
Cthulhu Gonfalon

Author: Chu bai

(563 ratings)

7 Chapter 7

4yr Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio| Editor: Vicky_

Sui Xiong had great patience. Or, more likely, after traveling through space to this strange world, wandering in the vast sea, and absorbing magic in the ice trench, he had perfected the skill of patience.

So he spent five days next to the weird vacant space, watching. During these five days, he rarely moved and always carefully observed his surroundings. Through observation, he was able to sum up the law of magic in the woods—it was actually quite simple: the magic was weakest at noon and strongest at midnight, and this cycle went on endlessly.

In addition, he finally understood why there was such verdant plant life in the woods and so few animals and insects. Every night, the thick magical power killed many of the animals and insects, and their carcasses slowly seeped into the earth. Perhaps those black skulls and skeletons were actually the accumulated debris.

The thick magic late at night had no effect on Sui Xiong. His body had long gathered the ice magic with such a staggering concentration that it had reached its limit. It even got to the point that his body continued to lose magic as he produced more every day. Because it could no longer be condensed and stored, it had

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