
Mia And Mia And Me Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Death... and me

    Read the first chapter. Maybe you will like it. ;)

    Suiyan · Fantasy
  • Mia is Not a Trouble-Maker!

    The Miller family had a troublemaker in the family. Her name was Amelia Miller. Her mother died in childbirth when she was born. Her stepmother fell off a flight of stairs while pregnant and died. Amelia's father punished her by making her face the wall in the attic. The attic was dark and humid, and there was no sunlight at all. Nobody brought her food, and Amelia thought she might very well die there. Moments before her death, she dialed a number that her mother had told her before she passed away. After she hung up, there were rumbling sounds all around her. The Miller family's residence was surrounded by a group of bodyguards dressed in black. Eight men got out of their cars, each with a different aura. They went directly to the attic. The man who led them went down on one knee and held Amelia, unconscious, in his arms. He had a solemn expression on his face. "The Miller family needs to go bankrupt." After sleeping the entire night, Amelia woke up to find that her father was bankrupt. Her family members were all homeless. Meanwhile, she... She had eight uncles and a kind grandfather who loved her dearly. Amelia's father regretted what he did, and he was unwilling to accept his fate. So what if Amelia was living a good life now? She was still the troublemaker who got her mother killed and her father bankrupt! Little did he know, after Amelia returned to her uncle's house, their luck only seemed to improve. Even her bedridden grandmother could now get out of bed and dance in the square! Finally, a god-like man claimed to be her father. He pampered her to the point where the entire world became envious of her.

    Song Ci · General
  • When Three Immortal Fairies Visited Earth and Met Me

    In a realm where boredom is practically unheard of, three fairy sisters—offspring of the immortal realm's mightiest warriors—decided they had enough of celestial monotony. Seeking adventure (or maybe just a break from their all-too-perfect existence), they make a break for it, leaving behind the wonders and restrictions of their home. Enter me, Nikolas, but you can call me Nikko or Nick if you're feeling friendly. Just a regular guy navigating the complexities of university life, nursing a not-so-secret crush on the most captivating woman on campus. Imagine my surprise when what I thought was an unattainable dream starts looking like a reality. There's just one tiny, slightly terrifying catch. She comes with a warning label: impress her parents, two of the five rulers of the immortal realm, within a hundred years or risk facing their wrath for daring to woo their precious daughter. Oh, I wonder if their wrath will triple when they hear I'm going after all the three precious daughters. *Contains r18 scenes of love. These themes appear in the book although it isn't necessirily focused on them: #Yandere #Tsundere #Mafia #Dual-cultiavtion #Idol #Gamer-girl

    Author_of_Culture · Fantasy
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  • Be a Good Boy and Marry Me

    The all-mighty CEO of the Mo Corporation, Mo Shiting, fell into a trap and got into a flash marriage, and the culprit was an unknown little girl. Everyone was shocked! It was said that the young master of the Mo family was cold-blooded, cruel, and decisive. The little girl must be in trouble now, they thought. But what they didn't know was that this little girl, called Gu Li, was not only eccentric and thick-skinned, but she was also very good at sweet-talking. She was born to subdue Mo Shiting. Until one day— Reporter: "Young Master Mo, please use a phrase to describe yourself." Mo Shiting: "A wife-doting maniac." Reporter: "Are there no other phrases you can use to describe yourself?" Mo Shiting: "Afraid of my wife?" Everyone else: "Young Master Mo, blink if you've been kidnapped."

    Bao La · Urban

    RATED 18+| Tinsley Rutherford's life turns upside down when her rich parents are killed in a tragic car accident. To make things worse, her fiance suddenly breaks off their billion-dollar contract marriage engagement. Sad and lost, Tinsley goes out one night to drown her sorrows in alcohol and meets the mysterious and handsome Kian Wilson at a bar. To her shock, she wakes up the following morning in this handsome stranger's arms. In her panic, she flees his house and leaves him to search for his mystery princess. What happens when these two fated strangers meet again? Will they get a second chance this time, or will Tinsley make a run for it again?

    chayasreedeka · Urban
  • Mia n'est pas une fauteuse de troubles !

