Following planetary devastatation in the aftermath of WWIII, humanity is driven to the brink of extinction as the world is turned into a nuclear wasteland. In order to prevent humanity from being wiped out, a large enclosed dome called the Sanctuary was built during WWIII, saving a small fraction of the world's population. Overtime, the radiation results in the proliferation of powerful, vicious creatures known as Mutants. Humanity remained sheltered in the Sanctuary, with no way of defending themselves against these creatures, until... A few decades later, the worldwide radiation results in an evolution in all newly born humans, known as Paragons. Specifically, they are born with a special energy known as X-Factor Energy, or XFE for short, allowing them to potentially harness and manifest this energy into weapon-like forms, giving humanity a way to defend themselves against the rapidly multiplying Mutants. However, only about five percent of Paragons could successfully manifest their XFE, known as Prodigies. Non-Prodigies are sometimes derogatorily referred to as Duds. However, of the ninety-five percent of Paragons that fail to become Prodigies, there is a miniscule chance of them developing an ability different to those of the Prodigies. The rare few who achieve this are known as Anomalies. Kilzachs is a Paragon who, following a series of unfortunate incidents before getting disowned by his father for not turning out to be a Prodigy, finds himself hitting rock bottom through no fault of his own. Furious and outraged, he finds a glimmer of hope when he realizes that he is an Anomaly, and decides to keep it a secret. Armed with the ability to manipulate time and space, he sets out to prove all those who put him down wrong, by becoming an X-Warrior while maintaining that he's just a Dud with no abilities. Along the way, he does not hesitate to grab any opportunities for revenge... Genre - Sci-Fi Sub-Genres - Psychological, Action, Superpowers, Dark Fantasy, Post-Apocalyptic, Harem Age-Rating - Pg-13 Warning: Mild Profanity, Mild Sexual Content, Violence For updates and discussions, join my Discord server: For character designs and other posts, visit my Instagram page: @aimdaqs
Bai Xiao descended, lifting his head to not only see the bizarre and magnificent world but also the professional modifier he had downloaded before crossing over. "Drain all experience from my sub-occupations, 'Biological Mecha Master', 'Mystic Explorer', 'Special Hypnotist', transforming it into one million potential points, all enhancing my main occupation, 'Fighter'!" "I... have obtained the golden ultimate occupation, 'God of Martial Combat'!" The largest urban agglomeration in the world, a night of torrential rain. On the ground, countless Killing Ghosts and Fighters fought to the death, while hordes of metal Mechas and Biological Armors exploded and self-destructed. Blood and flame intertwined, plunging everything into primordial violence and chaos. Atop a high tower, Bai Xiao stood silently amidst the rainy darkness, like a stiff and terrifying statue. His crimson eyes looked down below, restrained yet bloody, cold yet hiding madness. He leaped down with his trench coat wildly dancing. The God of Martial Combat descended upon the final battleground! A cold voice echoed across the city skyline. "Next, I will kill everyone present! If you have the ability, try to stop me..." A modern city of extravagant luxury, an era of entertainment and consumption supreme. Beneath seventy years of peaceful façade, lied another mad and bloody Inner World. Fighters, masters of their martial traditions, and Killing Ghosts, controlled by combat modes, engaged in a frightful, relentless slaughter. Metal Mechas with terrifying energy and Biological Armors extracted from monstrous cells commenced a brutal struggle between old and new technologies. In this era infested with machinery and altered by external entities, to proclaim the power unique to humans might be an unimaginable romance...