sikapnya yang semakin lama semakin aneh. Bahkan dia juga berani memukul dan menganiaya orang yang membuatnya kesal. dia tidak bisa mengontrol emosinya sendiri.

    Tiana_Mutiara · Fantasy
  • Naura, Tawanan Sang Psychopath

    21+ Naura, gadis berumur 21 tahun yang harus menjadi tawanan seorang pria bernama Delice. Delice adalah seorang psychopath gila, yang menggunakan segala macam cara untuk membuat Naura berada di sisinya. Rasa cinta Delice untuk Naura, sudah berubah menjadi obsesi yang membuat kehidupan Naura di penuhi duka. Delice selalu menemui Naura dan terus memaksa Naura untuk menuruti keinginannya. Delice akan menggunakan orang lain untuk mengancam Naura jika Naura menolaknya. Lambat laun, Naura yang sudah terbiasa dengan kehadiran Delice, merasa kehilangan saat Delice melepaskannya ke dunia bebas tanpa syarat. "Jangan pernah muncul lagi di hadapanku! Aku tidak akan memiliki kebaikan lagi lain kali!"

    Sabrina_Angelitta · Teen
  • Quick Transmigration: A Psychopath Journey

    THIS IS THE END OF MY WRITING JOURNEY GOOD BYE TILL WHEN NEXT WE SEE. hey so if you like this one you'll like protector system and an artist hand by agmexzei coming out on August

    Joy_Agbomeikhe · LGBT+
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  • Non-Player Character

    “I’m glad I save you before you could die from your suicide attempt. There’s no need to worry; I’ve given you a second chance in life.” The last thing that a boy named Claudia remembered was jumping off a bridge to end his own life, but now he’s woken up in the world of Serial Slain, his favorite MMORPG. For years, he had been playing the video game, eventually reaching the top five of the North American leaderboards. He had no real-life friends and seldom spoke to his family, so Serial Slain was his only solace in life. But one day, he loses his only in-game friend, he gets betrayed during a dungeon raid, and he loses all his progress, including every level and item. With no other purpose in life, Claudia committed suicide. His attempt was a failure, and it rendered him paralyzed and cognitively deficient. Luckily, a woman named Virgil gave him the chance of a lifetime by hooking up his brain to a fully immersive VRMMORPG, Serial Slain 2.0—a new update to the original game. Now, as a Tester of the new VRMMORPG, Claudia must defeat the final boss or risk returning to the reality that he hated. Just when he thought he was living his ideal reality, he soon realizes that even the video game world has its fair share of sorrow and suffering. . . World Map: https://twitter.com/lizorleiorarnol/status/1411774908149944321?s=21 . . Warning: This novel deals with sensitive topics, such as suicide, and uses strong language. . . Discord @Epyonnn2759 Twitter @LizOrLeiOrArnol for random stuff. If I get enough support, I'll also make some light novel art for my story. DM me if you catch any typos

    Epyonnn · Games
  • Villain: Rebirth of the Primordial Evil

    “Little man, remember these words. Evil is an art, beautiful because natural. Rage, love, hatred, they’re all embellishments. Evil, at its truest, needs no reason beyond the pursuit of self-gratification.” When the powerhouses of the Demon Realm sacrifice a broken boy in an ancient forbidden ritual, they succeed in materializing humanity’s darkest aspects, strengths, abilities, emotions, and desires in the form of another boy, the Incarnation of Evil: Huan Yi. But while the successful incarnation of the prophesied Demon Child should have sparked the revitalization of the Demon Realm, when Huan Yi rejects the Demon Realm’s hopes and expectations to embark on a quest to find the three missing Primeval Tools, the lords of the Demon Realm realize that the ritual had malfunctioned. The Demon Child was…incomplete. Equipped with the Manuscript of Forbidden Secrets and the ability to control Karma, will Huan Yi mature into the overlord needed by the Demon Realm to conquer Heaven, or will he fall to the Righteous Path experts’ attempts to convert him into their very own savior? Join him to find out. Author Alert: This story was written by a wonderful psychopath, for wonderful psychopaths. You've been warned.

    Demonic_Paradise · Eastern

    I am the devil, the closer you get. You will feel deep pain! aren't you afraid of me one bit?" (Ducan Kayler) "With love I marry this handsome face, how can I be afraid of him? I will survive even if he gives a thousand wounds all over my body." ( Alisha Wheeler ) Duncan Tyler (25th) A drug addict for many years. Until it brought him down in a rehab which made Ducan a psychopath because of his addiction. Lucken Kayler (25 years) Ducan's twin brother lives as the perfect man. Forced to marry Alisha (21 years) in order to fulfill the wishes of his parents who are looking for a wife for his brother Ducan, a drug addict. Unbeknownst to Alisha, after Lucken's marriage is over, Ducan replaces Lucken's position in Alisha's life. What happens when Alisha finds out that Ducan is not her husband but Lucken's twin brother and a man who made Alisha fall in love for the first time when they met in Bali? Can Alisha live with a psychopath, addict and jealous? Can Alisha survive her marriage?