    La famille Miller avait dans ses rangs une fauteuse de troubles. Son nom était Amelia Miller. Sa mère était morte en couches lorsqu'elle est née. Sa belle-mère est tombée d'un escalier alors qu'elle était enceinte et est morte. Le père d'Amelia la punissait en la faisant mettre face au mur dans le grenier. Le grenier était sombre et humide, sans la moindre lumière du soleil. Personne ne lui apportait à manger, et Amelia pensait qu'elle pourrait bien y mourir. Peu avant sa mort, elle composa un numéro que sa mère lui avait donné avant de passer. Après avoir raccroché, des bruits de grondement résonnèrent autour d'elle. La résidence de la famille Miller était encerclée par un groupe de gardes du corps habillés en noir. Huit hommes sortirent de leurs voitures, chacun dégageant une aura différente. Ils se dirigèrent directement vers le grenier. L'homme qui les menait mit un genou à terre et tint Amelia, inconsciente, dans ses bras. Il avait une expression solennelle sur le visage. « La famille Miller doit faire faillite. » Après avoir dormi toute la nuit, Amelia se réveilla pour découvrir que son père avait fait faillite. Les membres de sa famille étaient tous sans-abri. Pendant ce temps, elle... Elle avait huit oncles et un grand-père aimant qui l'adoraient profondément. Le père d'Amelia regrettait ce qu'il avait fait, et il refusait d'accepter son destin. Et alors si Amelia menait maintenant une bonne vie ? Elle restait la fauteuse de troubles qui avait causé la mort de sa mère et la faillite de son père ! Il ignorait qu'après le retour d'Amelia chez son oncle, leur chance ne semblait que s'améliorer. Même sa grand-mère clouée au lit pouvait désormais sortir de son lit et danser sur la place ! Enfin, un homme à l'allure divine prétendit être son père. Il la dorlotait au point que le monde entier l'enviait.

    Falling · General
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  • ¡Mia no es una alborotadora!

    ``` La familia Miller tenía una problemática en la familia. Su nombre era Amelia Miller. Su madre murió en el parto cuando ella nació. Su madrastra se cayó de una escalera mientras estaba embarazada y murió. El padre de Amelia la castigaba haciéndola enfrentarse a la pared en el ático. El ático era oscuro y húmedo, y no había nada de luz solar. Nadie le llevaba comida, y Amelia pensaba que podría muy bien morir allí. Momentos antes de su muerte, marcó un número que su madre le había dicho antes de fallecer. Después de colgar, hubo sonidos de estruendo a su alrededor. La residencia de la familia Miller estaba rodeada por un grupo de guardaespaldas vestidos de negro. Ocho hombres salieron de sus autos, cada uno con un aura distinta. Fueron directo al ático. El hombre que los lideraba se puso de rodillas y sostuvo a Amelia, inconsciente, en sus brazos. Tenía una expresión solemne en su rostro. —La familia Miller necesita declararse en bancarrota. Después de dormir toda la noche, Amelia despertó y descubrió que su padre estaba en bancarrota. Los miembros de su familia estaban todos sin hogar. Mientras tanto, ella... Ella tenía ocho tíos y un abuelo amable que la querían mucho. El padre de Amelia se arrepintió de lo que hizo, y no estaba dispuesto a aceptar su destino. —¿Y qué si Amelia ahora vivía una buena vida? ¡Ella seguía siendo la problemática que había matado a su madre y dejado a su padre en bancarrota! Poco sabía él que, después de que Amelia regresara a la casa de su tío, su suerte solo parecía mejorar. ¡Incluso su abuela postrada en cama ahora podía levantarse y bailar en la plaza! Finalmente, un hombre como de Dios afirmó ser su padre. La mimaba hasta el punto de que el mundo entero la envidiaba. ```

    Hanging Clock · General
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  • Vicious Young Miss Is Lesbian, And Wants Me?

