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    The Devilish Assassin meets the Angelic Detective

    "Fateful encounter of a cold-blooded assassin and a gentle detective: She wants to avenge her parents’ death, no matter the cost. He wants to redeem her and teach her forgiveness. One of them must give in. Merciless, fierce, vicious, and ruthless were the words that people would associate with her. That's how they would describe her, a living devil. Elle is known as the mysterious and meticulous assassin feared by both the underground syndicates and the government. But she finds herself helpless and at the end of her rope when she meets with despair on one of her missions. Erick, a chief detective, comes just in time to rescue the devil turned damsel. His kindhearted nature had led him to take the cold and aloof girl under his wing. With his protection on the line, Elle couldn't possibly get close to him in fear of being revealed. Can she let him into her walls or will she push him away, like all the others? Can he close his eyes to her crimes or will he punish her?" «»«»«»«»«»«»«»«» *Excerpts* "What if I had killed someone? What if I am a criminal, what will you do?" Erick kept silent for a few seconds, thinking. Elle could almost hear her pounding heart amidst the silence of their surrounding. Erick looked into her eyes and met her nervous gaze as he gave her his response. "If that is the case, then I will have to put you in prison," he said in a serious tone. Elle's heart sank when she heard it. She felt like her world fell into pieces. "So... if I ask you to surrender yourself to me, will you do it?" Erick asked her softly as he cupped her troubled face in his two hands. "Will you?... will you marry me Elle?" he added. Elle:"..." Erick took advantage of that chance when Elle was still in a trance as he brought his face closer to her and sealed her lips with a gentle kiss. -------------------------------------------------- COMPLETED [ 530 Chapters ] { Warning: This Book Features Mature Content [R-18] } Award: Writing Prompt Contest #93 First Placer- Villainess Female Lead Author's Other Book: 1. The CEO's Wife Is A Demon God's Daughter Award of this Book: WPC #133 Gold Tier- No Humans Allowed! Female Lead 2. Forbidden Love: Angel's Seduction 3. Moon Lovers: Bound by Blood and Revenge 4. 100 Days to Seduce the Devil Note* The artwork/illustration/photo in the cover is AI generated by the Author [The Author is slowly editing all the chapters. Please bear with me if you see grammar mistakes and awkward sentence structures along the way. Only the first 32 Chapters had been edited so far.] Curious about this author? Follow me in Instagram: elle_zar Please like Author Facebook page: @AUTHOR.ELLEZARG18

    ellezar_g · Urban
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    Mi Sexy Hermanastro||Erick Brian Colón||CNCO

    Me llamo Elizabeth Smith tengo 17 años vivo con mi papá (Rodrigo) ya que mi mamá murió cuándo yo tenía 6 años casi no recuerdo como era ella y desde ahí mi papá se tubo que hacer cargó de mi. Mi cabello es castaño mi piel es trigeña mis ojos son cafes Todo iba bien en mi vida, hasta que lo vi entrar a él tan reluciente como siempre no sabía que pasaría, no quería que nada pasara, nuestra historia ya había terminado.

    Lizz_ParragaR · Teen
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    Cartas a Romeo.

    ``` —Solo bastó con romper una regla que no se suponía que debía —Él era el chico malo con tatuajes. Ella era la chica buena con gafas, y ella era suya. —Cuando Julianne Winters decide mudarse al dormitorio de la prestigiosa Universidad, ella tiene todo planeado para poder terminar su graduación y dejar el lugar. Pero su plan comienza a incendiarse desde el momento en que la mirada de Roman Moltenore de último año se posa en ella. Y su apariencia no grita nada más que PROBLEMAS. —¿Qué reglas? —preguntó Julianne con el ceño fruncido mientras leía la página. Estaba segura de que no había visto ninguna regla del campus mencionada en su sitio web. # 4. Prohibido usar teléfonos móviles. # 12. Los estudiantes no deben deambular fuera del campus después de las once de la noche. Cuanto más leía, más extraño resultaba ser. Su amiga pasó la página y luego señaló la última regla # 29. Escucha a Roman Moltenore. —Esto está inventado. Mira, la última incluso está escrita a lápiz —Julianne no podía creer que su amiga del dormitorio de al lado pensara que caería en eso. ¿Y sin teléfono? —Es importante que cumplas con todas las reglas. Especialmente con la número veintinueve —dijo la chica con tono serio—. Recuerda no involucrarte con Roman. Si llegas a verlo, corre en la dirección opuesta. Hay una razón por la que está escrita aquí. Con las reglas del campus, ella recurre a enviar cartas manuscritas a su tío. ¡Pero quién iba a saber que terminarían en manos de alguien más! ```

