
Wilmer Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Fated Baby of The Alpha

    Mature Content 21+! Bijaklah dalam memilih bacaan. "Oh, lihatlah, kau memakai kostum yang bagus. Kau berbulu, dan aku suka itu," desah Marionette Alsen, sembari menelusuri tubuh seorang pria yang kini tengah berada di atasnya. Dan keesokan harinya, ia terbangun tanpa sehelai kain pun dan dengan luka goresan di beberapa bagian tubuhnya. Tak disangka, setelah kejadian itu, Marion justru terpilih sebagai asisten pribadi William Reynz, dan harus menanda tangani sebuah kontrak yang aneh. Sejak itu, ia terpaksa menjalani kehidupan yang tidak biasa, dihadapkan pada rasa kepemilikan yang besar dari William terhadapnya, di mana salah satunya adalah harus selalu bersama dengan pria itu di mana pun ia berada. Belum selesai masalah sebagai asisten pribadi William yang terkesan aneh baginya, kehadiran Drake Wilmer mengusik kehidupan Marion dengan obsesi dan sikap yang lembut, memperlakukan Marion bak seorang Ratu. Mendapat perlakuan demikian, membuat Marion hanyut dalam pesona dan mantra yang ditiupkan Drake padanya, membuatnya jatuh cinta pada pria itu, hingga hubungan yang terjalin antara mereka terlalu jauh tanpa diketahui oleh William. Beberapa minggu kemudian Marion merasakan ada yang berbeda dari tubuhnya. Morning sickness, mengidam, bahkan gelegak hormon yang tak terkendali yang selalu ia rasakan setiap kali berada di dekat William Reynz, dan bukan Drake. Hingga sebuah kenyataan terkuak bahwa dirinya tengah mengandung, disusul kenyataan lain bahwa bayi yang dikandungnya mungkin saja bukan bayi biasa. Siapakah ayah dari bayinya? Dan akankah Marion bisa menjalani kehidupan dengan normal setelah mengetahui semua rahasia yang ada dalam hidupnya? #manusiaserigala #vampire #pernikahankontrak #CEO #Miliuner #hybrid #harem *** Check my another work on another platform! Find Kennie Re (Goodnovel, Dreame/Innovel, Noveltoon, Fizzo) Other penname on Noveltoon also - find Ginger Kim. *** Where to reach me? IG: @kennie_r89 FB: Kennie Re Fanpage: Kennie Re - Author

    Kennie_Re · Fantasy
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    Overlord - Nat Wilmer

    Nat entra en overlord y solo ha visto la primer temporada del anime, sin saber mucho el decide entrar a YGGDRASIL. Desde el inicio al final el siempre estuvo en este juego, fue considerado un lobo solitario, alguien que iba encontrá de lo sentidos, derrotando a gremios solos y ser declarado enemigo mundial. Si Ainz Ooal Gown se considera uno de los más fuertes gremios, entonces el es más que eso. Cerca del final decide entrar a un gremio pero no cualquiera... Razón? Simple, la trama...saber un poco de la historia ayuda mucho.

    Lynch_Kairie · Fantasy
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    Fated Baby of The Alpha (English Version)

    Disclaimer: it's brand new story about werewolf and vampire that wrap in a different packaging. Different and still interesting! "Oh look, you're in a nice costume! You're hairy, and I like that," Marionette Alsen sighed, tracing the body of a man who was now above her. And the next day, she woke up without a single cloth and with scratches on several parts of her body. Unexpectedly, after that incident, Marion was chosen as William Reynz's personal assistant, and had to sign a strange contract. Since then, she has been forced to live an unconventional life, faced with William's strong sense of belonging to her, one of which is that she must always be with him wherever he is. Unfinished business as William's personal assistant which seems strange to her, the presence of Drake Wilmer disturbs Marion's life with his obsession and gentle demeanor, treating Marion like a Queen. Getting this treatment, made Marion lost in the charms and spells that Drake cast on her, made her fall in love with the man, until the relationship between them was too far away for William to know. A few weeks later Marion felt something different about her body. Morning sickness, cravings, even the uncontrollable gurgling of hormones she always felt whenever she was around William Reynz instead of Drake. Until a fact was revealed that she was pregnant, followed by another fact that the baby she was carrying might not be an ordinary baby. Who is the father of the baby? And will Marion be able to live a normal life after knowing all secrets in her life? #Werewolf #Vampire #hybrid #Billionaire #CEO #contractmarriage #harem *** Find my english work on GOODNOVEL. I working on Maximillian and Mirielle Reynz there, guys! Check it out! *** Where to reach me? Discord: Kennie Re #4440 IG: @kennie_r89 FB: Kennie Re Fanpage: Kennie Re - Author

    Kennie_Re · Fantasy
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    tale of the blue night beauty

    Wisansha is a cursed being trying to accept her destiny as she fights odds to keep what's hers. She had fallen in love with Wilmer, her bestie, the only person who made her feel like an angel even when everybody considered her a devil. As what she takes to be the truth, turns out to be lies. Wilmer her first love, one who seduced her with the pleasure that realized her wildest dreams, the one who promised heaven on earth, has some dark past too which winsha has to get over. Will she be able to... she's forced to battle her a new enemy, herself after she has failed to make the decision.The night of her coronation as the midnight temptress is close. Will her love overpower the darkness of her destiny...

    Patien_Xurtis · Teen
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    Wilmer_Martinez_8316 · Realistic
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    Wilmer_Mireles · Fantasy
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    Wilmer_Martinez_8316 · Realistic
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