
?Keywords=Deleted-Z Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    Apocalypse: I Have One More Keyword Than Others

    Brave, sly, kind, slippery, generous, greedy, elegant, ferocious, happy, abnormal, honest, hypocritical... In this apocalyptic world, only by winning on the Alien Star battlefield can one obtain resources to ensure the continuity of civilization. Every warrior that enters the Alien Star battlefield receives a randomly assigned keyword that belongs to them. If one's actions align with their keyword, their attributes will rapidly grow, granting abilities akin to Superman. On the contrary, if they fail to comply, they will swiftly weaken; This is a world where performance skills are paramount; Performance skills equate to sustenance, performance skills are glory, performance skills provide privileges, performance skills are life... ... Already concluded with thousands of orders are the works "Dream Fufiller of Ten Thousand Realms", and "Ten Thousand Methods to Remove Players." There is a guarantee of completion, so please feel free to dive in.

    Cotton Jacket Guard · Sci-fi
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    Three Keywords

    Inspired by Mr. Moon from 'The Great Storyteller'. Writing a story revolving around three keywords.

    BlueKian · Urban
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    Seen Zone Z

    (On Hiatus) I love you" doesn't always mean "I'll stay." {February 13, 11:59 pm} Lucas: It's all my fault. I'm so sorry. Remember that I will always love you my moonshine. {Sunday, 6:00 am} Erin: What are you speaking hon? Sorry, I fell asleep. Why didn't you come home? Seen Erin: Hon? Seen Erin: Why are you not replying? Seen Erin: Please say something. Is it due to work? Or something else? Erin: I'll get back. I heard some loud noise outside the house. You better have replied and explained things when I'm back. Seen ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the night before Valentines', Luke Maygram sent a mysterious message to Erin Beverly. The next day the world turned upside down as a break out of zombies changed everything. Left with the only text she got from her fiance and the mysterious 'seen' in her every message, she decided to look for him. But will she able to make it and see Lucas again? when the world becomes a living hell? Will love still conquers everything on end? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. All the names and places you might find similar are purely coincidental. All rights reserved. A/N: This story is made by me, Lala_sanara, and my co-author and friend Ysaa. We are still newbies in the world of everything. So every vote, comment, and review would greatly help us. (Notice: This story will go to editing and some revision might occur too.)

    Aeipathy_02 · Sci-fi
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    Z Deleted Novel15

    The husk of what was once Sinnocent Dark. Follow me on Twitter! @p_slarom Please remove this from your library~!@!~

    Professor_slaroM · Fantasy
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    Deleted Incest Stories

    If you are the author and want these stories removed, message me.

    diablo0990 · Fantasy
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    Archeon Corporation, 5 years after saving the world has released a new VRMMO game. The greatest game that will shake the world once more. A game that people all over the world have been waiting for. Alexandria Athena, a girl gamer unbeknownst to everyone is a top player of a lot of famous games beating anyone with her godly skills, controls, and instinct. Enters the world of Parabellum Watch as Alexandria Athena with her extreme thirst for fighting venture the path of Parabellum. With her comrade in arms to create glorious myths, stories, and legends of them conquering the world of Parabellum.

    M_W · Teen
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    Soul Land-Z (Douluo Dalu): The Diamond Douluo

    After Huo Yuhao ascended in the god's realm, His son Xu Yunhao who was born to the sun and moon empress Chengzi, Was Killed. Fortunately, a Blue-river grass queen saved prince Xu Yunhao's life with the grace of the gods. After 50000 years, A 6years old boy named jay forgot about his past and never knew who he really is. He only knew about his mother, who Taken care of him, but she was Killed by an empire army. without any parents, he grew alone hearing stories about tang san and the Shrek seven devils, so he named himself, Tang jay. he then decided to become a spirit master keeping Tang san as his idol. suddenly he comes to know that he is the son of the Empress of the sun and moon empire Chengzi and the God of emotion Huo Yuhao from 50000 years ago. What will his fate lead to? and how will his adventure continue?

    Jishnujayanth · Fantasy
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    zombie z

    apocalipsis zombie en Latinoamérica. no creo que deba especificar más ¿o si?

    Osman8 · Sci-fi
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    [ Deleted]

    [ Deleted]

    AnimeWork · Sci-fi
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    "Generation Z" follows the journey of Mingcheng, a young man raised by a wise dragon named Ydrassil in a mystical forest. As Mingcheng matures, Ydrassil believes it's time for him to explore the world beyond their home and find his own path. Reluctantly, Mingcheng sets out on an adventure filled with challenges, magic, and new friendships.