    [ Volume 2 Is Officially Starting! ] Song Liya, the female lead of the novel. She was a vicious young miss who never backed down, she often got whatever she wanted. No one dared to argue with her or even look her in the eyes, she was that scary to them. "Why are you looking at me? Get to work!” "Y-yes!” “There is one less rice in this bowl! Remake this!" “Right away!” Then there is Yu Yingyi, she is the cannon fodder of this novel. She was often bullied by the male lead and mistreated by everyone else. Even the female lead would yell at her time to time, but she never cared about her due to her being a cannon fodder. Then there's Yu Xuan, she was girl who was reading the novel. She skipped through all of the contents and read the ending without reading the earlier chapters. Suddenly, she was transmigrated into the novel, not as the female lead or anyone important. She became Yu Yingyi, the cannon fodder in this novel. “JUST WHY?” ... Keep in mind, not everything will go the way you think will go, vurses' novels' will always contain unexpected events. [Writing Goals] 200 votes = 1 Bonus Chapters 400 votes = 2 Bonus Chapters 600 votes = 3 Bonus Chapter top 50 = 4 Bonus Chapters Top 30 = 5 Bonus Chapter top 20 = 6 bonus Chapter top 15 = 7 Bonus Chapter top 10 = 3 Bonus Chapter [Bonus Chapters Will Be Released On Sunday]

    vurse · LGBT+
  • A Regressed Villain: Heroines, Villainesses and Me?

    If you love Manipulative weak main characters then you would most likely enjoy this story. It features a weak main character who is debuffed. Non-harem fans could also give it a try since it doesn't include love or romance with several women. Harem fans might also find it interesting, as the main character manipulates several individuals, including women. The story contains a lot of sexual content, given its urban fantasy background with the presence of noblemen. It features deep world-building and a medium-paced development that is neither too slow nor too fast. In the year 2031, the earth has further advanced in its technological developments. Though there are democracies, republics, and several other systems of governance followed by various countries, there is still one country that adheres to the feudal system—the Arinphiam Empire. The empire is divided into three parts, where the royal family coexists with the central government to control the empire, keeping it as one of the strongest nations on planet Earth. The richest man on this planet belongs to this empire, where noble families still exist, governed by laws specifically made for them by the royal family instead of the central government. Marquess Avendial Croceaus has finally returned to the past, to the year 2031—a year before the tower's arrival—on the date where his downfall began. As he returns to the past, he discovers himself facing the initial setback of his life, where accusations of treason are soon to fall upon him. This world-building novel presents a completely fresh story with new ideas and plots, where the efforts of the main character lead him to become the one who changes his fate as a villain. Content warning: Adult R-18 Chapters without any warning, as they could be part of the story, a slow but well-paced story to provide the detailed idea about the world-building, a weak main character with the debuff of seven curses, making him even cut off from the chances of growth. Tags: Yandere, Tsundere, Sugar mommy, Villain, evil, dangerous main character, harem, weak MC, smart MC ---⟩ NTR, YURI AND INCEST == Fuck all of you Authors who write this!!!

    A4KL · Fantasy
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  • The Elven King And Me

    Ilodyer, a former assassin reborn in magical world as a half-elf child, forms a powerful bond with The Elven King. Their shared experiences and deep connection lead to a profound love that transcends time and differences. Amidst lush landscapes, their tender moments and unity inspire all, proving that love can conquer even the greatest challenges.

    Peerless_CucumberX · LGBT+
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  • Mia Não é uma Encrenqueira!