    ash_knight17 · Fantasy
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    Romance Prohibido

    nemesispichardo29 · Teen
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    What would you do if you met a person who’s identical to you in every detail? Johan Reed is a homeless, a wanderer, and a spiteful cynic with a big heart. Stripped of everything he once held dear, the young man have no hopes for the future, but he never gave up. As fate would have it, Johan’s life take a wild turn when he bumps into Erick Vaughn. A rich young man who looks just like him. The two of them know nothing about each other, and yet, Erick still says the words that will change Johan’s life forever. “Do you want to switch places with me?” What Johan doesn’t know, however, is that this offer is nothing but a ticket to a hell he could never even begin to conceive. A world of money, power, influence, and fists. But will Johan be able to survive this world? Or will he return turned into someone, or something else...? Read it and find out... Obs: The first chapters act like as the foundation of the whole drama, which means that it'll feel like a slow burn at first, but it's just the gears shifting until we get into the real deal! Chapters updated twice a day.

    MrBoness · Urban
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    Deseo Prohibido

    Haru, un joven de 16 años cuya vida escolar es un completo infierno debido a que es maltratado y humillado por sus compañeros, por ello, no ha podido hacer ni un solo amigo desde que entró en el instituto, pero todo eso cambiará con la llegada de un chico nuevo que se robará todas las miradas de todos en el instituto, sin embargo, él solo tiene interés en Haru por lo que comenzara acercarse a él con la intención de ser su amigo, pero lo que comenzó como una amistad acabará siendo algo más y surgirán dolorosas verdades que afectará su relación ¿Qué les deparará el destino a ellos dos?

    Sofia_Yanes · LGBT+
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    Erick story

    story of my life who just wanna to live in this cruel world.... Sorry for bad writing and language because im just bad in english.

    erickson_sitompul · Fantasy
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    La Esposa del CEO es Hija de un Dios Demonio

