
Hp Fanfiction Books - WebNovel

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    HP: Magic Punk

    [Congratulations. you just died !!!] He was just a normal teenager. Trying to make something out of his life. But everything changed when Truck Kun met him. Now there are new magical worlds to explore and a mentor who will teach him. But there is more, much more hiding in the darkness. Let's explore the Wizarding World for fun, shall we? ******************************** (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) LINK: patreon.com/Kamidemond ********************************* I'm planning on keeping a stockpile of at least 20 chapters there. DISCORD Discord invite: https://discord.gg/VqU83N2As4 *The Cover is not mine, tell me if you want me to remove it, just don't sue me!!!

    kamidemond · Book&Literature
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    Hp: The Outcast

    It is a reboot of my old ff Hp: The secret heir. I am trying to remove many problems that I cause in that ff. I need to clarify this before any of you read. I don't write that well, so please try to be helpful and not lash out saying bad grammar. English is not my first language. You find something wrong, comment it and I will try to fix it.

    confused4you · Movies
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    HP: The Arcane Thief

    A skilled thief gets a system in an Alternate Wizarding World. The system seems useless in the beginning since he hasn’t unlocked any features. But… [The very first feature of the System has been unlocked.] [Congratulations. You’ve unlocked the class feature. Due to your existing skills and experience, you have gained the Special Class "Arcane Thief" as your starting class. There’s nothing an Arcane Thief can’t steal. The more you steal, the more your Class will progress.] [The fields of expertise include: — Stealth Magic — Wards — Traps — Enchantment — Pickpocketing — Knife/Short-Sword Wielding] Wait…this is just the first feature? ******************************** (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) LINK: Patreon.com/Snollygoster ********************************* I'm planning on keeping a stockpile of at least 10 chapters there. DISCORD https://discord.gg/TR3KKAhu9r *The Cover is not mine, but I got it from a site that was posting this fic without my consent and using this pic as a cover, so I guess I won't be removing it even if you ask me to, sue me.

    Snollygoster · Book&Literature
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    HP: The Magical Gamer

    A 10 year old Harry Potter was sleeping soundly in his house when something extraordinary miracle happens to him. He is Chosen to be the first gamer of his world by someone called Creator, and there are no conditions on how he should use it. And after discovering this he decided to become the strongest one in the world.

    Kitamari · Book&Literature
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    HP transmigrated into Domeric Bolton (GOT and HP crossover)

    Harry Potter dies at the age of 28 in an accident by falling through the Veil. His soul travels through dimensions and end up in the body of 7 year old Domeric Bolton who recently died due to a horse accident. Plus, If you like my work and want to support me, then please do so at- patreon.com/ankit1 Upto 100 additional chapters in Patreon.

    Fortunate_Soul · TV
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    HP: Bad Intentions

    After transmigrating to the Harry Potter world and being reborn as Grindelwald and Dumbledore's flesh and blood, Blake had awakened the Emotional Treasure Chest System! Make someone's blood pressure soar and you'll get a treasure chest! So … Blake: "Review? You've just learned something, how can you forget it so quickly? " Hermione (deep breath): "Hermione, you have to calm down!" [Ding! Silver Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "What a handsome cat!" (Takes out a cat stick!) Professor McGonagall: "!!" [Ding! Gold Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "Professor Snape, do you want to eat hotpot together? It's delicious! " Snape: "That's my crucible! How dare you! I'll deduct 50 points from Hufflepuff! " [Ding! Diamond Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "Professor, my surname is Grindelwald." Dumbledore: "Hmm? What did you say your surname was? " [Ding! Supreme Treasure Chest 1!] Blake: "Soupy, where's your nose?" Voldemort: "Avada …" … Blake: "I'm just a little badger who wants to become stronger. What bad intentions can I have?" (Hands up) ============ DISCLAIMER: This is a Translation of 霍格沃茨:小獾能有啥坏心思呢? If you like a Shameless Mc then this is for you

    Max1mus · Movies
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    Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

    [A SI Harry Potter Fanfiction] --------------------------------------------------------------- Harry Potter was an odd boy, everyone knew it. His eyes were too aware, he was too calm, too intelligent for it to be natural. This remained a mystery, even to the boy himself, until one day he remembered the man he used to be. Alas, The magical world is far more treacherous than the one from his past life and he must either succumb or rise above them all. Will he rise to the challenge? --------------------------------------------------------------- I will upload a chapter every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. (although I might upload a chapter randomly just for the hell of it) Chapters will be at least 2k words long. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own pretty much anything in this Fanfic. ---------------------------------------------------------------- PATREON LINK: https://www.patreon.com/athassprkr ----------------------------------------------------------------

    athass_prkr · Book&Literature
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    Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