    Ryuzaki Kenichi · Fantasy
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    Dragon Ball Z

    Dragon Ball Z picks up five years after the end of the Dragon Ball anime, with Goku as a young adult and father to his son, Gohan. ... Vegeta himself enters into the battle withGoku, but is ultimately also defeated thanks to the efforts of Gohan andGoku's other surviving allies Krillin and Yajirobe.

    AikoSaito · Fantasy
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    z z

    FakeName_2446 · Realistic
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    A-Z Realm

    Doan_ThaiBinh · Fantasy
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    Perverted zombie controller in a world full of Z's

    title says it all

    Rauon · Fantasy
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    [A] to [Z]

    A thinks she's alone in this world. Z thinks he's lost his chance at everything in this world. A story of how A met Z A short novel [**Complete **]

    Dayday_1 · Teen
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    The world of Z____ is doomed by the wrath of hell. Waves upon waves of destructive demonic forces raid and salvage the universe, in a mad attempt to find the 3 legendary Deity-Busters. Z leads a small group of heroes to retrieve the blades and cast the demons back into the fiery hell they came from.

    Symphonite · Action
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    Renji_Isamu · LGBT+
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    The Equivalent Exchange System (EES) is the reason why life still exists in this Universe! Like!? and Hate!? True!? and False!? Strong!? and Weak!? Those words are the example of opposite words, that equilibrium effect to counterpart the other one. Like the Ying and Yang in Chinese culture, the other one won't exist if the other one did not. The same as risk and power, if you want a stronger power you have to accept its drawbacks and weakness. The stronger your power you can think of, the greater the risk you will receive. The equivalent exchange system is the reason why the Virtual Reality (VR) game called Z-ONE is famous throughout the world. Z-ONE is the first VR game in the history of mankind that can fully immerse 100% into the game. Inside the game, you can choose what power you want at the beginning and improve that power along the way to the top and become the game's Game Masters (GM). And one person has an idea on what power he will choose and that was LUCK either the system can provide him with that power or not it doesn't matter to him as long as he can avoid being misfortune even once in his life he can die without any regrets. And that person is the protagonist of this story TYRO who is a very unfortunate person since birth. His childhood friends called him Jack of Misfortune, nicknaming him JM instead of Tyro. That name he uses until he reaches college. Then the game was released in the 5th year of his degree in Engineering. By the time he graduated, he ignored everything and focus on the game to change is the destiny of being unfortunate.

    DEAT96 · Fantasy
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    Z & Z Love Story

    Dalam keluarga Wiraguna ada sebuah aturan yang tidak tertulis. 'Anak perempuan dilarang melangkahi saudara laki-laki tertua dalam hal pernikahan' sementara Zelin–anak bungsu itu sudah dilamar oleh kekasihnya. "Aku tidak akan menikah! Tidak akan pernah! tegas Ziko–Abang kandung Zelin. "Wanita itu makhluk paling cerewet dan membosankan! Mereka hanya bisa menghabiskan waktu dan uang di Mall." Ziko Wiraguna berucap sesuai dengan isi hatinya. Untuk bisa menikah dengan sang pujaan hati tentu saja Zelin harus memikirkan berbagai macam cara agar kakak laki-laki satu-satunya itu segera menikah. "Baiklah, kalau begitu izinkan aku buktikan bahwa pemikiran Abang mengenai wanita itu salah!Bila saatnya tiba engkau akanbertekuk lutut dengan wanita pilihanku." Zelin Wiraguna. Tidak terlahir sebagai anak kembar. Usia mereka selisih satu tahun. Sifatnya sangat bertolak belakang. Namun, tak jarang orang-orang menganggap mereka kembar. Mampukah Zelin mencarikan wanita untuk Abangnya? Bagaimana susahnya Zelin membuat Ziko bertekuk lutut pada wanita?

    _Lan2520 · Urban
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    DELETED 2,1

    Not a novel or fanfic NOT FOR YOUR READING PURPOSE MINE AND MINE ONLY I'D APPRECIATE IF YOU DONT CONTINUE OR READ ANY FURTHER THANKYOU All rights belong to the creator who made the novel.

    God_of_Infinity · Sci-fi
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