
El Demonio Celestial Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Celestial Bloodline

    On a peaceful planet filled with magic and power, Kyle's life was lazy and ordinary, but little did he know, he possessed something extraordinary. He lived his life with his family like any other lazy human, or so he thought, unaware that everything happens for a reason. However, everything changed when he turned sixteen. His older brothers, who were fed up with his laziness, came up with a ridiculous plan to teach him a lesson. They asked him to take the entrance test for one of the biggest academies. They thought this would knock some sense into their lazy brother. Kyle was stunned, but because of their coordinated planning, he reluctantly agreed with a hint of resignation. "I don't think I'll pass the test anyway. So, trying it for the experience isn't a big deal." "The only problem is, I can't guarantee that all my body parts will stay intact until the end of the entrance test." But to Kyle's shock, he passed the test without even lifting a finger! Still, he was convinced that he would eventually be kicked out of the Academy due to his lack of strength. But the moment he set foot in the Academy, he discovered something incredible about himself. He was special and nature's favorite. . . . ______ (#It's my first time writing. So, support me with ps, gt and gifts. Hehe, THANK YOU) (Note: The cover is not mine, found it from pinterest. All credits go to the owner who can ring me up in the comment section if he/she wants me to remove it.) It might be empty right now and maybe needs more work, but there's finally a Discord server! ^^ Link; https://discord.com/invite/RNesZV6e

    _Orange_ · Fantasy
  • My Celestial Ascension

    Warning!!!  Mature Content (R18) Yuan wakes up in the body of an 18-year-old boy who oddly resembles his former self from Earth and also goes by the same name. He was an orphan on Earth who passed away after being told that he had leukemia because he was unable to pay for his treatment because he was struggling to make ends meet. [Ding! The system has successfully rebooted.] Watch this brilliant young man as he and his partners achieve the pinnacle of cultivation and go on to become legendary figures in the future. ________ (English is actually my third language, not my first. Hindi is my second language; Assamese is my first, hence even if I use Grammarly, there may be some grammatical errors. (I apologize for my inexperience.) Discord— https://discord.gg/wR7KyerXgc

    LittleBastard879 · Fantasy
  • El CEO es el papá de trillizos

    Li An'An era etiquetada como la hija de un asesino cuando era niña, abusada y atormentada sin cesar en la familia de sus padres adoptivos. Cuatro años más tarde, hizo un gran regreso con tres hijas. Las mejores modelos de coches, bloggers gourmet y las hijas de CEO quedaron todas cegadas por su magnificencia. ¡Sin embargo, lo peor fue que el CEO de un imperio de comercio que podía hechizar a cualquier mujer estaba constantemente rondándola allá donde iba!

    Xing Bi · Urban
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  • Elegido por el Destino, Rechazado por el Alfa

    Trinidad, de dieciocho años, es diferente a cualquier otro hombre lobo en su manada. Para empezar, hubo circunstancias inusuales en torno a su nacimiento, y además, ella es el único miembro de la manada que nunca ha adoptado una forma de lobo. Así que ahora no encaja en ningún lado. No es completamente humana ni loba. Pensó que podría vivir su vida como quisiera cuando cumpliese dieciocho años. Ir a la universidad, hacer amigos, divertirse. Pero, ¿qué debe hacer cuando el peligrosamente sexy Alfa cae literalmente en su regazo? —No soy humana ni loba. No pertenezco a ningún lugar... —...ambos sabemos que nadie se emparejará conmigo, y aunque lo hicieran, me rechazarían de todos modos. —¿Qué hará el sexy y hosco Alfa? Los mayores lo obligan a realizar ridículas fiestas para buscar una pareja. No quiere una compañera, pero sabe que necesita una para completar el Círculo Alfa. Sin una compañera, una Luna para la manada, su gente sufriría. ¿Y qué va a hacer cuando se encuentre con la chica con la que el destino tiene ex esposa del Presidente Embarazada, Ex Esposa para él y descubra que no tiene lobo? —¡Esto no puede ser! —rugí—. No hay forma de que pueda emparejarme con una chica que ni siquiera tiene un lobo. Será demasiado débil. Será inferior. No será lo suficientemente fuerte para ser una Luna. —Simplemente no podía aceptarla como mi compañera. No completamente. No era seguro para ella. Se pondría en peligro. Y arrastraría a mi manada con ella. —Cuando estos dos se encuentren, seguro que saltarán chispas. ¿Pero serán de pasión, o de sus constantes luchas? Ninguno quería una pareja. Ninguno quiere la compañera que el destino eligió para ellos. Y ninguno puede hacer desaparecer ese vínculo de pareja. ¿Qué van a hacer ahora que están literalmente atrapados el uno con el otro?

