Story Development 0/5 *SPOILERS*. MC playing a game to get money cause he eats a lot and his wife needs a second job to feed his lazy ass. Character Design 0/5 Author can't utilize his characters, keeps making empty characters that have no purpose. All antagonist characters are the casual trash talking for no reason character that you see in every bad novel. Idiot genius and overly powerful MC who trains his martial arts (he is already at the top there is no training in this novel). If he wasn't constantly saying that he is a martial artist we wouldn't be able to see it for ourselves, he can't remain calm and he always fight to short his troubles. World Building 0/5 Too many inconsistencies. Author states on thing and he immediately changes his mind. Some examples: 1) Author says in chapter 17 that since players were around level 10, MC has an area that spawns mobs over level 20 as his "personal playground" because no parties would go and farm there. In the same chapter we see a group of 16 looking to hunt a 45 level Boss at the spot MC was farming. 2) He has a whole chapter (ch7) on some guys wanted to rob the MC. Author states that in REBIRTH players upon death wouldn't lose experience points but only their equipment. In the whole chapter author gives us the feeling that if MC dies he would have his items + gold stolen. Later on we see that even if someone dies he wouldn't lose items necessary (ch19) . Further into the story, we see a "friend" of MC getting ganged by a group. Afraid of losing his 10% exp he shouts for MC to come to rescue (cp21). So author changes his world to make some events work that wouldn't if he was true to his words. Overall score TRASH/5 , would read again! ...:3..-:^)-.-.-.-:P--:3-.--:P-..:D..:')-.-.xD-.-
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LIKEObviously being player killed you lose your equipment but being killed by monsters you lose 10% exp :^) Yeah just kidding, you can't take this shit seriously, the priest gets a skills called poison and the knight gets a skill called revive and right after they mention that either the poison skill does bleeding damage or that the main role of the priest is to apply bleeds and that the knights revive skill boosts attack and defence of allies or that the main role of the knight is to bless the allies attack and defence. Either way its pretty retarded and you have to forget anything you know about games prior to reading this, i recommend decapitation. I just like to imagine the author has never touched a game in his life, he just read another Chinese novel and tried to copy it, the novel he read had an author who had heard about games from a 3rd party, and tjis 3rd party has also never touched a game before, he just watched a movie that highlighted a game.
Chapter 18 - the pugilist job has the lowest hp and defence Chapter 19 - an assassins health was much lower than a pugilist Their are soooooooo many inconsistencies in this novel when it has barely even started the mcs level will probably be up and down like a yoyo in later chapters. Sadly their are so many other novels with the same problem, a lot of which are popular on this site.
Experimental log of crazy lich is the best novel i have ever read with game element. Night ranger, shadow hack, mmorgp martial and guardian have many plot hole, zero character personality, plot armor, illogical thinking, non-comedy, cultivation just stage/level, all for the sake glorify MC, etc.
im gona add some of my totaly biased opinion that 5 of 10 will agree and rest disagree. Experimental log of crazy lich doesnt have plot holes becouse it doesnt have story the lich arc is... i dont realy remember anything of importance in this expect making a false god rest was some comedy that wasnt funny plus some back story later its just comedy that isnt funny at all.
Experimental Lich is, hands down, the best novel out of Indian. The story actually progresses without being repetitive and the story arcs are actually interesting with amazing characters. If your post is any indicator of how you read, then yeah you probably wouldn't get it. A modicum of intelligence is needed to read the book and get the humor.
Ha that's totally unnecessary insult don't you think? And like I said the story doesn't progress at all for this 100 something chapters side characters are meh and you're modicum of belowe averange to laugh at the jokes and argue about opinions.
I like your civilized reply. Thumbs up.