    The world that Harry knew was forever changed by the exposure of the Magical world. The consequences of this event led to the destruction of everything he grew to care for and love. But, as Master of Death, his adventure was only just beginning. You can find more chapters in my pa.tre.on page: https://www.patreon.com/Dragonspectre

    Dragonspectre · Book&Literature
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    HP: The Otherworlder

    An endless void. A sea of black in which the passing of time holds no meaning. Then suddenly… light. But wait, why can’t he remember his name? Why are foreign memories of a boy named Tom Riddle Jr flooding his mind? Most importantly, why does the man with red eyes staring back at him feel so dangerous? 
Enter SI OC, Edmund Cole, shoved into the body of a young Tom Riddle in the summer of 1993… DISCLAIMER: I do not own the art or the literary works upon which this fanfiction is based. All rights belong to Zara H (@za_ra_h_ on Twitter) & J.K. Rowling, respectively.

    BS6SC · Book&Literature
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    HP: The Demon King System

    Traveling through the world of Harry Potter, Wayne awakens the Demon King System. This system rewards him for causing chaos and breaking school rules, leading to a period of unprecedented liveliness at Hogwarts. Dumbledore acknowledges, "Every student should break a few rules in their lifetime, but Wayne... please try to exercise some restraint." McGonagall adds, "I always thought the Weasley twins were daring, but I never expected Wayne to surpass them in bravery!" Snape exclaims, "Azkaban! He deserves to be sorted straight into Azkaban!" Voldemort proclaims, "Forget about the Children of Prophecy. My only desire is to kill Wayne Lawrence! Right away!" Wayne raises his hands in a helpless gesture and explains, "I'm just doing System missions!!" **************TRANSLATION************** Original Chinese Title:- 霍格沃茨:求求你快毕业吧 ****************************************** If you want to Support me then, Check Out~~ p@treon.com/FicReader OR buymeacoffee.com/ficreader Uploading Daily 1 Chapter Just a Translator and a Reader

    FicReader · Book&Literature
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    HP: The Plague Doctor

    Percival Laurentis Gustavus Ebonwood is a Seventh Year Student at Hogwarts during the Triwizard Tournament. Join us in his adventures during this last years and his journey across the wider Wizarding World. As readers, you will have the ability to shape the novels outcome. At every major decision point, I will ask you, the readers from Webnovel and Royal Road, for your opinion on how the story should continue. ---------------------- This is the first novel that I created on my own. It is slow paced and constructive criticise is welcome. Please feel free to point out any spelling, grammar, or plot errors in the comments below. I'll make efforts to rectify them promptly. It's important to note that I do not own the rights to Harry Potter, only my OC characters. Chapter Updates: Mass update once I am finished with the current arc. This will also be posted on Royal Road under the username 'BoOk_Lov3r_429'. If you feel like supporting me, buy me a coffee using the link https://www.buymeacoffee.com/invite/Bo0k_Lov3r_429.

    BoOk_LoV3r_429 · Book&Literature
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    HP: Eagle Soars

    Magnus died,. However, instead of the expected afterlife, he found himself in a fictional world as a nine years old orphan with magic. ‘Now, how do I deal with magical fascists who would enjoy pulling a blitzkrieg on my blood, immortal noseless half-bloods with daddy issues, soul-sucking amortal abominations and a ferret whose father will hear about it?’ This is the story of his adventures, ambitions and love life for those who can’t help but intrude on other people’s privacy.

    SHEOGORATH · Book&Literature
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    HP - Shadow Monarch!

    Morou Kaind was a guardian in an order that aimed to protect a power sealed within 9 rings. He was not just a member of the order, but an heir to one of the rings, after all, only beings with the greatest affinity for each ring could be chosen to protect them. However, there was a betrayal by all 8 heirs that resulted in his death, and he awakens in a strange world in the body of a boy who has just committed suicide.

    RaccoonLeague · Anime & Comics
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    HP: Partners?

    Harry wakes up after the events at the DOM finding a semi-repentant Bellatrix LeStrange staring into his eyes. By:-ReluctantSidekick Note: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its character. The rights belong to the respective owner.

