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    Help Me, Mom | Demi Lovato

    Alexis Grace Lovato is your typical fourteen year old girl. Besides having a famous singer as her Mom. Demi stopped working when Alexis, or Alex, was born so that she could single-handedly take care of her. What happens when Demi goes back to work and goes on tour? Meanwhile, Alex’s mental state is slowly deteriorating piece by piece, she’s going in a downward spiral. What happens when Demi finds out that her precious baby girl is going down the same treacherous path she had? Will Demi be able to help Alex before it’s too late?

    BabyishLovato · Urban
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    The dragon king’s slaved alpha

    Once upon a time, when a kingdom fought for the dominance between the werewolves and the dragons, Alessia Lovato, the first female Alpha of the largest pack faced the harsh reality with her tears and pain. Right after her own eyes, Alessia watched her mate dying, her entire pack demolished and those who loved her all getting killed. When she came out to face her biggest enemy, the king of the dragons, RAVEN GROOVES, the moon goddess had showered her greatest cruelty on her. The man who was the sole reason behind her misery turned out to be her second chance mate. He yanked her with her hair, asking with the pure hated voice, brimming from his eyes, " Tell me, what will I get in return in exchange for saving your pack?" Alessia fought with her tears, blurted without bowing her head in front of the man that he loathed, " My virginity! Let's fuck each others with hatred, King Raven."

    Anamika Ana · Urban
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    Di sebuah sekolah dikota tokyo yang bernama sekolah fujuhan adalah sekolah yang sangat brutal dan terkenal sangat kuat, dikarnakan sekolah tersebut sering tawuran dengan sekolah yang berada di kota tokyo juga diluar tokyo. Disaat itu ada seorang anak bernama kenzo yang baru pindah ke kota tokyo dan bersekolah di sekolah fujuhan. kenzo terkenal dengan anak yang memakai hoodie,memakai masker dan tanpa negosiasi dalam bertindak. kenzo adalah anak dari ketua yakuza terbesar di Jepang, tetapi ayah kenzo tidak pernah menampakan kenzo ke publik karna ayah kenzo ingin kenzo bisa memimpin tanpa embel embel orang tua kenzo, dari kecil kenzo di didik sangat keras hingga dulu tulang rusuk kenzo pernah patah akibat di pukul oleh ayah kenzo memakai balok kayu dan menyebabkan kenzo sampai koma 1 bulan. kenzo tidak tertarik memimpin fujuhan dikarnakan kenzo benci kursi kepemimpinan ayah nya, soalnya dulu kenzo sempat melihat ayah nya memenggal kepala anak buah nya akibat telah gagal menjalan kan tugas yang di berikan ayah kenzo. di kota tokyo terdapat 7 sekolah yang populer dengan kekuatan nya, yang pertama fujuhan dengan ranting no 1, yang kedua ada sekolah demon dipimpin oleh Korawa yang berulang kali bentrok sama sekolah fujuhan. yang ketiga ada sekolah hilton dengan zisa sebagai pemimpin yang sangat misterius keempat ada sekolah gusen, kelima ada sekolah poliur angle, ke enam ada sekolah far fair dan ketujuh ada sekolah sana sate, itulah ketujuh sekolah terkuat di kota tokyo. disekolah fujuhan banyak konflik yang bakal terjadi dikarnakan banyak yg ingin merebut tempat utama untuk menguasai fujuhan. fujuhan juga bakal banyak konflik dengan ke tujuh sekolah terkuat di Tokyo. selanjutnya ayah kenzo selalu memantau perkembangan kekuatan kenzo dari kejauhan lewat mata mata yg bersekolah di fujuhan. kenzo bertemu dengan seorang gadis di sebuah gang kecil karna ingin di perkosa oleh segerombolan preman, dan preman tersebut menuntut balas atas kejadian yg telah kenzo buat.

    Reva_Lovato · Action
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    Sold To The Enemy

    “Over my dead body, if you think I'd actually go anywhere with you!” Ruby said while glaring at Alexander, who was enjoying the little show she was putting up. “Then I guess we are doing this the hard way princess” a smirk forming on his handsome face, as he grabbed Ruby threw her over his shoulder, turned to her father, “lovely doing business with you.” and carried a furious Ruby out of the place she once knew as home. ************************************************* Ruby’s life takes an unexpected turn for the worse when she discovers her father is selling her off to the most feared mafia in their country. Alexander, a notorious mafia boss, finds himself taking an interest in Ruby Lovato and decides to buy her in place for the debt her father owes him. In this tale of crime,war,betrayal and love, Ruby finds herself entangled with the famous Alexander Newman, could something come out of this ill-fated relationship she was forced into, or would this be another unfortunate mishaps, where trust is shattered, a web of deceit unfolds, shocking betrayal that will leave you questioning loyalties. What could possibly go wrong when two completely different people from different worlds cross part?

    Henrietta_Ejimma · Urban
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    Hoping For A Chance With A Grande (Justin Bieber & Ariana Grande)

    Justin Bieber wants the world to have a different perspective of him. He wants people to forget about the crazy things he has done. And the only way he can do that is to find a girl who can make him want to change his horrible ways. What happens when he meets Ariana Grande, A sweet girl know for her Angelic voice and Bubbly personality??. Find out in Hoping for a Chance with a Grande.

    Aaliyah_Lovato · Teen
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    Of Roses And Riders

    "You bear a thousand lives on your sleeve." Vita Lovato is an ordinary woman whose whole life is thrown into chaos when, on the run after deserting her fiancee as well committing theft, she is captured by a stoic knight Shadrack Georgios and dragged away to the imperial capital. Vita holds a rare gift: beast control. Can she make use of her gift and be the guiding star to King Azul, on his way to conquer destiny? Or will she perish in the flames that are bound to engulf the land of Canceros?

    Salil_Samad · Fantasy
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