Good Story, i hope more chapter release faster. The story background is indeed very good. Moreover, this story suite my style very much. So i hope qidian release faster the chapter. Anyway, Thanks for translation.
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LIKEToo bad, Goose Five will make the story bad, In chapter 800 the Mc will go back to where he reincarnated for finding his missing Harem wife and daughter, and it took aroun 700 chapter and dexades but not all the Harem wife is found. The he will need 1.000 year just for healing his wound, and ridicilous plot. This kind story just like in Immortal Mortal, Goose Five make the story of finding his missing wife and harem, and 10.000 year just to heal, and alot ridicilous thing. The ending have unfinished plot and cliff hanger.