    ``` A família Miller tinha um problema na família. Seu nome era Amelia Miller. Sua mãe morreu no parto quando ela nasceu. Sua madrasta caiu de uma escada enquanto estava grávida e morreu. O pai de Amelia a puniu fazendo-a enfrentar a parede no sótão. O sótão era escuro e úmido, e não havia luz do sol nenhuma. Ninguém lhe trazia comida, e Amelia achava que poderia muito bem morrer ali. Momentos antes de sua morte, ela discou um número que sua mãe lhe havia dito antes de falecer. Depois que ela desligou, ouviram-se sons de estrondo ao redor dela. A residência da família Miller estava cercada por um grupo de guarda-costas vestidos de preto. Oito homens saíram de seus carros, cada um com uma aura diferente. Eles foram diretamente para o sótão. O homem que os liderava ajoelhou-se e segurou Amelia, inconsciente, em seus braços. Ele tinha uma expressão solene no rosto. "A família Miller precisa ir à falência." Depois de dormir a noite inteira, Amelia acordou para descobrir que seu pai estava falido. Os membros de sua família estavam todos sem-teto. Enquanto isso, ela... Ela tinha oito tios e um avô bondoso que a amavam muito. O pai de Amelia se arrependeu do que fez, e estava relutante em aceitar o seu destino. E daí se Amelia estava agora levando uma boa vida? Ela ainda era a encrenqueira que causou a morte de sua mãe e a falência de seu pai! O que ele não sabia, é que depois que Amelia voltou para a casa de seu tio, a sorte deles só parecia melhorar. Até sua avó acamada agora podia levantar da cama e dançar na praça! Finalmente, um homem com ar de deus alegou ser seu pai. Ele a mimava ao ponto de todo o mundo sentir inveja dela. ```

    Lily · General
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  • aku, kamu, and sex

    bagaiman perasaanmu jika tau calon suami mu adalah seorang gay?? lanjut menikah dengannya?? atau mundur saja?? dan bagaimana perasaanmu jika kau sudah berusaha keras supaya perempuan yang tidak kau sukai pergi dari hidupmu tapi malah tetap bertahan walau segala cara sudah kau lakukan agar perempuan itu menyerah?? namun kamu malah jatuh cinta, bagaimana kamu akan menghadapinya? dan bagaimana perasaanmu jika kau jatuh cinta dengan istri dari pasangan gay mu dan juga sekaligus adik angkatmu sendiri? bahkan kau dulu pernah ingin membunuhnya karena dialah wanita penghancur hubunganmu dengan kekasih gay mu? bagaimana kisah ini akan berjalan? dijalan manakah mereka harus menentukan langkah?

    Rindu_Ughi · LGBT+
  • Mia and Mara

    "You can never be a mother. Your womb cannot carry a child" the doctor announced to Catherine after so many miscarriages with unknown causes. "Now you are pregnant with twin daughters" the same doctor told her again. She couldn't believe her ears. She went for another test and it came out positive. Arthur, her husband, is overjoyed but keeps the babies a secret until they are delivered. Now the babies are born, one is dead and the other has Autism. Catherine thought she couldn't be more shattered until she looses her husband as well and is taken into captivity by an unknown man who claimed to be responsible for her miscarriages. Will she ever find out that her daughter Mara isn't dead? Will she come to know that Mia isn't ordinary?. When two sisters are separated will they ever meet? And what if they do ? Why would fate be so cruel to put one in the position to choose between her job and the life of a lookalike stranger and then make her find out she is a lost princess?

    blessing_princess_7009 · Teen
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  • Come And Hug Me