    Deni_Chance · Fantasy
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  • El Demonio Maldito

    ``` —Murió un Héroe, renacido como un Demonio... —El Héroe más fuerte del mundo mató al Rey Demonio, el demonio más poderoso que jamás haya aparecido en la Tierra. Logró algo que ningún otro héroe pudo hacer jamás. —Pero ay, el Héroe nunca esperó que su propia novia, sus propios amigos y la organización en la que confiaba se volvieran de repente contra él e intentaran matarlo. —Fue el golpe más cruel que jamás se le infligió en su vida. —Todavía no se rindió e intentó mantenerse firme, pero ellos vinieron preparados, y él fue atrapado desprevenido en su trampa. ¡Luchó hasta la muerte solo para encontrarse transmigrado en el cuerpo de un demonio! —¡Pero quién hubiera pensado que él sería el esposo de la Reina Demonio! —Sin embargo, la vida como consorte real no era nada fácil. Así que lee para descubrir cómo va a superar a aquellos que intentan pisotearlo y finalmente obtener su venganza. ===== —Enlace de Discord —https://discord.gg/HjWkd4nB3z ===== ```

    Resurgent · Fantasy
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  • La Novia del Demonio

    *Novela de Fantasía Histórica de Amor Lento* Elisa estaba a punto de cambiarse el vestido que yacía sobre la esquina de su cama, cuando oyó un golpe suave procedente de su puerta. Curiosa, giró la perilla de la puerta solo para encontrarse con un hombre alto erguido frente a ella. —¡Señor Ian! —lo llamó. Ian sonrió con la acostumbrada sonrisa maliciosa que siempre usaba. Sus ojos carmesíes se pasearon un poco por su habitación y detectaron el vestido negro sobre su cama y luego desviaron la mirada hacia la mujer que tenía delante. Dio un paso adelante y habló. —¿Dónde conseguiste ese vestido? —Me lo dio el Señor Harland —respondió Elisa y estiró su cuello para ver cómo se fruncían las cejas de Ian en su elegancia. —¿Sabes por qué a un hombre le encantaría regalarle un vestido a una mujer? —él planteó el acertijo que siempre la hacía pensar dos veces antes de responder. Pero esta vez, no encontró respuesta y en su lugar negó con la cabeza—. No sé. Su sonrisa se volvió cautivadora, como si algo se hubiera agitado profundamente dentro de los ojos escarlata que tenía. Lentamente deslizó su mano sobre el cuello de su vestido, enviando un escalofrío frío que la sobresaltó por un momento debido a su baja temperatura. Después de desabotonar los primeros dos botones en su cuello, inclinó su cabeza hacia abajo, susurrándole al oído. —Porque desean ser ellos quienes quiten la tela. Hizo una pausa y besó su cuello, tiñendo la piel pálida de rojo antes de retractar su movimiento para fijar su vista en ella y responder con calma. —Desafortunadamente, no puedes ponerte el vestido de allí con esto —se rió entre dientes y le pasó una caja a su mano—. Y la buena noticia es que te he preparado un vestido. Elisa era una niña maldita que podía ver fantasmas. Su familia la odiaba y la lanzaba de una familia adoptiva a otra. Sin embargo, la desgracia no actuaba sola. Cuando la crió su tía, fue vendida como esclava. Cuando pensó que no sería nada más que un sacrificio para el hechicero, fue salvada por un hombre cuya identidad era muy distinta a la de un ser mítico normal. *** Este libro es ORIGINAL y no es una Traducción Únete al discord del Autor: https://discord.gg/YPKueb4

    mata0eve · Fantasy
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  • Celestial Peak

