In the dark and twisted realm of AGNI, young Nathan Everett, haunted by loss and betrayal, embarks on a harrowing journey to rescue his friends from the clutches of darkness. After encountering a mysterious old man who foretells of ghosts and doom, Nathan's life is shattered when his parents perish in a fire that he believes is tied to supernatural forces. With the weight of grief on his shoulders, Nathan is thrust into a nightmarish dimension filled with demonic entities and malevolent spirits.
Alongside his friends Enoch, Jeremiah, Angel, and King, Nathan navigates through horrifying landscapes where nightmares come alive. As they confront their fears and the monstrous beings that lurk in the shadows, they discover their latent abilities—magic that awakens within them in response to the realm’s perilous challenges.
Desire, a former friend transformed by the realm’s darkness, re-emerges as a powerful and enigmatic figure. Once a beacon of light, she has succumbed to the chaos, advocating for embracing the madness to gain strength. Her conflicting motivations sow doubt among Nathan and his friends, testing their bonds and resolve.
As they delve deeper into the demon realm ruled by Ching Fang, the line between ally and adversary blurs, leading to tragic sacrifices and awakening secrets that could change the course of their destinies forever. With Nathan wielding a mythical sword and the group exploring the limits of their newfound magic, they must confront not only external horrors but also the darkness within themselves.
Draco_J · Fantasy