    Nickscart_2 · Teen
  • My Ceo is Psychopath

    "Once upon a time there was a man who was the president of the biggest company in his city, collided with a woman who met him accidentally, and finally the man who was the president fell in love with the woman he hit, even though in the end the woman felt depressed because of the attitude of the man. the president who likes arbitrarily at will. " Because they have different temperaments, as well as different degrees, between Lilui Yu and Wormy Xu. My Xu, who is currently a very famous president director, is Lui, who is just a kid selling a bakery in a makeshift shop. How is the next step? Come on, read on for those who are curious! :-) . . #IG Author -> @ dwisetya_98 #Fb Author -> Dwi Setya

    Dwi_Setya23 · Fantasy
  • Who is a Psychopath?

    Dorrr... dorr..... dorrrr Dia terkejut dan berteriak sangat keras saat mendengar sebuah suara yang sepertinya sudah pernah dia dengar sebelumnya. Abi langsung terdiam ketakutan dan berusaha untuk menutup telinganya. Kini dia sudah duduk di lantai sambil menangis. Setelah dia sudah merasa baikan, akhirnya dia berjalan lemah menuju keluar. Tangannya berusaha meraih gaagang pintu yang masih ada beberapa langkah di depannya. Dan setelah berusaha dengan keras, akhirnya Abi bisa meraih gagang pintu itu. Dia berjalan dengan langkah gontai hingga ke tangga, dan saat dia sudah berada di atas tangga. degggg.. Abi ingin menjerit histeris saat dia melihat ada tiga orang yang kini tergeletak dilantai. Dia berusaha menahan suaranya. Jangan sampai laki laki itu melihatnya disini, atau dia akan mati saat ini juga seperti orang orang yang kini tergeletak di lantai itu. Tubuh ketiga orang itu dipenuhi oleh darah, begitu juga lantai nya yang Abi ingat semula berwarna putih berubah menjadi merah karena dipenuhi darah. Abi masih diam di tempatnya, sambil menangis.

    Mega_Sari_Purba · Action
  • Silent Caster's Journey:A hero, a villain and a Psychopath

    The story follows Onver, a mute character who has endured nightmares since childhood. Bullied relentlessly by his acquaintances and falsely accused by the democratic world of Earth, he experiences a series of misfortunes and terrifying nightmares. Consequently from his childhood, because of that he develops a conflicting bipolar personality that constantly battles between an urge to kill and the suppression of such thoughts. However, Onver's life takes an unexpected turn when he is kidnapped by a secret organization conducting human experiments. He becomes the subject of a torturous experiment and eventually loses his life. but wait he once again Awakens in the same world and same body. Upon awakening, he finds himself back on Earth, only to discover extraordinary hidden realms coexisting alongside Earth. These mystical realms are brimming with magic and inhabitants unlike those on Earth. As the boundaries between those realms blur, with the magical realm encroaching upon Earth, Onver embarks on an epic journey within this wondrous land. Along his path, he must grapple with his internal struggles, confront his haunting past, and unearth the truth hidden within his newfound existence. -------------- [{Warning: This work is purely fiction, and it does not promote any kind of violence against any living being. Please read with caution. This contains hardcore gore and psychologically twisted things }] Tags |Dark| Evil | Mute Mc | Slow pace | Weak to strong| [Antihero] |Wrong to evil |Tragedy | Dark humour | Magical Mystery | No system or reincarnation | Slow development |

    Uncle_Moon · Fantasy
  • psychopath diary

    "ini kisahku, seorang gadis monster yang dibentuk langsung oleh tangan mama. kehilangan papa malam itu yang merubahku menjadi monster berdarah dingin tanpa rasa takut atau rasa belas kasih. papa adalah orang yang membuat duniaku dulu berwarna, dia yang selalu ada buatku saat mama tak dirumah bersenang dengan para lelaki di luar sana tanpa memperdulikanku, dia orang yang selalu mencintaiku setiap kali mama tak memberikan rasa cinta itu, papa adalah milikku. dan mama mengambilnya dariku, saat papa mengetahui rahasia mama. dan duniaku menjadi gelap gulita. sekarang aku harus memakai topeng boneka yang manis ini dihadapan mama dan menuruti semua perintah mama, ini kulakukan untuk membalasnya, aku harus benar-benar jadi monster sampai saat aku akan membuatnya menjadi karya terbaik yang akan kupajang di museum pribadiku nanti, dan aku bisa melihat papa tersenyum saat aku berhasil menyelamatkannya dan duniaku kembali, meskipun aku ahrus membusuk dipenjara nantinya karena perbuatanku!" "tapi sebelum itu terjadi aku ingin juga berpetualang bersama kalian, mencari kelinci percobaan untuk melatihku juga dan bereksperimen dan tentu saja mencari model untuk hasil karyaku nanti, jadi ayo masuk keduniaku!" "Bermain bersamaku!" "kita akan lakukan hal yang menyenangkan bersama! aku akan menjadi teman yang menyenangkan untuk kalian!" "Jangan lari dariku atau kalian akan menyesal!" "ikuti aku, bertemu teman-temanku, akan kuceritakan hal menarik diduniaku! kita akan berbagi cerita yang menyenangkan bersamaku, tapi kalian harus jadi boneka yang manis saat aku mulai cerita tentang diriku!" "sekarang jangan katakan apa-apa, diam dan dengarkan ceritaku!" sssssttttt......

