In a remote jungle nestled between Chu City and Whitewater City within the Da Xuan Country, a thin and frail figure was leaning against a thick tree trunk. Both of his legs were spread apart in a relaxed manner. This figure belonged to a thirteen or fourteen-year-old teenager. Aside from his unusually pale face, the boy had fairly common facial features. His clothes were loose-fitting and a bright shining steel sword was carelessly thrown by his side.
After a long slumber, Zhou Yi wakes up in a wasteland era. He discovers that the new humans, to avoid the daylight supremacy of the Guangna species, only dare to come out at night, meekly whispering in the darkness and scavenging for trash. Exasperated, he questions how humans could have deteriorated to such a state. Lamenting that each generation seems to be worse than the last, Zhou Yi decides to show them the ways of the older generation. Embarking on a quest to transform the wasteland, he aims to rebuild the lost splendor of humanity.
Dropped. The novel didn't gain traction because I abandoned it for a long time.