    ``` [ Libro 1: Completado ] Tristan Davis, el CEO playboy de Heavenly Star Enterprize, fue forzado a casarse con CUALQUIER MUJER en un mes, o de lo contrario... su glamoroso título y posición le serían quitados. ¡NOOOOO! ¿Cómo podría seducir a esas hermosas mujeres si se volviera pobre y dejara de ser un CEO? Está bien, encontrará una mujer y se casará con ella para complacer a su exigente abuelo. ¿Qué importa si es una extraña mujer rara que conoció en la montaña mientras acampaba? ¿Cierto? Espera... ¿Qué!? ¿Ella NO ES HUMANA? ¿Es la hija del dios demonio? ¿Dijiste... DEMONIO? Pero ella luce tan angelical, hermosa e inocente. Tristan ni siquiera podía mirar a otras mujeres después de que esta hija del dios demonio se convirtiera en su esposa. Ja. Bien podría mantenerla cerca ya que a abuelo parece gustarle mucho. ============ Zhen-Zhen, quien tenía la sangre del dios demonio, era el objetivo de los guerreros guardianes. Desde que era niña intentaron matarla muchas veces pero fracasaron. Sin otra opción restante, la sellaron en la Montaña Divina. Pero después de 100 años, su sello se rompió accidentalmente y así, su Protector encontró la oportunidad de enviarla a otro mundo habitado por humanos puramente ordinarios - sin seres sobrenaturales y sin poderes mágicos. En este nuevo mundo, conoció al Travieso y Guapo CEO, quien le propuso matrimonio en su primer encuentro. Pero espera... ¿Matrimonio? ¿Convertirse en su Esposa? ¿Qué significa convertirse en Esposa? Aunque la hija del dios demonio no tenía ni idea de lo que significaba ser esposa, ¡aceptó su propuesta emocionada! ¡"Sí! ¡Quiero ser tu esposa!" ============ *** Extracto *** —Zhen-Zhen: "Tristan, ¿por qué te ríes aunque estés triste? Puedo sentirlo. Estás dolido, ahora mismo." Aun en su estado de ebriedad, Tristan pudo asimilar sus palabras. —Tristan: "Oye, mi Zhen-Zhen. Serás mi esposa, ¿verdad?" —Zhen-Zhen: "Sí..." —Tristan: "Entonces... hazme feliz. Acércate... y bésame." Ella se inclinó hacia Tristan mientras presionaba sus delicados y calientes labios en sus fríos labios. —Zhen-Zhen: "¿Estás feliz ahora, Tristan?" Tristan negó con la cabeza y puso pucheros. —¡No! Zhen-Zhen, eso no puede considerarse un beso. Solo presionaste tus labios contra los míos." Se quejó a ella con exasperación. "Ven aquí, ¡te enseñaré!" Tristan sostuvo su cara y luego comenzó a besarla apasionadamente. Tristan acercó su cabeza mientras profundizaba el beso. Después de unos segundos, Zhen-Zhen respondió y devolvió su beso con igual intensidad que la de él. 'Diablos, es una aprendiz rápida.' ========= [ HOT+Funny+Fluffy+Mature ]~ Esta es una historia de la hija del dios demonio y un travieso y guapo CEO... ======= Premio de Este Libro: WPC #133 Nivel Oro - ¡No Humanos Permitidos! Protagonista Femenina Apoyo a la Autora: Únete al Servidor de Discord de la Autora: https://discord.gg/D44M6DYW2G Envíame un mensaje privado en Discord: ellezar_g#1010 Otro Libro de la Autora: 1. La Asesina Diabólica Conoce al Detective Angélico Volúmen I: Encuentro Predestinado (Capítulo 1-275) Completado Volúmen II: Sus Caminos se Cruzan de Nuevo (Capítulo 276-530) Completado 2. Amor Prohibido: Seducción de un Ángel 3. Amantes de la Luna: Unidos por la Sangre y la Venganza La obra de arte/ilustración/foto es generada por IA por la Autora ```

    ellezar_g · Fantasy
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    Antara Cinta Dan Dendam

    Dendam seorang Erick Brianna wisongko terhadap keluarga Bramantyo, dia lampiaskan terhadap seorang gadis keturunan keluarga Bramantyo. Zahra Adelia Putri gadis cantik keturunan satu satunya yang tersisa. dengan berpura pura mencintainya. Erick memulai aksi balas dendam nya. siapa sangka dalam aksi balas dendamnya Erick menaruh hati terhadap Zahra. mampukah Erick melanjutkan balas dendam atau mempertahankan cintanya ?? ikuti terus kisahnya

    rafli123 · Urban
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    Aran & Erick

    Hifumi_Rikka · Urban
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    yoonlyxs08 · Teen
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    Amoríos reales prohibidos

    Ni siquiera la enemistad pudo... La hija de un rey y el hijo de una princesa, en aquellos años de conflictos entre egipcios e hititas. Sus caminos no serían fáciles, sin embargo una guerra, enemistades y un conjunto de factores no impidieron que sus caminos se cruzaran. Derechos de autor reservados.

    Sebas_Jimenez · History
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    Finding Erick

    Typo_Writer · Realistic
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    erick setiawan

    Erick_setiawan · Urban
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    ratsianoharana Erick solofotiana

    DaoistndX44r · History
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    Amor prohibido ?

    Carlos_el_shido_Bv · General
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    The Goddesses Prophecy of the Alpha

