
Review Detail of Oululu in The Card Apprentice

Review detail


One of the most annoying novels I've read, if you are a religious person don't even try this specially if you're Muslim you'll find this novel extremely offensive. The novel is basically 5 chapters of explanation while there is maybe half a chapter action and then more info dump.... Sigh this author is not bad but all his works have some annoying **** going on.


The Card Apprentice

Fang Xiang

Liked by 11 people




Seriously, this is one of the most decent and authentic novels on webnovel. Apart from the steady pace, there is no problem, as long as the total length is enough. There is a difference between being religious and being a fanatic.


And that's a difference between a religious person and an atheist.


Are you serius? Most decent? MC is literaly dense to the point you might wonder if he came out of Black Hole? Or suffered other type of extreme gravity? He has 0 EQ! And well if its just MC being not so good it would still be ok. But no every character here( aside from few) are idiots, rash at jumping to conclusion and so on.. Most of MCs hostile characters are so. Like, "you made Card wich my master could not decipher and get ill cause of overwork on examining it! I am going to kill you!" It would still have been readable if not for annoying way of naratation there MC is fighting or runing or smth else very important when author just switchs to another place for several chaps and return to MC letter. Or authors love to explain every move, card and every thing in form of exagerated infodump.

The_week:Seriously, this is one of the most decent and authentic novels on webnovel. Apart from the steady pace, there is no problem, as long as the total length is enough. There is a difference between being religious and being a fanatic.