    Wang Ling was the strongest and that’s irrefutable! He was the strongest of all the being in the world but was never satisfied with anything he accomplished. He slew a Celestial Emperor with one hit, annihilated the Yellow Dragon Monastery, eradicated the Vile Devil Dragons and many more of his feats had been recorded in the annals of history. He was revered as the strongest and as the insurmountable mountain of the realm. Yet, he gave up all of these when he lost his life after choosing to open the scriptures that killed every Celestial in the world and broke the chains of the realm. With his life essence depleted and cultivation broken, he turned into dust and was sucked into the scriptures he used to destroy the chains. The next thing he knew, when he opened his eyes again, the era was already different and the world was not the same, the rules and the laws of the world were changed and the spirit qi were altered. ……. I destroyed my era and I awakened in the next. The realm had changed but its ruler will never change. I have given them enough time to enjoy the seat of the strongest, but now that I am awake I am ready to reclaim what is mine and finally witness what is beyond the clouds. This time, I will reach the peak and destruction shall follow upon my wake. ~~~ Check out my other stories: 1.Monstrous Path 2. Empress' Evolution 3. Regal Ascension: God's Epoch This story will not revolve in romance where the MC will hunt for a woman he can fuck! (thank you for understanding.) Also, please support this novel by voting and writing a review... Enjoy the read! Oh, the second cover came from Silentscarlet graphics. If you can, check out his works in the forums, it's amazing as hell. discord channel where I will be pitching new stories: https://discord.gg/8EbkWhF

    Simple_Dynasty · Eastern
  • The Celestial Phoenix and His Guardian (BL)

    [I will take a small break for this story until the romance contest is over, in the meantime you can check my newest novel The Divine Mage System I can guarantee you that you will like it ;)] Alanis was the most powerful phoenix of his generation, the only one who could use the sacred fire, but as his world was experiencing war for the first time after millennia of peace, his clan leader, having found no other solution, gave him a perilous mission that sent him away from his people with the aim of making him a celestial phoenix, which was the only way to defeat the Emperor of the Dragons and restore peace in their world. In the world of Gadreel, where he had been sent, he met Mika, a boy who seemed rather ordinary at first but who quickly fascinated him. Alanis began to make a deal with him to get what he needed to become a celestial phoenix, but soon, in spite of himself, Mika took hold of his heart. Mika as for him possessed a Wandering Soul that he wasn’t even aware of, and as their adventures progressed, they would discover together that the two of them hadn’t met just by chance and that their destinies had been linked since the dawn of time. ……………………… Mika who once again felt his heart racing at the touch of Alanis then replied, "Maybe ... " And he added suddenly, his curiosity getting the better of his rationality, because it would probably have been better not to ask this kind of question, "Are all phoenixes as tactile as you?" Alanis frowned and he answered him honestly, "No, phoenixes are generally not tactile creatures and touch is reserved only for our family or lover." Mika couldn't help but point out to him then, "Then why are you being so tactile with me, I obviously don't fit into either of those categories." Alanis laughed heartily and he suddenly said very seriously, grabbing his chin so that he could look him in the eye, "Obviously... Not yet!" Not yet! These words sounded strangely like a sweet melody to Mika's ears and Alanis' look clearly expressed his desire for him. He saw Alanis looking at his lips and he saw him leaning dangerously towards him, Mika tried in vain to remember why he shouldn't mix pleasure with work but when he felt Alanis' lips touching his, all his good resolutions went up in smoke. ……………………… Mika will have to level up from level 0 to 12 in Gadreel and for that he will have to loot dungeons and do quests, of course Alanis will be there to give him a hand, that will be the first arc of this story. The second arc will take place in Nihava and we will learn more about their origins, there will also be epic battles and family time. WARNING : this is a BL novel with mature content, it's not a slow burn romance and it will be a sweet love. If you like this novel you can give a try to my other works : My Mage System (BL) The Divine Mage System Reincarnated to save the universe (GL/BL) UPDATE : Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday

    CeliaNaya · LGBT+
  • El Posadero

    ``` En las profundidades de un universo recién nacido, un cultivador aprovecha la abundante energía para refinarse un tesoro. Pero después de 14 mil millones de años de refinamiento y aún más por delante, decide entretenerse liberando innumerables sistemas y observando cómo las criaturas de este incipiente universo los manejan. En la Tierra, un joven, perdido y confundido sobre qué hacer con su vida, se sienta en un parque y mira al cielo nocturno. Una estrella fugaz, un deseo y un estruendo. Cuando el chico finalmente despierta, oye un sonido, "asimilación completa. Lanzamiento del Sistema. Bienvenido a la Posada de Medianoche. Designación de Anfitrión: El Posadero". Discord: https://discord.gg/yqCkHedcUP Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551387105778 Instagram: https://instagram.com/theinnkeepernovel?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== ```

    lifesketcher · Fantasy
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  • The Love Of Celestial Prince & The Enchantress