    Erick didn't even know werewolves existed, let alone that he was one. As he is thrown into that world, he finds himself at the center of both a murder plot and an ancient prophecy. Can he find a way to survive and fulfill the prophecy? Rhian his mate comes crashing into his life while running from her own set of dangers. Will their union derail everything or be the solution they are looking for?  The officer leaned in over the desk towards the intake nurse. They both continued to glance in his direction as they spoke in hushed whispers. An irritated Erick smirked, giving them a slight wave to acknowledge he knew they were staring. Even though they were across the room and attempting to speak quietly, Erick heard every word. He was baffled at this sudden improvement in his hearing; it was as if their voices were magnified. "Yes, we found him wandering out of the woods. He couldn't explain his lack of clothes or what had happened to him." The nurse replied, "Don't you find that suspicious knowing what last night was? Do you think that maybe he was unaware he was changing?'' The officer quickly cut her off, "Of course I suspected it! Why the hell do you think I brought him here instead of Memorial hospital?" The nurse just nodded as she looked down and began to type in her report. "My biggest question is it's as if he has no idea what happened. Does he not know what he is or what he is going through? Please make sure you have security and keep an eye on him. Something just feels off to me." The officer looking directly at Erick noticed how wide his eyes were watching the two of them speak. Could he hear their conversation?     What in the world were these two talking about? The shocking appearance on Erick's face twisted into a confused expression. What is this change they are talking about, and what do they mean what he is? He is a man. What other possibility is there? Feelings of anger and rage began to overwhelm him. He had felt all along that the officer's demeanor was off, like he knew more than he was saying. Erick acknowledges that his explanation for what happened lacked plausibility, but he was just trying to find some reasonable interpretation of the situation. What did that man know? Did he recognize Erick but how? It's not like he ever had a criminal record?     Erick brought his hands up to his temple and put pressure along both sides as he squeezed his eyes closed tightly. His feelings were overwhelming enough, but this stabbing headache was not helping him think clearly. Why did it feel like fire was coursing through his veins? Argh, he screamed internally, overcome with agony. His gripe along his temple tightened, and his eyes snapped open as he felt a trickle of blood where his nails had pierced his skin; like the night before, his vision went black, and he felt himself collapsing to the floor.     The officer who had never taken his eyes off Erick was suddenly running over to him. "Shit!" The officer witnessed the golden glare in his eyes during the brief moment they opened. He knew the fears in their suspicions were correct as he rushed to his side. "Get a gurney and the restraints now!" He roared in the direction of the nurse who was already scrambling to assist him.

    AmandaW1822 · Fantasy
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    The Vampire's Bride (Dark Council Series Book 1)

    “You seem to have forgotten that you’re not marrying a commoner, Alina. You’re marrying the prince of all vampires, so look alive and get me some coffee.” Alina Deluca lives a normal life up in the Californian north. At least that’s what she makes the world believe. Locked within her hypnotizing emerald eyes are horrors she could never speak of, even if it killed her. Erick Stayton, the vampire prince, is her nightmare. To her, he was no more than a cold, savage predator that lusted for her blood and took away everything she had during that one traumatizing night four years ago. Problem is, she is bound to be his bride. Mustering every strength to set things right in her awry life, she gets embroiled in an ages-old feud and a struggle for power of mind-boggling proportions. Strangely enough, she finds herself connecting with Erick in ways she never knew she could. Suddenly, everything is not what it seems. Is Erick the heartless monster Alina makes him out to be? Will a vampire law made eons ago be the undoing of the whole vampire race? Will heated passion bloom in these bloodiest of times?

    Anna Kendra · Fantasy
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    DaoistCUAi8l · LGBT+
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    El Regreso del Mago Oscuro

    Raze Cromwell era alguien que había sufrido toda su vida. Una crianza cruel que había obligado a su naturaleza a volverse amarga. Para sobrevivir, hizo todo lo que pudo, lo que eventualmente le valió el nombre de Mago Oscuro. Un título que solo se otorgaba a los mejores magos. —Todo en este mundo me fue arrebatado, así que tomaré todo del mundo. Los cinco Supremo Magus se habían reunido para eliminar al gran Raze, que se encontraba en sus últimos momentos. El Mago Oscuro tenía un último as en la manga. Activando un hechizo prohibido, se encuentra viviendo en otro mundo, un mundo lleno de artistas marciales. Un mundo donde uno podría destruir cimas de montañas con su puño, pero la magia todavía existe en el nuevo mundo, y él es el único que sabe de ella. **** Nota: Raze Cromwell es un personaje que aparece brevemente en My vampire system. (Durante 2 Capítulos) No es necesario leer My vampire system. Ya que esta historia está basada en Raze antes de que se convirtiera en lo que era en el sistema vampírico. Instagram: JKSManga Discord: jksmanga https://discord.gg/jksmanga

    JKSManga · Fantasy
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