Story was really good for awhile with a likable MC and the story had so much potential, but the Author added too much added bullsh*t and it has negatively affected the story. All the wonder and excitement I had for this story has dwindled and I now find this story boring. Author added a bunch of OC no name characters to make a whole organization called the Order of Merlin. There’s now split timelines that are starting to overlap and interfere with one another. There’s also a crossover cult that at one point summons Trigon and MC goes on a short journey through the multiverse. Author also introduces Raven from DC as the love interest despite the fact that they also made an OC goth girl named Raven in Ravenclaw that looks similar to DC Raven. Once DC Raven is introduced sh*t hits the wall, and although I love the interaction between her and the MC, the story starts to go downhill from there. Classic case of having something good while simple, but trashed from trying to do too much. Author was trying to be too smart for their own good and over complicated things. This story might need to get rewritten to be good again. Author if you decide to do so, please remember to keep most stuff the same, just remove anything to do with alternate timelines, domains, the multiverse, crossovers and the Order of Merlin. Voldemort is fine as the main bad guy of the Harry Potter world, even if MC can overpower him and his cronies and he’s relegated to being an annoying cockroach because of the Horcruxes.
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LIKEYeah I definitely bit off more than I can chew but that was what I was looking for, I want to try something that I though was too much for me now just to learn from any mistakes that I make along the way and so far that has been working for me, I have been learning and I will apply what learn to the next one until I am at a position where I can write my own novel, but thank you for the feedback I was looking for type of feedback and I appreciate all the other feedbacks