    Strictly restricted to R-18... "I Don't Let Your Lips Dry, my Butterfly..." by finishing his words he landed his lips on the Enchantress, who is the Princes of Dark Magic and she was shocked for his sudden actions and staring at him with her widened eyes, and still confused and didn't understand what's happening. With one of his hand she tightly gripped the witches ball to not to fall and with her other hand she tried to push him away, but he didn't let her win and in the immediate second he started flying high by holding her waist, and still kissing on her lips and waiting for her permission to give entrance to her warm mouth. She immediately closed her eyes tightly and involuntarily pressed her lips to him due to fears of heights... He smirk for a second and grabbed the opportunity to enter into her mouth and started enjoying the kiss by exploring her entire month... She feels her magic is enhancing when she sense the kiss from the Celestial Prince who is the heir of Pure Magic... She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him with her widened shocking eyes and her black eye balls are turned to pink out of love towards the Prince. The Prince is still flying high out of hyper mood of the kiss and his wings are shining under the moon light... She understands her source of energy is the Celestial Prince and she immediately started responding to his kiss out of Love and wrapped one of her hands around his neck and enjoying the kiss in the high sky's at night on a full moon day... ____ Once upon a time, the world of Dark Magic declared a sudden war against the world of Avizandum which is rich in Magic and wonders. So, to save their world from the Dark Magic, the Five Magical Lords of the Avizandum cast a spell and gave life to the Celestial Prince by joining their powers together, and in the meantime the Dark magic created their heir to save the Dark magic and both of them are transported to Earth through a magical transportal. In the immediate second, the gatekeeper of the Avizandum cast a spell and closed the gates of Avazandum by locking both Pure Magic and Dark magic in the Avizandum, and the entire world of Avizandum including the dark magic was freezed like a statue for the gatekeeper spell. Now the heir of Dark Magic who is Mona (FL) and the Celestial prince who is Tom (ML) need to find the key of the Avizandum to save their own worlds. Both Tom and Mona don't know that both of them are rivals to each other and unfortunately they fell in love with eachother on the planet earth. Later they get to know about the reality of their world's risk and they would have the choice to save only one magic. Either Dark Magic or Pure Magic... Will their love become the obstacle in saving Avizandum? What will happen to their fragile love after they find about the reality of their past...? Will they become rivals to each other in order to save their worlds? Will the heir of Dark Magic take a stand towards the Pure magic by killing her own world? _____ This present book is filled with Supernatural Powers, Mysteries, suspense, thriller, the cuteness of Mona, the Fighting spirit of Tom.

    AnnaMark · Fantasy
  • Celestial Academy of Mystics

    What if you wake up on the morning of your fifteenth birthday to discover a system screen floating over your head? It means you are a Mystic, one of the hundred people born each year who have access to the Celestial system and powers of the universe. What if when you go to get registered as a Mystic at their Academy you discover that all the slots are taken? There are already a hundred mystics in the system. You are a strange anomaly that has never happened in a billion years. Well, you must be none other than Xavier Xerxes. The weird teenager who was bullied for his strange white skin, long snowy hair and pink eyes is now also a Mystic who shouldn't exist. It couldn't have gotten any worse for him. Now he has to attend Celestial Academy to get basic training in leveling up and growing into the full potentials of his powers so he can slay demons and battle monsters from real to realm. He has the opportunity to grow from a human to an Immortal, saving the world along the way. Cool, right? But there's one little problem. Xavier doesn't do anything that could pass off as stressful. No, he prefers to read books in the library. He loves to write stories and poems. He cries through romantic movies. He has never walked farther than a meter in his life. No sporting activity whatsoever. He hates violence. Now they expect him to carry a sword. He is supposed to turn his body into a weapon of destruction, and his mind into a fortress of power. What the hell? How is he expected to survive a day at Celestial Academy when he has been home schooled since he was a child? How is he supposed to kill a bloodthirsty troll when he is scared of spiders? Exercise drills, push ups, war games...meditating? Never before in his life! Right. We all have to wait and see. Hopefully he'll find a way not to die on the first day.

