Translation is really quite good. No issues that I found. Story… I just can’t get into as the world building is incredibly SoD breaking to me. It’s very characteristic of Chinese ‘sci-fi’ which means extremely shallow understanding of sci-fi, putting words like ‘interstellar’ or ‘space’ in front of something to make it sound futuristic and incredibly generic terminology and lack of understanding of basic Sci-fi principles. The author uses KNOTS to measure speed, massive spaceships turning on a dime without mulching the crew, hand waving an awful lot in general… Overall very low effort. I mean, we live in a world where author has an incredible amount of choice if he just wants to lift naval mechanics from some her fandom. Not even putting in that bare minimum of effort? Ehhhh. Other than that we have the usual cliche developments, random over the top blood feuds, bet making, loser going way over line but getting away with it, and the future beat him, his father comes out etc.
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