    ChaoticPlayer · Book&Literature
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    HP: Ronan's Journey

    Ronan Johanson, a normal orphan living in Little Whinging when he realized that he had transmigrated, was pleased. With the knowledge of a 35-year-old stock broker, who hand transmigrated into 1991, he realized that he would be able to become a billionaire if he played his cards right. Transmigrated with the gift of photographic memory and minor telekinesis he thought that his life would be awesome. But when a squat little old woman, calling herself Professor Sporut comes knocking at his door, he realizes that his life is not going to be as easy as he thought it to be. __________________________________ Please note the following things:- >MC would be a villain. But, keep in mind that this is not the kind of novel where the MC acts like a psychopath from day one. He will walk on the path slowly. >MC won't remember the full extent of the story of movies. >For the first few chapters, the story would follow canon, but variation would start taking place soon when MC would enter the second year. >This is not a harem fic. I have not thought about the love interest, if anyone has any suggestions then feel free to comment. ____________________________________ The book will be updated every Monday to Friday.  To read chapter ahead of public release and to support me, consider becoming a patron on: patreon.com/Yash_Vardhan One can chat with me on my Discord: https://discord.gg/kb7jehGPFX

    YashVardhan_OG · Book&Literature
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    HP: A Magical Journey [Complete]

    [A Harry Potter Fanfiction] Follow Quinn West, who finds himself in the world of Harry Potter, but are things as they seem, is the world he has landed in the same as the one he once read about. Will Quinn able to find his way in this new world? Will he ever be able to feel like he belongs here? What opportunity would the magic of this world provide him? Will it lead him to the light or drown him in the dark? Tag along as Quinn makes his way into the world of magic as he discovers the secrets behind the infinite potential behind the magic that is within his grasp. -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- This novel is my escape from the burnout that I suffered from my other novel. I have no solid plotline planned, there will be no definite release schedule. The reason for me writing is to improve my writing skills, light my brain cells. As you know that there are so many Harry Potter Fanfictions out there, it is the largest FanFiction community out there, and as I write this novel, I don't have anything in my mind that isn't already out there, but I am trying to create a piece of transformative work that would pick up ideas from that wide community and create a work that would be enjoyable to read. So, give this content a chance, and I hope that this novel would stand up to your expectations. --------------------------------------------------------------- DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/w5dJ82SfMr --------------------------------------------------------------- PATREON LINK: https://www.patreon.com/fictiononlyreader --------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I don't own any character other than my OCs. The cover pic is also not mine.

    FictionOnlyReader · Book&Literature
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    HP: The Dream

    A dream about Wizarding World is great. A lucid dream inside Hogwarts, even better. Since it is inside my mind I can do my favourite spells instantly. Let's go 'protego diabolica'....... ok so maybe i can't control everything, still I can do magic. Why isn't this dream ending(o_O) ? **************************************************** MC was put inside Wizarding World and the idiot believes it is a lucid dream (or is it the most logical thought). For how long, who knows.(except me) Now to clear a few things: * Not a professional, so don't expect perfection. Or better yet, don't expect anything. * No clear release release schedule. I am a college student so that comes first for me. * MC will make stupid decisions because he believes he is in a dream, so no consequences for his actions. Actually, even after that he may make stupid decisions. * I don't have any solid plotline in mind, so just gonna wing it. ***************************************************** DISCLAIMER: I don't own any character other than my OCs. The cover pic is also not mine.

    Knight_Wolf · Book&Literature
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    HP: Loki The Guardian of Harry

    When Loki fell from the bifrost. He was expecting death and abyss of Oblivion, not to become a spirit and then be ripped apart after that and be to forced into a 6 year old boy named Harry Potter. Now, with no body and physical appearance of Loki he will and must have to keep the boy alive, and if you want to live and survive you just have to become someone greater than anyone in the world. And last question why would he want to do that well you have to read the story for that...

    Yggdrasil_loki · Book&Literature
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    HP: A Sociopath Gamer In Magic World

    I dies meet a god and let him decide what would be my fate. Yes that is what happen. I died before my time because of god unsightly mistake. Then he offered me some wishes and which world to go, but I decline and tell the god that anything is fine. And now I am in a world with Magic… yes there is magic in this world. Well what would happen and how I will live in this world… curious, well you have to read the story for that… l am too lazy to explain all that.

    Kitamari · Book&Literature
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    HP: The Guardian

    Magic. Thou are forsooth profound. None could comprehend thou. By thy grace, none shall. Magic is a fickle being. In the hands of a scholar, it usher development. In the hands of a madman, it brings destruction. To master magic in it's essence, however, would be impossible. If one did, however, he would be able to contend with death itself. Charlus Potter has a gift. Having a gift, however, is often not enough. Can Charlus Potter use this gift for the betterment of the society, as well as his friends and family? Or will he succumb to the power like many before him? Story is slow at first but picks up speed quickly. Recommendation to people who want to skip to the plot - read till chapter 15 and then skip to chapter 60. You can add characters if you are my patron DISCLAIMER: Cover Page does not belong to me. Harry Potter belongs to J K Rowling Support me on Patreon for extra chapters. www.patreon.com/BrownAmerican

    BrownAmerican · Book&Literature