Alright, the score is pretty low, but it's reasonable... I think. anyway. Translation quality is OK, but could be better. the phrasing is quite bad to be honest. If the author wrote it like it's translated, then this must be their debut work, because it feels really... I really don't know how to say it, without ****** people interpret what I've said in a wrongly. but, the ******st analogy? emmm.... Childish, but planned. or is very innocent in a way, but at least the story it self seems to have been planned ahead properly. The MC himself, is quite childish also, or even quite innocent. it's like a man was put in the body of a child, and the childishness seeped in, and erased the *****, but left the memories of the future. Also, things seem to go rather well for this MC, but it's strange. I honestly have no interpretation of why I think this series has a strange flow, but I have this weird feeling as I read it. not a bad feeling mind you. World background... Again, I must say, 'honestly', the world isn't as of yet too far thought out, but the actual 'world' around the character seems to be developing, like, housing market, stocks and so on... oh, and computer development. I wish this MC could think of smart things to do with the internet, it really wouldn't be to hard to make a website worth money around that time, it would just take a bit of development, and financial stability. but, as long as he invented YouTube, he'd be fine. I think it isn't banned in China, so it should be fine... And my final conclusion to my thoughts about this story... Read it if you wanna, It's not the best, but it has some interest elements to it. So if your here for lighthearted rebirth or should we say, revert to an alternate time line, 18 years before, where the MC isn't a genius, but get's a better body and memory right off the bat as a consolation prize, but doesn't know how to truly capitalize on his future knowledge, however, does in fact know how to make Some use of the new body. My last thing to say is: The first chapter is BS, it almost makes no sense except TRYING to explain to you, the MC was all of a sudden, reborn for no apparent reason. Apparently a different, and even better body/memory. However, it doesn't really explain, If he was suddenly reborn, or if he was reborn for quite some time, and this is likely the translator/editors fault for confusing me. and I must point out, that the Author really wanted to get the character out of high-school, but still give the character SOME very minor Introduction and slightly developing the world background. and to finish off what I'm saying... the Story is very fkn high paced, has a very small character development phase, but as I said at the start, I'm pretty sure this is the authors debut piece, or best work at the time of release... if not, then I truly feel sorry for this author, being able to write, but is inadequate in their understanding of the human psyche, emotions, rational and thus creating an inferior product, that is unworthy of their actually writing talents."
Liked by 10 people
LIKEare you kidding me website? " without ****** " really? are we really doing this?Others!!!! o.t.h.e.r.s. " ******st " ?????? is it really necessary to do such a thing to the word? c.l.o.s.e.s.t " erased the *****, " you have got to be joking? *****.... ***** a.d.u.l.t HOW IS IT THAT ANY OF THESE WORDS REQUIRE CENSORING?
lmao I hardly cared about your review, as I'm just reading thru them all, but wow this comment made my day lmaooooooo