    Meirisa_Diana · Urban
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  • The Non Existent Extra

    Life is unfair. That's something I figured out when I was young. It's not just life but the world itself is unfair. I was an orphan who joined a game design company trying to survive. But I was fired when the owner's son wanted the damn job. Thankfully I had backup plans. However, all those were thrown out the window when I was thrust into the world of one of the stories I created. My first story. And honestly, I felt...happy. This was a place where I could take advantage of everything! I could live a peaceful yet rich life! All I had to do was follow the story. There was one problem though. I was an extra. And to add to that I had no memory of who I was. ___________ Ok so just a little disclaimer this is obviously based on The Author's POV but I did also base it mostly on ORV as well as IOAMI

    WorldEater_11 · Fantasy
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  • Quand la beauté rencontre les bêtes

    Lin Nuannuan ne s'attendait jamais à être transmigrée tout ça à cause d'un simple bain ! Elle aurait pu gérer ça, mais pourquoi a-t-elle été transmigrée dans un monde d'Hommes-bêtes ? Il y a partout de beaux Hommes-bêtes drapés de peau d'animal. Et tous montrent leurs longues jambes ! Quoi ? Le tigre et le loup blanc veulent m'épouser !? NON ! NON ! NON ! Rien de bon ne sort d'un amour qui transcende les espèces. Abandonnez !

    Big Fruit Pellets · Fantasy
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  • Psycho X Psychic

    Teren Hark - Quiet and ordinary at school. Passive and nothing noteworthy about him. However, one of his classmates thinks otherwise. Iesa Hun - Quiet but extraordinary. Aggressive when provoked. On top of the school's hierarchy because of her brains and beauty. Recently, she learned the secret about Teren Hark. He's a psychopath who had a rich history of murder, massacre, and other atrocities. But she has her fair share of secrets as well - she's a psychic who can read other people's thoughts, except, of course, the psychopath himself. Welcome to Mershen High where these two superhumans collide as they slowly learn each other's pasts and meet the world's hidden supernatural together while still trying to be proper students.

    JhiThan_Ser · Urban

    Namaku Maise, aku sekolah disekolah menengah. Aku memiliki pacar bernama Ammar. Pacar ku ini sangat baik dan tidak pernah berkata kasar padaku. Namun, entah mengapa teman-teman ku sangat tidak menyukainya, bahkan mereka menyuruhku agar memutuskan hubungan kami berdua. Mereka bilang pacar ku aneh. Sesudah mereka mengatakan itu, besoknya mereka menghilang dan beberapa hari kemudian mayat mereka ditemukan dengan kondisi yang sangat mengerikan. Nina, dia mengatakan pacar ku aneh. Beberapa hari kemudian mayat yang ditemukan dengan mulut yang dijahit. Iris, dia mengatakan pacarku gila dan tidak berotak. Beberapa hari kemudian dia ditemukan dengan kepala bolong tanpa otak. Bagas, dia kekasih Iris. Dia menuduh pacar ku yang membunuh Nina dan Iris, dia menendang, memukul, mendorong dan menonjok pacarku di lapangan sampai babak belur. Keesokan harinya sekolah gempar menemukan mayat Bagas di lapangan sekolah dengan tubuh yang sudah terpotong- potong. Hal itu semakin membuat nama pacarku semakin jelek. Aku tidak percaya- tentu saja, pacarku itu baik, aku sangat yakin bahwa dia itu baik! Hingga sebuah fakta terungkap membuat kedua bola mata Maise terbelalak. ∆∆∆ #1 - Daging ( 26 Oktober 2020 ) #5 - Insane ( 26 Oktober 2020 ) #9 - Wild ( 26 Oktober 2020 ) #6 - Mutilasi ( 26 Oktober 2020 ) #20 - Membunuh ( 26 Oktober 2020 ) #24 - Violance ( 26 Oktober 2020 ) ⚠️ WARNING : 17+, Mature, Violance, Cannibal, Abused Behavior. Readers are expected to bear the consequences themselves. Happy reading my story and I hope you like it. Writes about stories of murder, cannibals, gore, insane, psycho, psychopath, romance, mystery and more.

    Queenierini · Teen
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