
Review Detail of Sovereign_of_Books in When A Mage Revolts

Review detail


This novel.... It's 3am as I’m writing this, and I just recently finished the whole novel. I’m speechless. And not in a good way. The novel started of very slow, maybe a bit too slow, but it was fine for someone as patient as me, and soon I finally reached chapter 100, where things finally picked up. That was when I truly started to like this novel, enough to continue to read it even after it got pay walls. I read up to 800 chapters of it and got invested into the characters of Benjamin, Miles, The system and also the mages fighting against the church. It was fun, and I was curious about how it would all end. So now for the ending. Spoilers are appearing now, if you actually plan on reading this novel but not the spoilers, I’ll say this, don’t like this novel too much or else the ending will leave you really mad. Like me. So for the spoilers: so basically from chapter 800 to the end of the novel (aka chapter 942) Benjamin and this team of mages start to actually battle the church and not destroy them in some kingdom. It takes a long while, at first the church is leading, you think that maybe Benjamin might not stand a chance to Grant who seems to be very op. But slowly, the church starts losing their power over the kingdom and the two opposing teams are equal after like 5 battles of both of them not winning. Then Benjamin teams up with Elizabeth to completely defeat the church and plan on ambushing them with tamed Griffins. And the plan works except Grant manages to escape. And so with the help of the wonderful Miles, they find out the location of Grant. But right before the big last battle is about to occur, a giant plot twist gets revealed. Apparently, the system, probably the thing that made the novel so good was actually Cain who was trying to make Kubei forget himself and think he was Benjamin. And so basically Kubei, manages to defeat Cain who entered his spiritual place with the help of the original system that is two run down computers. However the system disappears forever after that (I don't know why but I teared up). And so when the final battle occurs, it was supposed to be Abel and Cain that took over Benjamin's and grants bodies, however it's now Kubei and Grant who fight each other to the death. To sum up the fight, Benjamin beats Grant into a bloody pulp and then kills him after Grant said he wish he was born a commoner and that he shouldn't kill him. After that, there's SUDDENLY A FUCKING TEN YEAR TIME SKIP AND GUESS WHAT?! MILES IS DEAD, BENJAMIN DOESN'T EXIST ANYMORE BECAUSE NOW THERE'S KUBEI INSTEAD WHO INSTEAD OF TAKING CARE OF THE WORLD FREE FROM THE CHURCH, DECIDED TO FUCKING DISAPPEAR OUT OF THIN AIR AND NOT TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY. WE DIDN'T FIND OUT SHIT ABOUT ANYTHING. ALL THE TEASERS ABOUT MAKING COMMONERS SIMILAR TO MAGES, ALL THE TALK ABOUT CONTROLLING MAGIC BEAST, WAS JUST BULLSHIT?! FUCK THIS. I'm sorry, it's really late and I'm really angry. I've never been more tricked by a novel than this one. I actually wish I would've never picked this novel up, because the ending was that terrible. It was so fucking terrible. Just, don’t read the novel, for your own good. Well that was it.


When A Mage Revolts

Yin Si

Liked by 5 people




Agree with you 100% my investment to this novel was 5th on all my 100+ reads and the fucking author just ****ed up the ending, like the comments on the final chapter it feels there is a lot of chapters skipped over like wtf!!! It was an absolute blast to read ,the plotting, the twists, the tragedies until the final chapters where Kubei replaces Benjamin AND THE FUCKING TIME SKIP HAPPENED A FUCKING BUCKER OF COLD WATER POURED INTO A FUCKING GOOD NOVEL!!!


Couldn't agree with you more. And you know what actually made me the most angry? ALL THE AWESOME CHARACTERS THEY INTRODUCED, LILES, THAT guy from the sand village AND THE WHOLE MAGE ACADEMY, AS WELL AS THE OTHER FROM TBE KINGDOM, THEY JUST DISAPPEARED IN THIN AIR AFTER THAT TIME SKIP. Did they even try to find Kubei? AND WHAT I HATE THE MOST IS HOW THE TWO BEST CHARACTERS, MILES AND THE SYSTEM, WERE BOTH DESTROYED/DIED. I have never hated a plot twist more after reading this novel. I actually fucking loved the novel in some way. How Benjamin explored the world and found new sorts of magic and allies. How he got stronger and defeated the church in some way. And how he proved those elemental Gods that fate can change at any time. Just...how the Magic academy got created and became a success. How mages got to learn magic for real, and poor commoners also had the chance for that. And maybe even that commoners could someday stop fearing mages and get to their level.... Such great potential, wasted. There were times I wanted to quit this novel since it felt pointless, and there were times I wish the novel wouldn't end at all. I actually even liked Grant for a short while...well until he killed his father. And the system was always the best character, along with Miles. I just hope, another novel like this will appear and just actually have a decent ending, y'know? Guessing from your reply, you probably think so too.

GodSlyer:Agree with you 100% my investment to this novel was 5th on all my 100+ reads and the fucking author just ****ed up the ending, like the comments on the final chapter it feels there is a lot of chapters skipped over like wtf!!! It was an absolute blast to read ,the plotting, the twists, the tragedies until the final chapters where Kubei replaces Benjamin AND THE FUCKING TIME SKIP HAPPENED A FUCKING BUCKER OF COLD WATER POURED INTO A FUCKING GOOD NOVEL!!!

Was tempted to start reading this again. Guess not.


It is actually a great novel, I loved it actually at one point. But I don't recommend it since the ending is that bad. Which is a pity or else it'd be one of my personal favorites.

ZGearCecil:Was tempted to start reading this again. Guess not.