I'm genuinely surprised by the amount of positive reviews for this novel. The entire story so far has been almost entirely a copy + paste of the popular MMORPG, World of Warcraft. If this isn't blatant copyright infringement, I don't know what is. In addition, even if the reader has no clue what World of Warcraft is, no less the lore of the game, the way that the story is presented in this novel is horrible. Random names and events are given throughout the novel, and they are in no way actually explained, leaving the reader clueless as to what they are actually reading. I've read through the reviews here, and one guy even said that the world building was amazing. What? There is literally no world building at all. It's as if the author just took events and character names from World of Warcraft and inserted them randomly into their novel. All in all, this novel shows a complete lack of imagination from the author.
Liked by 183 people
LIKEThey're not exactly 'random' as I stated in my original comment. Pretty much every name was taken directly from World of Warcraft, though I doubt people care about the unoriginal content and just want brainless MMORPG content. I get that, but if people don't nitpick, then you can just say every crappy novel out there deserves 5 stars and be done with it. You do you.
Is that supposed to be bad?
I haven't even read this yet but I can honestly say your going way too hard for a "below average Chinese Web novel". Now what I want to know is do you dislike that it is a story based on WoW and not explicitly mentioned? Or is your opinion bias because you think its based on Wow and you don't think the author did a good job bringing to the page?
I dislike its blatant copying of others ideas with no effort to bring forth any creative ideas or plot. It was one thing to copy WoW, and another thing to also copy the idea of having the MC be a thief like almost every other VRMMORPG web novel currently being translated. I wouldn't be so harsh in my review if the writing was actually well executed, but it wasn't. The characters are one dimensional and boring, the plot-line is generic at best, and the game is simply way too easy for the MC.
Tbh i can kinda see your po int but in my opinion the author didn't make any new name for is mostly for the 'relatable' purpose. Its easier to make people accept and old idea with some modifications than an entire new concept, and the author would want is much readers as possible for his novel so i can see why he decided to keep the names the same. And for the copyright stuff thats his problems to worry about really, why bother with stuff that wouldn't harm us?
Let's say you write a book. I copy your book word for word and post it online for money. Would you be happy?