After reading a few chapters I've come to the conclusion that this novel is a fairly generic shoujo esq world not even worth venturing into. I've been generous with my review to give the author 2 stars for world building. I want to both thank and apologize to the translator of this series, but the novel you are doing just isn't very good and requires a juvenile barely pubescent 13 year old girls mind to enjoy this work. After reading a bit your translations are of good quality, I hope you do better work in the future than this novel. **: I am male, this probably affects my judgement a bit, but I genuinely find this novel dreadful after a few chapters. I believe this novel is simply not to be targeted at myself or my gender, since I find it hard to believe more than a minority of men will find this novel enjoyable.
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LIKEEven though you are a male it is not in your “gender”, please, only because you didn’t read into his emotions you played as a reader, but since you didn’t input on acting as if you were the guy. I believe that if you can’t step into a persons view while reading then you shouldn’t read at all. Your point of view might be because you are a guy but did you ever think you didn’t like this because you have no taste in stepping into a romance/dramatic story and “pretending” to be the guy in the book? The only reason why “women” read romance/dramas is only because they can step into the fantasy and wish all guys could be in love with us as shown; but you must have stopped reading before and/or after the author wrote in the main guys feelings as His love with is shown for the main girl. Just a thought next time you interest in reading a romance series. And this book is actually well written if you have it a chance again while thinking as the guy.
If you need to use the characters in the novel as self-inserts, it's a bad novel (even if it's fun), so I dispute the "well written" part.
Yeah, don't ya hate it when that happens? Thats the same reason I even read Swallowed Star anymore, it has just become a chore after a while.
lol no girl you only do "get into character's mind" when reading true, proper, real fiction. Not some chinese translated novel that's crappy and wants to make money. Also, lol, no, how old are you? "The only reason why “women” read romance/dramas is only because they can step into the fantasy and wish all guys could be in love with us as shown" Lol Lol Lol Lmao I don't think so. At least, not the majority of us women that have a sense of self worth. Not to mention, I feel, in this type of novel, why do we have to force ourselves to understand the characters? That is an obvious sign of a bad novel. If it were truly a good novel, then simply by reading, we should be able to understand their true emotions, by allowing some reading in between the lines or by insinuation. Also... I don't mean to be rude. Truly. But, you're a lonely lady aren't you ;- ; it hurts my heart to see such
yeah... we're not into frustrating romances. Because real life doesn't go like this. In real life we may do this in our youth, but when moving onto *****hood, we mature and man/woman up. Unlike these characters. Lol.
Ho my friend you'll be leaving a lot more reviews like this in the future. ;)
OMG go read CEO Spoil Me 100%. You'll laugh your ass of at it's redundancy ;)
Why do you even give comments such as these? Just respect the author. They didn't force you to read. So, just be silent and don't bash the author. So pathetic and childish. Authors know the weight of their writings. So as you know also your capabilities in doing your own job! This is not about the author. This is about readers who have no respect and see themselves as perfect. We all have flaws, you know .Get a life!
An author creates books as a chef creates meals, if I am not allowed to criticize something merely because of its creator then I should also not criticize a chef who puts **** on a plate and serves it to me. I have standards, whether you agree with them or not, and I as a human being have the right to voice my thoughts. My comment was for the sake of others, so others won't waste their time reading this, but that is all about interpretation, afterall somebody may like generic shoujo esq novels and my comment is what drove them to read this book, who knows. Before trying to silence others and attacking them you should first stop for a moment and think to yourself, had you done so you would have realized why your reply to me is nothing more than drivel. Also, "Authors know the weight of their writings.", means nothing. An author isn't qualified to judge their own creation, they can like it or dislike it, however it is the reader that decides whether what is before them is trash unqualified to even line a litter box or a treasure that will change how they perceive life itself. Everybody reads with a unique perspective, and you aren't not only allowed to but you are incapable of taking that away from them. In addition that, I'd at least hope that every author creates a work they are proud of.
If I were you I would try to hold on a little longer, I feel like the beginning is a little boring and kinda drags on but around chapter 150ish to 250ish it gets so crazy! I've been sitting here waiting like the chapters are crack lml, no but really it does get better but then again not everything is for everyone
I disagree, love is extremely hard and is completely possible for these types of misunderstandings
He has his opinions and you have yours. You can't blame him for not liking the plot. After all, not everyone has the same taste.
Lol no stating that he doesn't like the story does not necessarily mean he was bashing the author. He was merely stating his opinion. Bashing is when you'd call someone derogatory names, in which by the way, he didn't do. :)
If you just read something how are you to feel the emotion that the characters are feeling and quiet honestly stuff like this happens every day just to people who aren't looking. I feel sometimes I'm in a romance book bc some days it's amazing and some days it sucks you make your own happy ending so 👅👅👅👅👅👅👅