    Percy_Seacrest · Fantasy
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  • El Rey Demonio Necesita Vacaciones

    "¿Que es en sí un Rey demonio? Según mis palabras un ser todo poderoso, lo suficiente como para resistir una oleada de soldados por más de 4 meses o más si es posible, alguien o algo casi omnipotente. Según se cuentan en historias, debe ser capaz de soportar su propio poder como otros para sobrevivir, usar magia tan en extremo fuerte, tanto para atacar como para defenderse, es un ser abominable que necesita ser derrotado para traer una paz, pero como dicen los dioses del agua, "Al Rey aplazado, rey puesto" o algo así... pero este en particular, ¿Se pude considerar un error? ¿es bueno que este en el mundo?, ¿Qué piensa el propio mundo de él siendo alguien tan diferente a como esa especie de tradición a sido puesta desde hace eones de todos los demás Reyes demonios antes y después que se llega a ser uno o una?.

    Rockkdrigo · War
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  • The Celestial Saga

    With a dazzling personality and a mysterious dark aura, Lucas is someone who fascinates Katherine and she can do nothing other than being inexplicably drawn towards him. But there is something about him. Something he is keeping from her with his clever replies and sarcastic humor. Something that would change everything for Katherine. * * * * * How would you feel if your true identity has always been kept a secret from you? Katherine Grayson was in trouble. A presence is looming over her since her childhood. To add more misery into her already messed up life, a series of unrealistic events leaves her traumatized. Amidst all the chaos, she gets to learn about her true identity. It turns out she is a witch from a very powerful coven. Now a new set of challenges and adventure awaits her. Will she be able to prove her worth? * * * * * •Two chapters everyday(more if author keeps getting powerstones and daily unlocks) •Join rhe discord : https://discord.gg/dwZfFjCn (if the link doesn't work, then try the one in author's bio) •Buy the privelege to enjoy more chapters. Come on, the author dares you (it's real cheap) •The book cover is not owned by the author, it belongs to the original creator * * * * * This book involves fantasy, thriller, suspense and of course romance. We have savage characters, a scaredy-cat, a charming sweet character, King of trolling and a character with God complex. More interesting characters will be introduced as the story progresses. * * * * * Excerpt 1 , ["Nice bracelet." He traced a finger on the bracelet, momentarily touching my skin. The hair on my skin rose and I shuddered under his touch. I immediately drew my hand back. "It looks good on you .... Katherine." He complimented and his enchanting gaze seemed to bewitch me. "Thankyou" I said, without even giving it a second thought. Immediately I wanted to take that 'thankyou' back. Thank you? Of all the things I could have said, "thankyou" was the worst. I didn't want Lucas thinking that I liked his compliment. It didn't take much thinking to realize that he was trouble, and I had enough trouble looming, no need to invite more. "And I prefer Kat." I corrected, realizing that he had called me Katherine earlier. "Why not Katherine?" His gaze looked appraising. "Cause it's boring." I answered and turned towards the chalkboard. "I think it's beautiful." His reply caught me off guard and I turned sideways, he was still staring at me intently, with those dazzling charcoal grey eyes.] * * * * * Excerpt 2, [He shifted in his seat and his eyes met mine. "I believe there's always more to everything than it meets the eye." He was inclining towards me now. "Do you not believe in witches?"  "I don't. . ." I lied. "They only exists in folklores and myths." I added to make my lie more convincing.  I noticed his lips turn into a smile but it faded away the second he looked at me.  "Are you sure?" He raised an eyebrow. "Do things out of blue not elevate your curiousity?"  "They do." I replied. In fact, everything happening lately had my curiosity skyrocketed.  "And have you ever tried to find answers to those questions? If you do find the answers. . ." He leaned in closer. "I bet you won't be disappointed." He was unnecessarily close, his husky voice went straight into my ears.  He shifted back in his seat and put his hands behind his head. There was a smirk plastered on his lips and for some reasons I had a feeling that he had challenged me to some mysterious quest.] * * * * *

    _mystique_ · Fantasy
  • El demonio Angelical

    Yahiro, un otaku de 19 años, es invocado repentinamente a otro mundo. Al ser conocedor de muchas historias animé, se emociona al pensar que sera el héroe de ese mundo, sin embargo, no todo sale como el lo esperaba.

    Ssnayderr · Fantasy
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