the story is fantastic with fun twists and the up dates are very stable the only real issue i have is with the mc while he is highly intelligent he under values his charm/int/spirt stats way to much now im not saying he should focus on them as they are a pain to increase they do provide other bonuses that arnt to be over looked like in the lotr world if he had one or two more points in int the bonus from saurans notes would have been massive the other isue i have is he likes gambling way to much the sealed braclte has a 50% chance of removing a random ability and while the ablity it could grant is very nice he could lose his innate ability tho he wont cause plot armor but he hasn't even inquired whether the curse affect can be removed its things like that bug me about him tho aside from that hes a lovable mc that i cant fault
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LIKEI think he is correct on focusing str/agi/def and disregarding the other stats. After all, distributing stat points to a low and useless stat can only lead to disaster. He could boost his fighting potential increasing his physique as it is his forte, instead of increasing something like charm. Charm is convenient, sure it is. But increasing charm would only be convenient and not essential, he does not need the stat, even if he allocated a single point for charm and the others to actually useful stats, it wouldn't have the slightest difference. It's like what he said in one of the chapters: "if I had more charm would the NPCs roll their eyes instead of outright ignoring me?" (not exactly what he said but it is alike that). And about int, he doesn't even use mp, why the heck would he increase it for a single opportunity that may not happen?
ah but the event did happen and while yes i agree that he shouldn't focus on those stats he shouldn't discount them intirly considering the shere amount of magical bull he has to deal with int/spirit should be raised at least a little and while charm will never be important having a few points in it would make his life easer considering he has that whole leader thing going for him
I find in alot of stats writers screw up INT stat Str stronger Vitality combo str and con Dex hand eye coradanation Agility full body cordination Con health Int clearity of thought/anaylisis increase at high levels mayby (duel core) processing lile a comp Low int should have a person screw up stat distribution
if you read past the first several chapters he enters anthor world wich at the end of he is graded and recives a certain number of stat points forgaot if there called that or not wich can be used to upgrade int str end charm etc