    {WARNING : MATURE CONTENT) "Falling in love with you is a crime I did on purpose!". ........................... When they were teenagers, Sophia and Michael were desperate to marry without the blessing of their teens and after that they lived together in a place where their families could not find them. However, a storm came after two months of their marriage, circumstances forced them to separate, leaving a mad hatred and longing for the figure of a husband who disappeared without news when she was pregnant. Eight years later, Michael returns with his best charm to make up for eight years of longing and force Sophia to live together again as before. Unfortunately, Sophia is not the woman he used to know. The girl was filled with anger and hatred and resentment that filled the recesses of her heart. However, Michael does not know the word surrender because he loves Sophia with all his life even though he is ready to become a slave to Sophia's love. Will they find a way to get back together to live happily ever after, or vice versa? The second part. Dreams and hopes. "Honey, tonight I will definitely make you happy. The problem is I forgot what style you like". Sophia asked in surprise. "What style?". Sophia looked confusedly at Michael while swallowing her saliva deeply. Michael climbed into bed topless, it was the first night after their struggling second marriage to take place. He should have immediately released all the pent-up desire for eight years to the stubborn girl who had broken his arrogance. However, Sophia got off the bed instead using trembling legs and eyes covered by both hands. Michael smiled because he felt challenged by Sophia's frightened attitude. Michael chased after Sophia then hugged her waist from behind while whispering in her ear. "Does this mean that you want the style of a raging horse?". Is the conversation real? Or is it just a dream of a man missing his ex-wife? Find the answer by following each chapter in this novel! ........................ If you like this story, please support the author by giving Power Stone and comments and reviews. Also read my other works! 1. Mr. Ju's Little Wife : My Husband Is Too Kind. 2. Flowers Of Evil. 3. Flash Marriage With Perfect Result. 4. Marriage To An Heir

    Tinaagustiana · Urban

    ¿Te has sentido solo alguna vez en la vida? ¿Has sentido que no vale la pena seguir viviendo? Eso es lo que siento a diario en mi vida, soledad. He intentado llenar ese vacío que siento en el alma pero no he tenido éxito. Ya no encuentro que locura inventar ni que imaginar para poder sentirme un ser humano completo hasta que la vi, regalándome su sonrisa sincera a una persona desconocida y vacía como yo. Desde ese momento quería que estuviera a diario conmigo, iniciando el día junto a ella, hacer el amor en el desayuno y volverlo a hacer en la ducha, cada vez que llegara del trabajo al abrir la puerta tomarla de la cintura y besarla como sino hubiese un mañana. ¿Pero y si ella no sentía lo mismo que yo? Claro que lo haría porque tenerla lejos no era una opción.

    hazel_lopez92 · Sci-fi
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    Fast-paced and sizzling with a forbidden enemies-to-lovers romance, my fault is the first book in mercedes ron’s culpable trilogy. This suspenseful YA series untangles the threads of love, trauma, and secrets, perfect for fans of ugly love and after. seventeen-year-old Noah Morgan loves her quiet, normal life in Toronto. But when her mother returns from a cruise unexpectedly married to a billionaire and announces they are moving to L.A., Noah is suddenly shoved out of her comfort zone and into a glittering world of illegal street races, lavish pool parties, and spoiled rich kids. And her new stepbrother Nicholas is the most spoiled of them all. Arrogant, aloof, and viciously attractive, nick is everything she hates, especially when she learns his bad boy persona isn’t just a façade. She’s spent her life running from danger, and nick is danger incarnate. Yet neither of them can prevent the powerful attraction that flares between them—enough to turn their worlds upside-down and tempt them beyond all reason. But noah’s past may be even more dangerous than their forbidden romance. And if he wants her, nick will have to decide if he’s willing to risk everything. Filled with angst, danger, and electric attraction.... Can love conquer the dark side of these LA streets, or will NICK and NOAH be swallowed by the dark things between them? As the translator of the Culpable trilogy series Culpa Mia,Culpa Tuya,Culpa Nuestra ; by Mercedes Ronn, it is important to address the readers with a respectful permission and advice. Firstly, it is important to acknowledge that the story belongs to the author and all rights are reserved to her. As the translator, I've been granted permission to translate the story into English for a wider audience. Secondly, it is important to advise the readers to approach the story with an open mind and respect for the cultural and societal norms presented within it. The story is set in Spain and deals with themes such as love, family, and societal expectations. Some readers may not be familiar with these themes or may have different perspectives on them, but it is important to approach the story with an open and respectful attitude. Lastly, any criticism or feedback should be constructive and respectful towards the author and the translator. Personal attacks or derogatory comments will not be tolerated and will be addressed accordingly. The goal is to share the story with a wider audience and promote cultural understanding and appreciation.

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